981 research outputs found

    L'inquinamento e il sovrasfruttamento delle risorse idriche sotterranee pugliesi

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    Research carried out in recent years by CERIST operating unit has investigate Apulian hydrogeological unit groundwater. Different technologies have been applied by researchers, such as: multiparameter hydrogeochemical studies of the evolution of groundwater chemism; thermal infrared survey of coasts where springs were found; studies of varied space distribution of piezometric heads, salinity and water temperature; studies of hydrogeological relationships existing between various underground and sometimes very deep "mains d'eau" studies of protection methods of groundwater against saline pollution. Recently, research has also focused on human-related pollution of Apulian aquifers. This subject has aroused great topical interest following the continuous and senseless use-of the subsoil for waste water collection. Authors particularly refer to the health, environmental and economic emergency that hit our Region in 1994. The effects of human activity on groundwater pollution and depletion are described, alongside indirect effects connected with continental seawater intrusion. Therefore, the need is felt to protect regional groundwater resources and recycle water wasted so far. A more rigorous discharge of depurator waste water into the subsoil 15 strongly recommended

    Mechanics of a tectonized soil slope: influence of boundary conditions and rainfall

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    The Vadoncello landslide was mobilized in December 1993 and is still active. It involves highly tectonized soils and is the reactivation of a landslide dragged by a larger landslide at the toe of the slope soon after the 1980 Irpinia (Southern Italy) earthquake. Investigations and monitoring of the Vadoncello landslide were carried out, between 1994 and 1996, within an EC funded research project. The slope has been found to be formed of chaotic successions of soil and rock strata which have been grouped into soil complexes. The soil mechanical properties are shown to be very poor, the deep soils being prone to large plastic straining even due to relatively small loading changes. The soil displacements show that a shallow fast rotational sliding has occurred at the top of the slope and a shallow earthflow has developed downslope, both lying above deeper soils involved in a mechanism of slow and long-lasting irrecoverable movements. These slow deep movements are considered to be consequent to the plastic flow of the clayey soils. They can be activated by the effects of seasonal rainfall, of low-medium intensity seismic events and by the effects of the morphological changes resulting from the slow movements themselves. The landslide reactivation in 1993 is seen to have been the combination effect of a low return-period rainfall event and the slow movements active at depth in the slope

    Protein-Protein Interactions at the Adrenergic Receptors

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    The adrenergic receptors are among the best characterized G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and knowledge on this receptor family has provided several important paradigms about GPCR function and regulation. One of the most recent paradigms initially supported by studies on adrenergic receptors is that both βarrestins and G protein-coupled receptors themselves can act as scaffolds binding a variety of proteins and this can result in growing complexity of the receptor-mediated cellular effects. In this review we will briefly summarize the main features of βarrestin binding to the adrenergic receptor subtypes and we will review more in detail the main proteins found to selectively interact with distinct AR subtype. At the end, we will review the main findings on oligomerization of the AR subtypes

    Studio idrogeologico della sorgente Parrutta in agro di Trecchina (PZ)

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    Parruta Spring (220 m asl) lies at the foot of the eastern slopes of Serra Murazze. The area is characterized by the overthrusting of the Verbicaro Unit on the Liguide Unit (Chaps 1 and 2, Fig. 1). Widespread tectonization,relief energy and structural attitude initiated deep gravity deformation and lateral spreading of the slopes, followed by roto-translational slides and flows (Chaps 2 anbd 3, Figs 2 and 3). Immediately upstream of the spring there are broken carbonate-rock masses resulting from lateral spreading (Chap 3, Fig. 3). These fractured rocks overlie blackish siliceous marls and argillites which are capped by a 10-m thick level of cataclastic limestone sands (Fig. 4). Deformation of the top of the argillaceous formation created basins that favour groundwater flow towards Parrutta Spring. Above these depressions the waters are fresher and colder and the hydrogeological characteristics of the wells are better (Chap. 4, Figs 2.5 and 6). The investigations confirm the working hypotheses adopted. Interpretation of the salinity and temperature logs, in particular, indicates that such investigations are particularly significant in hydrogeological environments of this type

    Studio delle caratteristiche morfoevolutive del fondovalle del F. Basento fra Pisticci e la foce, finalizzato all'ottimizzazione dell'intervento antropico

