285 research outputs found

    Evidence based education and special education: a possible dialogue

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    This article presents a critical analysis of the concept of evidence-based practice, promoting a dialogue with special education. It provides a theoretical and methodological framework (Evidence Based Education - EBE) on the research methodologies within the EBE approach, the definition of an EBE model in special education, the research analysis on school integration in Italy in an EBE perspective and the identification of research lines to validate the practices of inclusive education.In conclusion, although there are methodological and practical difficulties in leading an empirical research in the inclusion field, according to EBE parameters, it is possible to consider other models of research, as such as the methodology on the single subject and observation research for further in depth analysis

    Editoriale - Promuovere l’inclusione: l’insegnante specializzato per le attività di sostegno in primo piano

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    Nella recente Assemblea della Società Italiana di Pedagogia Speciale (SIPeS), abbiamo posto al centro della nostra riflessione scientifica e della conseguente azione propositiva i temi dell’inclusione e del ruolo, funzione e formazione dell’insegnante specializzato per le attività di sostegno. Da questa scelta deriva il presente numero monotematico della rivista, costruito sulla scorta di una specifica call, che accoglie contributi fra loro diversi, ma assolutamente importanti per orientarci in questa tematica così articolata e sensibile

    Alain Goussot. Charleroi, 01.06.55 – Pescara 25.03.2016

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    Alain GoussotCharleroi, 01.06.55 – Pescara 25.03.201

    Servizi per l’inclusione sociale e per l’abitare: possono essere inclusivi anche se sono rivolti solo a persone con disabilità? Lo sguardo interessato della didattica speciale

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    In a recent work, I took under consideration the figure of the professional Socio‐Pedagogical Educator (Cottini, 2021). With the point of view of special teaching, I tried to define the profile, the general and specific skills and the system of values that a Socio‐Pedagogical Educator must set as foundation of his/her profession, in regard to respect for people, their self‐determination, their right to participate as citizens in the everyone’s environment. The Law n. 205 of 27 December 2017 identifies several areas in which this profession can express itself: in the case of support for people with disabilities, from the nest to the school, from the working environment to leisure spaces, from the world of services to the support to advanced age. In this work I deal with a context that for sure represents one that involves most educators (services for people with disabilities in adulthood). In the title, I placed a very challenging question which necessitates a pragmatic answer and a solid anchor to the inclusion and quality of life perspectives

    Does the school inclusion really work?

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    This article aims to take stock of the research aimed to evaluate the inclusive processes, referring to investigations carried out both in Italy and in international contexts on issues that may have important repercussions on the current organization of the Italian school. Through four key questions (How are we working? Which results have been obtained? What gives the best results? Are more inclusive schools also more efficient?) the authors develop a reflection useful to provide application support for both those who work every day in the school and those who are called to make decisions on organizational policies, as fundamental to promote inclusive and oriented to the maximum educational success of all students schools. Keywords evidence-based education; special education; inclusion; special educational needs; efficacy researc

    Autism spectrum disorder: Educational intervention and lifelong learning

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    El presente artículo pone de reli eve la idea de que la intervención con personas con TEA debe basarse siempre en un planteamiento integral y de futuro. Para ello deben consolidarse redes de servicios que cubran todas las necesidades, derechos, ámbitos y etapas vitales. El objetivo es pote nciar el mantenimiento y el desarrollo continuo tanto de las habilidades básicas de la vida diaria como de todas aquellas que faciliten su acceso a los mismos ámbitos que el conjunto de la población, siguiendo el modelo de calidad de vida para asegurar el Proyecto de Vida de estas personas frente a concepciones asistenciales dirigidas solo a evitar el deterioro . Con dicho objetivo a la vista se exponen los principios en los que debe basarse esta intervención, recogiendo además los principales programas de intervención dirigidos a la formación, ocupación y trabajo en la etapa adulta