99 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of the marine carbonate system at the Western Tropical Atlantic: trends and variabilities from 20 years of the PIRATA program

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    The Western Tropical Atlantic Ocean (WTAO) is crucial for understanding CO2 dynamics due to inputs from major rivers (Amazon and Orinoco), substantial rainfall from the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), and CO2-rich waters from equatorial upwelling. This study, spanning 1998 to 2018, utilized sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface salinity (SSS) data from the PIRATA buoy at 8°N 38°W to reconstruct the surface marine carbonate system. Empirical models derived total alkalinity (TA) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from SSS, with subsequent estimation of pH and fCO2 from TA, DIC, SSS, and SST data. Linear trend analysis showed statistically significant temporal trends: DIC and fCO2 increased at a rate of 0.7 µmol kg-1 year-1 and 1.539 µatm year-1, respectively, and pH decreased at a rate of -0.001 pH units year-1, although DIC did not show any trend after data was de-seasoned. Rainfall analysis revealed distinct dry (July to December) and wet (January to June) seasons, aligning with lower and higher freshwater influence on the ocean surface, respectively. TA, DIC, and pH correlated positively with SSS, exhibiting higher values during the dry season and lower values during the wet season. Conversely, fCO2 correlated positively with SST, showcasing higher values during the wet season and lower values during the dry season. This emphasizes the influential roles of SSS and SST variability in CO2 solubility within the region. Finally, we have analysed the difference between TA and DIC (TA-DIC) as an indicator for ocean acidification and found a decreasing trend of -0.93 ± 0.02 μmol kg-1 year-1, reinforcing the reduction in the surface ocean buffering capacity in this area. All trends found for the region agree with data from other stations in the tropical and subtropical Atlantic Ocean. In conclusion, the use of empirical models proposed in this study has proven to help filling the gaps in marine carbonate system data in the Western Tropical Atlantic

    The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate in Latin America: Knowledge Gaps and the Urgency to Translate Science Into Action

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    Climate Change hazards to social-ecological systems are well-documented and the time to act is now. The IPCC-SROCC used the best available scientific knowledge to identify paths for effective adaptation and mitigation of climate change impacts on the ocean and cryosphere. Despite all the evidence highlighted by SROCC and the key role of the ocean and cryosphere for climate change at all levels, Latin America (LA) faces challenges to take effective action mostly due to socio-economic vulnerability, political instability and overall technical capacities. Countries have adopted diverse actions as the information needed by policy makers has been made available, not necessarily in accessible and inclusive ways. Regional imbalance in economic development, technological level, capacity development, societal involvement, and governmental oversight have contributed to skewed geographical and technological gaps of knowledge on key ecosystems and specific areas preventing effective climate actions/solutions. We analyze the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) from the region as proxies to the incorporation of IPCC recommendations. The gaps and opportunities for the uptake of ocean and climate science to political decision making is discussed as five key aspects: (i) climate assessment information and regional policies, (ii) knowledge production, (iii) knowledge accessibility, (iv) knowledge impact to policy, and (v) long term monitoring for decision making. We advocate that the uptake of SROCC findings in LA policies can be enhanced by: (a) embracing local realities and incorporating local, traditional and indigenous knowledge; (b) empowering locals to convey local knowledge to global assessments and adapt findings to local realities; (c) enhancing regional research capabilities; and (d) securing long-term sustainable ocean observations. Local and regional participation in knowledge production and provision enhances communication pathways, climate literacy and engagement which are key for effective action to be reflected in governance. Currently, the lack of accessible and inclusive information at the local level hampers the overall understanding, integration and engagement of the society to mitigate climate effects, perpetuates regional heterogeneity and threatens the efforts to reverse the course of climate change in LA. Local researchers should be empowered, encouraged, rewarded and better included in global climate-ocean scientific assessments.Fil: Muelbert, Mônica M. C.. Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo; Brasil. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande; BrasilFil: Copertino, Margareth. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande; Brasil. Rede Brasileira de Pesquisas sobre Mudanças Climáticas Globais; BrasilFil: Cotrim da Cunha, Leticia. Rede Brasileira de Pesquisas sobre Mudanças Climáticas Globais; Brasil. Universidade do Estado de Rio do Janeiro; BrasilFil: Lewis, Mirtha Noemi. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia Golfo San Jorge. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia Golfo San Jorge. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco". Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia Golfo San Jorge; ArgentinaFil: Polejack, Andrei. World Maritime University; Suecia. Ministério de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações; BrasilFil: Peña Puch, Angelina del Carmen. Universidad Autónoma de Campeche; MéxicoFil: Rivera Arriaga, Evelia. Universidad Autónoma de Campeche; Méxic

