1,560 research outputs found

    Critérios para avaliação de incapacidade laborativa na insuficiência cardíaca

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    ABSTRACT: Introduction: Social Security in Brazil, is a social insurance that guarantees the income of the insured when he loses his job capacity. Among the benefits granted have a disability pension, and for being granted the insured it must undergo medical examination to prove their total and permanent disability. Fourteen percent of disability pensions granted in the last three years were due to diseases of the circulatory system, and the final pathway of the majority of these diseases is heart failure. Objective: To identify criteria for determining total and permanent disability in patients with congestive heart failure in social security skills. Methodology: Literature review, no limit date, held from April to August 2014, using the following key words: heart failure, disability and retirement, the following databases: Pubmed/Medline; BVS (Virtual Health Library); Scopus; Web of Science; and Cochrane. Pension legislation was investigated. Results: Heart failure is crippling to mobility, complex tasks and self-care tasks, and present with moderate or severe cognitive impairment. Heart failure as a complication after infarction is a strong indicator for early retirement, taking as a positive prognostic factor for return to work age less than 60 years, a fraction ejection greater than 35%, lack of funding during the removal, absence of anxiety attacks and work with low physical demands. Discussion: The Grade III or IV heart failure progresses with a disability which, if permanent, will right to disability retirement. Complementary exams should not be used in isolation, and greater than 60 years old, female and high workload are poor prognostic factors. Conclusion: The evaluation of work capacity in heart failure should be taken into consideration clinical, ejection fraction, the cognition, physical demands of the job and conditions of this return, the age and NYHA functional classification or Social Security classification used.Introdução: A Previdência Social, no Brasil, é uma seguradora social que garante a renda do segurado quando ele perde sua capacidade laborativa. Dentre os benefícios concedidos temos a aposentadoria por invalidez, sendo que para sua concessão o segurado deve passar por perícia médica que comprove sua incapacidade total e permanente. Quatorze por cento das aposentadorias por invalidez concedidas nos últimos três anos ocorreram devido a doenças do aparelho circulatório, sendo que a via final das maiorias destas doenças é a insuficiência cardíaca. Objetivo: Identificar critérios para determinar incapacidade total e permanente em segurados portadores de insuficiência cardíaca congestiva em perícias previdenciárias. Metodologia: Revisão bibliográfica, sem limite de data, realizada de abril a agosto de 2014, utilizando os seguintes descritores: insuficiência cardíaca, seguro por invalidez e aposentadoria, nas seguintes bases de dados: Pubmed/Medline; BVS (Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde); Scopus; Web of Science; e Cochrane. A legislação previdenciária foi pesquisada. Resultados: Insuficiência cardíaca pode ser considerada incapacitante para mobilidade, tarefas complexas e tarefas de autocuidado, além de cursar com incapacidade cognitiva moderada ou severa. Insuficiência cardíaca como complicação pós-infarto é forte indicador para aposentadoria precoce, tendo como fator prognóstico positivo para retorno ao trabalho idade menor que 60 anos, fração de ejeção maior que 35%, ausência de financiamento durante o afastamento, ausência de ataques de ansiedade e trabalho com baixa exigência física. Discussão: O Grau III ou IV da insuficiência cardíaca, segundo NYHA e a Previdência Social, cursa com incapacidade que, se permanente, dará direito à aposentadoria por invalidez. Exames complementares não devem ser usados de forma isolada. Idade maior que 60 anos, sexo feminino e alta carga de trabalho são fatores de mau prognóstico. Conclusão: Para a avaliação de capacidade laborativa na insuficiência cardíaca devem ser levados em consideração os achados clínicos, a fração de ejeção, a cognição do examinado, a exigência física do trabalho e as condições de retorno a este, a idade do periciando e a classificação funcional utilizada pela NYHA ou da Previdência Social

    A proposal for an Atmospheric Discharge Protection System (ADPS) for a Public School in the City of Manaus-AM

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    The present study sought to highlight the importance of protection against electric discharges to a school in the public school of the city of Manaus-AM, based on the basic recommendations and guidelines for making decisions presented in the elaboration of a ADPS proposal. The methodology of the work was based on the collection of information on the subject from the theoretical-bibliographic research, as well as the accomplishment of the field research in the school through the technical visits for data collection. The results of the research were presented in the technical verification report of the ADPS need at school, so the study carried out a detailed study on the protection risk management, the analysis of the risk components to the atmospheric discharges, general risk assessment, evaluation the design of the protection system. Based on the report, the research presented the appropriate recommendations to assist school management in decision making, considering the importance of protecting the public heritage from the damages caused by the atmospheric discharges

    Selection of pink grain common bean lines with good cooking ability, resistance to anthracnose and angular leaf spot

