5,258 research outputs found

    Intrapatient variability of the pupillary pain index to remifentanil

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    The combination of eccentric and concentric actions forms a natural type of muscle. function called a stretch-shortening cycle or SSC (Komi, 1984). Such SSC exercises are more efficient than pure concentre exercises (Aura and Komi, 1986). The prestretching increases the stiffness of the muscle-tendon complex and thus favors conditions that allow performance potentiation in the subsequent concentric phase. The fact that both the facilitator). and inhibitory sensory inputs from the muscle take part in the stiffness regulation implies that there is a great potential for adaptation. For training purposes, it is relevant that training could cause not only quantitative changes of the neuronal input to the muscle but also a qualitative shifting in the electromyogaphic (EMG) patterns (Schmidtbleicher et al. 1988). The present study was designed to investigate the changes in force-time characteristics in neuronal activation patterns before and after a training period using SSC exercises. Thirteen healthy males were involved in a 4 week training program. The subjects exercised 3 to 4 times per week. They performed reactive Dl from their best drop height. In each training unit they exercised 3 - 4 sets with 10-20 repetitions each and a rest interval of 5 minutes illbetwee11 sets. The testing procedures took place before and after the mining period. The subjects performed squat jumps (SJ), conter-movement jumps (CMJ) and reactive drop jump (Dl) exercises from the heights of 25, 40, 55 and 70 cm. The vertical ground reaction forces, the angular displacement of the knee and ankle joints as well as the surface electromyograms (EMG) of the triceps surae muscles (GAS and SOL), vastus medialis (VM) and biceps femoris (RF) were recorded. Each jump was performed six times. After normalization, force, angle displacement and EMG signals, were averaged for each jumping condition. The EMGs were fullwave rectified and integrated (iEMG) over different functional phases (Dietz et a].. 1979): Preactivation phase (PRE) (looms before ground contact); Reflex Induced Activation phase (i.e. the activation phase from 40 ms to 120 ms after impact); Late EMG Response phase (LER) (activity from 120 ms until the end of contact). The significance of the differences between means were tested with t-test for paired samples. The results of the height of rise of center of gravity (HRCG) showed non significant differences in SJ and CMJconditions. In DJ conditions the HRCG incresed from 38.1f3.9 cm ro 41.5f4.2 cm (

    The dialogical potential of Facebook: the case of fashion brands

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    The main goal of this study is to examine the communication that fashion brands make through Facebook. It is intended to ascertain if the fashion brands use a communication strategy based on dialogue with their followers. In order to reach the objectives indicated above, a content analysis has been carried out (quantitative methodology) of 326 publications made through Facebook by H&M, Zara and Ralph Lauren between January 1st and June 30th of 2017. The main results of this work show that, although Facebook has a wide dialogical potential, fashion brands do not use it to a great extent. Although we consider appropriate to have analyzed only the social network Facebook given its im portance, this situation could be considered as the main limitation of the present study, since the fashion brands could, or not, be taking advantage of the dialogical potential of other social networks, such as Twitter or Instagram. It could be con sidered that this research stands out for studying a series of variables that allows organizations to know if they are using the dialogical potential offered by digital communication.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of manipulations of player numbers vs. field dimensions on inter-individual coordination during small-sided games in youth football

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    The relative space per player formulated in small-sided and conditioned games can be manipulated either by promoting variations in player numbers or by modifying field dimensions. In this study we analysed how the same relative spaces per player, obtained through manipulations of player numbers and field dimensions, influenced inter-individual coordination. The positional data (GPS, 10 Hz) of 24 U-15 yrs performing in three different relative spaces per player (118, 133 and 152m2) was used. Inter-individual behavioural measures included: (i) effective relative space per player, (ii) radius of free movement; (iii) numerical relations inside each player’s relative space per player; and (iv) players’ spatial distribution variability. Magnitude-based inferences were used to analyse the practical significance of the selected variables. Results showed that manipulations of player numbers elicited more free space in the vicinity of each player. However, more advantageous numerical relations adjacent to each individual player and broader individual spatial distributions on field were observed during manipulations of field dimensions. These findings highlight the complex nature of performance behaviours captured by the co-adaptation of players to surrounding spatial constraints. Sport pedagogists should carefully evaluate the use of player numbers and field dimensions as strategies to simulate constraints of specific game contexts

    Palaeomagnetism, rock magnetism and AMS of the Cabo Magmatic Province, NE Brazil, and the opening of South Atlantic

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    P>Reconstruction of the South Atlantic opening has long been a matter of debate and several models have been proposed. One problem in tracing properly the Atlantic history arises from the existence of a long interval without geomagnetic reversals, the Cretaceous Normal Superchron, for which ages are difficult to assign. Palaeomagnetism may help in addressing this issue if high-quality palaeomagnetic poles are available for the two drifting continental blocks, and if precise absolute ages are available. In this work we have investigated the Cabo Magmatic Province, northeastern Brazil, recently dated at 102 +/- 1 Ma (zircon fission tracks, Ar39/Ar40). All volcanic and plutonic rocks showed stable thermal and AF demagnetization patterns, and exhibit primary magnetic signatures. AMS data also support a primary origin for the magnetic fabric and is interpreted to be contemporaneous of the rock formation. The obtained pole is located at 335.9 degrees E/87.9 degrees S (N = 24; A(95) = 2.5; K = 138) and satisfies modern quality criteria, resulting in a reference pole for South America at similar to 100 Ma. This new pole also gives an insight to test and discuss the kinematic models currently proposed for the South Atlantic opening during mid-Cretaceous

    Relationships between nutrient composition of flowers and fruit quality in orange trees grown in calcareous soil

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    A field experiment was conducted in a commercial orange orchard (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb. cv. ‘Valencia late’ grafted on Citrange Troyer) established on a calcareous soil in the south of Portugal, to investigate if flower analysis could be used to predict fruit quality. In April 1996, during full bloom, flowers were collected from 20 trees. In March 1997 the fruits were harvested and their quality evaluated. This procedure was repeated every year during three years. Principal Component Analysis was used to evaluate the patterns of covariation in the concentrations of nutrients in flowers and in fruit quality parameters. Stepwise selection procedures wer then used to develop regression models relating fruit quality parameters to the mineral composition of flowers. The predictive power of the regression models was evaluated using an independent set of data. The mineral composition of flowers at full bloom could be used to predict quality parameters of fruit in the following year, namely fruit fresh weight and the maturation index. Magnesium, Ca and Zn registered in flowers were related to fruit fresh weight estimations and N, P, Mg and Fe were related to fruit maturation index. Reference values were determined for the mineral composition of flowers, corresponding to trees where fruits had a diameter > 76 mm