523 research outputs found

    Sharing economy: the establishment of organizational identity overtime, considering identify claims and legitimacy granting

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    The Sharing Economy (SE) has been growing at an impressive rate across the globe (Cohen & Kietzmann, 2014) and emerging as an innovative and rapidly growing sector of the economy (Hira & Reilly, 2017), which attracted the attention of the scientific community. An increasing number of studies have been brought to light helping to document and analyze how SE manifests and evolves across economic systems, thus, contributing to refine and recast existing management theory (Mair & Reischauer, 2017). Nevertheless, there still is a lack of a common understanding of SE and its underlying mechanisms (Knote & Blohm, 2016). As an emergent category, SE has been contoured by being a mutant process, as it has been crafted by multiple and distinct temporal identity and legitimacy events, mechanisms and claims. Showing signs of being an on-going process of evolution, there is a constant need for further research to identify developments in the evolution of SE considering both identify claims (self-referential) and legitimacy (granted by stakeholders), which would offer additional comprehension about the SE phenomenon. The research addresses it by studying what is the role of SE in establishing the identity of organizations belonging to the field, considering both identify claims (self-referential) and legitimacy (granted by stakeholders)? To answer the research question, the research was designed involving two components inspired on category creation studies (Durand & Paolella, 2013; Glynn & Navis, 2013; Navis & Glynn, 2010; Kennedy & Fiss, 2013; Kennedy et al., 2010; Lounsbury & Rao, 2004; and Wry et al., 2014): 1) four prototypical SE organizations were selected, each of them belonging to Schor’s (2014) four SE archetypes of activities: (i) Airbnb – peer-to-peer, for-profit activity –, (ii) Zipcar – business-to-peer, for-profit activity –, (iii) TimeBanks – peer-to-peer, non-profit – and (iv) Make: makerspaces – business-to-peer, non-profit. The content of the evolution of their identity claims was analyzed, using data from their public available reports, as well as, other secondary data available on-line; and 2) considering the same set of SE organizations, legitimacy evolution was analyzed considering how scientific community, investors, customers, media, other analysts and other interested audiences have been constructing category meaning to them, conferring the formation of SE categorical and organizational identities, and perceptions about the viability of their business models (Tripsas, 2009, as cited in Navis & Glynn, 2010). In short, it was analyzed how stakeholders assess the viability of SE categories and organizations and can grant or withhold legitimacy to SE organizations (Zuckerman, 1999, as cited in Navis & Glynn, 2010). This research presents a new layer on framing a detailed understanding of the SE field in its maturing dimension, thus, meeting Mair’s and Reischauer’s (2017) call for studying the SE, unpack and make sense of an inspiring and complex phenomenon and thereby advancing and sophisticate the existing theory.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sharing economy: The establishment of organizational identity overtime, considering identify claims and legitimacy granting

