1,362 research outputs found

    Explicit fairness in testing semantics

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    In this paper we investigate fair computations in the pi-calculus. Following Costa and Stirling's approach for CCS-like languages, we consider a method to label process actions in order to filter out unfair computations. We contrast the existing fair-testing notion with those that naturally arise by imposing weak and strong fairness. This comparison provides insight about the expressiveness of the various `fair' testing semantics and about their discriminating power.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figure, appeared in LMC

    Spatial Patterns Of Two Co-occurring Savanna And Forest Tree Species In A Dense Fire-protected Savanna Fragment

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Savanna-forest transition under fire-exclusion could be explained by differential competitive performance of savanna and forest species under shading/fire-exclusion. Aiming to understand strategies related to either habitat affinity, we investigated spatial patterns of a savanna and a forest species in a fire-protected savanna. We predicted that: savanna species would have lower abundance than the forest species due to a restriction in the number of open microsites; segregation of size classes and a trend from clumping to regularity with size for forest species due to absence of microsite limitation and intra-specifc competition; and spatial association and increasing clustering with size for savanna species due to microsite limitation. To test these predictions, we described spatial patterns of plants in two size classes in three plots of 0.5 ha. We analyzed spatial patterns and associations of size classes using SADIE methodology. Different from what we expected, both species were more abundant among the studied plots and exhibited an increasing aggregation from small to large size classes. We also found a positive spatial association between size classes of both. These results suggest that both savanna and forest species produce similar spatial patterns independently of habitat affinity. We discuss the possible processes responsible for the observed patterns.304577584Fundacao de Apoio ao Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensao da UNICAMP (FAEPEX) [345/05]Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq) [130361/2005-4, 304937/2007-0]Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Flash Flood in Madeira Island in autumn 2012

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    Madeira (32º75'N and 17º 00'W) is a Portuguese mountainous island with the highest peaks above 1800 m, where after the catastrophe of 20 February 2010, which has shown to be vulnerable to the flood occurrences from significant socio-economical losses. Using ground observations and the MESO-NH model, this study investigates the main atmospheric aspects related to the flash flood and landslides occurrences on 05 November 2012 in the island. The period between 25 October and 06 November 2012 have been considered in the analysis. The numerical simulations are performed using different configurations, with a single domain of 25 km horizontal resolution and using grid nesting technique with 9, 3 and 1 km resolution. During this period, two main events were chosen based on rain gauge data analysis, to be simulated at high resolution (1km): 30 October and 05 November, when the highest amounts of precipitation in Madeira's highlands and landslides were observed, respectively. Previous studies show that the heavy rainfall events in Madeira depend on both synoptic and mesoscale features, justifying the simulations in different resolutions. The accumulated precipitation simulation pointed out the prominent role of orography in the intensification of precipitation over the island. The possibility of severe weather development was confirmed from some instability indices obtained from radiosonde observations, despite the CAPE index, which indicated a weak instability environment. On the other hand, large-scale environment was characterized by the development of extratropical cyclones near the island, where the frontal structure acting over Madeira's archipelago is evident. A remarkable feature is the fact that on 30 October, coupled to a frontal system, the main moisture source in low-levels was related to an atmospheric river structure passing over the island


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    Extreme orographic precipitation events are a common cause of natural hazards such as flash floods, landslides, and avalanches in mountainous regions (Roe, 2005), and may be caused by different mechanisms. Situated in the Subtropical Atlantic Ocean (32º 45' N and 17º 00'W), Figure 1, the Madeira Island is the largest island of the Madeira Archipelago, with surface area of 737 km2, a length of 58 km, a 23 km width and a maximum altitude of 1861m (Pico Ruivo), consisting of a barrier elongated in the east-west direction (Prada et al., 2009) and presenting favorable conditions for generation or intensification of orographic precipitation, sometimes responsible by high records and several social-economical damages. During the winter 2009/2010, some events of heavy precipitation were observed in Madeira Island, mainly in high regions, as occurred on 22 December 2009, when intense rainfall was responsible for economic damages in isolated points of the island. On the other hand, in the last years, the use of highresolution simulations are becoming a common tool for diagnosis and prognosis of intense precipitation events around the world. Therefore, this study aims at analyzing the main aspects associated to the generation/enhancement of precipitation in Madeira Island, verifying the model's ability for the diagnostic of intense precipitation in a region where the orographic effects are predominant

    Main features associated to the precipitation in Madeira and the Atmospheric rivers in the winter seasons.

