1,089 research outputs found

    To find or not to find a first “significant” job

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    In this paper we look at school-to-work transitions in Spain. We distinguish between significant and non-significant jobs and show that educational investment enhances access to a first significant job compared to a non-significant one. We also find strong differences between men and women: education attainment provides a clearer differentiating device for women than for men, whatever field of education females choose. These results are tested and confirmed by a multinomial probit model of the probability of achieving both significant and non-significant jobs and by a discrete time duration model of the probability of achieving a significant job.School-to-work transition, job search, youth labour market

    SOA4 All Integrated Ranking: a Preference-Based, Holistic Implementation

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    There exist many available service ranking implementations, each one providing ad hoc preference models that offer different levels of expressiveness. Consequently, applying a single implementation to a particular scenario constrains the user to define preferences based on the underlying formalisms. Furthermore, preferences from different ranking implementation’s model cannot be combined in general, due to interoperability issues. in this article we present an integrated ranking implementation that enables the combination of three different ranking implementations developed within the EU FP7 SOA4All project. Our solution has been developed using PURI, a Preference-based Universal Ranking Integration framework that is based on a common, holistic preference model that allows to exploit synergies from the integrated ranking implementations, offering a single user interface to define preferences that acts as a façade to the integrated ranking implementation

    Improving Semantic Web Services Discovery Using SPARQL-Based Repository Filtering

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    Semantic Web Services discovery is commonly a heavyweight task, which has scalability issues when the number of services or the ontology complexity increase, because most approaches are based on Description Logics reasoning. As a higher number of services becomes available, there is a need for solutions that improve discovery performance. Our proposal tackles this scalability problem by adding a preprocessing stage based on two SPARQL queries that filter service repositories, discarding service descriptions that do not refer to any functionality or non-functional aspect requested by the user before the actual discovery takes place. This approach fairly reduces the search space for discovery mechanisms, consequently improving the overall performance of this task. Furthermore, this particular solution does not provide yet another discovery mechanism, but it is easily applicable to any of the existing ones, as our prototype evaluation shows. Moreover, proposed queries are automatically generated from service requests, transparently to the user. In order to validate our proposal, this article showcases an application to the OWL-S ontology, in addition to a comprehensive performance analysis that we carried out in order to test and compare the results obtained from proposed filters and current discovery approaches, discussing the benefits of our proposal

    On User Preferences and Utility Functions in Selection: A Semantic Approach

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    Discovery tasks in the context of Semantic Web Services are generally performed using Description Logics. However, this formalism is not suited when non-functional, numerical parameters are involved in the discovery process. Furthermore, in selection tasks, where an optimization algorithm is needed, DLs are not capable of computing the optimum. Although there are DLs extensions that can handle numerical parameters, they bring decidability problems. Other solutions, as hybrid approaches which use DLs in functional discovery and other formalisms in non-functional selection, do not provide a semantic framework to describe user preferences based on non-functional properties. In this work, we propose to semantically describe user preferences, so they can be used to perform selection within a hybrid solution. By using semantically described utility functions in order to define user preferences, our proposal enables interoperability between service offers and demands, while providing a high level of expressiveness in these preferences and including them within SWS descriptions.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2006-0047

    La formación permanente, objetivo prioritario de los Colegios Oficiales de Peritos e Ingenieros Técnicos de Andalucía

