48 research outputs found

    Detection and Enumeration of Spore-Forming Bacteria in Powdered Dairy Products

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    peer-reviewedWith the abolition of milk quotas in the European Union in 2015, several member states including Ireland, Luxembourg, and Belgium have seen year on year bi-monthly milk deliveries to dairies increase by up to 35%. Milk production has also increased outside of Europe in the past number of years. Unsurprisingly, there has been a corresponding increased focus on the production of dried milk products for improved shelf life. These powders are used in a wide variety of products, including confectionery, infant formula, sports dietary supplements and supplements for health recovery. To ensure quality and safety standards in the dairy sector, strict controls are in place with respect to the acceptable quantity and species of microorganisms present in these products. A particular emphasis on spore-forming bacteria is necessary due to their inherent ability to survive extreme processing conditions. Traditional microbiological detection methods used in industry have limitations in terms of time, efficiency, accuracy, and sensitivity. The following review will explore the common spore-forming bacterial contaminants of milk powders, will review the guidelines with respect to the acceptable limits of these microorganisms and will provide an insight into recent advances in methods for detecting these microbes. The various advantages and limitations with respect to the application of these diagnostics approaches for dairy food will be provided. It is anticipated that the optimization and application of these methods in appropriate ways can ensure that the enhanced pressures associated with increased production will not result in any lessening of safety and quality standards

    Mesophilic sporeformers identified in whey powder by using shotgun metagenomic sequencing

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    peer-reviewedSpoilage and pathogenic spore-forming bacteria are a major cause of concern for producers of dairy products. Traditional agar-based detection methods employed by the dairy industry have limitations with respect to their sensitivity and specificity. The aim of this study was to identify low-abundance sporeformers in samples of a powdered dairy product, whey powder, produced monthly over 1 year, using novel culture-independent shotgun metagenomics-based approaches. Although mesophilic sporeformers were the main target of this study, in one instance thermophilic sporeformers were also targeted using this culture-independent approach. For comparative purposes, mesophilic and thermophilic sporeformers were also tested for within the same sample using culture-based approaches. Ultimately, the approaches taken highlighted differences in the taxa identified due to treatment and isolation methods. Despite this, low levels of transient, mesophilic, and in some cases potentially pathogenic sporeformers were consistently detected in powder samples. Although the specific sporeformers changed from one month to the next, it was apparent that 3 groups of mesophilic sporeformers, namely, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus licheniformis/Bacillus paralicheniformis, and a third, more heterogeneous group containing Brevibacillus brevis, dominated across the 12 samples. Total thermophilic sporeformer taxonomy was considerably different from mesophilic taxonomy, as well as from the culturable thermophilic taxonomy, in the one sample analyzed by all four approaches. Ultimately, through the application of shotgun metagenomic sequencing to dairy powders, the potential for this technology to facilitate the detection of undesirable bacteria present in these food ingredients is highlighted

    Tracking the Dairy Microbiota from Farm Bulk Tank to Skimmed Milk Powder.

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    peer-reviewedMicroorganisms from the environment can enter the dairy supply chain at multiple stages, including production, milk collection, and processing, with potential implications for quality and safety. The ability to track these microorganisms can be greatly enhanced by the use of high-throughput DNA sequencing (HTS). Here HTS, both 16S rRNA gene amplicon and shotgun metagenomic sequencing were applied to investigate the microbiomes of fresh mid- and late-lactation milk collected from farm bulk tanks, collection tankers, milk silos, skimmed milk silos, a cream silo, and powder samples to investigate the microbial changes throughout a skim milk powder manufacturing process. 16S rRNA gene analysis established that the microbiota of raw milks from farm bulk tanks and in collection tankers were very diverse but that psychrotrophic genera associated with spoilage, Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter, were present in all samples. Upon storage within the whole-milk silo at the processing facility, the species Pseudomonas fluorescens and Acinetobacter baumannii became dominant. The skimmed milk powder generated during the mid-lactation period had a microbial composition that was very different from that of raw milk; specifically, two thermophilic genera, Thermus and Geobacillus, were enriched. In contrast, the microbiota of skimmed milk powder generated from late-lactation milk more closely resembled that of the raw milk and was dominated by spoilage-associated psychrotrophic bacteria. This study demonstrates that the dairy microbiota can differ significantly across different sampling days. More specifically, HTS can be used to trace microbial species from raw milks through processing to final powdered products.IMPORTANCE Microorganisms can enter and persist in dairy at several stages of the processing chain. Detection of microorganisms within dairy food processing is currently a time-consuming and often inaccurate process. This study provides evidence that high-throughput sequencing can be used as an effective tool to accurately identify microorganisms along the processing chain. In addition, it demonstrates that the populations of microbes change from raw milk to the end product. Routine implementation of high-throughput sequencing would elucidate the factors that influence population dynamics. This will enable a manufacturer to adopt control measures specific to each stage of processing and respond in an effective manner, which would ultimately lead to increased food safety and quality

