31 research outputs found

    Effect of collection time on the viability of banana pollen grains

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    The objective of this study was to assess the pollen viability of six improved diploid banana plants (AA) collected in different periods of the day, in two seasons of the year (winter and summer), using in vitro germination test and staining. Pollen grains collected at 8 am (anthesis), 10 am, 12 pm, 2 pm and 4 pm were evaluated. We used a culture medium for pollen germination containing 15% sucrose, 0.01% H3BO3, 0.01% KNO3, 0.03% Ca(NO3)2.4H2O, and 0.02% MgSO4.7H2O, solidified with 0.8% agar, adjusted to different pH. The pollen viability was evaluated by staining with 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC). The highest pollen germination rates and viability were obtained at 8 am and the lowest at 4 pm, in both seasons. The average in vitro germination percentage and viability level were negatively influenced by the number of hours after anthesis. During the summer, the pollen viability and in vitro germination rates were highest when compared to winter period. The results presented can help at the selection of genetic materials and enable inferences on the best pollen collection time for use in cross breeding programs for plant improvement

    Conformational flexibility of GRASPs and their constituent PDZ subdomains reveals structural basis of their promiscuous interactome

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    The Golgi complex is a central component of the secretory pathway, responsible for several critical cellular functions in eukaryotes. The complex is organized by the Golgi matrix that includes the Golgi reassembly and stacking protein (GRASP), which was shown to be involved in cisternae stacking and lateral linkage in metazoan. GRASPs also have critical roles in other processes, with an unusual ability to interact with several different binding partners. The conserved N terminus of the GRASP family includes two PSD‐95, DLG, and ZO‐1 (PDZ) domains. Previous crystallographic studies of orthologues suggest that PDZ1 and PDZ2 have similar conformations and secondary structure content. However, PDZ1 alone mediates nearly all interactions between GRASPs and their partners. In this work, NMR, synchrotron radiation CD, and molecular dynamics (MD) were used to examine the structure, flexibility, and stability of the two constituent PDZ domains. GRASP PDZs are structured in an unusual β3α1β4β5α2β6β1β2 secondary structural arrangement and NMR data indicate that the PDZ1 binding pocket is formed by a stable β2‐strand and a more flexible and unstable α2‐helix, suggesting an explanation for the higher PDZ1 promiscuity. The conformational free energy profiles of the two PDZ domains were calculated using MD simulations. The data suggest that, after binding, the protein partner significantly reduces the conformational space that GRASPs can access by stabilizing one particular conformation, in a partner‐dependent fashion. The structural flexibility of PDZ1, modulated by PDZ2, and the coupled, coordinated movement between the two PDZs enable GRASPs to interact with multiple partners, allowing them to function as promiscuous, multitasking proteins

    Processos coletivos de produção de conhecimento em saúde: um olhar sobre o exercício de enfermagem no hospital Proceso colectivo de producción de conocimiento en salud: una visión sobre el ejercicio de enfermería en el hospital Colective process of knowledge production in health: an overview in hospital nursing practice