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    Comunicación no editada y Presentada al I CONGRESO DE LA INGENIERÍA TÉCNICA INDUSTRIAL DE ANDALUCÍA: NERJA (Málaga) 15 y 16 de Mayo de 1987. Conclusiones y resúmenes en la publicación: Síntesis, conclusiones y resúmenes de ponencias / I Congreso de la ingeniería técnica industrial de Andalucía. Nerja (Málaga) : Colegios Oficiales de Peritos e Ingenieros Técnicos Industriales de Andalucía, 1987La actual situación en la que los cambios tecnológicos y las disposiciones administrativas se suceden con demasiada frecuencia, obliga a nuestros colegiados a mantener continuamente actualizados sus conocimientos en determinadas parcelas de su actividad profesional, habiéndose creado por consiguiente para una gran parte del colectivo de Ingenieros Técnicos Industriales unas necesidades de formación permanente cada vez más acentuadas como hemos podido constatar, tanto por la gran acogida que hasta el momento han tenido las actividades organizadas por los Colegios, como por el contacto personal mantenido con los colegiados. Esta necesidad de formación, si bien resulta imprescindible para quienes recientemente han concluidos su estudios, no resulta menos necesaria, en gran número de casos, para aquellos colegiados que vienen desarrollando su actividad con el ejercicio libre de la profesión. Conscientes de la enorme importancia que en estos momentos debe tener la actualización y perfeccionamiento profesional de cualquier titulado y muy en especial en lo que a los titulados técnicos se refiere, con la presente ponencia la Comisión de Formación Permanente del Colegio Oficial de Peritos e Ingenieros Técnicos Industriales de Sevilla trata de hacer extensiva su inquietud a la totalidad de los Colegios de Andalucía para que asuman entre sus objetivos prioritarios a corto y medio plazo, la fijación de una líneas básicas de actuación que permitan el posterior establecimiento de una planificación del perfeccionamiento profesional de sus colegiados, dirigidas a la posterior formulación de objetivos y estrategias concretas que permitan, mediante la creación de la Comisión de Formación Permanente de Andalucía, mejorar la actuación con la máxima eficacia. En la presente ponencia se expone lo que podría ser un modelo de creación y funcionamiento de la Comisión de Formación Permanente de Andalucía que sirviese para coordinar la labor realizada por las Comisiones de Formación Permanente de cada Colegio provincial, aunando esfuerzos y aprovechando la experiencia acumulada en cada uno de los Colegios andaluces durante años de actividad en este campo

    Integration of Information Technology and Communication in Early Childhood Education in Navarre (Spain)

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    El artículo ofrece una perspectiva sobre integración, dificultades, causas y resultados sobre las TIC en Educación Infantil en la Comunidad Foral de Navarra, a partir de estudios, percepciones, experiencias de docentes de esta etapa, opiniones de expertos y familias. Es un estudio analítico y prospectivo con importantes aportaciones valiosas sobre formación inicial y permanente del profesorado, dotación de centros y aulas, mantenimiento de tecnologías, personal especializado de apoyo. Administración educativa, familias y docentes son interpeladas. Por la fiabilidad de los instrumentos y análisis realizados los resultados son extrapolables a otras comunidades, profesorado y realidades educativas.The article offers a perspective on the integration, difficulties, causes and results of the TIC in primary education in Navarre, from teachers' studies, perceptions, experiences on this stage, expert opinions and families. The work is an analytic and prospective study with an important and valuable contribution to teacher initial and permanent training, schools and classroom resources, technological maintenance, and support staff. Educational administration, families and teachers are questioned. Because of the resources' reliability and analysis performed, the results can be extrapolated to other regions, teachers and educational realities

    Factors that have shaped the eEvolution of bilateral trade between Canada and Colombia in the long run (1953-2003)

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    Currently bilateral trade between Canada and Colombia is low. In 2003, this trade amounted to US 489million,withCo­lombianimportsfromCanadatotalingUS489 million, with Co­lombian imports from Canada totaling US 213 million (DOTS, 2004). Canada supplied approximately 4.0% of Colombia’s total trade (total imports and total ex­ports), in contrast Colombia supplied only around 0.1% of the Canadian total trade. In 2005, Colombia was the third largest Canadian partner in South America after Brazil and Venezuela. The objective of this paper is to analyze the trade performance between Canada and Colombia using a modified gravity equation to identify the most relevant historical factors that have shaped the evo­lution of this bilateral trade in the long run (during the period from 1953 to 2003). The analysis includes traditional economic va­riables (such as population and income of the importing and exporting countries). In order to understand the qualitative nature of the evolution of this bilateral trade the second objective is to review the evolving nature of trade including commodity com­position and trade characteristics.

    A Service Ranker Based on Logic Rules Evaluation and Constraint Programming

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    Ranking of Semantic Web Services is usually performed based on user preferences descriptions. These descriptions are expressed in terms of an underlying logical formalism, which limits their expressiveness. Thus, there are some kind of descriptions, such as utility functions, that cannot be handled by reasoners currently being used to perform Semantic Web Services tasks, though utility functions provide a higher level of expressiveness. in this work, we present a hybrid solution to allow the introduction of utility functions in user preferences descriptions, using both Logic Programming rules evaluation and Constraint Programming to perform the ranking process. This proposal is based on the Web Service Modeling Ontology, extending it with a highly expressive framework to specify user preferences, and enabling the integration of different engines to perform the ranking process