32 research outputs found

    Space in language: embodied evidence of space-language interaction

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    Questa tesi di dottorato esplora alcuni casi di interazione tra linguaggio e spazio incarnato. Nel primo esperimento ho cercato di replicare l'effetto "linguistic looming" in italiano e inglese. Inaspettatamente, ho trovato un pattern di risultati opposto all’effetto atteso in entrambe le lingue, che mi ha spinto ad approfondire l'impatto delle simulazioni spaziali nei processi linguistici. Nel secondo esperimento ho studiato l'interazione tra simulazione motoria e presa di prospettiva spaziale durante la simulazione del linguaggio d'azione in italiano e inglese. I lettori di frasi con due attori (lettore e un altro attore) possono simulare le azioni di qualcun altro mantenendo la prospettiva spaziale in entrambe le lingue. Nel terzo esperimento ho esaminato se la memoria spaziale predice il riconoscimento delle frasi del linguaggio d'azione di frasi con due attori (lettore e un altro attore). Ho dimostrato che l’abilità nella memoria spaziale influenza la simulazione del linguaggio d'azione durante il riconoscimento. Infine, ho voluto verificare se parole fonologicamente simili/dissimili possono essere rappresentate metaforicamente in memoria attraverso giudizi di distanza spaziale tra le parole. Ho dimostrato che la somiglianza/dissomiglianza fonologica viene rappresentata come vicinanza/distanza spaziale. In sintesi, la tesi dimostra che lo spazio e il linguaggio non sono solo incarnati ma anche interconnessi.The aim of this doctoral thesis is to investigate instances of interaction between embodied language and embodied space. In the first experiment, I attempted to replicate the linguistic looming effect in both Italian and English. However, the so called the linguistic looming effect was not replicated in both languages. This led me to further explore the influence of spatial simulations on linguistic processes. In the second experiment, I examined the interaction between motor simulation and spatial perspective-taking during action language simulation in both Italian and English. I found that readers can simulate someone else's actions by retaining the spatial perspective of a sentence in both languages. In the third experiment, I investigated whether spatial memory performance can predict the recognition of action language sentences. My results showed that spatial memory affects the simulation of action language during recognition. Finally, I aimed to explore whether phonologically similar/dissimilar words can be represented metaphorically in memory through spatial distance judgments. I demonstrated that phonological similarity/dissimilarity is represented in memory as spatial closeness/distance. Overall, this thesis highlights several cases of space-language interaction and demonstrates that space and language are not only embodied but also interconnected

    Virtual enactment effect on memory in young and aged populations: a systematic review

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    Background: Spatial cognition is a critical aspect of episodic memory, as it provides the scaffold for events and enables successful retrieval. Virtual enactment (sensorimotor and cognitive interaction) by means of input devices within virtual environments provides an excellent opportunity to enhance encoding and to support memory retrieval with useful traces in the brain compared to passive observation. Methods: We conducted a systematic review with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines concerning the virtual enactment effect on spatial and episodic memory in young and aged populations. We aim at giving guidelines for virtual enactment studies, especially in the context of aging, where spatial and episodic memory decline. Results: Our findings reveal a positive effect on spatial and episodic memory in the young population and promising outcomes in aging. Several cognitive factors (e.g., executive function, decision-making, and visual components) mediate memory performances. Findings should be taken into account for future interventions in aging. Conclusions: The present review sheds light on the key role of the sensorimotor and cognitive systems for memory rehabilitation by means of a more ecological tool such as virtual reality and stresses the importance of the body for cognition, endorsing the view of an embodied mind

    Egocentric and allocentric spatial reference frames in aging: A systematic review

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    Abstract Aging affects many aspects of everyday living, such as autonomy, security and quality of life. Among all, spatial memory and spatial navigation show a gradual but noticeable decline, as a result of both neurobiological changes and the general slowing down of cognitive functioning. We conducted a systematic review using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines to identify studies that specifically investigated the role of allocentric and egocentric frames in healthy aging. Concerning spatial navigation, our results showed a preservation of egocentric strategies, along with specific impairments in the use of allocentric and switching abilities. Regarding spatial memory, instead, outcomes were more divergent and not frame-specific. With this perspective, spatial impairments were discussed considering the cognitive profile of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's Disease (AD)

    Ecological Meanings: A Consensus Paper on Individual Differences and Contextual Influences in Embodied Language

