844 research outputs found

    A survey of HC_3N in extragalactic sources: Is HC_3N a tracer of activity in ULIRGs?

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    Context. HC_3N is a molecule that is mainly associated with Galactic star-forming regions, but it has also been detected in extragalactic environments. Aims. To present the first extragalactic survey of HC_3N, when combining earlier data from the literature with six new single-dish detections, and to compare HC_3N with other molecular tracers (HCN, HNC), as well as other properties (silicate absorption strength, IR flux density ratios, C_(II) flux, and megamaser activity). Methods. We present mm IRAM 30 m, OSO 20 m, and SEST observations of HC_3N rotational lines (mainly the J = 10–9 transition) and of the J = 1–0 transitions of HCN and HNC. Our combined HC_3N data account for 13 galaxies (excluding the upper limits reported for the non-detections), while we have HCN and HNC data for more than 20 galaxies. Results. A preliminary definition “HC_3N-luminous galaxy” is made based upon the HC_3N/HCN ratio. Most (~80%) HC_3N-luminous galaxies seem to be deeply obscured galaxies and (U)LIRGs. A majority (~60% or more) of the HC3N-luminous galaxies in the sample present OH mega- or strong kilomaser activity. A possible explanation is that both HC_3N and OH megamasers need warm dust for their excitation. Alternatively, the dust that excites the OH megamaser offers protection against UV destruction of HC_3N. A high silicate absorption strength is also found in several of the HC_3N-luminous objects, which may help the HC3N to survive. Finally, we find that a high HC_3N/HCN ratio is related to a high dust temperature and a low C_(II) flux

    Exploring the molecular chemistry and excitation in obscured luminous infrared galaxies: An ALMA mm-wave spectral scan of NGC 4418

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    We obtained an ALMA Cycle 0 spectral scan of the dusty LIRG NGC 4418, spanning a total of 70.7 GHz in bands 3, 6, and 7. We use a combined local thermal equilibrium (LTE) and non-LTE (NLTE) fit of the spectrum in order to identify the molecular species and derive column densities and excitation temperatures. We derive molecular abundances and compare them with other Galactic and extragalactic sources by means of a principal component analysis. We detect 317 emission lines from a total of 45 molecular species, including 15 isotopic substitutions and six vibrationally excited variants. Our LTE/NLTE fit find kinetic temperatures from 20 to 350 K, and densities between 105^5 and 107^7 cm−3^{-3}. The spectrum is dominated by vibrationally excited HC3_3N, HCN, and HNC, with vibrational temperatures from 300 to 450 K. We find high abundances of HC3_3N, SiO, H2_2S, and c-HCCCH and a low CH3_3OH abundance. A principal component analysis shows that NGC 4418 and Arp 220 share very similar molecular abundances and excitation, which clearly set them apart from other Galactic and extragalactic environments. The similar molecular abundances observed towards NCG 4418 and Arp 220 are consistent with a hot gas-phase chemistry, with the relative abundances of SiO and CH3_3OH being regulated by shocks and X-ray driven dissociation. The bright emission from vibrationally excited species confirms the presence of a compact IR source, with an effective diameter 350 K. The molecular abundances and the vibrationally excited spectrum are consistent with a young AGN/starburst system. We suggest that NGC 4418 may be a template for a new kind of chemistry and excitation, typical of compact obscured nuclei (CON). Because of the narrow line widths and bright molecular emission, NGC 4418 is the ideal target for further studies of the chemistry in CONs.Comment: accepted by A&A on 29/06/201

