121 research outputs found

    Technological distractions V Motivational factors

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    This study aims to investigate demands for motivational factor in a classroom environment which has been polluted by increasing distraction caused by the recent technological developments. It is evidently proved that motivations of students are quite important to enhance their learning in the classroom. Some of these factors relates to theextrinsic and intrinsic motivations. The extrinsic motivational factors are treated more inthis study.However, the recent technological developments and their new learning environment have also influence on learning of students. According to a survey more than nine out often British students are distracted by Face book, Twitter and other social networking sitesat least once an hour. As part of motivational factors, rewards are more productive andefficient then punishments in classroom environment. For the good and betterment of teachers and students, educational institutions should start to put into practice "laptopban" and "smart phone ban" or permits.In this paper comparative studies are considered to dig out findings related totechnological distractions V motivational factors.This paper analyzes the distractions caused by the recent technological developmentin the classroom environment. The finding of this paper indicates that banning is not agood option for motivation of the students. It suggests that there should be a balancebetween banning and freeing the usages of the recent developed technologies.In short, it is regarded to conduct a controlling mechanism which can help student show to handle and balance technology use in educational institutions. If students aim forhigh paying jobs, during the lesson they need to switch off their laptop and smart phonesfor better future

    Synthesis of Graphene on Gold

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    Here we report chemical vapor deposition of graphene on gold surface at ambient pressure. We studied effects of the growth temperature, pressure and cooling process on the grown graphene layers. The Raman spectroscopy of the samples reveals the essential properties of the graphene grown on gold surface. In order to characterize the electrical properties of the grown graphene layers, we have transferred them on insulating substrates and fabricated field effect transistors. Owing to distinctive properties of gold, the ability to grow graphene layers on gold surface could open new applications of graphene in electrochemistry and spectroscopy.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Desquamative interstitial pneumonia: Risk factors, laboratory and bronchoalveolar lavage findings, radiological and histopathological examination, clinical features, treatment and prognosis

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    Desquamative interstitial pneumonia is a type of smoking-associated major idiopathic interstitial pneumonia, which is characterized by accumulation of alveolar macrophages in alveolar lumens and septa and develops secondary to mainly active or passive exposure to cigarette smoke. Desquamative interstitial pneumonia mostly occurs in male smokers in association with non-specific symptoms responsive to steroid therapy and has a better prognosis than usual interstitial pneumonia. To date, no large-scale clinical studies have been performed on desquamative interstitial pneumonia patients. Factors responsible for the scarcity of data on the clinical course of this condition include the retrospective nature of the available information as well as its rare occurrence. Despite this, a general consensus exists as to the nature of its symptoms, association with smoking, age and gender distribution, findings of respiratory function tests, steroid responsivity and mortality. The objective of the present review article was to report on desquamative interstitial pneumonia and to describe its etiology, risk factors and clinical features, as well as the laboratory, bronchoalveolar lavage, radiological and histopathological findings, and the treatment and prognosis of affected patients

    The efficacy of multiparametric prostate magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer

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    Aim: To investigate the accuracy of multiparametric prostate magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) in determining the diagnosis and treatment options of prostate cancer (PCa), and its pathology correlation. Methods: Between October 2017 and January 2018, 73 patients were subjected to an mpMRI at our clinic. Of these patients, 11 were radical prostatectomy (RP) after treatment, and four were post- radiation therapy (RT) follow-up. The remaining 58 patients were assigned to the PSA elevation and / or positive digital rectal examination (DRE) patient group in this study and their outcomes were evaluated. Results: Of the 58 patients included in the study, 13 were found to have a PI-RADS 5 on mpMRI and in 9 (90%) of 10 patients undergoing simultaneous biopsy, PCa was detected. The biopsy results of all cases evaluated as PI-RADS 1 were benign. All of the patients who were ISUP 3 and above had a PI-RADS 5. Patients with a PI-RADS score of 4 and above being ISUP 2 and above was statistically significant (p=0.011). A case had undergone a previous radical prostatectomy assessment revealed that tPSA increased to 2 ng/ml during the follow-up, and so RT was added to the treatment; although LAP was identified in the left iliac region on an mpMRI performed upon the continued increase of tPSA. During the follow-ups of the patient who had regional RT, the tPSA dropped below 0.01 ng/ml. Conclusion: The results of our study show that mpMRI can gain a new and important place in urology due to the guidance it provides in biopsies, facilitating targeted biopsy, its effectiveness in determining treatment modalities and its importance in post-PCa treatment follow-ups

