11,398 research outputs found

    An empirical evaluation of small area estimators

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    This paper investigates the comparative performance of five small area estimators. We use Monte Carlo simulation in the context of both theoretical and empirical populations. In addition to the direct and indirect estimators, we consider the optimal composite estimator with population weights, and two composite estimators with estimated weights: one that assumes homogeneity of within area variance and square bias, and another one that uses area specific estimates of variance and square bias. It is found that among the feasible estimators, the best choice is the one that uses area specific estimates of variance and square bias.Regional statistics, small areas, root mean square error, direct, indirect and composite estimators

    An Empirical Evaluation of Five Small Area Estimators

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    This paper compares five small area estimators. We use Monte Carlo simulation in the context of both artificial and real populations. In addition to the direct and indirect estimators, we consider the optimal composite estimator with population weights, and two composite estimators with estimated weights: one that assumes homogeneity of within area variance and squared bias and one that uses area-specific estimates of variance and squared bias. In the study with real population, we found that among the feasible estimators, the best choice is the one that uses area-specific estimates of variance and squared bias.Regional statistics, small areas, root mean square error, direct, indirect and composite estimators.

    On the performance of small-area estimators: Fixed vs. random area parameters

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    Most methods for small-area estimation are based on composite estimators derived from design- or model-based methods. A composite estimator is a linear combination of a direct and an indirect estimator with weights that usually depend on unknown parameters which need to be estimated. Although model-based small-area estimators are usually based on random-effects models, the assumption of fixed effects is at face value more appropriate.Model-based estimators are justified by the assumption of random (interchangeable) area effects; in practice, however, areas are not interchangeable. In the present paper we empirically assess the quality of several small-area estimators in the setting in which the area effects are treated as fixed. We consider two settings: one that draws samples from a theoretical population, and another that draws samples from an empirical population of a labor force register maintained by the National Institute of Social Security (NISS) of Catalonia. We distinguish two types of composite estimators: a) those that use weights that involve area specific estimates of bias and variance; and, b) those that use weights that involve a common variance and a common squared bias estimate for all the areas. We assess their precision and discuss alternatives to optimizing composite estimation in applications.Small area estimation, composite estimator, Monte Carlo study, random effect model, BLUP, empirical BLUP

    Improving small area estimation by combining surveys: new perspectives in regional statistics

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    A national survey designed for estimating a specific population quantity is sometimes used for estimation of this quantity also for a small area, such as a province. Budget constraints do not allow a greater sample size for the small area, and so other means of improving estimation have to be devised. We investigate such methods and assess them by a Monte Carlo study. We explore how a complementary survey can be exploited in small area estimation. We use the context of the Spanish Labour Force Survey (EPA) and the Barometer in Spain for our study.Composite estimator, complementary survey, mean squared error, official statistics, regional statistics, small area

    Growth-Driven Percolations: The Dynamics of Community Formation in Neuronal Systems

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    The quintessential property of neuronal systems is their intensive patterns of selective synaptic connections. The current work describes a physics-based approach to neuronal shape modeling and synthesis and its consideration for the simulation of neuronal development and the formation of neuronal communities. Starting from images of real neurons, geometrical measurements are obtained and used to construct probabilistic models which can be subsequently sampled in order to produce morphologically realistic neuronal cells. Such cells are progressively grown while monitoring their connections along time, which are analysed in terms of percolation concepts. However, unlike traditional percolation, the critical point is verified along the growth stages, not the density of cells, which remains constant throughout the neuronal growth dynamics. It is shown, through simulations, that growing beta cells tend to reach percolation sooner than the alpha counterparts with the same diameter. Also, the percolation becomes more abrupt for higher densities of cells, being markedly sharper for the beta cells.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Concentric Characterization and Classification of Complex Network Nodes: Theory and Application to Institutional Collaboration