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    This study presents the main features about 10-year daily accumulated precipitation analysis over the Madeira's highlands, as well as the relationships between this precipitation and the meridional water vapor transport occurring in narrow corridors, also known as atmospheric rivers (ARs). The ARs were visually identified in the total precipitable water vapor field extracted from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) data, and over a domain covering the North Atlantic Ocean. When needed, ECMWF Analysis were also used as support. The daily precipitation during the study period evidenced generally dry summers, whereas the highest values of daily accumulated precipitation being recorded mainly during the winter, but also occurring during autumn and spring seasons. Moist air emanating mainly from the Caribbean Sea flows northward or eastward intersecting, on some occasions, the Madeira Island throughout the winter seasons, but frequently already in a dissipation stage. In fact, the moist environment created by the ARs can favor the precipitation development, but it is not the sole factor favoring the high rainfall amounts over the Madeira island

    Las intervenciones de los parlamentarios socialistas argentinos en la Cámara de Diputados de la Nación: la cuestión nacional en su dimensión política, 1912-1917

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    El presente trabajo explora la idea de nación que poseía el Partido Socialista argentino, a través de la intervención de su bloque parlamentario en la Cámara de Diputados de la Nación  durante el período de 1912 a 1917. En ese sentido, el recorrido por las fuentes nos permite repensar la cuestión desde una perspectiva particular: el nacionalismo en su dimensión política teniendo en cuenta aquellas discusiones parlamentarias donde los socialistas se hayan destacado. En ese marco, estos construyen una idea resignificada de nación donde converge un discurso nacionalista liberal apoyado en el precepto de ciudadanía, con una noción evolucionista de la nación cuya última etapa es la lucha entre clase obrera y clase capitalista. Para los socialistas, la lucha de clases era un fenómeno inevitable en el desarrollo del proceso histórico nacional y condición necesaria para lograr un nacionalismo pleno

    Democracia Delegativa en el siglo XXI: Una aproximación a las presidencias de Álvaro Uribe Vélez (2002-2010)

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    In the present work I investigate about the conception and exercise of power by Alvaro Uribe Vélez as president of Colombia (2002-2010). For this I use the concept coined by political scientist Guillermo O'Donnell, delegative democracy. Under the peculiar typification that this type of democracy offers, I trace the emergence of Uribe as president of Colombia and the type of leadership exercised his term. In addition, I analyze the link of the leader with the horizontal institutions of control and accountability. The objective of the article is to warn the presence or absence of certain dimensions raised in the O'Donneleano theoretical body during the presidencies of Álvaro Uribe.En el presente trabajo me propongo indagar acerca de la concepción y el ejercicio del poder por parte de Álvaro Uribe Vélez como presidente de Colombia (2002-2010). Para ello me sirvo del concepto acuñado por el politólogo Guillermo O'Donnell, democracia delegativa. Bajo la peculiar tipificación que este tipo de democracia ofrece, recorro la emergencia de Uribe como presidente de Colombia y el tipo de liderazgo ejercido durante sus mandatos. Además, analizo el vínculo del líder con las instituciones horizontales de control y rendición de cuentas. El objetivo del artículo es advertir la presencia o ausencia de ciertas dimensiones planteadas en el cuerpo teórico O'Donneleano durante las presidencias de Álvaro Uribe

    Democracia delegativa de alta intensidad: Una mirada sobre el régimen político argentino del siglo XXI

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    En el presente trabajo nos proponemos acercarnos a los gobiernos argentinos kirchneristas –2003 a 2015- teniendo en cuenta el modelo político que fuera esbozado por Guillermo O´Donnell a comienzo de los noventa, democracia delegativa. Luego de recorrer el marco teórico conceptual y las perspectivas actuales en torno a este “animal político”, nos enfocamos en el terreno empírico de la política. Allí advertimos que ciertas conductas, acciones, discursos y vínculos tejidos por los gobiernos kirchneristas nos permiten repensar el modelo de democracia delegativa en Argentina, a la luz de las siguientes dimensiones: las peculiaridades del Estado durante esos años y la relación del Poder Ejecutivo con la accountability horizontal ejercida por otros órganos estatales

    Democracia delegativa de alta intensidad: Una mirada sobre el régimen político argentino del siglo XXI

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    En el presente trabajo nos proponemos acercarnos a los gobiernos argentinos kirchneristas –2003 a 2015- teniendo en cuenta el modelo político que fuera esbozado por Guillermo O´Donnell a comienzo de los noventa, democracia delegativa. Luego de recorrer el marco teórico conceptual y las perspectivas actuales en torno a este “animal político”, nos enfocamos en el terreno empírico de la política. Allí advertimos que ciertas conductas, acciones, discursos y vínculos tejidos por los gobiernos kirchneristas nos permiten repensar el modelo de democracia delegativa en Argentina, a la luz de las siguientes dimensiones: las peculiaridades del Estado durante esos años y la relación del Poder Ejecutivo con la accountability horizontal ejercida por otros órganos estatales