    Organization & sustainability of PIRATA network Report

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    A detailed report on the renewed PIRATA network, and its potential sustainability over long-term. This deliverable has been established with the contribution of the PIRATA International Scientific Steering Group and PIRATA partners

    Most patients with severe obesity has liver fibrosis even without Metabolic Syndrome/ A maioria dos pacientes com obesidade grave apresenta fibrose Hepática mesmo sem Síndrome Metabólica

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    BACKGROUND: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a condition commonly associated with metabolic syndrome (MS). This association is frequently found in people with severe obesity, yet some who are diagnosed with NAFLD do not fulfill the criteria for MS. We aimed to compare the clinical and histological characteristics of NAFLD in patients with obesity with and without MS.METHODOLOGY: Cross-sectional study with patients with severe obesity (BMI ≥35kg/m2) diagnosed with NAFLD on liver biopsy during bariatric surgery between Sep/2014 and May/2015.  Patients with a history of chronic alcohol consumption and other liver diseases were excluded. MS diagnosis was based on the International Diabetes Federation criteria. Statistical analyses were performed using Chi-square and t tests. P<0.05 were considered significant. RESULTS: The simple included 170 patients with severe obesity with histological diagnosis of NAFLD. The mean BMI (body mass index) was 43.2±5.3 kg/m2; 60% were female and the mean age was 37.1±10.7 years. Dyslipidemia (81.7%) and arterial hypertension (48.2%) were the most frequent NAFLD risk factor associated with obesity in these patients. A total of 75 of them (44.1%) did not meet the criteria for MS. They were younger than those with MS [33.8 (9.9) vs 39.7 (10.8) years; p<0.001], and 68.0% (51) of them had nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and fibrosis.  CONCLUSION: The results reinforce the relevance to evaluate NAFLD in people with severe obesity, even those without MS. Despite not presenting MS, these patients with severe obesity already had NASH with fibrosis and can potentially evolve to cirrhosis

    Report on demo mission and dissemination pathways of obtained data based on different observational platforms

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    This document describes the deployment of instrumentation in the Eastern tropical Atlantic area and shows the preliminary data acquired

    Alteração de enzimas hepáticas em trabalhadores de refinaria de petróleo

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    OBJECTIVE: Occupational exposure typical of an oil refinery may alter liver function among the workers. Thus, the objective of the study was to identify risk factors for liver enzyme abnormalities among oil refinery workers. METHODS: The workers at an oil refinery in Northeastern Brazil underwent routine annual medical examination from 1982 to 1998. This case-control study investigated all the 150 cases of individuals with simultaneous gamma-glutamyltransferase and alanine aminotransferase abnormalities of at least 10% above reference levels. As controls, 150 workers without any liver enzyme or bilirubin abnormalities since starting to work there were selected. Odds ratios and the respective 95% confidence intervals were calculated from logistic regression models. RESULTS: In all the production sectors, the risk of liver enzyme abnormalities was significantly higher than in the administrative sector (OR=5.7; 95% CI: 1.7-18.4), even when the effects of alcohol, obesity and medical history of hepatitis were controlled for. During the period from 1992 to 1994, 88 out of the 89 cases occurred among workers from the various production sectors. CONCLUSIONS: Occupational exposure plays an important role in causing liver enzyme abnormalities among oil refinery workers. This is in addition to the specifically biological and/or behavioral risk factors such as obesity and alcohol consumption.OBJETIVO: A exposição ocupacional típica de uma refinaria de petróleo pode alterar a função hepática de seus trabalhadores. Assim, o objetivo do estudo foi identificar fatores de risco de alterações em enzimas hepáticas em trabalhadores de uma refinaria de petróleo. MÉTODOS: Os trabalhadores de uma refinaria de petróleo, localizada em São Francisco do Conde, Estado da Bahia, eram submetidos a exames periódicos anuais de 1982 a1998. O estudo caso-controle investigou todos os 150 casos de indivíduos com alteração simultânea de gama-glutamil transferase e de alanino amino transferase, de pelo menos 10% acima do valor de referência. Como controles, foram selecionados 150 indivíduos sem quaisquer alterações de enzimas hepáticas ou de bilirrubinas, desde a sua admissão. Foram calculadas as razões de chance e respectivos intervalos de confiança de 95% a partir de modelos de regressão logística. RESULTADOS: Em todos os setores de produção, o risco de alteração de enzimas hepáticas foi significantemente mais elevado do que no setor administrativo (RC=5,7; IC 95%: 1,7-18,4), estando controlados os efeitos do álcool, obesidade e antecedentes médicos de hepatite. No período 1992-1994 foram registrados 89 casos, 88 deles provieram dos diversos setores da produção. CONCLUSÕES: A exposição ocupacional desempenha papel importante na determinação de alterações de enzimas hepáticas em trabalhadores do refino de petróleo, além dos fatores de risco eminentemente biológicos e/ou comportamentais como obesidade e o consumo de álcool

    Alteração de enzimas hepáticas em trabalhadores de refinaria de petróleo

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    OBJECTIVE: Occupational exposure typical of an oil refinery may alter liver function among the workers. Thus, the objective of the study was to identify risk factors for liver enzyme abnormalities among oil refinery workers. METHODS: The workers at an oil refinery in Northeastern Brazil underwent routine annual medical examination from 1982 to 1998. This case-control study investigated all the 150 cases of individuals with simultaneous gamma-glutamyltransferase and alanine aminotransferase abnormalities of at least 10% above reference levels. As controls, 150 workers without any liver enzyme or bilirubin abnormalities since starting to work there were selected. Odds ratios and the respective 95% confidence intervals were calculated from logistic regression models. RESULTS: In all the production sectors, the risk of liver enzyme abnormalities was significantly higher than in the administrative sector (OR=5.7; 95% CI: 1.7-18.4), even when the effects of alcohol, obesity and medical history of hepatitis were controlled for. During the period from 1992 to 1994, 88 out of the 89 cases occurred among workers from the various production sectors. CONCLUSIONS: Occupational exposure plays an important role in causing liver enzyme abnormalities among oil refinery workers. This is in addition to the specifically biological and/or behavioral risk factors such as obesity and alcohol consumption.OBJETIVO: A exposição ocupacional típica de uma refinaria de petróleo pode alterar a função hepática de seus trabalhadores. Assim, o objetivo do estudo foi identificar fatores de risco de alterações em enzimas hepáticas em trabalhadores de uma refinaria de petróleo. MÉTODOS: Os trabalhadores de uma refinaria de petróleo, localizada em São Francisco do Conde, Estado da Bahia, eram submetidos a exames periódicos anuais de 1982 a1998. O estudo caso-controle investigou todos os 150 casos de indivíduos com alteração simultânea de gama-glutamil transferase e de alanino amino transferase, de pelo menos 10% acima do valor de referência. Como controles, foram selecionados 150 indivíduos sem quaisquer alterações de enzimas hepáticas ou de bilirrubinas, desde a sua admissão. Foram calculadas as razões de chance e respectivos intervalos de confiança de 95% a partir de modelos de regressão logística. RESULTADOS: Em todos os setores de produção, o risco de alteração de enzimas hepáticas foi significantemente mais elevado do que no setor administrativo (RC=5,7; IC 95%: 1,7-18,4), estando controlados os efeitos do álcool, obesidade e antecedentes médicos de hepatite. No período 1992-1994 foram registrados 89 casos, 88 deles provieram dos diversos setores da produção. CONCLUSÕES: A exposição ocupacional desempenha papel importante na determinação de alterações de enzimas hepáticas em trabalhadores do refino de petróleo, além dos fatores de risco eminentemente biológicos e/ou comportamentais como obesidade e o consumo de álcool