1,713 research outputs found

    The Changing Face of Milk Production, Milk Quality and Milking Technology in Brazil

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    This introductory paper gives an overview of milk production in Brazil and discusses a series of recent regulations implemented to improve milk quality with the purpose of asserting the Brazilian dairy industry as a competitor on the international market. It also points out the economic advantage of setting design guidelines for milking machines that would be best suited to Brazilian crossbred cows.Brazilian Milk Quality, Brazil Dairy Industry, Brazilian Milk Production, Brazilian Milk Prices, Agribusiness, Farm Management, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Industrial Organization, International Development, Political Economy,

    Clima social escolar en adolescentes de instituciones educativas estatales femeninas, masculinas y mixtas de Trujillo

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    Se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo comparativo del clima social escolar en adolescentes de instituciones educativas estatales femeninas, masculinas y mixtas de Trujillo. Para ello se trabajó con una muestra de 321 estudiantes, varones y mujeres, del 3er, 4to y 5to grado de secundaria de tres instituciones educativas estatales de Trujillo, de los cuales 107 pertenecen a una I.E. femenina, 107 pertenecen a una I.E. masculina y 107 pertenecen a una I.E. mixta, con registro de matrícula en el año escolar 2017, empleando para su evaluación Escala de Clima Social Escolar (CES) de Moos y Trickett (1974). Los resultados muestran que difiere muy significativamente el clima social escolar a nivel general y sus dimensiones Relaciones, Autorrealización y Estabilidad entre los tres grupos contrastados. Asimismo, no se encontró diferencia en la dimensión Cambio.A comparative descriptive study of the school social climate has been carried out in adolescents from the state educational institutions of women, men and mixed of Trujillo. To this end, we worked with a sample of 321 students, male and female, of the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade of secondary school of three state educational institutions of Trujillo, of which 107 belong to an I.E. female, 107 belong to an I.E. male and 107 belong to an I.E. mixed, with registration of enrollment in the school year 2017, using for its evaluation School Social Climate Scale (CES) of Moos and Trickett (1974). The results show that the social school climate at a general level and its dimensions Relations, Self-realization and Stability among the three contrasting groups differ very significantly. Likewise, no difference was found in the Change dimension.Tesi

    Effects of Mitomycin C in Early Conjunctival Inflammation after Pterygium Surgery

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare inflammatory events and graft characteristics 1 month and 6 months after conjunctival limbal autograft (CLAU) with and without intraoperative mitomycin C (MMC). Methods: This study included 69 eyes of 69 patient’s eyes with pterygium. Clinical data concerning patient demography, preoperative examination including pterygium morphology, recurrence clinical assessment, and complications after CLAU with (MMC+) and without (MMC-) intraoperative MMC were all registered at 1 month and 6 months after surgery. Results: Thirty-five eyes were included in MMC+ and 34 in MMC-. Preoperative data were similar in both groups (Student’s t test and Fisher’s exact test; p > 0.05). Thirty-four (49.6%) eyes in the whole sample showed at least one inflammatory complication at 1 month after surgery. MMC- group showed a significantly higher number of cases with complications (p 0.05; Chi2 test). Pyogenic granuloma developed at the surgical site in three eyes (4.37%), two of those granulomas were at the MMC- group (p > 0.05). Tendency for recurrences was significantly different between both groups (p = 0.0001; Fisher’s exact test) at the end of 6 months. Thirteen (38%) eyes showed recurrence in MMC- and no cases were displayed in MMC+. Presence of at least 1 inflammatory event was only seen in 16 (23%) cases, all of them in MMC-. Specifically, 15 (44%) eyes showed hyperemia and one (3%) eye presented conjunctival hemorrhages. No new cases of pyogenic granuloma or graft contraction were seen at this time point in both groups. Hyperemia was the only specific event with significant differences between MMC- and MMC+ (p = 0.0001; Fisher’s exact test) at 6 months after surgery. Conclusion: The eyes receiving intraoperative MMC after CLAU seem to present less hyperemia and graft contraction after surgery than those that did not receive MMC as an adjuvant factor. Intraoperative MMC could be associated with a lower recurrence rates.Postprint (author's final draft

    Retratos de Família. O Ensino-Aprendizagem da Interculturalidade, Mudança e Diversidade no Contexto do Ensino Superior