    Wpływ testosteronowej terapii zastępczej na stężenia witaminy D i FGF-23 w hipogonadyzmie wrodzonym

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    Introduction: Patients with hypogonadism are at increased risk of cardiac and metabolic diseases and osteoporosis. Vitamin D and Fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23) play role in the regulation of bone mineral metabolism and endothelial functions. Low vitamin D levels are reported in hypogonadism, while there is no data about the effect of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). We investigated the effect of TRT on vitamin D and FGF-23 levels along with endothelial functions and insulin resistance in hypogonadal patients. Material and methods: Patients with congenital hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (CHH) (n=32, age 20.6 ±1.58 years) were enrolled. TRT was implemented in transdermal form. The demographic parameters, FGF-23, 25(OH)D3, Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) and homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) levels were measured both before and after TRT. Results: After a follow-up period of 3.63±1.33 months, ADMA and FGF-23 levels were significantly increased (p=0.03 and p=0.005 respectively), while the 25(OH)D3 and HOMA-IR index were not significantly changed. The body mass index and waist circumference levels of the patients were also increased (p<0.001 and p=0.02) along with a significant decrease in the HDL cholesterol levels (p=0.006). Conclusions: The results show that a short term TRT increases plasma FGF-23 and ADMA levels, in young, treatment naive patients with CHH. Whether this is an early implication of TRT related adverse effects in this very young and treatment naïve population of CHH is not clear. Future prospective studies are required to find out the long-term effects of TRT on cardio-metabolic morbidity and mortality in this specific population.  Wstęp: U chorych z hipogonadyzmem występuje zwiększone ryzyko chorób sercowych I metabolicznych oraz osteoporozy. Witamina D i czynnik wzrostu fibroblastów-23 (FGF-23) uczestniczą w regulacji metabolizmu kostnego i czynności śródbłonka. Istnieją doniesienia na temat niskiego stężenia witaminy D w hipogonadyzmie, natomiast brakuje danych dotyczących wpływu testosteronowej terapii zastępczej (TRT) na to stężenie. Autorzy zbadali wpływ TRT na stężenia witaminy D i FGF-23 oraz na czynność śródbłonka i poziom insulinooporności u chorych z hipogonadyzmem. Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono chorych z wrodzonym hipogonadyzmem hipogonadotropowym (CHH) (n = 32, wiek 20,6 ± 1,58 roku). Chorzy otrzymywali TRT w postaci przezskórnej. Przez rozpoczęciem leczenia i po jego zakończeniu u chorych zebrano dane demograficzne, zmierzono stężenia FGF-23, 25(OH)D3 i asymetryczej dimetyloargininy (ADMA) oraz określono wskaźnik insulinooporności HOMA-IR. Wyniki: Po okresie obserwacji trwającym 3,63 ± 1,33 miesiąca stwierdzono istotne zwiększenie stężeń ADMA i FGF-23 (odpowiednio p = 0,03 i p = 0,005), natomiast stężenie 25(OH)D3 i wskaźnik HOMA-IR nie zmieniły się istotnie. Ponadto zaobserwowano u chorych zwiększenie wskaźnika masy ciała i obwodu pasa (p < 0,001 I p = 0,02) oraz istotne zmniejszenie stężenia cholesterol frakcji HDL (p = 0,006). Wnioski: Wyniki badania pokazują, że krótkotrwałe stosowanie TRT u młodych chorych z CHH, uprzednio nieleczonych, powoduje zwiększenie osoczowego stężenia FGF-23 i ADMA, lecz nie wpływa na stężenie witaminy D. Nie jest jasne, czy jest to wczesny efekt działań niepożądanych TRT w tej grupie bardzo młodych pacjentów z CHH. Konieczne są dalsze prospektywne badania w celu ustalenia długookresowego wpływu TRT na chorobowość i śmiertelność w związku z chorobami sercowymi i metabolicznymi w tej szczególnej populacji