1,471 research outputs found

    Context-aware OLAP for textual data warehouses

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    Decision Support Systems (DSS) that leverage business intelligence are based on numerical data and On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP) is often used to implement it. However, business decisions are increasingly dependent on textual data as well. Existing research work on textual data warehouses has the limitation of capturing contextual relationships when comparing only strongly related documents. This paper proposes an Information System (IS) based context-aware model that uses word embedding in conjunction with agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithms to dynamically categorize documents in order to form the concept hierarchy. The results of the experimental evaluation provide evidence of the effectiveness of integrating textual data into a data warehouse and improving decision making through various OLAP operations

    A comparison between elite swimmers and kayakers on upper body push and pull strength and power performance

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    The aim of the present study was to compare the load-power curve expressed at bench press (PR) and prone bench pull (PU) between elite swimmers and kayakers. Another aim was to calculate the strength and power PR/PU ratio in the same populations. Fifteen elite swimmers (SW: age = 23.8 ± 2.9 y; body mass = 82.8 ± 5.6 kg; body height = 184.1 ± 4.6 cm) and 13 elite kayakers (KA: age = 23.8 ± 2.9 y; body mass = 91.0 ± 3.5 kg; body height = 180.1 ± 5.4 cm) were assessed for PR 1RM and PU 1RM. They were then assessed for power produced at 40, 60 and 80% of 1RM in both PR and PU. The area under the load-power curve (AUC) and PR/PU ratios were calculated for both the SW and KA groups. The KA group showed significantly higher PR1RM (+18.2%; p = 0.002) and PU1RM (+25.7%; p < 0.001) compared to the SW group. Significant group differences were also detected for PUAUC (p < 0.001) and for the PR/PU power ratio (p < 0.001). No significant group differences were detected for PRAUC (p = 0.605) and for the PR/PU strength ratio (p = 0.065; 0.87 and 0.82 in SW and KA, respectively). The present findings indicate that elite KA were stronger and more powerful than elite SW in the upper body. Not consistently with other athletic populations, both KA and SW athletes were stronger and more powerful in upper body pull compared to push moves

    Clinical significance of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in laryngeal carcinoma: Its role in the different subsites

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    Background: During epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, cancer cells lose adhesion capacity gaining migratory properties. The role of the process on prognosis has been evaluated in 50 cases of laryngeal carcinoma. Methods: E-cadherin, N-cadherin, β-catenin, α-catenin, γ-catenin, caveolin-1, and vimentin immunohistochemical expression were evaluated using a double score based on staining intensity and cellular localization. Results: Cytoplasmic E-cadherin and α/γ catenin staining were associated with a decrease in survival, cytoplasmic β-catenin was associated with advanced stage, and N-cadherin and vimentin expression were associated with poor differentiation and tumor relapse. On the basis of cancer cells, epithelial or mesenchymal morphological and immunophenotypic similarity we identified 4 main subgroups correlated with a transition to a more undifferentiated phenotype, which have a different pattern of relapse and survival. Conclusion: The negative prognostic role of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition has been confirmed and a predictive role in glottic tumors has been suggested, leading us to propose epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition as an additional adverse feature in laryngeal carcinoma

    Technical Note: Continuity of MIPAS-ENVISAT ozone data quality from full- to reduced-spectral-resolution operation mode

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    International audienceMIPAS (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding) is operating on the ENVIronmental SATellite (ENVISAT) since March 2002. After two years of nearly continuous limb scanning measurements, at the end of March 2004, the instrument was stopped due to problems with the mirror drive of the interferometer. Operations with reduced maximum path difference, corresponding to both a reduced-spectral-resolution and a shorter measurement time, were resumed on January 2005. In order to exploit the reduction in measurement time, the measurement scenario was changed adopting a finer vertical limb scanning. The change of spectral resolution and of measurement scenario entailed an update of the data processing strategy. The aim of this paper is the assessment of the differences in the quality of the MIPAS ozone data acquired before and after the stop of the operations. Two sets of MIPAS ozone profiles acquired in 2003?2004 (full-resolution measurements) and in 2005?2006 (reduced-resolution measurements) are compared with collocated ozone profiles obtained by GOMOS (Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars), itself also onboard ENVISAT. The continuity of the GOMOS data quality allows to assess a possible discontinuity of the MIPAS performances. The relative bias and precision of MIPAS ozone profiles with respect to the GOMOS ones have been compared for the measurements acquired before and after the stop of the MIPAS operations. The results of the comparison show that, in general, the quality of the MIPAS ozone profiles retrieved from reduced-resolution measurements is comparable or better than that obtained from the full-resolution dataset. The only significant change in MIPAS performances is observed at pressures around 2 hPa, where the relative bias of the instruments increases by a factor of 2 from the 2003?2004 to 2005?2006 measurements

    A Comparison between Non-Localized Post-Activation Performance Enhancements Following Resistance Exercise for the Upper and the Lower Body

