66 research outputs found

    The role of SOX family members in solid tumours and metastasis

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    Cancer is a heavy burden for humans across the world with high morbidity and mortality. Transcription factors including sex determining region Y (SRY)-related high-mobility group (HMG) box (SOX) proteins are thought to be involved in the regulation of specific biological processes. The deregulation of gene expression programs can lead to cancer development. Here, we review the role of the SOX family in breast cancer, prostate cancer, renal cell carcinoma, thyroid cancer, brain tumours, gastrointestinal and lung tumours as well as the entailing therapeutic implications. The SOX family consists of more than 20 members that mediate DNA binding by the HMG domain and have regulatory functions in development, cell-fate decision, and differentiation. SOX2, SOX4, SOX5, SOX8, SOX9, and SOX18 are up-regulated in different cancer types and have been found to be associated with poor prognosis, while the up-regulation of SOX11 and SOX30 appears to be favourable for the outcome in other cancer types. SOX2, SOX4, SOX5 and other SOX members are involved in tumorigenesis, e.g. SOX2 is markedly up-regulated in chemotherapy resistant cells. The SoxF family (SOX7, SOX17, SOX18) plays an important role in angio- and lymphangiogenesis, with SOX18 seemingly being an attractive target for anti-angiogenic therapy and the treatment of metastatic disease in cancer. In summary, SOX transcription factors play an important role in cancer progression, including tumorigenesis, changes in the tumour microenvironment, and metastasis. Certain SOX proteins are potential molecular markers for cancer prognosis and putative potential therapeutic targets, but further investigations are required to understand their physiological functions

    Identifications of novel mechanisms in breast cancer cells involving duct-like multicellular spheroid formation after exposure to the Random Positioning Machine

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    Many cell types form three-dimensional aggregates (MCS; multicellular spheroids), when they are cultured under microgravity. MCS often resemble the organ, from which the cells have been derived. In this study we investigated human MCF-7 breast cancer cells after a 2 h-, 4 h-, 16 h-, 24 h-and 5d-exposure to a Random Positioning Machine (RPM) simulating microgravity. At 24 h few small compact MCS were detectable, whereas after 5d many MCS were floating in the supernatant above the cells, remaining adherently (AD). The MCS resembled the ducts formed in vivo by human epithelial breast cells. In order to clarify the underlying mechanisms, we harvested MCS and AD cells separately from each RPM-culture and measured the expression of 29 selected genes with a known involvement in MCS formation. qPCR analyses indicated that cytoskeletal genes were unaltered in short-term samples. IL8, VEGFA, and FLT1 were upregulated in 2 h/4 h AD-cultures. The ACTB, TUBB, EZR, RDX, FN1, VEGFA, FLK1 Casp9, Casp3, PRKCA mRNAs were downregulated in 5d-MCS-samples. ESR1 was upregulated in AD, and PGR1 in both phenotypes after 5d. A pathway analysis revealed that the corresponding gene products are involved in organization and regulation of the cell shape, in cell tip formation and membrane to membrane docking

    Unexpected Hydrolytic Instability of N-Acylated Amino Acid Amides and Peptides

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    Remote amide bonds in simple N-acyl amino acid amide or peptide derivatives 1 can be surprisingly unstable hydrolytically, affording, in solution, variable amounts of 3 under mild acidic conditions, such as trifluoroacetic acid/water mixtures at room temperature. This observation has important implications for the synthesis of this class of compounds, which includes N-terminal-acylated peptides. We describe the factors contributing to this instability and how to predict and control it. The instability is a function of the remote acyl group, R2CO, four bonds away from the site of hydrolysis. Electron-rich acyl R2 groups accelerate this reaction. In the case of acyl groups derived from substituted aromatic carboxylic acids, the acceleration is predictable from the substituent’s Hammett σ value. N-Acyl dipeptides are also hydrolyzed under typical cleavage conditions. This suggests that unwanted peptide truncation may occur during synthesis or prolonged standing in solution when dipeptides or longer peptides are acylated on the N-terminus with electron-rich aromatic groups. When amide hydrolysis is an undesired secondary reaction, as can be the case in the trifluoroacetic acid-catalyzed cleavage of amino acid amide or peptide derivatives 1 from solid-phase resins, conditions are provided to minimize that hydrolysis

    Morphological and Molecular Changes in Juvenile Normal Human Fibroblasts Exposed to Simulated Microgravity

