9 research outputs found

    Perspective on Oncogenic Processes at the End of the Beginning of Cancer Genomics

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    The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) has catalyzed systematic characterization of diverse genomic alterations underlying human cancers. At this historic junction marking the completion of genomic characterization of over 11,000 tumors from 33 cancer types, we present our current understanding of the molecular processes governing oncogenesis. We illustrate our insights into cancer through synthesis of the findings of the TCGA PanCancer Atlas project on three facets of oncogenesis: (1) somatic driver mutations, germline pathogenic variants, and their interactions in the tumor; (2) the influence of the tumor genome and epigenome on transcriptome and proteome; and (3) the relationship between tumor and the microenvironment, including implications for drugs targeting driver events and immunotherapies. These results will anchor future characterization of rare and common tumor types, primary and relapsed tumors, and cancers across ancestry groups and will guide the deployment of clinical genomic sequencing

    Mode I Stores, Inc.: Computer Supported Cases on the Marketing Research and Problem Solving Process

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    "The typical marketing student generally does not look forward to a marketing research course. Part of the students’ resistance can be written off to fear of a rigorous and demanding course in what is generally a less quantitative and abstract field of concentration than accounting, finance, or logistics. Whatever the cause, the resistance factor both be- f ore and during the research course remains one of the unsolved challenges of marketing education. Marketing research materials are a key element in the student’s development. Those who have consulted with or studied corporations are keenly aware of the importance of systematic investigation of marketing problems through formal analytic schemes. This is as true of the small manufacturer of industrial goods who doesn’t know who his customers are as it is of the researchers and consultants who seek patterns of marketing success. The key objective of the marketing research course is to persuade the student to truly internalize the analytic! research viewpoint and to instill a framework so that, when faced with a complex multifaceted business problem, he will know what information to ask for and how to evaluate the information he receives. Similarly, if he joins the staff of a research department or agency, he should be able to relate management’s needs to workable research and to numerical results. As Kotler phrases it, “what is needed [to gain greater acceptance of marketing research] is a gradual education about each other’s needs and capabilities.” [3] The Mode I Stores, Inc. package hopefully will help close that gap.

    Diffraction determination of stress field and elastic constants in polycrystalline materials

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    (Cell 173, 371\u2013385.e1\u2013e9; April 5, 2018) It has come to our attention that we made two errors in preparation of this manuscript. First, in the STAR Methods, under the subheading of \u201cHypermutators and Immune Infiltrates\u201d within the \u201cQuantification and Statistical Analysis\u201d section, we inadvertently referred to Figures S7A\u2013S7C for data corresponding to sample stratification by hypermutator status alone in the last sentence. It should have referred to Figure S6A\u2013S6C. Second, the lists of highly frequent missense mutations for COAD (colon adenocarcinoma) and READ (rectum adenocarcinoma) displayed in Figure S7 were incorrect because when we ordered the mutations in the initial analysis, we mistakenly combined the two cancer types COAD and READ for analysis, despite the fact that they were listed as two separate cancer types in the x-axis of the figure. After re-ordering the mutations by frequency for COAD and READ independently, information on highly frequent missense mutations for each of these cancer types is different and updated now in the revised Figure S7. These errors don't change the major conclusions of the paper and have been corrected online. We apologize for any confusion they may have caused. [Figure-presented