55 research outputs found


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    The aim of the study was detection and identification of root knot nematodes infecting the flower crops cultivated in open air and indoor.Studied biological material consist of nematodes was obtained from soil and infested plants using two methods, namely enzymatic digestion for plants samples and Baerman funnel for soil samples.The identification of nematodes has been based on morphobiometrical and molecular characters. It has been identified Meloidogyne incognita (Kofold & White, 1919) Chitwood,1949 in two samples

    The Impact of Graphene Oxide on Bone Regeneration Therapies

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    Currently, there are several tissue engineering strategies meant to overcome the incomplete or insufficient bone regeneration conditions offered by autologous bone graft or surgery approaches. In the last decade, attention has been focused toward finding the equilibrium between a suitable scaffold with osteoinductive properties, a cell source with evident potential to develop bone tissue and the appropriate pro-osteogenic factors to condition the differentiation process after cell-scaffold implantation. Consequently, this chapter aims to discuss the benefits that graphene and its derivatives, graphene oxide (GO), bring both to the scaffold biomaterial and to the interaction between the material and the cellular component in order to create a favorable micro-environment for efficient osteogenic differentiation process. Several advantages of including GO in the composition of the materials are shown in relation to cell viability, proliferation, attachment, and osteogenic differentiation


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    The paper represents a socio-geographic analysis of the products, objects and entities designed and manufactured for an anthropic environment use, looking to evaluate the different types of pleasure and the emotional feedback generated by these elements. The analysis of the four types of pleasure, as well as the innate preference for beauty, was conducted in the urban areas of Lisbon, based on the observations collected in April 2014, with no claims to have gathered all the relevant examples for this modelcity. The conclusion is that the design-approach based on pleasure in the anthropic environment can now be significantly and systematically applied to help create a better environment, in terms of human emotional responses to it

    Oral lichen planus: a retrospective study of 633 patients from Bucharest, Romania

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    Objective: In this retrospective study, patients' medical records were reviewed to investigate the profiles of 633 OLP cases in a group of Romania. Material and Methods: In this retrospective study, the following clinical data were obtained from the medical charts of patients: gender, age, clinical presentation of OLP, site affected, presence of symptoms, extraoral manifestations of lichen planus, presence of systemic diseases, and history of medications. Results: Most (78.67%) OLP patients were female and the mean age at presentation was 52 years. The white type of the disease (reticular/papular/plaque lesions) was the main form encountered in this sample (48.97%). Among patients with available hepatitis C virus test results, 9.6% were serum-positive. OLP was associated with gallbladder disease (i.e. cholecystitis, cholelithiasis) in 19% of patients. Six patients (0.95%) developed squamous cell carcinoma at a site with confirmed OLP lesions. Conclusions: To the best of our knowledge, no similar study has been conducted in a Romanian population. The present investigation revealed the predominance of OLP among middle-aged white women and the prevalence of bilateral involvement of the buccal mucosa with reticular white lesions. Anti-HCV circulating antibodies were more common in patients with OLP than in the general population and, notably, OLP was associated with gallbladder disease (cholecystitis, cholelithiasis) in 19% of patients

    On the order structure on the set of completely multi-positive linear maps on C*-algebras

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    In this paper we characterize the order relation on the set of all completely n-positive linear maps on C*-algebras in terms of the representation associated to each completely n-positive linear map given by Suen\u27s construction


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    Introducere. Achiziţia de masă osoasă continuă şi după atingerea taliei finale în perioada de tranziţie. Deficitul de hormon de creştere (GHD) pare să aibă un efect semnificativ asupra turnover-ului colagenului în timpul copilăriei şi mai puţin în timpul maturităţii. Propeptidul amino terminal al colagenului tip I (P1NP) este un marker de formare osoasă cu variabilitate intraindividuală scăzută faţă de IGF1. Subiecţi şi metodă. 17 pacienţi de sex masculin diagnosticaţi în timpul copilăriei cu GHD, retestaţi în perioada de tranziţie, au fost evaluaţi la minimum 3 luni de la întreruperea tratamentului cu GH. Am evaluat corelaţia P1NP cu IGF1. Am determinat puterea predictivă a P1NP în identificarea pacienţilor cu deficit de GH persistent. Rezultate. Am găsit o corelaţie pozitivă puternică între P1NP şi IGF-1 în grupul de pacienţi care au menţinut deficitul de GH în perioada de adult tânăr (r = 0,72, CI [0,02 la 0,94], p = 0,046). O valoare prag pentru P1NP de - 0,66 SDS prezice persistenţa deficitului de GH cu o sensibilitate de 62,5% CI [24,5 la 91,5], specificitate de 75% CI [47,6 la 92,7] şi AUC = 0,719 CI [0,5 la 0,881], p<0,05. Nu am găsit o diferenţă semnificativă atunci când am comparat AUC pentru cei 2 parametri (p = 0.29). Concluzii. În perioada de tranziţie, atunci când viteza de creştere nu mai este disponibilă, dinamica P1NP în timpul terapiei substitutive cu GH ar putea fi utilă în cuantificarea eficienţei tratamentului