    Microbiome-based environmental monitoring of a dairy processing facility highlights the challenges associated with low microbial-load samples

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    peer-reviewedEfficient and accurate identification of microorganisms throughout the food chain can potentially allow the identification of sources of contamination and the timely implementation of control measures. High throughput DNA sequencing represents a potential means through which microbial monitoring can be enhanced. While Illumina sequencing platforms are most typically used, newer portable platforms, such as the Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) MinION, offer the potential for rapid analysis of food chain microbiomes. Initial assessment of the ability of rapid MinION-based sequencing to identify microbes within a simple mock metagenomic mixture is performed. Subsequently, we compare the performance of both ONT and Illumina sequencing for environmental monitoring of an active food processing facility. Overall, ONT MinION sequencing provides accurate classification to species level, comparable to Illumina-derived outputs. However, while the MinION-based approach provides a means of easy library preparations and portability, the high concentrations of DNA needed is a limiting factor.Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marin

    Maximum depth sequencing reveals an ON/OFF replication slippage switch and apparent in vivo selection for bifidobacterial pilus expression

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    The human gut microbiome, of which the genus Bifidobacterium is a prevalent and abundant member, is thought to sustain and enhance human health. Several surface-exposed structures, including so-called sortase-dependent pili, represent important bifidobacterial gut colonization factors. Here we show that expression of two sortase-dependent pilus clusters of the prototype Bifidobacterium breve UCC2003 depends on replication slippage at an intragenic G-tract, equivalents of which are present in various members of the Bifidobacterium genus. The nature and extent of this slippage is modulated by the host environment. Involvement of such sortase-dependent pilus clusters in microbe-host interactions, including bacterial attachment to the gut epithelial cells, has been shown previously and is corroborated here for one case. Using a Maximum Depth Sequencing strategy aimed at excluding PCR and sequencing errors introduced by DNA polymerase reagents, specific G-tract sequences in B. breve UCC2003 reveal a range of G-tract lengths whose plasticity within the population is functionally utilized. Interestingly, replication slippage is shown to be modulated under in vivo conditions in a murine model. This in vivo modulation causes an enrichment of a G-tract length which appears to allow biosynthesis of these sortase-dependent pili. This work provides the first example of productive replication slippage influenced by in vivo conditions. It highlights the potential for microdiversity generation in “beneficial” gut commensals

    Blood-Based Protein Changes in Childhood Are Associated With increased risk for later psychotic disorder: evidence from a nested case–control study of the ALSPAC Longitudinal Birth Cohort

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    The identification of early biological changes associated with the psychotic disorder (PD) is important as it may provide clues to the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms. We undertook the first proteomic profiling of blood plasma samples of children who later develop a PD. Participants were recruited from the UK Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) cohort who also participated in psychiatric assessment interviews at age 18. Protein expression levels at age 11 were compared between individuals who developed PD at age 18 (n = 37) with population-based age-matched controls (n = 38). Sixty out of 181 plasma proteins profiled were found to be differentially expressed (P < .05) in children with an outcome of the PD. Thirty-four of these proteins were found to be differentially expressed following correction for multiple comparisons. Pathway analysis implicated the complement and coagulation cascade. A second, targeted proteomic approach was used to verify these findings in age 11 plasma from subjects who reported psychotic experiences at age 18 (n = 40) in comparison to age-matched controls (n = 66). Our findings indicate that the complement and coagulation system is dysregulated in the blood during childhood before the development of the PD

    Integrated lipidomics and proteomics point to early blood-based changes in childhood preceding later development of psychotic experiences: evidence from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children