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    O artigo apresenta reflexões que decorrem de minha participação em uma mesa redonda em que se discutiu a temática Processos coletivos de produção de conhecimento em saúde. Com base em autores como Michel Foucault e Norbert Elias, dentre outros, procuro discutir e problematizar algumas dimensões do processo de produção de um conhecimento particular (o conhecimento científico), em um espaço singular (o hospital), considerando a posição de um saber-fazer específico (o de enfermagem) no contexto de uma prática profissional pontual (o registro ou as anotações de enfermagem) que têm como foco direto de seu trabalho a doença e o corpo doente. Para isso, estruturo o texto em torno de três perguntas inter-relacionadas e inter-dependentes: que saberes conformam e informam o fazer de enfermagem hospitalar? Que saberes o fazer de enfermagem, traduzido nos registros, reforça, legitima e retro-alimenta? Como isso se dá e com que efeitos, para quem?<br>Este artículo presenta algunas reflexiones basadas en la participación de la autora en el workshop cuyo tema central discutió la producción del conocimiento colectivo en salud. Teniendo como basis las ideas de Michel Focault y Norbert Elias la autora discute sus preocupaciones con la dimensión sobre este proceso en un conocimiento particular al considerar el contexto hospitalario y tanbién la posición especifica del saber-hacer de la enfermería en el contexto de la práctica profesional (registros de enfermería), con foco central en el trabajo, la enfermedad y el cuerpo enfermo. En esta dirección el texto es estructurado por tres cuestiones inter-relacionadas y inter-dependientes: cual conocimiento configura el saber-hacer de enfermería en el contexto hospitalario? Cual conocimiento registrado refuerza, legitima y regenera el saber-hacer de enfermería? Como este proceso ucurre, cual y para quien son los efectos?<br>The article presents some reflections based on the authors'participation in a workshop when the subject: colective processes of knowledge production in health was discussed. Based on other authors'ideas such as Michel Focault and Norbert Elias, the author's discussion concerns some dimensions over that process in a particular knowledge considering the hospital setting and also the position of specific nursing know-how in the context of professional practice (nursing records), with central focus in the work, the disease, and the sick body. In that direction the text is structured around three inter-related/dependent central questions: which knowledge configure nursing know how in hospital context? Which registered knowledge reinforce, legitimate and feed-back the nursing know how? How do this process accur, what and for who are those effects

    Conhecimento da equipe de enfermagem sobre higiene oral em pacientes criticamente enfermos El conocimiento del equipo de enfermería sobre higiene oral en pacientes críticamente enfermos Nursing staff's knowledge about oral care in critically ill patients

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o conhecimento dos profissionais de enfermagem, que realizam ou supervisionam os cuidados de higiene oral em pacientes críticos e, secundariamente, verificar como julgam o cuidado prestado. Estudo exploratório, descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, por meio de instrumento elaborado pelos autores, aplicado a enfermeiros e técnicos que atuam em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) de médio porte de Porto Alegre. Os resultados mostram que 50% dos enfermeiros e 72,8% dos técnicos concordam que a higiene oral no paciente crítico é importante, mas não há relação com a pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica (PAVM). Da amostra, 16,6% dos enfermeiros e 66,6% dos técnicos de enfermagem concordam que a rotina da instituição é adequada, sendo que 66,6% dos enfermeiros e 30,7% dos técnicos indicam novas práticas. Isso nos sugere que a higiene oral em pacientes internados não tem constituído uma preocupação evidente, tanto na assistência quanto nas práticas de educação em saúde.<br>El objetivo fue evaluar el conocimiento de los profesionales de enfermería que realizan o supervisan el cuidado de la higiene oral en pacientes críticos y, en segundo lugar, para ver cómo juzgar la atención proporcionada. Estudio exploratorio descriptivo con enfoque cuantitativo, usando un instrumento desarrollado por los autores, aplicado a los enfermeros y técnicos que trabajan en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) de un hospital de tamaño mediano de la ciudad de Porto Alegre. Los resultados muestran que el 50% de los enfermeros y el 72,8% de los técnicos concuerdan que la higiene bucal en los pacientes críticos es importante, pero no hay ninguna relación con la neumonía asociada al ventilador (NAV). De la muestra, el 16,6% de los enfermeros y el 66,6% de los técnicos de enfermería concuerdan que la rutina de la institución es adecuada, mientras que el 66,6% de los enfermeros y el 30,7% de los técnicos indican nuevas prácticas. Esto nos sugiere que la higiene bucal en los pacientes hospitalizados no ha sido una preocupación evidente, en las prácticas de cuidado y educación para la salud.<br>The objective of this study was to assess the knowledge of nursing professionals who perform or supervise the oral hygiene care in critically ill patients and, secondarily, to verify their opinion about the care provided. This is an exploratory study with a quantitative approach, using an instrument developed by the authors applied to the nurses and technicians working in a mid-sized Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in Porto Alegre. The results show that 50% of nurses and 72.8% of technicians agree that oral hygiene is important in critically ill patients, but there is no relation to ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Fromthe sample, 16.6% of nurses and 66.6% of nursing technicians agree that the routine of the institution is adequate, and 66.6% of nurses and 30.7% of technicians indicate new practices. This suggests that oral hygiene in hospitalized patients has not been an evident concern, regarding health education practices and care