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    Este poster apresenta e sintetiza resultados da experiência de ensino-aprendizagem no âmbito da UC ‘Sociologia da Família’ [SOC2410], disciplina obrigatória do curso de 1.º ciclo de estudos em Sociologia e optativa para o curso de 1.º ciclo em Ciências da Educação na Universidade de Évora (Portugal), no ano letivo 2014/15, tomando como ponto de partida a análise de expressões da cultura que atravessam o quotidiano de estudantes e professores (e.g. obras literárias, músicas, filmes, peças de teatro, séries ou programas televisivos, pinturas, esculturas, etc.). A partir de uma análise detalhada das músicas “Postal dos Correios” (Rio Grande, 1996) e “Family Portrait” (Pink, 2001), explora-se o processo de modernização da família e extraem-se os “retratos de família” que permitem discutir transversalmente esta instituição como construção sociocultural

    Selection of artichoke plants and analysis of correlation between quantitative traits for fresh consumption

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    The goals of the present study were to evaluate and select artichoke plants suitable for fresh consumption and to establish correlations between quantitative traits. Clones from 39 accessions were obtained from the germplasm collection of the University of Passo Fundo and evaluated for 17 quantitative and 3 qualitative traits. Data on quantitative traits were subjected to analysis of variance followed by a Tukey test at p<0.05 to compare averages, and correlations were analyzed using the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. Significant differences were observed for 9 of the 17 quantitative traits analyzed, and 10 of the 39 accessions presented higher values for some of those traits than the remaining tested accessions. Significant correlations were observed between several traits and the capitulum yield, which makes indirect selection easier. For the qualitative traits, nine accessions were selected that presented circular head, violet colored bracts and absence of thorns, which are desirable traits for fresh consumption.Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron evaluar y seleccionar plantas de alcachofa aptas para consumo en fresco y establecer correlaciones entre caracteres cuantitativos. Treinta y nueve accesiones pertenecientes a la colección de germoplasma de la Universidad de Passo Fundo fueron clonadas y luego evaluadas para 17 caracteres cuantitativos y 3 cualitativos. Los datos correspondientes a los caracteres cuantitativos fueron sometidos a análisis de varianza seguido por una prueba comparación de valores medios de Tukey (p<0,05); las correlaciones fueron analizadas utilizando el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson. Se observaron diferencias significativas para 9 de los 17 caracteres cuantitativos analizados y 10 de las 39 accesiones mostraron elevados valores para algunos de esos caracteres. Se observaron valores significativos de correlación entre varios caracteres y el rendimiento, lo que facilita la selección indirecta. Considerando los caracteres cualitativos, se seleccionaron nueve accesiones por presentar capítulo esférico, brácteas violetas y ausencia de espinas, las cuales son características deseables para el consumo en fresco.Fil: Reolon Costa, A.. Universidade de Passo Fundo; BrasilFil: Grando, M. F.. Universidade de Passo Fundo; BrasilFil: Cravero, Vanina Pamela. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Almeida, A.. Universidade de Passo Fundo; Brasi

    Mechanisms of Neuroprotection by Quercetin: Counteracting Oxidative Stress and More

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    Increasing interest has recently focused on determining whether several natural compounds, collectively referred to as nutraceuticals, may exert neuroprotective actions in the developing, adult, and aging nervous system. Quercetin, a polyphenol widely present in nature, has received the most attention in this regard. Several studies in vitro, in experimental animals and in humans, have provided supportive evidence for neuroprotective effects of quercetin, either against neurotoxic chemicals or in various models of neuronal injury and neurodegenerative diseases. The exact mechanisms of such protective effects remain elusive, though many hypotheses have been formulated. In addition to a possible direct antioxidant effect, quercetin may also act by stimulating cellular defenses against oxidative stress. Two such pathways include the induction of Nrf2-ARE and induction of the antioxidant/anti-inflammatory enzyme paraoxonase 2 (PON2). In addition, quercetin has been shown to activate sirtuins (SIRT1), to induce autophagy, and to act as a phytoestrogen, all mechanisms by which quercetin may provide its neuroprotection

    Controlo de custos : estágio na Indústria Transformadora de Papel, S.A.

