11 research outputs found

    Acquiring skills in malignant hyperthermia crisis management: comparison of high-fidelity simulation versus computer-based case study

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    Abstract Introduction: The primary purpose of this study was to compare the effect of high fidelity simulation versus a computer-based case solving self-study, in skills acquisition about malignant hyperthermia on first year anesthesiology residents. Methods: After institutional ethical committee approval, 31 first year anesthesiology residents were enrolled in this prospective randomized single-blinded study. Participants were randomized to either a High Fidelity Simulation Scenario or a computer-based Case Study about malignant hyperthermia. After the intervention, all subjects' performance in was assessed through a high fidelity simulation scenario using a previously validated assessment rubric. Additionally, knowledge tests and a satisfaction survey were applied. Finally, a semi-structured interview was done to assess self-perception of reasoning process and decision-making. Results: 28 first year residents finished successfully the study. Resident's management skill scores were globally higher in High Fidelity Simulation versus Case Study, however they were significant in 4 of the 8 performance rubric elements: recognize signs and symptoms (p = 0.025), prioritization of initial actions of management (p = 0.003), recognize complications (p = 0.025) and communication (p = 0.025). Average scores from pre- and post-test knowledge questionnaires improved from 74% to 85% in the High Fidelity Simulation group, and decreased from 78% to 75% in the Case Study group (p = 0.032). Regarding the qualitative analysis, there was no difference in factors influencing the student's process of reasoning and decision-making with both teaching strategies. Conclusion: Simulation-based training with a malignant hyperthermia high-fidelity scenario was superior to computer-based case study, improving knowledge and skills in malignant hyperthermia crisis management, with a very good satisfaction level in anesthesia residents

    Simulación en educación para ciencias de la Salud: ¿Qué calidad hemos alcanzado en Chile?

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    Introducción: en Chile, la simulación está siendo ampliamente utilizada en educación para ciencias de la salud; sin embargo, la calidad con la que se ha estado implementando es desconocida. Objetivo: describir la calidad de los centros de simulación en Chile de acuerdo al cumplimiento de los estándares de acreditación internacional propuestos por la Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH). Métodos: con la aprobación del comité de ética institucional, se diseñó una encuesta basada en los estándares de Acreditación para los Programas de Simulación (Acreditation Standards of Healthcare Simulation Programs) de la SSH. Este instrumento se envió vía e-mail a los 17 Centros de Simulación pertenecientes a universidades del país y fue procesado anónimamente. Resultados: 13 centros de simulación aceptaron participar (tasa de respuesta de 76,47 %). El 92,3% cuenta con una misión del programa, el 53,8% tiene un director con horario exclusivo y la mayoría cuentan con la infraestructura necesaria. Son muy frecuentes la simulación para habilidades, alta fidelidad y poco frecuentes los pacientes estandarizados y la simulación virtual. La implementación de estrategias de mejoramiento continuo no es evidente en todos los centros y no se están desarrollando sistemáticamente proyectos de investigación. Conclusiones: se ha realizado la primera encuesta sobre el cumplimiento de los estándares de calidad definidos por la SSH, en los Centros de Simulación universitarios en Chile. Globalmente, existe un alto grado de cumplimiento de la mayoría de los ítems; sin embargo, la evaluación e investigación son áreas que requieren desarrollo

    Validation of the imperial college surgical assessment device for spinal anesthesia

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    Abstract Background Traditionally, technical proficiency for spinal anesthesia has been assessed using observational scales such as global rating scales or task specific checklists. However more objective metrics are required in order to improve novice’s training programs. The aim of this study is to validate the hand motion analysis of the Imperial College Surgical Assessment Device (ICSAD) in a simulated model of spinal anesthesia. Methods Three groups of physicians with different levels of experience were video recorded performing a spinal anesthesia in a simulated lumbar puncture torso. Participants’ technical performance was assessed with ICSAD, a Global Rating Scale (GRS) and a specific Checklist. Differences between the 3 groups were determined by Kruskal-Wallis test with post hoc Dunn’s correction for multiple comparisons. Spearman correlation coefficient between ICSAD variables and the scores of the observational scales were calculated to establish concurrent validity. Results Thirty subjects participated in the study: ten novice (first year residents), 10 intermediate (third year residents) and 10 experts (attending anesthesiologists). GRS scores were significantly higher in experts, than intermediates and novices. Regarding total path length, number of movements and procedural time measured with ICSAD, all groups had significant differences between them (p = 0.026, p = 0.045 and p = 0.005 respectively). Spearman correlation coefficient was −0,46 (p = 0.012) between total path length measured with ICSAD and GRS scores. Conclusions This is the first validation study of ICSAD as an assessment tool for spinal anesthesia in a simulated model. Using ICSAD can discriminate proficiency between expert and novices and correlates with previously validated GRS. Its use in the assessment of spinal anesthesia proficiency provides complementary data to existing tools. Our results could be used to design future training programs with reliable goals to accomplish


