35 research outputs found


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    This work aims to describe the composition, relative abundance and frequency of occurrence of microphytoplankton in the Arienga River, determined from the analysis of ten samples collected in the rainy and dry seasons (May and September 2009 respectively), during five stations, using a plankton net with a mesh size of 20mm. In the period studied, the rainfall showed an atypical behavior, compared to the average of the last ten years for the region, as pH and temperature did not undergone changes. A total of 128 species were identified, belonging to divisions: Dinophyta (0.78%), Chrysophyta (0.78%), Cyanobacterium (12.50%), Chlorophyta (26.56%), and Bacillariophyta (59.38%). Of Genres found, 17 had 100% of representativeness at in both fenods. It was possible to confirm two large groups, suggesting that the rainfall regime was the main controller factor of phytoplankton composition and spatial variation of species along the Arienga River. The phytoplankton diversity was considered characteristic of the Amazon region; therefore, it is considered that the human action did not affect the phytoplankton community of the Arienga River to date.Keywords: phytoplankton; estuary; Amazon; Bacillariophyta; Polymyxus coronalis.Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever a composição, abundância relativa e frequência de ocorrência do microfitoplâncton do rio Arienga, a partir da análise qualitativa de 10 amostras coletadas no período chuvoso e seco (respectivamente maio e setembro de 2009), em cinco estações, utilizando-se uma rede cônico-cilíndrica de plâncton com abertura de malha de 20mm. No período estudado a precipitação pluviométrica apresentou um comportamento atípico, comparado à média dos últimos 10 anos para a região, o pH e a temperatura não sofreram variações. Foram identificadas 128 espécies pertencentes às divisões: Dinophyta (0,78%), Chrysophyta (0,78%), Cyanobactéria (12,50%), Chlorophyta (26,56%) e Bacillariophyta (59,38%). Dos gêneros encontrados, 17 apresentaram 100% de representatividade, nos períodos de coleta. Foi possível constatar dois grandes grupos, sugerindo que o regime pluviométrico foi o principal fator controlador da composição fitoplanctônica e da variação espacial de espécies do rio Arienga. A diversidade fitoplanctônica foi considerada característica para a região amazônica.Palavras-chave: fitoplâncton, estuário, Amazônia, Bacillariophyta, Polymyxus coronalis

    Evaluation of evening versus morning levothyroxine intake in elderly (MONIALE)

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    Background: The aging population is associated with increased multimorbidity and polypharmacy. Older adults are at a higher risk of adverse events and reduced therapeutic response. This phenomenon is partially explained by drug interactions and treatment adherence. Most randomized clinical trials have found no significant differences between morning and evening levothyroxine (LT4) administration in young adults, but there is little evidence regarding alternative LT4 regimens in older populations. Thus, the MONIALE trial aims to test an alternative schedule for LT4 administration in older adults. Methods/design: This randomized crossover clinical trial will include participants aged 60 years or older with primary hypothyroidism. The trial groups will consist of morning LT4 intake (60 min before breakfast) or evening LT4 intake (60 min after supper). The primary outcome will be variation in serum thyrotropin (TSH) levels after 24 weeks of the LT4 protocol. The secondary outcomes will be the prevalence of drugs that potentially interact with LT4 and hypothyroidism control according to interaction status. The sample size was calculated to detect a minimum mean difference of 1 mUI/L in serum TSH level between the groups with 80% power and a 5% probability of type I error, resulting in 91 patients per group. The project was approved by the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre Ethics Committee. Discussion: Considering the aging population, the increased prevalence of multimorbidity and polypharmacy, as well as potential drug interactions and treatment adherence difficulties, an alternative LT4 protocol could be useful for hypothyroidism treatment in the elderly. Prior studies comparing alternative LT4 administration protocols have mainly included young adult populations and have not addressed potential drug interactions


