5,115 research outputs found

    On the perturbative expansion of boundary reflection factors of the supersymmetric sinh-Gordon model

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    The supersymmetric sinh-Gordon model on a half-line with integrable boundary conditions is considered perturbatively to verify conjectured exact reflection factors to one loop order. Propagators for the boson and fermion fields restricted to a half-line contain several novel features and are developed as prerequisites for the calculations.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Testing of a one-bladed 30-meter-diameter rotor on the DOE/NASA Mod-O wind turbine

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    Tests were conducted on the DOE/NASA Mod-O 200-kW horizontal-axis wind turbine in a one-bladed rotor configuration. The objectives of the test were to evaluate the performance, loads, and dynamic characteristics of a one-bladed rotor, and then to compare these parameters with those of an aerodynamically similar two-bladed rotor configuration. Test operations showed that this intermediate-size (15.2-m radius) one-bladed rotor configuration can be operated successfully. Test results show that the one-bladed rotor had cyclic blade loads comparable to those of a two-bladed rotor. A moderate power penalty equivalent to a reduction in windspeed of 1 m/sec occurred with the one-bladed rotor when operated at a rotor speed 50 percent higher than that of the two-bladed rotor

    The sine-Gordon model with integrable defects revisited

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    Application of our algebraic approach to Liouville integrable defects is proposed for the sine-Gordon model. Integrability of the model is ensured by the underlying classical r-matrix algebra. The first local integrals of motion are identified together with the corresponding Lax pairs. Continuity conditions imposed on the time components of the entailed Lax pairs give rise to the sewing conditions on the defect point consistent with Liouville integrability.Comment: 24 pages Latex. Minor modifications, added comment

    Evidence-based rules from family practice to inform family practice; The learning healthcare system case study on urinary tract infections

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    Background: Analysis of encounter data relevant to the diagnostic process sourced from routine electronic medical record (EMR) databases represents a classic example of the concept of a learning healthcare system (LHS). By collecting International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC) coded EMR data as part of the Transition Project from Dutch and Maltese databases (using the EMR TransHIS), data mining algorithms can empirically quantify the relationships of all presenting reasons for encounter (RfEs) and recorded diagnostic outcomes. We have specifically looked at new episodes of care (EoC) for two urinary system infections: simple urinary tract infection (UTI, ICPC code: U71) and pyelonephritis (ICPC code: U70). Methods: Participating family doctors (FDs) recorded details of all their patient contacts in an EoC structure using the ICPC, including RfEs presented by the patient, and the FDs' diagnostic labels. The relationships between RfEs and episode titles were studied using probabilistic and data mining methods as part of the TRANSFoRm project. Results: The Dutch data indicated that the presence of RfE's "Cystitis/Urinary Tract Infection", "Dysuria", "Fear of UTI", "Urinary frequency/urgency", "Haematuria", "Urine symptom/complaint, other" are all strong, reliable, predictors for the diagnosis "Cystitis/Urinary Tract Infection". The Maltese data indicated that the presence of RfE's "Dysuria", "Urinary frequency/urgency", "Haematuria" are all strong, reliable, predictors for the diagnosis "Cystitis/Urinary Tract Infection". The Dutch data indicated that the presence of RfE's "Flank/axilla symptom/complaint", "Dysuria", "Fever", "Cystitis/Urinary Tract Infection", "Abdominal pain/cramps general" are all strong, reliable, predictors for the diagnosis "Pyelonephritis". The Maltese data set did not present any clinically and statistically significant predictors for pyelonephritis. Conclusions: We describe clinically and statistically significant diagnostic associations observed between UTIs and pyelonephritis presenting as a new problem in family practice, and all associated RfEs, and demonstrate that the significant diagnostic cues obtained are consistent with the literature. We conclude that it is possible to generate clinically meaningful diagnostic evidence from electronic sources of patient data

    Supersymmetric D-brane Bound States with B-field and Higher Dimensional Instantons on Noncommutative Geometry

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    We classify supersymmetric D0-Dp bound states with a non-zero B-field by considering T-dualities of intersecting branes at angles. Especially, we find that the D0-D8 system with the B-field preserves 1/16, 1/8 and 3/16 of supercharges if the B-field satisfies the ``(anti-)self-dual'' condition in dimension eight. The D0-branes in this system are described by eight dimensional instantons on non-commutative R^8. We also discuss the extended ADHM construction of the eight-dimensional instantons and its deformation by the B-field. The modified ADHM equations admit a sort of the `fuzzy sphere' (embeddings of SU(2)) solution.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX file, typos corrected and references adde

