99 research outputs found

    Autoimmune liver disease: evaluating overlapping and cross-over presentations—a case-based discussion

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    The three classic autoimmune liver diseases are recognised based on identifying varying clinical, laboratory, histological and radiological features that collectively classify patients. In the absence of defined aetiological factors, it is recognised that disease spectrum is broad, and, in this context, it is not infrequent for disease boundaries to be blurred, leading to overlapping features that may be present at the time of diagnosis or may appear later in the course of disease. Given the absence of accepted diagnostic criteria for overlap/cross-over syndromes, alongside weak data for intervention, it is recommended that a multidisciplinary, patient-specific approach be used to establish individual treatment pathways

    Sacred Heart University Alma Mater

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    On the occasion of its 35th anniversary in 1998, Sacred Heart University adopted its official Alma Mater. Words by Ralph Corrigan et al. Music by Margaret A. Palliser

    Development of a stratified care pathway for primary biliary cholangitis: patient and clinician perspectives on management in primary care

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    With the introduction of new guidelines for the management of Primary Biliary Cholangitis based on a stratified approach to care, the purpose of this research was to establish current practice in the UK and to ascertain the stakeholder perspective around the management of patients with low-risk disease in primary care. Using a mixed-methods approach, this research combined the results of patient and clinician surveys, a scoping review, and semi-structured qualitative interviews with patients, representatives from the patient support groups, and clinicians from primary, secondary and tertiary care, in order to identify whether there were barriers to implantation of this pathway and, if so, what the factors were underlying these barriers. Results from this research identified that a stratified approach is not currently widespread in clinical practice in the UK and that a number of barriers to implementing this approach to care exist from both the patient and clinician perspective. In addition to the general barriers to discharge of patients with chronic disease to primary care (including financial, strategic and workload related issues), as a rare disease PBC carries a number of specific challenges to the involvement of primary care in its management

    The contribution of qualitative research in designing a complex intervention for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in two different healthcare systems

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    BACKGROUND: Developing complex interventions for testing in randomised controlled trials is of increasing importance in healthcare planning. There is a need for careful design of interventions for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease (CHD). It has been suggested that integrating qualitative research in the development of a complex intervention may contribute to optimising its design but there is limited evidence of this in practice. This study aims to examine the contribution of qualitative research in developing a complex intervention to improve the provision and uptake of secondary prevention of CHD within primary care in two different healthcare systems. METHODS: In four general practices, one rural and one urban, in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, patients with CHD were purposively selected. Four focus groups with patients (N = 23) and four with staff (N = 29) informed the development of the intervention by exploring how it could be tailored and integrated with current secondary prevention activities for CHD in the two healthcare settings. Following an exploratory trial the acceptability and feasibility of the intervention were discussed in four focus groups (17 patients) and 10 interviews (staff). The data were analysed using thematic analysis. RESULTS: Integrating qualitative research into the development of the intervention provided depth of information about the varying impact, between the two healthcare systems, of different funding and administrative arrangements, on their provision of secondary prevention and identified similar barriers of time constraints, training needs and poor patient motivation. The findings also highlighted the importance to patients of stress management, the need for which had been underestimated by the researchers. The qualitative evaluation provided depth of detail not found in evaluation questionnaires. It highlighted how the intervention needed to be more practical by minimising administration, integrating role plays into behaviour change training, providing more practical information about stress management and removing self-monitoring of lifestyle change. CONCLUSION: Qualitative research is integral to developing the design detail of a complex intervention and tailoring its components to address individuals' needs in different healthcare systems. The findings highlight how qualitative research may be a valuable component of the preparation for complex interventions and their evaluation

    Autotaxin, bile acid profile and effect of ileal bile acid transporter inhibition in primary biliary cholangitis patients with pruritus

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    Background and Aims Pruritus is a common symptom in patients with primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) for which ileal bile acid transporter (IBAT) inhibition is emerging as a potential therapy. We explored the serum metabonome and gut microbiota profile in PBC patients with pruritus and investigated the effect of GSK2330672, an IBAT inhibitor. Methods We studied fasting serum bile acids (BAs), autotaxin and faecal microbiota in 22 PBC patients with pruritus at baseline and after 2 weeks of GSK2330672 treatment. Control group included 31 asymptomatic PBC patients and 18 healthy volunteers. BA profiling was done by ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometry (UPLC‐MS). Faecal microbiomes were analysed by 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing. Results \ud In PBC patients with pruritus, serum levels of total and glyco‐conjugated primary BAs and autotaxin were significantly elevated. Autotaxin activity correlated significantly with tauro‐ and glyco‐conjugated cholic acid (CA) and chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA), both at baseline and after GSK2330672. GSK2330672 significantly reduced autotaxin and all tauro‐ and glyco‐ conjugated BAs and increased faecal levels of CA (P = 0.048) and CDCA (P = 0.027). Gut microbiota of PBC patients with pruritus was similar to control groups. GSK2330672 increased the relative abundance of Firmicutes (P = 0.033) and Clostridia (P = 0.04) and decreased Bacteroidetes (P = 0.033) and Bacteroidia (P = 0.04). Conclusions Pruritus in PBC does not show a distinct gut bacterial profile but is associated with elevated serum bile acid and autotaxin levels which decrease after IBAT inhibition. In cholestatic pruritus, a complex interplay between BAs and autotaxin is likely and may be modified by IBAT inhibition

    Pleasure and meaningful discourse: an overview of research issues

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    The concept of pleasure has emerged as a multi-faceted social and cultural phenomenon in studies of media audiences since the 1980s. In these studies different forms of pleasure have been identified as explaining audience activity and commitment. In the diverse studies pleasure has emerged as a multi-faceted social and cultural concept that needs to be contextualized carefully. Genre and genre variations, class, gender, (sub-)cultural identity and generation all seem to be instrumental in determining the kind and variety of pleasures experienced in the act of viewing. This body of research has undoubtedly contributed to a better understanding of the complexity of audience activities, but it is exactly the diversity of the concept that is puzzling and poses a challenge to its further use. If pleasure is maintained as a key concept in audience analysis that holds much explanatory power, it needs a stronger theoretical foundation. The article maps the ways in which the concept of pleasure has been used by cultural theorists, who have paved the way for its application in reception analysis, and it goes on to explore the ways in which the concept has been used in empirical studies. Central to our discussion is the division between the ‘public knowledge’ and the ‘popular culture’ projects in reception analysis which, we argue, have major implications for the way in which pleasure has come to be understood as divorced from politics, power and ideology. Finally, we suggest ways of bridging the gap between these two projects in an effort to link pleasure to the concepts of hegemony and ideology

    Efficacy of home-based visuomotor feedback training in stroke patients with chronic hemispatial neglect

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    Hemispatial neglect is a severe cognitive condition frequently observed after a stroke, associated with unawareness of one side of space, disability and poor long-term outcome. Visuomotor feedback training (VFT) is a neglect rehabilitation technique that involves a simple, inexpensive and feasible training of grasping-to-lift rods at the centre. We compared the immediate and long-term effects of VFT vs. a control training when delivered in a home-based setting. Twenty participants were randomly allocated to an intervention (who received VFT) or a control group (n = 10 each). Training was delivered for two sessions by an experimenter and then patients self-administered it for 10 sessions over two weeks. Outcome measures included the Behavioural Inattention Test (BIT), line bisection, Balloons Test, Landmark task, room description task, subjective straight-ahead pointing task and the Stroke Impact Scale. The measures were obtained before, immediately after the training sessions and after four-months post-training. Significantly greater short and long-term improvements were obtained after VFT when compared to control training in line bisection, BIT and spatial bias in cancellation. VFT also produced improvements on activities of daily living. We conclude that VFT is a feasible, effective, home-based rehabilitation method for neglect patients that warrants further investigation with well-designed randomised controlled trials on a large sample of patients

    Film as architectural theory

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    Publications on architectural theory have predominantly taken on the form of text-based books, monographs, and articles. With the rise of transdisciplinary and practice-based research in architecture, new opportunities are opening up for other forms of architectural theory, such as film-based mediums, which promise to expand and alter the convention of the written practice of theory. Two possible types of filmic theory are presented here. One follows the method of ethnographic documentary filmmaking inspired by Sarah Pinkfilm-based mediums, which promise to expand and alter thellows the line of art house filmmaking inspired by Kathryn Rameyyn Rameyg inspired by Sarah Pinkfilm-based mediums, which promise to expand ae to expand ad mediums, which promise to expand a convention of the written practice of theory. or constructing knowledge, new discourses on filmic theory can be opened up. It is argued here that film as architectural theory is part of this new discourse, broadening the audience’u engagement with architecture through not only “readership” but also “viewership.