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    The literature suggests morphological alterations and molecular biological changes within the cellular milieu of human cells, exposed to microgravity (mu g), as many cell types assemble to multicellular spheroids (MCS). In this study we investigated juvenile normal human dermal fibroblasts (NHDF) grown in simulated mu g (s-mu g) on a random positioning machine (RPM), aiming to study changes in cell morphology, cytoskeleton, extracellular matrix (ECM), focal adhesion and growth factors. On the RPM, NHDF formed an adherent monolayer and compact MCS. For the two cell populations we found a differential regulation of fibronectin, laminin, collagen-IV, aggrecan, osteopontin, TIMP-1, integrin-beta(1), caveolin-1, E-cadherin, talin-1, vimentin, alpha-SM actin, TGF-beta(1), IL-8, MCP-1, MMP-1, and MMP-14 both on the transcriptional and/or translational level. Immunofluorescence staining revealed only slight structural changes in cytoskeletal components. Flow cytometry showed various membrane-bound proteins with considerable variations. In silico analyses of the regulated proteins revealed an interaction network, contributing to MCS growth via signals mediated by integrin-beta(1), E-cadherin, caveolin-1 and talin-1. In conclusion, s-mu g-conditions induced changes in the cytoskeleton, ECM, focal adhesion and growth behavior of NHDF and we identified for the first time factors involved in fibroblast 3D-assembly. This new knowledge might be of importance in tissue engineering, wound healing and cancer metastasis

    Pathways Regulating Spheroid Formation of Human Follicular Thyroid Cancer Cells under Simulated Microgravity Conditions: A Genetic Approach

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    Microgravity induces three-dimensional (3D) growth in numerous cell types. Despite substantial efforts to clarify the underlying mechanisms for spheroid formation, the precise molecular pathways are still not known. The principal aim of this paper is to compare static 1g-control cells with spheroid forming (MCS) and spheroid non-forming (AD) thyroid cancer cells cultured in the same flask under simulated microgravity conditions. We investigated the morphology and gene expression patterns in human follicular thyroid cancer cells (UCLA RO82-W-1 cell line) after a 24 h-exposure on the Random Positioning Machine (RPM) and focused on 3D growth signaling processes. After 24 h, spheroid formation was observed in RPM-cultures together with alterations in the F-actin cytoskeleton. qPCR indicated more changes in gene expression in MCS than in AD cells. Of the 24 genes analyzed VEGFA, VEGFD, MSN, and MMP3 were upregulated in MCS compared to 1g-controls, whereas ACTB, ACTA2, KRT8, TUBB, EZR, RDX, PRKCA, CAV1, MMP9, PAI1, CTGF, MCP1 were downregulated. A pathway analysis revealed that the upregulated genes code for proteins, which promote 3D growth (angiogenesis) and prevent excessive accumulation of extracellular proteins, while genes coding for structural proteins are downregulated. Pathways regulating the strength/rigidity of cytoskeletal proteins, the amount of extracellular proteins, and 3D growth may be involved in MCS formation

    EEG-neurofeedback and executive function enhancement in healthy adults: a systematic-review

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    EEG-neurofeedback training (EEG-NFT) is a promising technique that supports individuals in learning to modulate their brain activity to obtain cognitive and behavioural improvements. EEG-NFT is gaining increasing attention for its potential \u201cpeak performance\u201d applications on healthy individuals. However, evidence for clear cognitive performance enhancements with healthy adults is still lacking. In particular, whether EEG-NFT represents an effective technique for enhancing healthy adults\u2019 executive functions is still controversial. Therefore, the main objective of this systematic-review is to assess whether the existing EEG-NFT studies targeting executive functions have provided reliable evidence for NFT effectiveness. To this end, we conducted a qualitative analysis of the literature since the limited number of retrieved studies did not allow us meta-analytical comparisons. Moreover, a second aim was to identify optimal frequencies as NFT targets for specifically improving executive functions. Overall, our systematic review provides promising evidence for NFT effectiveness in boosting healthy adults\u2019 executive functions. However, more rigorous NFT studies are required in order to overcome the methodological weaknesses that we encountered in our qualitative analysis

    Clinical aspects of short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency

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    Short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (SCADD) is an autosomal recessive inborn error of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation. SCADD is biochemically characterized by increased C4-carnitine in plasma and ethylmalonic acid in urine. The diagnosis of SCADD is confirmed by DNA analysis showing SCAD gene mutations and/or variants. SCAD gene variants are present in homozygous form in approximately 6% of the general population and considered to confer susceptibility to development of clinical disease. Clinically, SCADD generally appears to present early in life and to be most frequently associated with developmental delay, hypotonia, epilepsy, behavioral disorders, and hypoglycemia. However, these symptoms often ameliorate and even disappear spontaneously during follow-up and were found to be unrelated to the SCAD genotype. In addition, in some cases, symptoms initially attributed to SCADD could later be explained by other causes. Finally, SCADD relatives of SCADD patients as well as almost all SCADD individuals diagnosed by neonatal screening remained asymptomatic during follow-up. This potential lack of clinical consequences of SCADD has several implications. First, the diagnosis of SCADD should never preclude extension of the diagnostic workup for other potential causes of the observed symptoms. Second, patients and parents should be clearly informed about the potential lack of relevance of the disorder to avoid unfounded anxiety. Furthermore, to date, SCADD is not an optimal candidate for inclusion in newborn screening programs. More studies are needed to fully establish the relevance of SCADD and solve the question as to whether SCADD is involved in a multifactorial disease or represents a nondisease