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    Differently from theoretical scale-free networks, most of real networks present multi-scale behavior with nodes structured in different types of functional groups and communities. While the majority of approaches for classification of nodes in a complex network has relied on local measurements of the topology/connectivity around each node, valuable information about node functionality can be obtained by Concentric (or Hierarchical) Measurements. In this paper we explore the possibility of using a set of Concentric Measurements and agglomerative clustering methods in order to obtain a set of functional groups of nodes. Concentric clustering coefficient and convergence ratio are chosen as segregation parameters for the analysis of a institutional collaboration network including various known communities (departments of the University of S\~ao Paulo). A dendogram is obtained and the results are analyzed and discussed. Among the interesting obtained findings, we emphasize the scale-free nature of the obtained network, as well as the identification of different patterns of authorship emerging from different areas (e.g. human and exact sciences). Another interesting result concerns the relatively uniform distribution of hubs along the concentric levels, contrariwise to the non-uniform pattern found in theoretical scale free networks such as the BA model.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figure

    Reseña de Comunicación y poder en asia oriental

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    Study and conceptualization of Vusiness: a model for the creation and management of companies based on values

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    The global economy has suffered a serious crisis and rapid slowdown. globalization significantly increases the unbalanced use of finite, non- 2/1 renewable sources of energy, aggravating climate change. Millions of Children are currently subjected to the worst forms of child labor. Technological advances entail a large negative impact on the job market, causing significant job destruction. In light of these economic and social threats and challenges, this thesis presents a study and conceptualization of Vusiness [Business & Values]: A model for the creation and management of companies based on values. Throw bibliographic reviews, discussion groups combined with qualitative in-depth interviews to jointly conceptualize the Valometer, a tool which consists of 50 criteria and indicators constructed scientifically and divided into the following 5 spheres: Identity, administration and management, people, sustainability and technologyL’economia global ha patit greus crisis i una ràpida desacceleració. La globalització augmenta de manera significativa l’ús desequilibrat de fonts d’energia no renovables i finites, fet que agreuja el canvi climàtic. Milions de nens i nenes es troben sotmesos a les pitjors formes de treball infantil. Els avenços tecnològics suposen un impacte negatiu en el mercat de treball, ja que causen la destrucció significativa d’ocupació. Davant les amenaces i els reptes econòmics i socials, aquesta tesi presenta un estudi i una conceptualització de Vusiness [business & values]: un model per a la creació i la gestió d’empreses basades en valors. A través de revisions bibliogràfiques, grups de discussió combinats amb entrevistes qualitatives en profunditat es conceptualitza conjuntament el Valòmetre, una eina que consta de 50 criteris i indicadors construïts científicament i dividits en cinc àmbits: Identitat, administració i gestió, persones, sostenibilitat i tecnologi

    An Analytical Approach to Neuronal Connectivity

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    This paper describes how realistic neuromorphic networks can have their connectivity properties fully characterized in analytical fashion. By assuming that all neurons have the same shape and are regularly distributed along the two-dimensional orthogonal lattice with parameter Δ\Delta, it is possible to obtain the accurate number of connections and cycles of any length from the autoconvolution function as well as from the respective spectral density derived from the adjacency matrix. It is shown that neuronal shape plays an important role in defining the spatial spread of network connections. In addition, most such networks are characterized by the interesting phenomenon where the connections are progressively shifted along the spatial domain where the network is embedded. It is also shown that the number of cycles follows a power law with their respective length. Morphological measurements for characterization of the spatial distribution of connections, including the adjacency matrix spectral density and the lacunarity of the connections, are suggested. The potential of the proposed approach is illustrated with respect to digital images of real neuronal cells.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Consensus formation on a triad scale-free network

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    Several cases of the Sznajd model of socio-physics, that only a group of people sharing the same opinion can convince their neighbors, have been simulated on a more realistic network with a stronger clustering. In addition, many opinions, instead of usually only two, and a convincing probability have been also considered. Finally, with minor changes we obtain a vote distribution in good agreement with reality.Comment: 11 pages including 7 encapsulated postscript (*.eps) figures; to appear in Physica
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