    Evidence for a chemically differentiated outflow in Mrk 231

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    Aims: Our goal is to study the chemical composition of the outflows of active galactic nuclei and starburst galaxies. Methods: We obtained high-resolution interferometric observations of HCN and HCO+^+ J=1→0J=1\rightarrow0 and J=2→1J=2\rightarrow1 of the ultraluminous infrared galaxy Mrk~231 with the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer. We also use previously published observations of HCN and HCO+^+ J=1→0J=1\rightarrow0 and J=3→2J=3\rightarrow2, and HNC J=1→0J=1\rightarrow0 in the same source. Results: In the line wings of the HCN, HCO+^+, and HNC emission, we find that these three molecular species exhibit features at distinct velocities which differ between the species. The features are not consistent with emission lines of other molecular species. Through radiative transfer modelling of the HCN and HCO+^+ outflow emission we find an average abundance ratio X(HCN)/X(HCO+)≳1000X(\mathrm{HCN})/X(\mathrm{HCO}^+)\gtrsim1000. Assuming a clumpy outflow, modelling of the HCN and HCO+^+ emission produces strongly inconsistent outflow masses. Conclusions: Both the anti-correlated outflow features of HCN and HCO+^+ and the different outflow masses calculated from the radiative transfer models of the HCN and HCO+^+ emission suggest that the outflow is chemically differentiated. The separation between HCN and HCO+^+ could be an indicator of shock fronts present in the outflow, since the HCN/HCO+^+ ratio is expected to be elevated in shocked regions. Our result shows that studies of the chemistry in large-scale galactic outflows can be used to better understand the physical properties of these outflows and their effects on the interstellar medium (ISM) in the galaxy.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Histological and immunohistochemical characterisation of uterine adenocarcinoma in an Asian elephant (Elephas Maximus)

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    A 56-year-old nulliparous female Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) living at the zoological garden of Naples (Italy), with a clinical history of recurrent colic, was found in agonal state and humane euthanasia was elected. At necropsy the uterine body was moderately increased in size and the lumen was reduced due to a poorly demarcated and infiltrative neoplasm. Furthermore, multiple, whitish, firm nodules were present in both lungs. Histological examination of the uterinemass revealed epithelial cells arranged in tubular or solid pattern infiltrating the endometrium and the muscular layer. Immunohistochemical examination showed immunoreactivity of neoplastic cells to oestrogen receptors antibody. Pulmonary lesions were histologically and immunohistochemically superimposable to the epithelial uterine neoplasm. A definitive diagnosis of uterine adenocarcinoma with pulmonary metastases was made

    Bioaccessible arsenic in soil of thermal areas of Viterbo, Central Italy: implications for human health risk

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    Thermal waters near the city of Viterbo (Central Italy) are known to show high As contents (up to 600 Â”g/l). Travertine is precipitated by these waters, forming extended plateau. In this study, we determine the As content, speciation and bioaccessibility in soil and travertine samples collected near a recreational area highly frequented by local inhabitants and tourists to investigate the risk of As exposure through accidental ingestion of soil particles. (Pseudo)total contents in the studied soils range from 17 to 528 mg/kg, being higher in soil developed on a travertine substrate (197 ± 127 mg/kg) than on volcanic rocks (37 ± 13 mg/kg). In travertines, most As is bound to the carbonatic fraction, whereas in soil the semimetal is mostly associated with the oxide and residual fractions. Accordingly, bioaccessibility (defined here by the simplified bioaccessibility extraction test, SBET; Oomen et al., 2002.) is maximum (up to 139 mg/kg) for soil developed on a travertine substrate, indicating a control of calcite dissolution on As bioaccessibility. On the other hand, risk analysis suggests a moderate carcinogenic risk associated with accidental soil ingestion, while dermal contact is negligible. By contrast, ingestion of thermal water implies a higher carcinogenic and systemic health risk

    High-resolution imaging of the molecular outflows in two mergers: IRAS17208-0014 and NGC1614

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    Galaxy evolution scenarios predict that the feedback of star formation and nuclear activity (AGN) can drive the transformation of gas-rich spiral mergers into ULIRGs, and, eventually, lead to the build-up of QSO/elliptical hosts. We study the role that star formation and AGN feedback have in launching and maintaining the molecular outflows in two starburst-dominated advanced mergers, NGC1614 and IRAS17208-0014, by analyzing the distribution and kinematics of their molecular gas reservoirs. We have used the PdBI array to image with high spatial resolution (0.5"-1.2") the CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) line emissions in NGC1614 and IRAS17208-0014, respectively. The velocity fields of the gas are analyzed and modeled to find the evidence of molecular outflows in these sources and characterize the mass, momentum and energy of these components. While most (>95%) of the CO emission stems from spatially-resolved (~2-3kpc-diameter) rotating disks, we also detect in both mergers the emission from high-velocity line wings that extend up to +-500-700km/s, well beyond the estimated virial range associated with rotation and turbulence. The kinematic major axis of the line wing emission is tilted by ~90deg in NGC1614 and by ~180deg in IRAS17208-0014 relative to their respective rotating disk major axes. These results can be explained by the existence of non-coplanar molecular outflows in both systems. In stark contrast with NGC1614, where star formation alone can drive its molecular outflow, the mass, energy and momentum budget requirements of the molecular outflow in IRAS17208-0014 can be best accounted for by the existence of a so far undetected (hidden) AGN of L_AGN~7x10^11 L_sun. The geometry of the molecular outflow in IRAS17208-0014 suggests that the outflow is launched by a non-coplanar disk that may be associated with a buried AGN in the western nucleus.Comment: Final version in press, accepted by A&A. Reference list updated. Minor typos correcte