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    Cultivares de feijoeiro com grão rosinha foram de grande importância, no passado, e ainda hoje, mesmo com a preferência pelo grão carioca, há nichos de mercado para feijões do grupo Rosinha. Dessa forma, o objetivo do trabalho foi selecionar linhagens de feijoeiro comum com grão rosinha, alta produção de grãos, rápido cozimento e resistentes à antracnose e à mancha angular. A partir de cinco famílias F8 superiores, provenientes do cruzamento entre os genitores Rosinha Maria da Fé e ESAL 693, foram extraídas 143 linhagens as quais foram avaliadas na safra das águas de 2005/2006 em Lavras (MG). Dessas, manteve-se 99 linhagens que foram avaliadas em Lavras e Lambari (MG), na safra da seca de 2006. As 24 linhagens selecionadas foram novamente avaliadas nos dois locais, no inverno de 2006. Os caracteres avaliados foram produção e tipo de grão, tempo de cocção, reação à mancha angular e também, foi realizado o teste de resistência ao patótipo 65 de Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. Nas linhagens, observaram-se variabilidade genética para todos os caracteres avaliados, altas estimativas dos coeficientes de herdabilidade, assegurando elevados ganhos com a seleção. Foram selecionadas quatro linhagens com alta produção, tipo de grão ideal, com rápido tempo de cocção e resistência à mancha angular e à antracnose.Common bean cultivars with pink grain type used to be very important, although there is still some market spot for them. The objective of the research was to select common bean lines with pink grain, high grain yield with good cooking ability, and resistance to anthracnose and angular leaf spot. One hundred and forty three lines were selected from five F8 segregant families derived from the cross Rosinha Maria da Fé x ESAL 693. Those lines were evaluated in the rainy season of 2005/2006 at Lavras county, MG State. Ninety nine lines were kept and tested in the dry season of 2006 at Lavras and Lambari. The 24 selected lines were again evaluated in the same last sites in the winter/spring of 2006. Traits recorded included grain yield, grain type, cooking time, angular leaf spot reaction, and resistance test against the pathotype 65 of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. The lines were genetically different for all traits as confirmed by the high estimates of heritability, assuring high selection gains. Four lines were selected with high grain yield and ideal pink type plus good cooking ability and resistance to anthracnose and angular leaf spot.Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)CNPqFapemi


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    The coffee plant can grow together with different plants, but the presence of allelochemicals can affect the crop post-planting. This study aimed to evaluate the early growth of coffee seedlings following treatment with plant extracts from different botanical families. The experimental design used randomized blocks with four trials, in a 7 × 2 factorial scheme; the first factor consisted of aqueous extracts from six species: canola, crotalaria, brachiaria, sunflower, wheat, and lupine; water was used as the control. The second factor comprised of different botanical parts of the aforementioned six species of plant. The extracts were diluted to 5% concentration and were applied at a dose of 20 mL per plant. The agronomic variables analyzed were plant height (PH), stem diameter (SD), leaf area index (LAI), leaf dry matter (LDM), root dry matter (RDM), and root length (RL). Compared to the canola extract, the application of brachiaria extract resulted in the best response in PH, regardless of the botanical part that constituted the extract, leading to an increase in PH by 3.77 cm. The agronomic character most sensitive to the application of aqueous extracts was PH, in which the brachiaria extract was prominent in inducing the greatest growth, whereas the canola extract hindered the initial development of Arabica coffee seedlings.The coffee plant can grow together with different plants, but the presence of allelochemicals can affect the crop post-planting. This study aimed to evaluate the early growth of coffee seedlings following treatment with plant extracts from different botanical families. The experimental design used randomized blocks with four trials, in a 7 × 2 factorial scheme; the first factor consisted of aqueous extracts from six species: canola, crotalaria, brachiaria, sunflower, wheat, and lupine; water was used as the control. The second factor comprised of different botanical parts of the aforementioned six species of plant. The extracts were diluted to 5% concentration and were applied at a dose of 20 mL per plant. The agronomic variables analyzed were plant height (PH), stem diameter (SD), leaf area index (LAI), leaf dry matter (LDM), root dry matter (RDM), and root length (RL). Compared to the canola extract, the application of brachiaria extract resulted in the best response in PH, regardless of the botanical part that constituted the extract, leading to an increase in PH by 3.77 cm. The agronomic character most sensitive to the application of aqueous extracts was PH, in which the brachiaria extract was prominent in inducing the greatest growth, whereas the canola extract hindered the initial development of Arabica coffee seedlings

    Immobilization of streptavidin on a plasmonic Au-TiO2 thin film towards an LSPR biosensing platform