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    Embodied theories of cognition consider many aspects of language and other cognitive domains as the result of sensory and motor processes. In this view, the appraisal and the use of concepts are based on mechanisms of simulation grounded on prior sensorimotor experiences. Even though these theories continue receiving attention and support, increasing evidence indicates the need to consider the flexible nature of the simulation process, and to accordingly refine embodied accounts. In this consensus paper, we discuss two potential sources of variability in experimental studies on embodiment of language: individual differences and context. Specifically, we show how factors contributing to individual differences may explain inconsistent findings in embodied language phenomena. These factors include sensorimotor or cultural experiences, imagery, context-related factors, and cognitive strategies. We also analyze the different contextual modulations, from single words to sentences and narratives, as well as the top-down and bottom-up influences. Similarly, we review recent efforts to include cultural and language diversity, aging, neurodegenerative diseases, and brain disorders, as well as bilingual evidence into the embodiment framework. We address the importance of considering individual differences and context in clinical studies to drive translational research more efficiently, and we indicate recommendations on how to correctly address these issues in future research. Systematically investigating individual differences and context may contribute to understanding the dynamic nature of simulation in language processes, refining embodied theories of cognition, and ultimately filling the gap between cognition in artificial experimental settings and cognition in the wild (i.e., in everyday life)

    Building Embodied Spaces for Spatial Memory Neurorehabilitation with Virtual Reality in Normal and Pathological Aging

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    Along with deficits in spatial cognition, a decline in body-related information is observed in aging and is thought to contribute to impairments in navigation, memory, and space perception. According to the embodied cognition theories, bodily and environmental information play a crucial role in defining cognitive representations. Thanks to the possibility to involve body-related information, manipulate environmental stimuli, and add multisensory cues, virtual reality is one of the best candidates for spatial memory rehabilitation in aging for its embodied potential. However, current virtual neurorehabilitation solutions for aging and neurodegenerative diseases are in their infancy. Here, we discuss three concepts that could be used to improve embodied representations of the space with virtual reality. The virtual bodily representation is the combination of idiothetic information involved during virtual navigation thanks to input/output devices; the spatial affordances are environmental or symbolic elements used by the individual to act in the virtual environment; finally, the virtual enactment effect is the enhancement on spatial memory provided by actively (cognitively and/or bodily) interacting with the virtual space and its elements. Theoretical and empirical findings will be presented to propose innovative rehabilitative solutions in aging for spatial memory and navigation

    Assessment of Unilateral Spatial Neglect Using a Free Mobile Application for Italian Clinicians

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    Background: Unilateral Spatial Neglect (USN) is traditionally assessed with paper-and-pencil tests or computer-based tests. Thanks to the wide-spreading of mobile devices, and the extensive capabilities that they have in dealing complex elements, it is possible to provide clinicians with tools for cognitive assessment. Contemporary 3D engine is, in general generally, able to deploy complex 3D environments for iOS, Android and Windows mobile, i.e., most of the mobile phone and tablet operative systems.Results: This brand-new scenario and pressing requests from professionals, pushed us to build an application for the assessment of USN. Our first attempt was to replicate the classic cognitive tests, traditionally used at this purpose. Ecological assessment is difficult in real scenarios so we implemented virtual environments to assess patients’ abilities in realistic situations. At the moment, the application is available only for iPad and iPhone for free, from the Apple Store, under the name of “Neglect App.” The App contains traditional tests (e.g., barrage with and without distractors) and ecological tests (e.g., to distribute the tea in a table to close people). Scoring of each test is available to the clinicians through a database with the executed ecological tasks, that are stored locally.Conclusion: In conclusion, Neglect App is an advanced mobile platform for the assessment of Neglect

    The interaction between motor simulation and spatial perspective-taking in action language: a cross-cultural study

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    : Growing evidence has revealed the crucial role of motor simulation and spatial perspective-taking in action language. However, there is still a lack of understanding of how motor and spatial processes interact when there are multiple actors involved, and if embodied processes are consistent across different cultures. To address this gap, we examined the interaction between motor simulation and spatial perspective-taking in action-sentences comprehension, along with the consistency of embodied processes across cultures. We collected data from Italian and US English speakers using an online sentence-picture verification task. The participants completed four conditions: two congruent (i.e., the participant is the agent in the sentence and the photo; the agent is someone else interacting with the participant in both the sentence and the picture) and two incongruent (i.e., the agents of the sentence and the picture do not match). The results show that when the perspective of the picture matched that described in the sentence-processing reaction times (RTs) were faster than in the incongruent conditions. In the congruent conditions where the agent is someone else, RTs were slower compared to the condition where the participant is the agent. This has been interpreted as claiming that motor simulation and perspective-taking are independent processes interacting during sentence comprehension (e.g., motor simulation is always run in the role of the agent, but we can adopt multiple perspectives depending on the pronouns and the contextual cues). Furthermore, Bayesian analysis provided evidence that embodied processing of action language entwines a common mechanism, suggesting cross-cultural consistency of embodied processes

    COVID Feel Good-An Easy Self-Help Virtual Reality Protocol to Overcome the Psychological Burden of Coronavirus

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    Background: Living in the time of the COVID-19 means experiencing not only a global health emergency but also extreme psychological stress with potential emotional side effects such as sadness, grief, irritability, and mood swings. Crucially, lockdown and confinement measures isolate people who become the first and the only ones in charge of their own mental health: people are left alone facing a novel and potentially lethal situation, and, at the same time, they need to develop adaptive strategies to face it, at home. In this view, easy-to-use, inexpensive, and scientifically validated self-help solutions aiming to reduce the psychological burden of coronavirus are extremely necessary. Aims: This pragmatic trial aims to provide the evidence that a weekly self-help virtual reality (VR) protocol can help overcome the psychological burden of the Coronavirus by relieving anxiety, improving well-being, and reinforcing social connectedness. The protocol will be based on the 'Secret Garden' 360 VR video online (www.covidfeelgood.com) which simulates a natural environment aiming to promote relaxation and self-reflection. Three hundred sixty-degree or spherical videos allow the user to control the viewing direction. In this way, the user can explore the content from any angle like a panorama and experience presence and immersion. The 'Secret Garden' video is combined with daily exercises that are designed to be experienced with another person (not necessarily physically together), to facilitate a process of critical examination and eventual revision of core assumptions and beliefs related to personal identity, relationships, and goals. Methods: This is a multicentric, pragmatic pilot randomized controlled trial involving individuals who experienced the COVID-19 pandemic and underwent a lockdown and quarantine procedures. The trial is approved by the Ethics Committee of the Istituto Auxologico Italiano. Each research group in all the countries joining the pragmatic trial, aims at enrolling at least 30 individuals in the experimental group experiencing the self-help protocol, and 30 in the control group, over a period of 3 months to verify the feasibility of the intervention. Conclusion: The goal of this protocol is for VR to become the 'surgical mask' of mental health treatment. Although surgical masks do not provide the wearer with a reliable level of protection against the coronavirus compared with FFP2 or FFP3 masks, surgical masks are very effective in protecting others from the wearer's respiratory emissions. The goal of the VR protocol is the same: not necessarily to solve complex mental health problems but rather to improve well-being and preserve social connectedness through the beneficial social effects generated by positive emotions

    Predictive power of gait and gait-related cognitive measures in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: a machine learning analysis

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    Introduction Gait disorders and gait-related cognitive tests were recently linked to future Alzheimer's Disease (AD) dementia diagnosis in amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (aMCI). This study aimed to evaluate the predictive power of gait disorders and gait-related neuropsychological performances for future AD diagnosis in aMCI through machine learning (ML).Methods A sample of 253 aMCI (stable, converter) individuals were included. We explored the predictive accuracy of four predictors (gait profile plus MMSE, DSST, and TMT-B) previously identified as critical for the conversion from aMCI to AD within a 36-month follow-up. Supervised ML algorithms (Support Vector Machine [SVM], Logistic Regression, and k-Nearest Neighbors) were trained on 70% of the dataset, and feature importance was evaluated for the best algorithm.Results The SVM algorithm achieved the best performance. The optimized training set performance achieved an accuracy of 0.67 (sensitivity = 0.72; specificity = 0.60), improving to 0.70 on the test set (sensitivity = 0.79; specificity = 0.52). Feature importance revealed MMSE as the most important predictor in both training and testing, while gait type was important in the testing phase.Discussion We created a predictive ML model that is capable of identifying aMCI at high risk of AD dementia within 36 months. Our ML model could be used to quickly identify individuals at higher risk of AD, facilitating secondary prevention (e.g., cognitive and/or physical training), and serving as screening for more expansive and invasive tests. Lastly, our results point toward theoretically and practically sound evidence of mind and body interaction in AD