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    The aim of the present investigation was to compare the acute non-localized post-activation performance enhancement (PAPE) of an exercise protocol involving either the upper or the lower body muscles. Twenty-four resistance trained men participated in the present study and were randomly assigned to an upper body (UB) or to a lower body (LB) group. Both groups tested for upper and lower body power (bench press throw (BPT) and countermovement jump power (CMJP) tests). Participants in the UB group were tested pre and post a high-intensity (HI) and a high-power (POW) bench press protocol while participants in the LB group performed a HI squat and a jump session (POW). A significant group × time interaction was found for CMJP in HI (p = 0.012). Post hoc tests revealed that CMJP was elevated in UB group only (+1.6%; p = 0.025). No other significant interactions were detected. Results of this study indicate that a non-localized PAPE on the lower body may be induced by a HI bench press protocol while a HI squat protocol may not increase upper body power. In particular, the squat protocol performed in the present study (5 sets of 1 rep) may be too demanding to produce a non-localized PAPE

    Driving the Technology Value Stream by Analyzing App Reviews

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    An emerging feature of mobile application software is the need to quickly produce new versions to solve problems that emerged in previous versions. This helps adapt to changing user needs and preferences. In a continuous software development process, the user reviews collected by the apps themselves can play a crucial role to detect which components need to be reworked. This paper proposes a novel framework that enables software companies to drive their technology value stream based on the feedback (or reviews) provided by the end-users of an application. The proposed end-to-end framework exploits different Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks to best understand the needs and goals of the end users. We also provide a thorough and in-depth analysis of the framework, the performance of each of the modules, and the overall contribution in driving the technology value stream. An analysis of reviews with sixteen popular Android Play Store applications from various genres over a long period of time provides encouraging evidence of the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Identification via numerical computation of transcriptional determinants of a cell phenotype decision making

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    Complex cellular processes, such as phenotype decision making, are exceedingly difficult to analyze experimentally, due to the multiple-layer regulation of gene expression and the intercellular variability referred to as biological noise. Moreover, the heterogeneous experimental approaches used to investigate distinct macromolecular species, and their intrinsic differential time-scale dynamics, add further intricacy to the general picture of the physiological phenomenon. In this respect, a computational representation of the cellular functions of interest can be used to extract relevant information, being able to highlight meaningful active markers within the plethora of actors forming an active molecular network. The multiscale power of such an approach can also provide meaningful descriptions for both population and single-cell level events. To validate this paradigm a Boolean and a Markov model were combined to identify, in an objective and user-independent manner, a signature of genes recapitulating epithelial to mesenchymal transition in-vitro. The predictions of the model are in agreement with experimental data and revealed how the expression of specific molecular markers is related to distinct cell behaviors. The presented method strengthens the evidence of a role for computational representation of active molecular networks to gain insight into cellular physiology and as a general approach for integrating in-silico/in-vitro study of complex cell population dynamics to identify their most relevant drivers

    Arm-stroke descriptor variability during 200-M front crawl swimming

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    The present study aimed to explore the variability of the arm-stroke temporal descriptors between and within laps during middle-distance swimming event using IMMUs. Eight male swimmers performed a 200-m maximum front-crawl in which the inter-lap and intra-lap variability of velocity, stroke rate, stroke-phases duration and arm-coordination index were measured through five units of IMMU. An algorithm computes the 3D coordinates of the wrist by means the IMMU orientation and the kinematic chain of upper arm biomechanical model, and it recognizes the start events of the four arm-stroke phases. Velocity and stroke rate had a mean value of 1.47 ± 0.10 m·s−1 and 32.94 ± 4.84 cycles·min−1, respectively, and a significant decrease along the 200-m (p < 0.001; η2 = 0.80 and 0.47). The end of each lap showed significantly lower stroke rate compared to the start and the middle segment (p < 0.05; η2 = 0.55). No other significant inter-lap and intra-lap differences were detected. The two main findings are: (i) IMMUs technology can be an effective solution to continuously monitor the temporal descriptors during the swimming trial; (ii) swimmers are able to keep stable their temporal technique descriptors in a middle-distance event, despite the decrease of velocity and stroke rate

    Minimising conflicts among run-time non-functional requirements within DevOps

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    Significant contributions in the existing literature highlight the potential of softgoal interdependency graphs towards analyzing conflicting non-functional requirements (NFRs). However, such analysis is often at a very abstract level and does not quite consider the run-time performance statistics of NFR operationalizations. On the contrary, some initial empirical evaluations demonstrate the importance of the run-time statistics. In this paper, a framework is proposed that uses these statistics and combines the same with NFR priorities for computing the impact of NFR conflicts. The proposed framework is capable of identifying the best possible set of NFR operationalizations that minimizes the impact of conflicting NFRs. A detailed space analysis of the solution framework helps proving the efficiency of the proposed pruning mechanism in terms of better space management. Furthermore, a Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN) - based system behavioral model that works on top of the proposed framework, is defined and analyzed. An appropriate tool prototype for the framework is implemented as part of this research