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    An analysis is made of the evolutionary features of the Basento Plain landform in the stretch between Ferrandina Scalo and the sea, in context of the knowledge of the geomorphological and hydrological peculiarities of the whole catchment basin. The stretch in question lies in the south eastern portion of the Fossa bradanica where there are extensive outcrops of Plio-Pleistocene sedimentary deposits, represented mainly by blue-grey marly clays and, subordinately, sands and gravels. Between Ferrandina Scalo and Pisticci Scalo the Bradano is a braided river, while the reach between there and its mouth on the Ionian Sea is characterized by a meander belt. A detailed geomorphological examination, supported by air-photo interpretation (1953, 1973 and 1989 flights), has been made to ascertain the changes which have occurred on the plain in the last forty years. Knowledge of recent bed changes has been augmented by data derived from old maps. This has provided a picture of midifications over a hundred years or so. The principal hydrogeomorphological factors throughout the entire stretch studied can be correlated with the various fluvial trends identified. It ensues that there is substantial diversity in the relative stability conditions of the fluvial trends. More precisely, the potential instability within the meander belt can be tied in with the progressive increase in the sinuosity during the last hundred years. The in-depth hydrological study was made to highlight the main changes in use of the water resources available in the catchment, so as to establish possible relationships between man-made alterations and recent geomorphological conditions throughout the stretch concerned. It is also evident that during recent times man has been very active right up to the very banks of the river, modifying the original countryside by planting trees, growing crops and setting up industrial enterprises, once inexistent or at least located well away from the channel. On the basis of the factual picture acquired in this manner an evaluation has been made of the relationships between the recent variations in the natural geomorphological trends of the Basento in this reach, the direct and indirect upset of hydrodynamic parameters caused by man and the modifications in the landform of the flood-plain, triggered by human intervention. As the economic plan provides for a further increase in economic activities and for new hydraulic works throughout the catchment, various guidelines have been framed to optimize development

    Identification of typical chemical and physical conditions in Apulian groundwater (southern Italy) through well multi-parameter logs

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    Apulia is affected by two types of human-related pollution: salt contamination and chemico-physical and biological pollution. The special severity of the situation calls for a rigorous approach based on available scientific knowledge and supplemented by up-to-date investigations of the evolution of groundwater quality. Particularly useful are to this end the multi-parameter logs which have been executed along the water column of the well, through the monitoring of temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen and oxidation-reduction potential of groundwater. This method, which has been tested in 120 wells over one year, has allowed to detect some typical trends of the parameters under study. These types, which are rather recurrent in space and time, allow an extensive use of the suggested method which can be easily applied to the preliminary detection of the hydrogeological conditions which determine the chemical and physical nature of groundwater and the occurrence of human- or salt-related contamination

    Analysis of the micro to macro response of clays to compression

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    An investigation of clay microstructure and its evolution under 1D and isotropic compression is presented for different clays. Data from the literature are compared to original results on two Italian clays, obtained using SEM, image processing, MIP and on-purpose swelling tests. The effects of composition and loading history on clay microstructure, as well as its changes along the compression path (pre- and post-gross-yielding) are analysed and a conceptual model of microstructure evolution is proposed for the clays under study. NC clays at early virgin compression, either natural or reconstituted, are found to possess an open fabric of random-low orientation, complying with a prevailing inter-aggregate and a smaller intra-aggregate porosity, whose size and distribution depend on composition. Under 1D compression, either in the field or in the laboratory, the inter-aggregate porosity is lost, at a rate dependent on composition and loading history, and the dominant intra-aggregate micro-pore is progressively reduced. Accordingly, perfectly oriented stacks of domains are recognised which, though, embed preserved random particle arrangements even at large pressures, resulting in an increase of average orientation up to the reach of a steady orientation degree. Isotropic compression causes faster microstructure evolution, although large pressures are required to change 1D-induced fabric orientation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Hydrogeological problems relating to the construction of an underground metro system in Bari urban and suburban areas

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    Many problems are related to the construction of an underground metro system in Bari urban and suburban areas, excavations involving namely dolomite-limestones in both anhydrous and saturated zones and low-thickness postcretaceous covers. A number of rock-sealing methods are reviewed. Consideration is given to the rock hydrodynamic characteristics of the urban area alongside impacts on groundwater flows

    Characterisation of the multi-scale fabric features of high plasticity clays

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    An investigation of the microstructural features of a high-plasticity clay, in both its natural conditions and reconstituted in the laboratory, is described. Scanning electron microscopy is used here to characterise the fabric at different magnifications, while image processing of the micrographs delivers a quantitative assessment of the fabric orientation. The results of energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and swelling tests, as reported in a previous study by the authors, are used to characterise the bonding nature and strength, as well as mercury intrusion porosimetry to investigate clay porosimetry. Despite their identical composition, the natural and the reconstituted clay have experienced different deposition and loading history, generating different microstructural features that are shown to underlie their differences in state. For both clays, one-dimensional (1D) compression to medium–high pressures is seen to determine a well-oriented medium magnification fabric. However, larger-scale observations and the corresponding image processing results reveal non-uniform local fabric features, hence making fabric characterisation dependent on the scale of analysis and bringing about the issue of identifying the clay micro-scale representative element volume relating to the clay macro-behaviour. The micro-REV is identified for the clays under study and its connection with the macro-behaviour characterised. The microstructural evolution induced by 1D compression to very high pressures is shown to concern mainly the clay porosity and porosimetry, the fabric orientation being steady, thus explaining the isotropic hardening observed in laboratory tests.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft