104 research outputs found

    Competition and Success in the Meme Pool: a Case Study on Quickmeme.com

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    The advent of social media has provided data and insights about how people relate to information and culture. While information is composed by bits and its fundamental building bricks are relatively well understood, the same cannot be said for culture. The fundamental cultural unit has been defined as a "meme". Memes are defined in literature as specific fundamental cultural traits, that are floating in their environment together. Just like genes carried by bodies, memes are carried by cultural manifestations like songs, buildings or pictures. Memes are studied in their competition for being successfully passed from one generation of minds to another, in different ways. In this paper we choose an empirical approach to the study of memes. We downloaded data about memes from a well-known website hosting hundreds of different memes and thousands of their implementations. From this data, we empirically describe the behavior of these memes. We statistically describe meme occurrences in our dataset and we delineate their fundamental traits, along with those traits that make them more or less apt to be successful

    The Impact of Projection and Backboning on Network Topologies

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    Bipartite networks are a well known strategy to study a variety of phenomena. The commonly used method to deal with this type of network is to project the bipartite data into a unipartite weighted graph and then using a backboning technique to extract only the meaningful edges. Despite the wide availability of different methods both for projection and backboning, we believe that there has been little attention to the effect that the combination of these two processes has on the data and on the resulting network topology. In this paper we study the effect that the possible combinations of projection and backboning techniques have on a bipartite network. We show that the 12 methods group into two clusters producing unipartite networks with very different topologies. We also show that the resulting level of network centralization is highly affected by the combination of projection and backboning applied

    Benchmarking API Costs of Network Sampling Strategies

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    Discovering Communities of Community Discovery

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    Discovering communities in complex networks means grouping nodes similar to each other, to uncover latent information about them. There are hundreds of different algorithms to solve the community detection task, each with its own understanding and definition of what a "community" is. Dozens of review works attempt to order such a diverse landscape -- classifying community discovery algorithms by the process they employ to detect communities, by their explicitly stated definition of community, or by their performance on a standardized task. In this paper, we classify community discovery algorithms according to a fourth criterion: the similarity of their results. We create an Algorithm Similarity Network (ASN), whose nodes are the community detection approaches, connected if they return similar groupings. We then perform community detection on this network, grouping algorithms that consistently return the same partitions or overlapping coverage over a span of more than one thousand synthetic and real world networks. This paper is an attempt to create a similarity-based classification of community detection algorithms based on empirical data. It improves over the state of the art by comparing more than seventy approaches, discovering that the ASN contains well-separated groups, making it a sensible tool for practitioners, aiding their choice of algorithms fitting their analytic needs

    Generalized Euclidean Measure to Estimate Network Distances

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    Estimating the distance covered by a propagation phenomenon on a network is an important task: it can help us estimating the infectiousness of a disease or the effectiveness of an online viral marketing campaign. However, so far the only way to make such an estimate relies on solving the optimal transportation problem, or by adapting graph signal processing techniques. Such solutions are either inefficient, because they require solving a complex optimization problem; or fragile, because they were not designed with this problem in mind. In this paper, we propose a new generalized Euclidean approach to estimate distances between weighted groups of nodes in a network. We do so by adapting the Mahalanobis distance, incorporating the graph's topology via the pseudoinverse of its Laplacian. In experiments we see that this measure returns intuitive distances which agree with the ones a human would estimate. We also show that the measure is able to recover the infection parameter in an epidemic model, or the activation threshold in a cascade model. We conclude by showing that the measure can be used in online social media settings to identify fast-spreading behaviors. Our measure is also less computationally expensive

    Generalized Euclidean Measure to Estimate Distances on Multilayer Networks

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    Pearson correlations on complex networks

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    Noise Corrected Sampling of Online Social Networks

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    DEMON: a Local-First Discovery Method for Overlapping Communities

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    Community discovery in complex networks is an interesting problem with a number of applications, especially in the knowledge extraction task in social and information networks. However, many large networks often lack a particular community organization at a global level. In these cases, traditional graph partitioning algorithms fail to let the latent knowledge embedded in modular structure emerge, because they impose a top-down global view of a network. We propose here a simple local-first approach to community discovery, able to unveil the modular organization of real complex networks. This is achieved by democratically letting each node vote for the communities it sees surrounding it in its limited view of the global system, i.e. its ego neighborhood, using a label propagation algorithm; finally, the local communities are merged into a global collection. We tested this intuition against the state-of-the-art overlapping and non-overlapping community discovery methods, and found that our new method clearly outperforms the others in the quality of the obtained communities, evaluated by using the extracted communities to predict the metadata about the nodes of several real world networks. We also show how our method is deterministic, fully incremental, and has a limited time complexity, so that it can be used on web-scale real networks.Comment: 9 pages; Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Beijing, China, August 12-16, 201