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    This paper aims to analyze the History teaching in the initial grades of the Elementary School through the analyzes of the National Curriculum Parameters – the PCNs – and through its interdisciplinary revaluation. We understand that it is imperious the theoretical revaluation, into an interdisciplinary perspective for the full development of the individual as one historical subject. We understand that historical knowledge is decisive in the formation of the citizenship of the subjects. We had sought to intertwine theory, which focus on the subject and the activation, on the classroom daily, with the PCNs of History subject. Considering the PCNs as documents elaborated to the expansion of the interdisciplinary teaching practice, it may be seen an opportunity to revaluate the History as a school subject and also its wider approach to the ethos of the subjects, talking to cross-cutting themes which are included in the objectives of the PCNs of History. The teaching practice must be understood as a space for the construction of citizenship, breaking with practices in plaster and crystallized. So, we are seeking to understand how this process will be able to become reality through theoretical analysis that expatiates upon education and teaching from that perspective.  Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a disciplina de História nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental através da análise dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais – PCNs – da e sua reavaliação interdisciplinar. Entendemos ser premente a reavaliação teórica, dentro de uma perspectiva interdisciplinar para o pleno desenvolvimento do individuo, enquanto sujeito histórico. Entendemos que o conhecimento histórico é decisivo na formação da cidadania dos sujeitos. Procuramos entrelaçar teóricos, que versam sobre o tema e a efetivação, no cotidiano da sala de aula, com os PCNs da disciplina de Histórias. Sendo os PCNs documentos elaborados para a ampliação da prática interdisciplinar docente, vê-se uma possibilidade de reavaliação da disciplina de História e sua maior aproximação com o ethos dos sujeitos, dialogando com temas transversais que estão inscritos nos objetivos dos PCNs da disciplina de História. A prática docente deve ser entendida como um espaço de construção da cidadania, rompendo com práticas engessadas e cristalizadas. Buscamos assim compreender como esse processo poder-se-á tornar-se realidade, a partir de análises teóricas que discorrem sobre a educação e o ensino sob essa perspectiva


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    Este trabalho foi realizado no Parque Estadual do Charapucu, sendo pioneiro para o arquipélago do Marajó e teve como objetivo conhecer a diversidade do fitoplâncton correlacionada com os fatores físico-químicos da água dos rios que margeiam e cortam este Parque. Para o estudo das variáveis físico-químicas, quali-quantitativo do fitoplâncton e para determinação da clorofila-a foram coletadas amostras nos meses de maio e outubro de 2013, representando os períodos de maior (mês chuvoso) e menor (mês seco) precipitação pluviométrica, respectivamente. Foram identificadas 164 espécies com o predomínio da classe Zygnematophyceae em riqueza. Os táxons Aulacoseira granulata, Aulacoseira spp., Coscinodiscus sp., Cryptomonas ovata, Eudorina elegans, Eunotia spp., Eunotia pectinalis, Mougeotia sp., Paralia sulcata, Pseudanabaena spp., Pseudanabaena mucicola, Surirella spp., Thalassionema nitzshioides e Ulotrix spp. se destacaram em termos de freqüência e abundância. A maioria das variáveis físico-químicas e biológicas apresentou variação ao longo do estudo sendo reguladas por flutuações de precipitação pluviométrica e pelas características típicas das águas brancas e pretas. A densidade foi mais elevada durante o período seco em águas brancas e a clorofila-a variou apenas sazonalmente, sendo os maiores valores registrados no mês seco. As correlações mostraram que a dinâmica da comunidade fitoplanctônica foi influenciada principalmente pelas variáveis temperatura, pH, condutividade elétrica, sólidos totais dissolvidos, potencial de oxi-redução, nitrato, fósforo total e clorofila-a. Palavras-chave: Diversidade, Plâncton, Zygnematophyceae, Amazônia.This work was conducted in the Charapucu State Park, a pioneer to the archipelago of Marajó and aimed to understand the diversity of phytoplankton correlated with physical-chemical factors of the water of the rivers that border and cut this park. To study the physical and chemical variables, qualitative and quantitative phytoplankton and determination of chlorophyll-a samples were collected in May and October 2013, representing the periods of highest (rainy month) and lower (dry month) rainfall. 164 species were identified, with the predominance of Zygnematophyceae class in ofrichness. The taxa Aulacoseira granulata, Aulacoseira spp., Coscinodiscus sp., Cryptomonas ovata, Eudorina elegans, Eunotia spp., Eunotia pectinalis, Mougeotia sp., Paralia sulcata, Pseudanabaena spp. Pseudanabaena mucicola, Surirella spp. Thalassionema nitzshioides and Ulotrix spp. were the most frequent and abundant. Most physical and biological variables showed variation throughout the study period being regulated by rainfall fluctuations and the typical characteristics of white and black waters. The density was significantly higher during the dry season and in white waters. The chlorophyll-a varied seasonally and the highest values were recorded in the dry months. The correlations showed that the phytoplankton community was mainly influenced by the variables temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, redox potential, nitrate, total phosphorus and chlorophyll-a.Keywords: Diversity; Plankton; Zygnematophyceae; Amazon

