9 research outputs found

    Switching to Glycerol Phenylbutyrate in 48 Patients with Urea Cycle Disorders: Clinical Experience in Spain

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    Background and objectives: Glycerol phenylbutyrate (GPB) has demonstrated safety and efficacy in patients with urea cycle disorders (UCDs) by means of its clinical trial program, but there are limited data in clinical practice. In order to analyze the efficacy and safety of GPB in clinical practice, here we present a national Spanish experience after direct switching from another nitrogen scavenger to GPB. Methods: This observational, retrospective, multicenter study was performed in 48 UCD patients (age 11.7 ± 8.2 years) switching to GPB in 13 centers from nine Spanish regions. Clinical, biochemical, and nutritional data were collected at three different times: prior to GPB introduction, at first follow-up assessment, and after one year of GPB treatment. Number of related adverse effects and hyperammonemic crisis 12 months before and after GPB introduction were recorded. Results: GPB was administered at a 247.8 ± 102.1 mg/kg/day dose, compared to 262.6 ± 126.1 mg/kg/day of previous scavenger (46/48 Na-phenylbutyrate). At first follow-up (79 ± 59 days), a statistically significant reduction in ammonia (from 40.2 ± 17.3 to 32.6 ± 13.9 μmol/L, p < 0.001) and glutamine levels (from 791.4 ± 289.8 to 648.6 ± 247.41 μmol/L, p < 0.001) was observed. After one year of GPB treatment (411 ± 92 days), we observed an improved metabolic control (maintenance of ammonia and glutamine reduction, with improved branched chain amino acids profile), and a reduction in hyperammonemic crisis rate (from 0.3 ± 0.7 to less than 0.1 ± 0.3 crisis/patients/year, p = 0.02) and related adverse effects (RAE, from 0.5 to less than 0.1 RAEs/patients/year p < 0.001). Conclusions: This study demonstrates the safety of direct switching from other nitrogen scavengers to GPB in clinical practice, which improves efficacy, metabolic control, and RAE compared to previous treatments.This study was funded by AECOM (Spanish Association for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism). Immedica Pharma Spain funded medical writing support and article processing charges

    Undiagnosed Phenylketonuria Can Exist Everywhere: Results From an International Survey

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    peer reviewedMany countries do not have a newborn screening (NBS) program, and immigrants from such countries are at risk for late diagnosis of phenylketonuria (PKU). In this international survey, 52 of 259 patients (20%) with late diagnosed PKU were immigrants, and 145 of the 259 (55%) were born before NBS or in a location without NBS. © 2021 The Author

    Automated therapy preparation of isoleucine formulations using 3D printing for the treatment of MSUD: first single-centre, prospective, crossover study in patients

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    Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) is a rare metabolic disorder with a worldwide prevalence of 1 in every 185,000 live births. However, certain populations display a significant overexpression of the disorder where incidence is reported to be 1 in every 52, 541 new-borns. The first-line therapy for MSUD involves a strict dietary leucine restriction and oral supplementation of isoleucine and valine. The dose administered to patients requires strict tailoring according to age, weight and blood levels. In current clinical practice, however, practitioners still have to prepare extemporaneous formulations due to the lack of suitable oral treatments for MSUD. Herein we evaluate for the first time the use of 3D printing in a hospital setting for the preparation of personalised therapies with the aim of improving safety and acceptability to isoleucine supplementation in paediatric patients suffering from MSUD. The study was a single-centre, prospective crossover experimental study. Four paediatric patients with MSUD (aged 3-16 years) were treated at the Clinic University Hospital in Santiago de Compostela, Spain which is a MSUD reference hospital in Europe. The primary investigation was to evaluate isoleucine blood levels after six months treatment with two types of formulations; conventional capsule prepared by manual compounding and personalised chewable formulations prepared by automated 3D printing. A secondary investigation was to evaluate patient acceptability of 3D printed formulations prepared with different flavours and colours. Isoleucine blood levels in the patients were well controlled using both types of formulations, however, the 3D printed therapy showed mean levels closer to the target value and with less variability (200 - 400µM). The 3D printed formulations were well accepted by the patients regarding flavour and colour. The study demonstrates for the first time that 3D printing offers a feasible, rapid and automated approach to prepare oral tailored-dose therapies in a hospital setting. 3D printing has shown to be an effective manufacturing technology in producing chewable isoleucine printlets as a treatment of MSUD with good acceptability

    Undiagnosed Phenylketonuria Can Exist Everywhere: Results From an International Survey

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    Many countries do not have a newborn screening (NBS) program, and immigrants from such countries are at risk for late diagnosis of phenylketonuria (PKU). In this international survey, 52 of 259 patients (20%) with late diagnosed PKU were immigrants, and 145 of the 259 (55%) were born before NBS or in a location without NBS

    Atención integral del neonato con encefalopatía hipóxico-isquémica en España

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    Introducción Apenas conocemos cómo es la asistencia de los recién nacidos (RN) con encefalopatía hipóxico-isquémica (EHI) en hipotermia terapéutica (HT), especialmente si existen protocolos asistenciales, la neuromonitorización que se realiza o cómo es la aproximación al pronóstico neurológico. Este conocimiento permite detectar e implementar áreas de mejora asistencial. Método Estudio transversal de los 57 hospitales españoles que realizaban HT en 2015, mediante cuestionario sobre: 1) la disponibilidad de protocolos y de recursos tecnológicos; 2) el uso de herramientas de neuromonitorización; 3) los conocimientos de los profesionales; 4) la información pronóstica que se da los padres, y 5) el informe al alta y del plan de seguimiento. Resultados El 95% utiliza enfriamiento corporal-total servocontrolado y dispone de protocolos específicos de actuación. El 70% utiliza sedación y el 68% deja al paciente a dieta absoluta. La monitorización con electroencefalografía integrada por amplitud se utiliza en más del 80% de los centros, aunque solo en el 50% la enfermera es capaz de interpretarlo. La saturación de oxígeno cerebral es escasamente monitorizada (16%). Entre los estudios diagnóstico-pronósticos, la neuroimagen es universal, pero los neurobiomarcadores apenas se utilizan (29%). Solo el 21% ofrece información pronóstica antes de las 72 h de vida; sin presencia de la enfermera en el 70%. El seguimiento lo realiza el neuropediatra (84%), con una duración desigual entre centros. Conclusiones La asistencia del RN con EHI en España es adecuada, con áreas de mejora en: neuromonitorización, sedación, marco temporal de la información pronóstica, trabajo en equipo y estandarización de la duración del seguimiento