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    Optical biosensors based on localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) are the future of label-free detection methods. This work reports the development of plasmonic thin films, containing Au nanoparticles dispersed in a TiO2 matrix, as platforms for LSPR biosensors. Post-deposition treatments were employed, namely annealing at 400 °C, to develop an LSPR band, and Ar plasma, to improve the sensitivity of the Au-TiO2 thin film. Streptavidin and biotin conjugated with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were chosen as the model receptor–analyte, to prove the efficiency of the immobilization method and to demonstrate the potential of the LSPR-based biosensor. The Au-TiO2 thin films were activated with O2 plasma, to promote the streptavidin immobilization as a biorecognition element, by increasing the surface hydrophilicity (contact angle drop to 7°). The interaction between biotin and the immobilized streptavidin was confirmed by the detection of HRP activity (average absorbance 1.9 ± 0.6), following a protocol based on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Furthermore, an LSPR wavelength shift was detectable (0.8 ± 0.1 nm), resulting from a plasmonic thin-film platform with a refractive index sensitivity estimated to be 33 nm/RIU. The detection of the analyte using these two different methods proves that the functionalization protocol was successful and the Au-TiO2 thin films have the potential to be used as an LSPR platform for label-free biosensors.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework of the Strategic Funding UIDB/04650/2020, UIDB/04050/2020, and UID/EMS/00285/2020, and by the projects NANO4BIO: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032299, with FCT reference PTDC/FIS-MAC/32299/2017, and CO2Plasmon, with FCT reference EXPL/CTM-REF/0750/2021. Patrícia Pereira-Silva, Diana I. Meira, and Diogo Costa acknowledge FCT for their Ph.D. scholarships, 2020.08235.BD, SFRH/BD/143262/2019, and SFRH/BD/136279/2018, respectively. Augusto Costa-Barbosa also acknowledges FCT for his Ph.D. scholarships SFRH/BD/133513/2017 and COVID/BD/152169/2021. The authors would like to express their gratitude to Nuno P. Barradas (C2TN, University of Lisbon) and Eduardo Alves (IPFN, University of Lisbon) for RBS measurements and analysis

    Socioeconomic Context of Residents in Extractive Reserves of Machadinho D\u27Oeste-Rondônia-Brazil

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    This article aims to analyze the economic, social and environmental perspectives in the territory that comprises the city of Machadinho D\u27oeste in the State of Rondônia, considering the type of economy and its relationship with the issues of deforestation and social problems. The theoretical bases used in the reference are based on reflections on how the Amazon is seen, on how the economy of the State of Rondônia and the municipality of Machadinho D\u27oeste are composed. A semi-structured interview was conducted with the Secretary of Social Action of the Municipality. The analysis of the interview was carried out by the Discourse Analysis (AD) methodology of Dominique Maingueneau. The research findings confirmed what was proposed in the objectives, which indicated that there are no public policies that can meet the socioeconomic demands of residents in the reserves of Machadinho D\u27oeste in Rondônia. These findings only show that the Amazon is seen by many perspectives, of a more exploratory nature of its biome

    Lack of tight association between quality of life and exercise capacity in pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    FUNDAMENTO: Na hipertensão arterial pulmonar (HAP) a qualidade de vida relacionada saúde (QVRS) tem sido investigada em curtos períodos de tempo (semanas), mas pouco se sabe sobre a perspectiva do paciente no médio e longo prazo. OBJETIVO: Analisar o estado de pacientes em terapias específicas de HAP durante um ano de observação, em termos de QVRS, e investigar se possíveis associações entre a capacidade de exercício (CE) e a QVRS persistem no médio prazo. MÉTODOS: Trinta e quatro pacientes em terapias para a HAP (bosentan e/ou sildenafil) foram selecionados (idade de 14 a 58 anos, mediana de 35,5 anos, classe funcional II ou III), e avaliados no momento basal, e 3, 6, 9 e 12 meses depois, usando o teste de caminhada de 6 minutos e questionário SF-36 de QVRS. RESULTADOS: A distância percorrida nos seis minutos não mudou durante o acompanhamento (387 - 432 metros, valores da mediana, p=0.2775), o mesmo para a classe funcional e saturação periférica de oxigênio. Os escores SF-36 também se mantiveram estáveis, com a saúde física sempre pior que a saúde mental. Das 40 possíveis associações entre a CE e QVRS, apenas 12 foram significativas (30%, p<0,05). A previsão de uma QVRS severamente deprimida com base em uma distância percorrida de 235 metros foi específica em &gt;90%, mas sensível em <43%. CONCLUSÃO: Os pacientes com HAP que se mantêm estáveis em termos da CE também parecem fazê-lo em termos de QVRS. Contudo, CE e QVRS não têm ligação consistente com o tempo, e devem ser analisadas como diferentes perspectivas no paciente individual
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