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    The Sharing Economy (SE) has been growing at an impressive rate across the globe (Cohen & Kietzmann, 2014) and emerging as a new and rapidly growing sector of the economy (Hira & Reilly, 2017), which has the effect of attracting the attention of the scientific community over the last few years. An increasing number of studies on the topic have been brought to light helping to document and analyse how SE manifests and evolves across various economic systems, thus, contributing to refine and recast existing management theory (Mair & Reischauer, 2017). Nonetheless, there still is a lack of common understanding of SE and its underlying mechanisms (Knote & Blohm, 2016). As an emergent category, SE has been contoured by being a mutant process, as it has been crafted by multiple and distinct temporal identity and legitimacy events, mechanisms and claims. Showing signs of being an on-going process of evolution, there is a constant need for further research on identifying new developments in the evolution of SE considering both identify claims (self-referential) and legitimacy (granted by stakeholders), which would offer additional comprehension about the SE phenomenon. In this research, we address these by studying what is the role of SE in establishing the identity of organizations belonging to the field, considering both identify claims (self-referential) and legitimacy (granted by stakeholders)? To answer this research question, we designed a research involving two components inspired on category creation studies (Durand & Paolella, 2013; Glynn & Navis, 2013; Navis & Glynn, 2010; Kennedy & Fiss, 2013; Kennedy et al., 2010; Lounsbury & Rao, 2004; and Wry et al., 2014): 1) four prototypical SE organizations were selected, each of them belonging to Schor’s (2014) four SE archetypes of activities. Respectively: (i) Airbnb – peer-to-peer, for-profit activity –, (ii) Zipcar – business-to-peer, for-profit activity –, (iii) TimeBanks – peer-to-peer, non-profit – and (iv) Make: makerspaces – business-to-peer, non-profit. The evolution of their identity claims were content analysed, using data from their publically available reports, as well as, other secondary data available on-line; and 2) considering the same set of SE organizations, legitimacy evolution was analysed considering how scientific community, investors, customers, media, other analysts and other interested audiences have been constructing category meaning to them, conferring the formation of SE categorical and organizational identities, and perceptions about the viability of their business models (Tripsas, 2009, as cited in Navis & Glynn, 2010). In short, it was analysed how audiences assess the viability of SE categories and organizations and can grant or withhold legitimacy to SE organizations (Zuckerman, 1999, as cited in Navis & Glynn, 2010). This paper presents a new layer on framing a detailed understanding of the SE field in its maturing dimension, thus, meeting Mair and Reischauer’s (2017) call for studying the SE, unpack and make sense of an inspiring and complex phenomenon and thereby to advance and refine existing theory.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Clinical significance of intraventricular gradient during effort in an adolescent karate player

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    The authors report the case of a 16-year-old boy who practices karate, who underwent medical evaluation because of atypical chest discomfort, related to strenuous effort. The ECG and echocardiogram findings were normal. The young boy did a treadmill stress test which was positive for myocardial ischemia. Late during the investigation, he underwent treadmill stress echocardiography, during which he developed intraventricular gradient of over 130 mmHg with end-systolic peak and systolic anterior movement (SAM) of the mitral valve. These echocardiographic findings were not present at rest and disappeared shortly after termination of exercise. The authors discuss the significance of this event. This leads us to advise withdrawal from participation in competitive sport according to the recomendations of the European Society of Cardiology. A possible role of exercise stress echo for intraventricular pressure gradient assessment in symptomatic athletes with structurally normal hearts is suggested

    Exposição Acidental a Picada de Agulha. Protocolo de Actuação

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    A picada acidental por agulha em crianças e adolescentes provoca grande ansiedade aos pais e é causa de recurso aos serviços de urgência.A exposição acidental inclui a picada por agulha de seringa encontrada na comunidade. O risco de transmissão do vírus da hepatite B (VHB), C (VHC), vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH) e outros agentes é habitualmente baixo, no entanto é da responsabilidade do clínico informar e minimizar a possibilidade de ocorrer doença.As recomendações atuais referentes à profilaxia em crianças são baseadas no risco de transmissão e seroconversão após exposição ocupacional em adultos. No entanto, e apesar da escassez de dados, a exposição acidental a picada de agulha na idade pediátrica merece uma avaliação particular.Com o objetivo de definir uma política comum a todos os hospitais e garantir acesso a cuidados mais adequados a todas as crianças, os autores apresentam um protocolo de profilaxia após exposição acidental a picada de agulha em idade pediátrica

    Acute hemodynamic effect of inhaled iloprost in pulmonary artery hypertension evaluated with echocardiography

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    Doppler echocardiography is useful in the initial evaluation and long-term follow-up of patients with pulmonary artery hypertension. Aerosolised iloprost has been shown to reduce pulmonary pressure immediately after inhalation. We report the echocardiographic findings in a patient with severe pulmonary hypertension, before and after the inhalation of aerosolized iloprost. These findings illustrate the acute influence of iloprost in right and left ventricular hemodynamics and morphology. These findings were reproduced in subsequent echocardiographic evaluations

    Distribuição de umidade e extração total de água no solo cultivado com bananeira sob diferentes sistemas de irrigação.

