373 research outputs found


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    Does Environmental Knowledge Inhibit Hominin Dispersal?

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    Domestic Relations - Gifts in Contemplation of Marriage

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    The Supreme Court of New York held that a donor could not recover an engagement ring upon donee\u27s renouncing her intention to marry him, where the contract to marry was void since the donor was already married. Lowe v. Quinn, 301 N.Y.S.2d 361 (Ist Dep\u27t 1969)

    On Liberty - 1970

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    Prehistoric flint provenance in Finland: reanalysis of southern data and initial results for the north

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    Persuasion in the Courtroom

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    Persuasion is defined as an act of influencing the minds of others by arguments or reasons, by appeals to both feeling and intellect; it is the art of leading another man\u27s will to a particular choice, or course of conduct. No one doubts this is what trial lawyers do every day in the courtroom-and that is what this article is about

    Clear evidence of black painted Typical Comb ceramics at Kierikki

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    The concept of pluralistic security community : an attempt to apply it to the European Union case

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    This dissertation aims at developing and testing the concept of pluralistic security community evolved by Karl Deutsch in the 1950s. In essence, a pluralistic security community is a union in which war is no longer contemplated as a possible way of resolving conflicts among its members. The conditions for the emergence of a pluralistic security community are threefold; (a) compatibility of major values; (b) mutual responsiveness and (c) mutual predictability of behaviour. Compatibility of major values has often been studied in relation to the democratic peace theory but, more than democracy as such, it is the conditions underlying its emergence (individualism and the spirit of trade) that foster peace. Mutual responsiveness is closely linked to the theory of cybernetics and requires the existence of many links between the units of the security community allowing the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Mutual predictability of behaviour implies the existence of long-term trust between the members of the community. A parallel is possible with the rational expectation theory in economics. As a conclusion to this part, it can be asserted that the concept studied is the main contribution to an embryonic theory of international pluralism. After the analysis of the concept, an attempt is made to apply it in the case of the European Union. To test the reality of compatibility of major values, a content analysis of the final communiques of the European Council over the past few years is made. Mutual responsiveness is tested thanks to a study of European regional policy and redistribution, since the existence of redistribution is a sign of cohesion and trust. Finally, mutual predictability of behaviour is tested through the study of European security integration (especially the Franco-German partnership, weapons coproduction and through the study of Europe as an 'actor' in the world stage). This concept of pluralistic security community is a valuable tool for explaining some features of the global setting like the peaceful long-term coexistence of states at the international level. The concept is also very relevant in the European Union as it explains one important achievement of European integration; long-term peace in Europe

    Addressing Common Concerns about Online Student Ratings of Instruction: A Research-Informed Approach

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    Concerns over the usefulness and validity of student ratings of instruction (SRI) have continued to grow with online processes. This paper presents seven common and persistent concerns identified and tested during the development and implementation of a revised SRI policy at a Canadian research-intensive university. These concerns include bias due to insufficient sample size, student academic performance, polarized student responses, disciplinary differences, class size, punishment of rigorous instructor standards, and timing of final exams. We analyzed SRI responses from two mandatory Likert scale questions related to the course and instructor, both of which were consistent over time and across all academic units at our institution. The results show that overall participation in online SRIs is representative of the student body, with academically stronger students responding at a higher rate, and the SRIs, themselves, providing evidence that may moderate worries about the concerns.   Avec les processus Ă©lectroniques, les inquiĂ©tudes quant Ă  l’utilitĂ© et Ă  la validitĂ© des Ă©valuations de l’enseignement par les Ă©tudiants (EEE) ne cessent de croĂ®tre. Le prĂ©sent document rĂ©vèle sept problèmes communs et constants concernant l’utilitĂ© et la validitĂ© des Ă©valuations Ă©lectroniques de l’enseignement par les Ă©tudiants (EEE) en ligne qui ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s et testĂ©s dans une universitĂ© canadienne centrĂ©e sur la recherche. Parmi ces problèmes, on compte une dĂ©formation des rĂ©sultats attribuable Ă  un Ă©chantillon de taille insuffisante, une faible performance scolaire des Ă©tudiants, une polarisation des rĂ©ponses des Ă©tudiants, des diffĂ©rences disciplinaires, des classes de taille inĂ©gale, une perception nĂ©gative face aux attentes Ă©levĂ©es de certains chargĂ©s de cours et l’horaire des examens finaux. Nous avons analysĂ© les rĂ©ponses Ă  deux questions obligatoires, selon une Ă©chelle de Likert, et liĂ©es au cours et Ă  son chargĂ© de cours. Les deux questions ont conservĂ© leur cohĂ©rence au fil du temps et au sein de l’ensemble des unitĂ©s d’enseignement de notre institution. Les rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent que la participation Ă  l’EEE en ligne est gĂ©nĂ©ralement reprĂ©sentative du corps Ă©tudiant, bien que le taux de participation des Ă©tudiants plus performants au niveau acadĂ©mique s’est rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© plus Ă©levĂ©. Cela nous fournit un argument important pour rĂ©pondre aux inquiĂ©tudes souvent Ă©mises au sujet des problèmes liĂ©s Ă  l’EEE
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