    Bioaccessible arsenic in soil of thermal areas of Viterbo, Central Italy: implications for human health risk

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    Thermal waters near the city of Viterbo (Central Italy) are known to show high As contents (up to 600 ”g/l). Travertine is precipitated by these waters, forming extended plateau. In this study, we determine the As content, speciation and bioaccessibility in soil and travertine samples collected near a recreational area highly frequented by local inhabitants and tourists to investigate the risk of As exposure through accidental ingestion of soil particles. (Pseudo)total contents in the studied soils range from 17 to 528 mg/kg, being higher in soil developed on a travertine substrate (197 ± 127 mg/kg) than on volcanic rocks (37 ± 13 mg/kg). In travertines, most As is bound to the carbonatic fraction, whereas in soil the semimetal is mostly associated with the oxide and residual fractions. Accordingly, bioaccessibility (defined here by the simplified bioaccessibility extraction test, SBET; Oomen et al., 2002.) is maximum (up to 139 mg/kg) for soil developed on a travertine substrate, indicating a control of calcite dissolution on As bioaccessibility. On the other hand, risk analysis suggests a moderate carcinogenic risk associated with accidental soil ingestion, while dermal contact is negligible. By contrast, ingestion of thermal water implies a higher carcinogenic and systemic health risk. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10653-021-00914-1

    Molecular gas in the northern nucleus of Mrk273: Physical and chemical properties of the disk and its outflow

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    Aiming to characterise the properties of the molecular gas in the ultraluminous infrared galaxy Mrk273 and its outflow, we used the NOEMA interferometer to image the dense gas molecular tracers HCN, HCO+, HNC, HOC+ and HC3N at 86GHz and 256GHz with angular resolutions of 4.9x4.5 arcsec (3.7x3.4 kpc) and 0.61x0.55 arcsec (460x420 pc). We also modelled the flux of several H2O lines observed with Herschel using a radiative transfer code that includes excitation by collisions as well as by far-infrared photons. The disk of the Mrk273 north nucleus has two components with decoupled kinematics. The gas in the outer parts (1.5 kpc) rotates with a south-east to north-west direction, while in the inner disk (300 pc) follows a north-east to south-west rotation. The central 300 pc, which hosts a compact starburst region, is filled with dense and warm gas, contains a dynamical mass of (4-5)x10^9M_sun, a luminosity of L'_HCN=(3-4)x10^8 K km/s pc^2, and a dust temperature of 55 K. At the very centre, a compact core with R~50 pc has a luminosity of L_IR=4x10^11L_sun (30% of the total infrared luminosity), and a dust temperature of 95 K. The core is expanding at low velocities ~50-100 km/s, probably affected by the outflowing gas. We detect the blue-shifted component of the outflow, while the red-shifted counterpart remains undetected in our data. Its cold and dense phase reaches fast velocities up to ~1000 km/s, while the warm outflowing gas has more moderate maximum velocities of ~600 km/s. The outflow is detected as far as 460 pc from the centre in the northern direction, and has a mass of dense gas <8x10^8M_sun. The difference between the position angles of the inner disk (~70 degree) and the outflow (~10 degree) indicates that the outflow is likely powered by the AGN, and not by the starburst. Regarding the chemistry, we measure an extremely low HCO+/HOC+ ratio of 10+-5 in the inner disk of Mrk273.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 21 pages, 17 figures, 7 tables, and a lot of interesting tex