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    A bananeira é uma planta com alta exigência hídrica, sendo que a aplicação de água em excesso ou em deficiência pode levar a prejuízos econômicos relevantes como carreamento de nutrientes para zonas do solo não exploradas pelas raízes, e sua ausência nos períodos críticos pode provocar redução na produtividade. O objetivo foi avaliar a distribuição de umidade, bem como avaliar a extração total de água no perfil do solo cultivado com bananeira, sob diferentes sistemas de irrigação na região semiárida da Bahia. A bananeira foi plantada em fileiras simples no espaçamento de 3,0 m x 2,5 m. Os tratamentos consistiram no uso de três sistemas de irrigação (gotejamento, microaspersão e aspersão convencional), monitorados com uso do equipamento TDR (Reflectometria no Domínio do Tempo), instaladas em diversos pontos no perfil do solo, limitadas pelas distâncias de 0,8 m do pseudocaule da planta e 0,8 m abaixo da superfície do solo. A análise de regressão dos dados indica que na profundidade até 0,4 m da superfície do solo, as variações na extração de água podem ser explicadas pelas variações da disponibilidade de água no plano avaliado. As extrações de água total ocorreram com maior intensidade nos primeiros 0,4 m abaixo da superfície do solo

    Environmental stratification in the brazilian Cerrado on the yield and fiber quality of cotton genotypes.

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    Environmental stratification studies are important for the plant breeding, since they allow to adequately plan the experimental network. The objective of this work was to identify similar environments for cotton cultivation in the Brazilian Cerrado regarding yield and fiber quality. Nineteen field studies were carried out in a randomized complete block design with twelve genotypes and four replicates. Agronomic (cotton seed yield and fiber percentage) and technological traits (length, micronaire, fiber strength) were evaluated. These results indicate that there are six environments (PVA3, MON, SHE1, SIN, PPA e TRIN) in which the cotton trials should be installed as a matter of priority owing to the phenotypic response pattern obtained for the evaluated traits. The remaining 13 environments are similar to each other for all traits and can be summarized in strategic locations depending on the ease of installation of the trials.Título em português: Estratificação ambiental no Cerrado brasileiro sobre o rendimento e a qualidade da fibra dos genótipos de algodão

    Sistema radicular de bananeira irrigada por aspersão convencional em duas fases fenológicas.

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    A informação da distância e profundidade das zonas de atuação do sistema radicular permite definir a área na superfície do solo onde deve ser feita a adubação de modo que o fertilizante aplicado seja eficientemente utilizado pela cultura. De acordo com Santos et al. (2005), o conhecimento da área onde ocorre a maior atividade do sistema radicular das culturas é importante para estudos de fornecimento de nutrientes via solo, uma vez que a absorção de água e de nutrientes ocorre simultaneamente. As raízes finas têm curto período de vida (menos que um ano) e são as principais responsáveis pela absorção de água e nutrientes pelas plantas (RYLTER, 1997). No atual estado da arte, nota-se que há poucos estudos referentes ao sistema radicular correlacionado com as fases fenológicas da cultura. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a distribuição do sistema radicular da bananeira cv. Prata Anã irrigada por aspersão convencional em duas fases fenológicas.pdf 207

    Evapotranspiration of mango crop by water soil balance under a microsprinkler irrigation system.

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    The evapotranspiration of the mango crop was estimated by the soil water balance method in a ten-year age microsprinkler irrigated mango orchard. The experiment was carried out at Federal Agricultural Technical School of Guanambi located in the Irrigated Perimeter of Ceraima, Guanambi county, Bahia State. The work lasted 50 days (Period of budding to initial fruit growth). Soil water content was monitored by a data acquisition system with TDR, that made readings at 15- minute intervals in many locations of a grid in a vertical plane around the plant. Data were collected for plants irrigated with amounts of water equivalents to 100 % and 60 % of CWN (calculated water need), with and without covering the shaded area around plants. ETc and deep percolation varied according to distance from plant. The difference between average ETc calculated for covered and bare soil was larger for water application equivalent to 100% of CWN. ETc values varied with distance from plant. The difference between average ETc calculated for covered and bare soil was larger for water application equivalent to 100% of CWN. Deep percolation, total infiltrated water and storage water were larger under covered soil surface in shaded area around the plant than for bare soil under same conditions.PAP0884.pdf
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