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    Background The identification of early biomarkers of psychotic experiences (PEs) is of interest as early diagnosis and treatment of those at risk of future disorder is associated with improved outcomes. The current study investigated early lipidomic and coagulation pathway protein signatures of later PEs in subjects from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children cohort. Methods Plasma of 115 children (age 12) who were first identified as experiencing PEs at age 18 (48 cases and 67 controls) were assessed through integrated and targeted lipidomics and semi-targeted proteomics approaches. We assessed the lipids, LPCs (n=11) and PCs (n=61), and the protein members of the coagulation pathway (n=22) and integrated this data with complement pathway protein data already available on these subjects. Results Twelve PCs, four LPCs and the coagulation protein plasminogen were altered between the control and PE group after correction for multiple comparisons. Lipidomic and proteomic datasets were integrated into a multivariate network displaying a strong relationship between most lipids that were significantly associated to PEs and plasminogen. Finally, an unsupervised clustering approach identified four different clusters with one of the clusters presenting the highest ratio cases:controls (P < 0.01) and associated with a higher concentration of smaller LDL cholesterol particles. Conclusions Our findings indicate that the lipidome and proteome of subjects who report PEs at age 18 is already altered at age 12 indicating that metabolic dysregulation may contribute to an early vulnerability to PEs and suggesting cross-talk between these LPCs, PCs and coagulation and complement proteins

    Detection and Enumeration of Spore-Forming Bacteria in Powdered Dairy Products

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    With the abolition of milk quotas in the European Union in 2015, several member states including Ireland, Luxembourg, and Belgium have seen year on year bi-monthly milk deliveries to dairies increase by up to 35%. Milk production has also increased outside of Europe in the past number of years. Unsurprisingly, there has been a corresponding increased focus on the production of dried milk products for improved shelf life. These powders are used in a wide variety of products, including confectionery, infant formula, sports dietary supplements and supplements for health recovery. To ensure quality and safety standards in the dairy sector, strict controls are in place with respect to the acceptable quantity and species of microorganisms present in these products. A particular emphasis on spore-forming bacteria is necessary due to their inherent ability to survive extreme processing conditions. Traditional microbiological detection methods used in industry have limitations in terms of time, efficiency, accuracy, and sensitivity. The following review will explore the common spore-forming bacterial contaminants of milk powders, will review the guidelines with respect to the acceptable limits of these microorganisms and will provide an insight into recent advances in methods for detecting these microbes. The various advantages and limitations with respect to the application of these diagnostics approaches for dairy food will be provided. It is anticipated that the optimization and application of these methods in appropriate ways can ensure that the enhanced pressures associated with increased production will not result in any lessening of safety and quality standards.ResearchisfundedbyDepartmentofAgriculture,Foodandthe Marine(DAFM)undertheFIRMproject‘SACCP.

    A systematic review of metabolite biomarkers of schizophrenia

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    Current diagnosis of schizophrenia relies exclusively on the potentially subjective interpretation of clinical symptoms and social functioning as more objective biological measurement and medical diagnostic tests are not presently available. The use of metabolomics in the discovery of disease biomarkers has grown in recent years. Metabolomic methods could aid in the discovery of diagnostic biomarkers of schizophrenia. This systematic review focuses on biofluid metabolites associated with schizophrenia. A systematic search of Web of Science and Ovid Medline databases was conducted and 63 studies investigating metabolite biomarkers of schizophrenia were included. A review of these studies revealed several potential metabolite signatures of schizophrenia including reduced levels of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (EPUFAs), vitamin E and creatinine; and elevated levels of lipid peroxidation metabolites and glutamate. Further research is needed to validate these biomarkers and would benefit from large cohort studies and more homogeneous and well-defined subject groups.European Research CouncilHealth Research Boar

    The COVIRL-001 Trial: A multicentre, prospective, randomised trial comparing standard of care (SOC) alone, SOC plus hydroxychloroquine monotherapy or SOC plus a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in the treatment of non- critical, SARS-CoV-2 PCR-positive population not requiring immediate resuscitation or ventilation but who have evidence of clinical decline: A structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Hydroxychloroquine has attracted considerable interest as a potential therapy for COVID-19 infection due to its immunomodulatory effects and reported efficiency in clearing upper airways of the virus. Recent data have also suggested the treatment of COVID-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to cure the associated infection. The objective of this trial is to assess the efficacy of standard of care (SOC) plus hydroxychloroquine monotherapy or SOC plus a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in subjects with non-critical, SARS-CoV-2 PCR-positive infection not requiring immediate resuscitation or ventilation but who have evidence of clinical decline compared to SOC alone