    Macroinvertebrados bentônicos como bioindicadores da qualidade ambiental do estuário do Rio Pará, uma área úmida da Amazônia Oriental

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    O estudo caracterizou e avaliou o uso da comunidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos como indicadora de impactos em diferentes ambientes estuarinos na área do Complexo Portuário Industrial (CPI) de Vila do Conde (Pará, região amazônica). A fauna de praias e rios, em setores do estuário sob diferentes graus de impacto ambiental (alto, médio e baixo), foi comparada em distintos períodos sazonais. A macrofauna foi composta por grupos tipicamente dulcícolas e estuarinos. As praias apresentaram sedimento com textura variando de areia média a grossa, com macrofauna menos rica ( = 4,5 ± SE 0,3 táxons/amostra) e densa ( = 1.838,1 ± 164,8 ind./m2), quando comparados aos rios ( = 5,9 ± 0,3 táxons/amostra e 3.248,9 ± 77,0 ind./m2), os quais foram ambientes mais lamosos. Para ambos os ambientes, locais no setor de alto impacto eram de menor riqueza ( = 4,7 ± 0,3 táxons/amostra) e densidade ( = 2.812,9 ± 232,7 ind./m2), quando comparados ao do setor de baixo impacto  ( = 7,6 ± 0,4 táxons/amostra e 3.314,3 ± 230,1 ind./m2). A riqueza ( = 6,4 ± 0,3 táxons/amostra) e densidade ( = 3.859,4 ± 190,2 ind./m2) foram mais altas no período mais chuvoso, do que no período menos chuvoso ( = 4,8 ± 0,3 táxons/amostra e 1.933,0 ± 172,1 ind./m2). Contudo, não ocorreram modificações sazonais significativas na composição. Os resultados indicaram que a estrutura da comunidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos no entorno do CPI responde à perda da qualidade ambiental, com efeitos extremos de queda na abundância e diversidade. Táxons mais tolerantes (Namalycastis caetensis, Cirolana sp., Pseudosphaeroma sp., Tubificidae e Chironominae) e sensíveis (Hydropsychidae e Eteone sp.) às condições de impactos foram identificados e avaliados como potenciais bioindicadores. The study characterized and evaluated the use of the benthic macroinvertebrate community as an indicator of impacts in different estuarine environments around the Industrial Port Complex (IPC) of Vila do Conde (Pará State, Amazon region). Fauna of beaches and rivers, in sectors of the estuary under different degrees of environmental impact (high, medium, and low), was compared in different seasonal periods. Macrofauna was composed of typically fresh-water and estuarine groups. Beaches presented sediment with a texture ranging from medium to coarse sand, with a less rich macrofauna ( = 4.5 ± SE 0.3 taxa/sample) and dense ( = 1,838.1 ± 164.8 ind./m2) of organisms when compared to rivers ( = 5.9 ± 0.3 taxa/sample, and 3,248.9 ± 77.0 ind./m2), which were environments more muddy. For both environments, sites in the high-impact sector were less rich ( = 4.7 ± 0.3 taxa/sample) and dense ( = 2,812.9 ± 232.7 ind./m2) when compared to those in the low-impact sector ( = 7.6 ± 0.4 taxa/sample, and 3,314.3 ± 230.1 ind./m2). Richness ( = 6.4 ± 0.3 taxa/sample) and density ( = 3,859.4 ± 190.2 ind./m2) were higher in the rainier season when compared to the less rainy season ( = 4.8 ± 0.3 taxa/sample, and 1,933.0 ± 172.1 ind./m2). However, there were no significant seasonal changes in composition. Results indicated that the structure of the benthic macroinvertebrate community surrounding the IPC responds to the loss of environmental quality, with extreme effects of a drop in abundance and diversity. Taxa that are more tolerant (Namalycastis caetensis, Cirolana sp., Pseudosphaeroma sp., Tubificidae, and Chironominae) and sensitive (Hydropsychidae and Eteone sp.) to impact conditions were identified and evaluated as potential bioindicators

    Evaluation of bedtime vs. morning levothyroxine intake to control hypothyroidism in older patients : a pragmatic crossover randomized clinical trial