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    Mestrado em Contabilidade e Finanças (parceria com a APNOR) na Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do CasteloCom o crescimento da Indústria e aumento da globalização, o mundo empresarial revela-se cada vez mais competitivo. As empresas procuram ferramentas de gestão e de controlo para melhorar o funcionamento das suas atividades, e a qualidade dos seus produtos/ serviços. A contabilidade analítica é uma ferramenta fulcral no desenvolvimento das diferentes técnicas de controlo de uma organização, sendo o controlo de custos o objetivo principal desta temática. Neste contexto, e devido à importância atribuída, é ao tema controlo de custos que o relatório de estágio fará abordagem, para além da descrição das atividades desenvolvidas. O controlo de custos é um assunto que tem vindo a crescer de importância ao longo das últimas décadas, havendo a necessidade da sua implementação no meio empresarial para existência de uma melhoria nos resultados e redução dos custos. A palavra-chave da eficiência e eficácia de uma empresa está ligada diretamente a forma de aquisição do seu lucro, sendo essencial a análise de custos de produção ou do serviço prestado na sua obtenção. Então, as organizações que se focam no controlo dos seus custos beneficiam de maiores possibilidades de crescimento e obtenção de sucesso, para além da vantagem de possuir informações proveitosas na tomada de decisões.With the growth of industry and increasing globalization, the business world appears to be competitive. Companies are looking for management tools and control to improve the functioning of their activities and the quality of their products / services. Cost accounting is a key tool in the development of different control an organization techniques, and cost control the main objective of this theme. In this context, and because of the importance attached to the issue is cost control that the probation report will approach, beyond the description of activities. Cost control is a subject that has been growing in importance over the last decades, with the need for its implementation in the business environment for the existence of improved outcomes and reduced costs. The keyword efficiency and effectiveness of a company is directly linked to the form of purchase of your income, it is essential to analysis of production costs or of service in obtaining. So, organizations that have focus on controlling costs benefit from higher growth opportunities and achieving success, apart from the advantage of having useful information in making decisions.Con el crecimiento de la industria y la creciente globalización, el mundo de los negocios parece ser cada vez más competitivo. Las empresas buscan cada vez más herramientas de gestión y control para mejorar el funcionamiento de sus actividades, y la calidad de sus productos / servicios. La contabilidad de costos es una herramienta clave en el desarrollo de diferentes técnicas de control de una organización, así como el control de costes el principal objetivo de este tema. En este contexto, y debido a la importancia que se concede al tema es el control de costes que el informe de libertad condicional se acercará, más allá de la descripción de las actividades. El control de costos es un tema que ha ido creciendo en importancia en las últimas décadas, con la necesidad de su aplicación en el entorno de negocios para la existencia de la mejora de los resultados y costes reducidos. La eficiencia y la eficacia de una empresa de palabras clave está directamente relacionada con la forma de compra de sus ingresos, es fundamental para el análisis de los costos de producción o de servicio en la obtención. Por lo tanto, las organizaciones que se centran en el control de costos se benefician de mayores oportunidades de crecimiento y lograr el éxito, además de la ventaja de contar con información útil en la toma de decisiones

    Social representations of municipal counselors regarding social control in health in the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS)

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    Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as representações sociais dos conselheiros municipais de saúde acerca do controle social em saúde. Foram realizadas 60 entrevistas com os conselheiros de dezenove municípios da Região Integrada do Distrito Federal e Entorno (RIDE-DF). A análise foi feita com o software Analyse Lexicale par Context d' um Essemble de Segments de Texte (ALCESTE) que apreendeu dois eixos temáticos: o primeiro, que trata das fragilidades dos conselhos de saúde, constituídas por quatro classes (as limitações no poder de decisão, a burocratização das práticas cotidianas, as fragilidades da participação social; as limitações na prática da representação); e o segundo, que trata do sistema de saúde na RIDE-DF, constituído por apenas uma classe que expressa à precária organização da atenção à saúde na RIDE-DF. A representação social do controle com foco na participação social parece ser constrangida por um ritual – o da burocratização das políticas e práticas nos conselhos. Essa forma de organização e funcionamento dos conselhos, hierarquizada e burocratizada, ancoradas em modelos de gestão centralizadora, têm distanciado os conselheiros das discussões sobre as necessidades de saúde, voltados para a construção de Projeto de Saúde coletivos.This study seeks to analyze the social representations of municipal health counselors regarding social control in health. Sixty interviews were conducted with counselors of nineteen counties within the Integrated Federal District Region and Surrounding Areas (RIDE-DF). Data analysis was conducted with the use of French Alceste software, which included two thematic groups. The first dealt with the weaknesses of health councils, consisting of four categories: limitations in decision-making powers, bureaucratization of everyday practices, weaknesses in social participation and limitations in the practice of representation. The second dealt with the health system in RIDE-DF, consisting of only one category that expresses the precarious organization of health care in RIDE-DF. Social representation of social control, with a focus on social participation appears to be constrained by a ritual, namely the bureaucratization of policies and practices in the councils. This form of hierarchical and bureaucratic organization and operation of the council, based on a centralizing management model, has distanced the counselors from discussing health needs geared to the construction of public Health Projects