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    Siendo la metrorragia una causa frecuente de morbilidad ginecológica, se plantea la resección endometrial como una buena alternativa de tratamiento en casos seleccionados. Se analizan 102 resecciones endometriales realizadas en mujeres que cumplían requisitos definidos de inclusión y exclusión. Los resultados consideran la edad, el tiempo operatorio, las complicaciones, los resultados anatomopatológicos, los controles histeroscópicos y el seguimiento. Se concluye que la resección endometrial tiene éxito en un 87% de los casos, posee pocas complicaciones y las cavidades uterinas permanecen permeables para futuras evaluaciones

    Perioperative lumbar plexus block and cardiac ischemia in patients with hip fracture: randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Perioperative myocardial ischemia is common among patients undergoing hip fracture surgery. Our aim is to evaluate the efficacy of perioperative continuous lumbar plexus block in reducing the risk of cardiac ischemic events of elderly patients undergoing surgery for hip fractures, expressed as a reduction of ischemic events per subject. Methods: Patients older than 60 years, ASA II–III, with risk factors for or known coronary artery disease were enrolled in this randomized controlled study. Patients were randomized to conventional analgesia using opioid intravenous patient-controlled analgesia or continuous lumbar plexus block analgesia, both started preoperatively and maintained until postoperative day three. Continuous electrocardiogram monitoring with ST segment analysis was recorded. Serial cardiac enzymes and pain scores were registered during the entire period. We measured the incidence of ischemic events per subject registered by a continuous ST-segment Holter monitoring. Results: Thirty-one patients (intravenous patient-controlled analgesia 14, lumbar plexus 17) were enrolled. There were no major cardiac events during the observation period. The number of ischemic events recorded by subject during the observation period was 6 in the lumbar plexus group and 3 in the intravenous patient-controlled analgesia group. This difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.618). There were no statistically significant differences in the number of cases with increased perioperative troponin values (3 cases in the lumbar plexus group and 1 case in the intravenous patient-controlled analgesia group) or in terms of pain scores. Conclusions: Using continuous perineural analgesia, compared with conventional systemic analgesia, does not modify the incidence of perioperative cardiac ischemic events of elderly patients with hip fracture. Resumo: Justificativa: A isquemia miocárdica perioperatória é comum em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de fratura de quadril. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar a eficácia do bloqueio perioperatório contínuo do plexo lombar na redução do risco de eventos cardíacos isquêmicos em pacientes idosos submetidos à cirurgia para fraturas de quadril, expresso como uma redução de eventos isquêmicos por indivíduo. Métodos: Pacientes com mais de 60 anos de idade, ASA II–III com fatores de risco para ou com doença coronariana conhecida foram incluídos neste estudo controlado e randomizado. Os pacientes foram aleatorizados para analgesia convencional usando analgésicos opioides para administração de analgesia intravenosa controlada pelo paciente (Intravenous Patient-Controlled Analgesia – IVPCA) ou analgesia contínua com o bloqueio do Plexo Lombar (PL), ambas iniciadas no pré-operatório e mantidas até o terceiro dia de pós-operatório. Monitorização contínua de ECG com análise do segmento ST foi registrada. Enzimas cardíacas seriadas e escores de dor foram registrados durante todo o período. Medimos a incidência de eventos isquêmicos por indivíduo registrados com monitoração contínua do segmento ST via Holter. Resultados: Trinta e um pacientes (IVPCA 14, PL 17) foram incluídos. Não houve eventos cardíacos sérios durante o período de observação. O número de eventos isquêmicos registrados por sujeito durante o período de observação foi de seis no grupo PL e três no grupo IVPCA. Essa diferença não foi estatisticamente significativa (p = 0,618). Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas no número de casos com aumento dos valores de troponina no perioperatório (três casos no grupo LP e um caso no grupo IVPCA) ou em termos de escores de dor. Conclusões: O uso da analgesia perineural contínua comparado ao da analgesia sistêmica convencional não modifica a incidência de eventos isquêmicos cardíacos no período perioperatório de pacientes idosos com fratura de quadril. Keywords: Hip fracture, Analgesia, Lumbar plexus block, Cardiovascular complications, Palavras-chave: Fratura do quadril, Analgesia, Bloqueio do plexo lombar, Complicações cardiovasculare