    Skin metastases: three-year study of 50 cases in a university center

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    Introduction. Skin metastases are rare metastases of internal or cutaneous tumors, commonly diagnosed after the primary cancer. Sometimes, they can be the first manifestation of a malignancy. Cutaneous metastases associate a poor prognosis for the patient and the survival rate decreases considerably. The objective of the study was to analyze the clinico-epidemiological and histological characteristics of skin metastases, in order to better understand different types of malignancies and their prognosis, as well as to highlight the particularities of this rare localization of the metastases. Material and methods. We conducted a retrospective study, in which we included 50 cases of skin metastases diagnosed in the Pathology Department of the University Emergency Hospital Bucharest, Romania, over a period of three years. We analyzed the cases from all epidemiological, clinical, gross and histological data, based on the records of the hospital. Results. The patients’ ages ranged from 16 to 92 years old, with a mean age of 60.1 years. Almost half of the patients were females (26 cases). Most of the patients were diagnosed with primary melanoma (17 cases), followed by primary tumors of the gastrointestinal tract (9 cases) and breast carcinomas (8 cases). 29 cases presented with complications, such as ulceration, infection or necrosis. Conclusions. Most of the skin metastases were of malignant melanoma, but any kind of primary tumor can, eventually, disseminate to the skin, conferring a poor prognosis on the patient. Also, any site can be involved, but some malignancies do have preferred areas for dissemination

    Clinico‑morphological aspects and new immunohistochemistry characteristics of ovarian high‑grade serous carcinoma

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    Introduction. High‑grade serous carcinoma of the ovary is an aggressive form of cancer, with unknown precursor lesions and often delayed diagnosis because of non‑specific, mild symptoms. Objective. We performed a clinical‑pathological study of ovarian high‑grade serous carcinomas, in order to evaluate morphological and new immunohistochemistry characteristics of this malignancy. Methods. This is a retrospective study of 10 cases of ovarian high‑grade serous carcinoma. We evaluated patients’ age, symptoms at presentation, macroscopic aspects, bilateral involvement, microscopic features: papillary/solid areas, mitotic index, psammoma bodies, tumoral extension, lymph node metastasis, immunohistochemistry markers: CD44, ER, AR, Ki67 index. Results. Mean age was 56.9 years old. Tumors were bilateral in 50% of cases. Only 30% were limited to the ovary. Maximum tumor diameter was 16 cm. Solid component in a proportion of 50‑95% was more characteristic. Most tumors had a mitotic index of 30‑50 mitosis/10HPF (70% of cases). 20% of cases contained psammoma bodies. 2 cases out of 7 had lymph node metastasis. We noticed one case with pleural metastasis (M1). We observed AR80% was noticed in 30% of cases. CD44 was positive in 50% of cases and one case had diffuse positivity of CD44 in corpus luteum cells near the tumoral bed. Conclusions. The majority of patients with ovarian high‑grade serous carcinomas presented with extraovarian extension and were characterized by high mitotic index, rare presence of psammoma bodies, AR expression <10%, novel marker CD44 positive in 50% of cases and curious positivity in corpus luteum cells associated with the tumor

    Granuloma Gravidarum on the Post-Excisional Scar for an Atypical Melanocytic Lesion During Pregnancy

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    Introduction: Granuloma gravidarum represents a rare lesion, defined as a reactive vascular hyperplasia of pregnancy, that affects mainly the oral mucosa. Very few cases were reported on non-mucous sites. Case presentation: We present the case of a 32-year-old, 18 weeks pregnant patient, that developed a granuloma gravidarum on the excision scar of a volar atypical melanocytic lesion. She presented to the dermatology department with a recently developed melanocytic lesion on her left heel. Dermoscopy showed asymmetry and brown globules in a ring pattern. The lesion was excised with 5 mm margins, under local anesthesia and sedation. The path report and immunohistology revealed a dysplastic melanocytic acral nevus. The excision site closed nicely, but after 5 days a red friable 0,5 cm vascular bleeding tumor developed in one extremity of the scar. Patient refused biopsy. The new tumor raised diagnostic difficulties between a vascular lesion and an amelanotic recurrence of the melanocytic lesion. Due to the path report which showed a benign pigmented lesion and because the lesion was excised completely, granuloma gravidarum was suspected. Patient received local antibiotic treatment and the vascular lesion involuted completely after 3.5 weeks. Conclusion: Pregnant women are at high risk of developing vascular tumors at trauma sites, due to hormonal changes. It’s important to be aware of this surgery complication in pregnant patients, as evolution is usually benign and complete spontaneous resolution is possible

    Characterization of the order relation on the set of completely n-positive linear maps between C<sup>*</sup>-algebras

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    In this paper we characterize the order relation on the set of all nondegenerate completely n-positive linear maps between C*-algebras in terms of a self-dual Hilbert module induced by each completely n-positive linear map