5,654 research outputs found

    Second order quantum corrections to the classical reflection factor of the sinh-Gordon model

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    The sinh-Gordon model on a half-line with integrable boundary conditions is considered in low order perturbation theory developed in affine Toda field theory. The quantum corrections to the classical reflection factor of the model are studied up to the second order in the difference of the two boundary parameters and to one loop order in the bulk coupling. It is noticed that the general form of the second order quantum corrections are consistent with Ghoshal's formula.Comment: 24 pages and 1 figure. LaTex2

    First order quantum corrections to the classical reflection factor of the sinh-Gordon model

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    The sinh-Gordon model is restricted to a half-line by boundary conditions maintaining integrability. A perturbative calculation of the reflection factor is given to one loop order in the bulk coupling and to first order in the difference of the two parameters introduced at the boundary, providing a further verification of Ghoshal's formula. The calculation is consistent with a conjecture for the general dependence of the reflection factor on the boundary parameters and the bulk coupling.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    Generalised Calogero-Moser models and universal Lax pair operators

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    Calogero-Moser models can be generalised for all of the finite reflection groups. These include models based on non-crystallographic root systems, that is the root systems of the finite reflection groups, H_3, H_4, and the dihedral group I_2(m), besides the well-known ones based on crystallographic root systems, namely those associated with Lie algebras. Universal Lax pair operators for all of the generalised Calogero-Moser models and for any choices of the potentials are constructed as linear combinations of the reflection operators. The consistency conditions are reduced to functional equations for the coefficient functions of the reflection operators in the Lax pair. There are only four types of such functional equations corresponding to the two-dimensional sub-root systems, A_2, B_2, G_2, and I_2(m). The root type and the minimal type Lax pairs, derived in our previous papers, are given as the simplest representations. The spectral parameter dependence plays an important role in the Lax pair operators, which bear a strong resemblance to the Dunkl operators, a powerful tool for solving quantum Calogero-Moser models.Comment: 37 pages, LaTeX2e, no macro, no figur

    Boundary breathers in the sinh-Gordon model

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    We present an investigation of the boundary breather states of the sinh-Gordon model restricted to a half-line. The classical boundary breathers are presented for a two parameter family of integrable boundary conditions. Restricting to the case of boundary conditions which preserve the \phi --> -\phi symmetry of the bulk theory, the energy spectrum of the boundary states is computed in two ways: firstly, by using the bootstrap technique and subsequently, by using a WKB approximation. Requiring that the two descriptions of the spectrum agree with each other allows a determination of the relationship between the boundary parameter, the bulk coupling constant, and the parameter appearing in the reflection factor derived by Ghoshal to describe the scattering of the sinh-Gordon particle from the boundary.Comment: 16 pages amslate

    Boundary Reflection Matrix for D4(1)D_4^{(1)} Affine Toda Field Theory

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    We present one loop boundary reflection matrix for d4(1)d_4^{(1)} Toda field theory defined on a half line with the Neumann boundary condition. This result demonstrates a nontrivial cancellation of non-meromorphic terms which are present when the model has a particle spectrum with more than one mass. Using this result, we determine uniquely the exact boundary reflection matrix which turns out to be \lq non-minimal' if we assume the strong-weak coupling \lq duality'.Comment: 14 pages, Late

    The sine-Gordon model with integrable defects revisited

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    Application of our algebraic approach to Liouville integrable defects is proposed for the sine-Gordon model. Integrability of the model is ensured by the underlying classical r-matrix algebra. The first local integrals of motion are identified together with the corresponding Lax pairs. Continuity conditions imposed on the time components of the entailed Lax pairs give rise to the sewing conditions on the defect point consistent with Liouville integrability.Comment: 24 pages Latex. Minor modifications, added comment

    Classical Integrable N=1 and N=2N= 2 Super Sinh-Gordon Models with Jump Defects

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    The structure of integrable field theories in the presence of jump defects is discussed in terms of boundary functions under the Lagrangian formalism. Explicit examples of bosonic and fermionic theories are considered. In particular, the boundary functions for the N=1 and N=2 super sinh-Gordon models are constructed and shown to generate the Backlund transformations for its soliton solutions. As a new and interesting example, a solution with an incoming boson and an outgoing fermion for the N=1 case is presented. The resulting integrable models are shown to be invariant under supersymmetric transformation.Comment: talk presented at the V International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries, Valladolid, Spain, July 22-28,200

    Multisymplectic approach to integrable defects in the sine-Gordon model

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    Ideas from the theory of multisymplectic systems, introduced recently in integrable systems by the author and Kundu to discuss Liouville integrability in classical field theories with a defect, are applied to the sine-Gordon model. The key ingredient is the introduction of a second Poisson bracket in the theory that allows for a Hamiltonian description of the model that is completely equivalent to the standard one, in the absence of a defect. In the presence of a defect described by frozen Bäcklund transformations, our approach based on the new bracket unifies the various tools used so far to attack the problem. It also gets rid of the known issues related to the evaluation of the Poisson brackets of the defect matrix which involve fields at coinciding space point (the location of the defect). The original Lagrangian approach also finds a nice reinterpretation in terms of the canonical transformation representing the defect conditions

    Book Reviews

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    The Fate of Primary Iron Sulfides in the CM1 Carbonaceous Chondrites: Effects of Advanced Aqueous Alteration on Primary Components

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    We have carried out a SEM-EPMA-TEM study to determine the textures and compositions of relict primary iron sulfides and their alteration products in a suite of moderately to heavily-altered CM1 carbonaceous chondrites. We observed four textural groups of altered primary iron sulfides: 1) pentlandite+phyllosilicate (2P) grains, characterized by pentlandite with submicron lenses of phyllosilicates, 2) pyrrhotite+pentlandite+magnetite (PPM) grains, characterized by pyrrhotite-pentlandite exsolution textures with magnetite veining and secondary pentlandite, 3) pentlandite+serpentine (PS) grains, characterized by relict pentlandite exsolution, serpentine, and secondary pentlandite, and 4) pyrrhotite+pentlandite+magnetite+serpentine (PPMS) grains, characterized by features of both the PPM and PS grains. We have determined that all four groups were initially primary iron sulfides, which formed from crystallization of immiscible sulfide melts within silicate chondrules in the solar nebula. The fact that such different alteration products could result from the same precursor sulfides within even the same meteorite sample further underscores the complexity of the aqueous alteration environment for the CM chondrites. The different alteration reactions for each textural group place constraints on the mechanisms and conditions of alteration with evidence for acidic environments, oxidizing environments, and changing fluid compositions (Ni-bearing and Si-Mg-bearing).Comment: 53 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, appendix containing 3 additional figures and 5 additional table