196 research outputs found

    Proposal for a Saskatchewan Oral History Project

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    "Down the Okanagan" A Group of Skipping Songs from Regina

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    A Regina, le Docteur Crosbey a recueilli auprĂšs de jeunes enfants, un groupe intĂ©ressant de six chants apparentĂ©s les uns aux autres et construits sur des rythm es“s a utillĂ© s le chant principal, d ’origine amĂ©ricaine, s’est enrichi de plusieurs variations

    A Turquoise Mess: Green Subsidies, Blue Industrial Policy and Renewable Energy: The Case for Redrafting the Subsidies Agreement of the WTO

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    Canada-Renewable Energy presented the WTO Panel and Appellate Body (AB) with a novel issue: at the heart of the dispute was a measure adopted by the province of Ontario whereby producers of renewable energy would be paid a premium relative to conventional power producers. Some WTO Members complained that the measure was a prohibited subsidy because payments were conditional upon using Canadian equipment for the production of renewable energy. The AB gave them right only in part: it found that a local content requirement had indeed been imposed, but also found that it lacked evidence to determine whether a subsidy had been bestowed. The report is, for the reasons explained below, incoherent and could hardly serve as precedent for resolution of similar conflicts in the future. The facts of the case though, do raise legitimate questions both with respect to the specifics of the case, as well as of more general nature regarding the WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM Agreement), and the role of the judge when facing legislative failure. In this paper, we provide some responses to these questions in light of the theory and evidence regarding industrial policy in the name of environmental protection

    Influence of Adaptive Water Sports Programs on Quality of Life Perceptions for People with Disabilities: A Feasibility Study

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    This research sought to examine the relationship between participation in adapted water sports events and QoL. Additionally it sought to analyze the feasibility of the data collection methods from participants involved in adaptive water sport activities. In general, QoL remained the same after AWSP participation and participant surveys did not produce statistically significant information. The analysis of feasibility data collected indicated a need for better recruitment strategies, survey design, and timing of survey distribution

    Developing Guidance for Implementing Border Carbon Adjustments:Lessons, Cautions, and Research Needs from the Literature

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    Policymakers are often reluctant to implement strong carbon pricing for fear of disadvantaging domestic industries and offshoring emissions-intensive activities. Border carbon adjustment (BCA) would address such carbon leakage concerns by using trade measures to ensure that products from foreign producers facing lower (or no) carbon prices are on equal footing with domestically produced goods. Despite intuitive economic appeal, BCA requires numerous challenging regulatory choices, including its scope of applicability (i.e., which policies, goods, sectors, countries), the methodology for assessing the carbon content of products, the type and price of the adjustment, scenarios requiring modification, and how the resulting revenues will be used. Each of these choices has economic and environmental implications that influence the effectiveness of the BCA, as well as nuanced technical, legal, and political consequences that must be considered. In particular, the design of any BCA must comport with international agreements governing trade and climate policy responsibilities. This article reviews the economic and legal literature on BCA, provides guidance for the design and implementation of BCAs, and identifies research priorities

    Mining a Mirage: Reassessing the Shared-Value Paradigm in Light of the Technological Advances in the Mining Sector

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    While there has been a strong tendency in resource rich countries to push for more stringent local content regulations, the mining sector is looking to move towards increased automation. In this study titled Mining a Mirage: Reassessing the Shared-Value Paradigm in Light of the Technological Advances in the Mining Sector, CCSI, IISD and Engineers Without Borders researched the technological innovations that are being developed, assessing when these technologies could be rolled out, and quantifying the potential impacts automation may have on local employment and procurement and on the shared value paradigm. The objective was to better understand how governments could adapt local content, industrial and fiscal policies in order to better prepare for and embrace technological advances in the mining sector

    What explains the uneven take-up of ISO 14001 at the global level?: a panel-data analysis

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    Since its release in the mid-1990s, close to 37 000 facilities have been certified to ISO 14001, the international voluntary standard for environmental management systems. Yet, despite claims that the standard can be readily adapted to very different corporate and geographic settings, its take-up has been highly geographically variable. This paper contributes to a growing body of work concerned with explaining the uneven diffusion of ISO 14001 at the global level. Drawing from the existing theoretical and empirical literature we develop a series of hypotheses about how various economic, market, and regulatory factors influence the national count of ISO 14001 certifications. These hypotheses are then tested using econometric estimation techniques with data for a panel of 142 developed and developing countries. We find that per capita ISO 14001 counts are positively correlated with income per capita, stock of foreign direct investment, exports of goods and services to Europe and Japan, and pressure from civil society. Conversely, productivity and levels of state intervention are negatively correlated. The paper finishes by offering a number of recommendations to policymakers concerned with accelerating the diffusion of voluntary environmental standards

    4,4’-dimethylaminorex (‘4,4’-DMAR’; ‘Serotoni’) misuse; a web-based study

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Loi B, Zloh M, De Luca MA, Pintori N, Corkery J, Schifano F. 4,4â€Č-Dimethylaminorex (“4,4â€Č-DMAR”; “Serotoni”) misuse: A Web-based study. Hum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp. 2017;32:e2575, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/hup.2575. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Background: 4,4â€Č-DMAR (4,4’-dimethylaminorex; ‘Serotoni’) is a potent stimulant drug which has recently been associated with a number of fatalities in Europe. Over the last few years, online communities have emerged as important resources for disseminating levels of technical knowledge on novel psychoactive substances/NPS. Objective: Analysing the information provided by the fora communities on 4,4’-DMAR use, additionally critical reviewing the available evidence-based literature on this topic. Methods: Different website drug fora were identified. A critical review of the existing evidence-based literature was undertaken. Individuation and analysis of qualitative data from the identified website fora were performed. Results: The combined search results identified six website fora from which a range of qualitative data on recurring themes was collected. These themes included: routes of administration and doses; desired effects; adverse effects; comparison with other drugs; association with other drugs; medications self administered to reverse 4,4’-DMAR action; overall impression; provision of harm reduction advice. Conclusions: Although being characterized by a number of methodological limitations, the social networks’ web monitoring approach (netnography) may be helpful to better understand some of the clinical and psychopharmacological issues pertaining to a range of NPS, including 4,4’-DMAR, for which only extremely little, if any, scientific knowledge is availablePeer reviewe