    Elemental composition and oxidation of chamber organic aerosol

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    Recently, graphical representations of aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS) spectra and elemental composition have been developed to explain the oxidative and aging processes of secondary organic aerosol (SOA). It has been shown previously that oxygenated organic aerosol (OOA) components from ambient and laboratory data fall within a triangular region in the f_(44) vs. f_(43) space, where f_(44) and f_(43) are the ratios of the organic signal at m/z 44 and 43 to the total organic signal in AMS spectra, respectively; we refer to this graphical representation as the "triangle plot." Alternatively, the Van Krevelen diagram has been used to describe the evolution of functional groups in SOA. In this study we investigate the variability of SOA formed in chamber experiments from twelve different precursors in both "triangle plot" and Van Krevelen domains. Spectral and elemental data from the high-resolution Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer are compared to offline species identification analysis and FTIR filter analysis to better understand the changes in functional and elemental composition inherent in SOA formation and aging. We find that SOA formed under high- and low-NO_x conditions occupy similar areas in the "triangle plot" and Van Krevelen diagram and that SOA generated from already oxidized precursors allows for the exploration of areas higher on the "triangle plot" not easily accessible with non-oxidized precursors. As SOA ages, it migrates toward the top of the triangle along a path largely dependent on the precursor identity, which suggests increasing organic acid content and decreasing mass spectral variability. The most oxidized SOA come from the photooxidation of methoxyphenol precursors which yielded SOA O/C ratios near unity. α-pinene ozonolysis and naphthalene photooxidation SOA systems have had the highest degree of mass closure in previous chemical characterization studies and also show the best agreement between AMS elemental composition measurements and elemental composition of identified species within the uncertainty of the AMS elemental analysis. In general, compared to their respective unsaturated SOA precursors, the elemental composition of chamber SOA follows a slope shallower than −1 on the Van Krevelen diagram, which is indicative of oxidation of the precursor without substantial losss of hydrogen, likely due to the unsaturated nature of the precursors. From the spectra of SOA studied here, we are able to reproduce the triangular region originally constructed with ambient OOA compents with chamber aerosol showing that SOA becomes more chemically similar as it ages. Ambient data in the middle of the triangle represent the ensemble average of many different SOA precursors, ages, and oxidative processes

    Comparing Open-Ended Choice Experiments and Experimental Auctions: An Application to Golden Rice

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    We use two different experimental valuation methods to estimate consumer demand for genetically-modified golden rice. The first is an open-ended choice experiment (OECE) where participants name the quantities of golden rice and conventional rice demanded at each of several price combinations, one of which will be randomly chosen as binding. This allows us to estimate market demand by aggregating demand across participants. This estimate of market demand also allows us to estimate own-price elasticity and consumer surplus for golden rice. Comparing willingness-to-pay (WTP) estimates from the OECE with those from a uniform-price auction, we find that OECE WTP estimates exhibit less affiliation across rounds, and the effects of positive and negative information under the OECE are more consistent with prior expectations and existing studies. We also find that while auction WTP estimates more than double across five rounds, OECE WTP estimates are stable across rounds and are always roughly equal to those from the final auction round.choice experiments, experimental auctions, golden rice, valuation

    Multisymplectic approach to integrable defects in the sine-Gordon model

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    Ideas from the theory of multisymplectic systems, introduced recently in integrable systems by the author and Kundu to discuss Liouville integrability in classical field theories with a defect, are applied to the sine-Gordon model. The key ingredient is the introduction of a second Poisson bracket in the theory that allows for a Hamiltonian description of the model that is completely equivalent to the standard one, in the absence of a defect. In the presence of a defect described by frozen Bäcklund transformations, our approach based on the new bracket unifies the various tools used so far to attack the problem. It also gets rid of the known issues related to the evaluation of the Poisson brackets of the defect matrix which involve fields at coinciding space point (the location of the defect). The original Lagrangian approach also finds a nice reinterpretation in terms of the canonical transformation representing the defect conditions

    Boundary Reflection Matrix for D4(1)D_4^{(1)} Affine Toda Field Theory

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    We present one loop boundary reflection matrix for d4(1)d_4^{(1)} Toda field theory defined on a half line with the Neumann boundary condition. This result demonstrates a nontrivial cancellation of non-meromorphic terms which are present when the model has a particle spectrum with more than one mass. Using this result, we determine uniquely the exact boundary reflection matrix which turns out to be \lq non-minimal' if we assume the strong-weak coupling \lq duality'.Comment: 14 pages, Late

    Purely transmitting integrable defects

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    Some aspects of integrable field theories possessing purely transmitting defects are described. The main example is the sine-Gordon model and several striking features of a classical field theory containing one or more defects are pointed out. Similar features appearing in the associated quantum field theory are also reviewed briefly.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in Proceedings of the XVth International Colloquium on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries, Prague, June 200