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    Introduction: Drug scheduling in older adults can be a challenge, especially considering polypharmacy, physical dependency, and possible drug interactions. Properly testing alternative treatment regimens could therefore help to overcome treatment barriers. Hypothyroidism is a prevalent condition in older adults, however, studies evaluating Lthyroxine treatment effectiveness in this specific age group are still lacking. Most studies testing an evening administration of levothyroxine were mainly composed of younger adults. Therefore, this trial is aimed to assess if evening levothyroxine (LT4) administration can effectively control hypothyroidism in older patients. Materials and Methods: A randomized crossover clinical trial was conducted between June 2018 and March 2020 at the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, a teaching hospital in Brazil, to compare the efficacy of morning and evening administration of LT4 for hypothyroidism control in older patients. The study protocol is published elsewhere. A total of 201 participants, ≥60 years old, with primary hypothyroidism treated with LT4 for at least 6 months and on stable doses for at least 3 months were included. Participants were randomly assigned to a starting group of morning LT4 intake (60min before breakfast) or bedtime LT4 intake (60min after the last meal). After ≥12 weeks of follow-up, a crossover between strategies was performed. The primary outcome was the change in serum thyrotropin (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone; TSH) levels after 12 weeks of each LT4 administration regimen. Results: A total of 201 participants with mean age of 72.4 ± 7.2 years were included, out of which 84.1% were women; baseline characteristics and frequency of controlled hypothyroidism were similar between groups. Mean baseline TSH was 3.43 ± 0.25 mUI/L. In total, 118 participants attended three meetings, allowing 135 comparisons by crossover analytic strategy. Mean TSH levels after follow-up were 2.95 ± 2.86 in the morning group and 3.64 ± 2.86 in the bedtime group, p = 0.107. Discussion: Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone levels and frequency of controlled hypothyroidism were similar during the follow-up period regardless of the treatment regimen (morning or bedtime)


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    A irrigação dos canais radiculares se inicia na fase da abertura coronária e se estende durante toda a etapa da instrumentação, em que o agente irrigador é geralmente o hipoclorito de sódio, que é aplicado dentro do canal por meio de uma seringa e uma cânula. Ela deve ser executada mantendo-se um trajeto de refluxo entre a cânula de irrigação e o canal radicular. Se muito afastada da região apical compromete a limpeza dessa área, e se muito próxima eliminará o trajeto de refluxo. Foi produzido um vídeo como componente de avaliação para o componente curricular Prevenção Terapêutica Polpa Dentária II com o intuito de tornar mais didática a forma de aprendizado, relatando um acidente na irrigação ocorrido em uma situação de um consultório. O vídeo foi elaborado no modelo de programa de televisão chamado Odontometria Direta, com a apresentadora explicando o assunto, mostrando uma cena de reconstrução de um suposto caso ocorrido e detalhando os erros cometidos pelo cirurgião-dentista e o estado da paciente acometida. Durante a irrigação dos canais radiculares acidentes podem ocorrer, atrapalhando a execução do tratamento, entre os quais se destaca a injeção de líquido no tecido periapical, pois, apesar das suas ações benéficas, como dissolver matéria orgânica, o hipoclorito de sódio, quando infiltrado sob pressão, promove um efeito tóxico sobre tecidos vitais, ulceração da pele e necrose. A melhor forma de evitar tal acidente é adotar medidas preventivas como o uso do isolamento absoluto, a colocação de cursores de borracha nas limas e agulhas irrigadoras, além da irrigação lenta. O tratamento é paliativo, a dor pode ser controlada por anestesia local ou analgésicos, aplicação de compressas frias para o edema e bochechos com água morna para estimular a circulação local, além do monitoramento do paciente nos dias seguintes para controle da sua recuperação.Palavras-chave: Endodontia. Acidentes. Hipoclorito

    Importance of Early Recognition of Arterial Hypertension in Children and Adolescents: The Nursing Function in Ambulatory Monitoring

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    Arterial hypertension is considered an epidemic, remaining as the main cause of death and global disability. As high blood pressure in childhood is highly predictive of high blood pressure in adulthood, there has been a growing interest in the early recognition of this condition in the pediatric population, through outpatient screening in children over three years of age. Objective: to emphasize the importance of routine monitoring of blood pressure measurement in children and adolescents in childcare consultations. Methodology: This is a literature review of published articles, searched through the PubMed, Virtual Health Library and Google Scholar databases. Results: 12 scientific articles were selected as the data source for the present study, seven in English and five in Portuguese. Conclusion: the measurement of blood pressure in all consultations with children is important. If the disease is identified, treatment must be instituted, which will vary between non-pharmacological and pharmacological therapies, which should be introduced for all pediatric patients with blood pressure values above the acceptable percentile for age. In this sense, it is pertinent that nurses acquire and develop skills that make it possible to implement strategies for the prevention of hypertension, as well as the early identification of children and adolescents at risk of arterial hypertension