4 research outputs found

    Isolation of Cryptococcus spp. from several environmental niches in São Luís, MA

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    Cryptococcosis is an invasive mycosis triggered by a complex of fungal pathogens present in various environmental niches. Cryptococcus neoformans, C. gattii, and emerging pathogens such as C. laurentii and C. albidus are found in aged excreta of Columba livia (pigeon), its natural disseminator. As the pigeon population has increased in São Luís, the objective of this research was to demonstrate the presence of Cryptococcus spp. in the excreta of C. livia in public environments. Twenty-three samples were collected at 14 sites, dispensed into conical tubes, homogenized with saline and chloramphenicol, and allowed to rest until processing. Twenty-four hours after collection, aliquots were distributed in a fungal culture medium and incubated. The macromorphological examination revealed levaduriform, mucoid, bright, isolated colonies compatible with Cryptococcus spp. In the micromorphological examination, 11 of the 23 samples (42.85%) showed the presence of cells with a thick, refringent capsule and mucopolysaccharide around the blastoconidia, typical of Cryptococcus spp. fungi. The other samples (57.14%) were negative for the fungus. The environmental isolation of this fungus in public areas is relevant to public health since the growing pigeon population in São Luís increases the risk of exposure and infection by dispersion of infectious propagules in the environment

    Analysis of plant samples marketed in pharmacies of natural products in the extreme South of Bahia / Análise de amostras de plantas comercializadas em farmácias de produtos naturais do extremo Sul da Bahia

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    The work with medicinal plants is above all a way of seeking natural and economic alternatives that can benefit the population as a whole. This work aimed to know teas and medicinal leaves sold in pharmacies in Porto Seguro. For this purpose, the quality of the samples was evaluated by analyzing the flavor, aroma, appearance and labels of the teas and leaves, checking the presence or absence of any quality control of these products. The pharmacognostic analyzes of the samples allowed to verify that of the 25 samples evaluated, 12% of them had labels. Only 12% contained information on the labels such as expiration date and no information on proper conservation, forms of use, recommendations, or both. Only 8% of herbal medicines had a scientific name, weight specification and company logo with CNPJ data, state registration. Information on SAC number, acronym and number at the Ministry of Health, package insert and technical responsible were not included in the product packaging. It was found that 100% of the surveyed products are not registered with the Ministry of Health and are therefore considered illegal before ANVISA. All samples observed were adequate for the color that characterizes the species. As for turbidity, most samples (81%) did not show any indication of this parameter. As for the conservation aspect, natural products were within the standards. As for the flavor of herbal medicines, all samples evaluated presented the characteristic taste of the species. Regarding the sweetness parameter, most of the species evaluated (77%) presented a weak sweet taste and 23% strongly sweet. 80.77% of the samples analyzed showed no acidity. Of the 25 samples analyzed, 69% of these had a pleasant, strong aromatic odor, 15% did not have a strong aromatic odor and 16% odorless. When preparing teas, it was observed that 23.1% of the samples had a sweet aroma, 50% did not exhibit this type of odor and 5% exhibited an artificial plant odor. It is concluded that after carrying out the analysis of taste, aroma, appearance and labels of the samples, in comparison to the pharmacopoeic parameters, it was found that the species already registered had corresponding characteristics and are in accordance with the results of the Quantitative Descriptive Analysis, in relation to the parameters considered in the research

    Correlação entre os direitos fundamentais de primeira e terceira dimensão: uma análise sobre os direitos reprodutivos das mulheres indígenas no Brasil

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    O reconhecimento da mulher enquanto sujeito de direito, conquistado por meio de inúmeras lutas, possibilitou a discussão sobre os direitos reprodutivos como um direito humano e fundamental. Sabe-se que nem sempre a aplicação de direitos se dá de maneira isonômica, envolvendo-se nisto fatores étnico racial e de classe. Com base nisso, pretendeu-se fazer uma análise dos direitos reprodutivos das mulheres indígenas no Brasil, mostrando a relação entre os direitos humanos de primeira dimensão e os direitos de terceira dimensão com base na denúncia de esterilização em massa das indígenas Pataxó Hãhãhãe em 1998, com fundamento nos dados levantados na dissertação de mestrado da antropóloga Jurema Machado de Andrade Souza apresentado em 2007. A análise realizada pretende compreender o discurso do grupo em questão com base na sua cultura e classe, não valorando os aspectos aqui abordados como certos ou errados. Busca-se ainda dar visibilidade a essas mulheres mostrando seu protagonismo frente a esses direitos. Realizou-se um levantamento bibliográfico sobre o tema, apresentando os principais marcos históricos e legais para a construção desses direitos. Também foram observadas as diferentes taxas de fecundidade entre as mulheres indígenas que vivem nas reservas reconhecidas pela Fundação Nacional do Índio (FUNAI) e a aquelas que vivem em outras áreas, podendo isso estar relacionado com o acesso a métodos contraceptivos e questões territoriais. Os resultados possibilitaram observar que existe uma relação de dependência do direito individual dessas mulheres e dos direitos coletivos desses povos, entendendo a responsabilidade da União para a concretização desses direitos

    Treatment with pCramoll Alone and in Combination with Fluconazole Provides Therapeutic Benefits in C. gattii Infected Mice

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    Cryptococcus gattii is one of the main causative agents of cryptococcosis in immunocompetent individuals. Treatment of the infection is based on the use of antimycotics, however, the toxicity of these drugs and the increase of drug-resistant strains have driven the search for more effective and less toxic therapies for cryptococcosis. pCramoll are isolectins purified from seeds of Cratylia mollis, a native forage plant from Brazil, which has become a versatile tool for biomedical application. We evaluated the effect of pCramoll alone and in combination with fluconazole for the treatment of mice infected with C. gatti. pCramoll alone or in combination with fluconazole increased the survival, reduced the morbidity and improved mice behavior i.e., neuropsychiatric state, motor behavior, autonomic function, muscle tone and strength and reflex/sensory function. These results were associated with (i) decreased pulmonary and cerebral fungal burden and (ii) increased inflammatory infiltrate and modulatory of IFNγ, IL-6, IL-10, and IL-17A cytokines in mice treated with pCramoll. Indeed, bone marrow-derived macrophages pulsed with pCramoll had increased ability to engulf C. gattii, with an enhanced production of reactive oxygen species and decrease of intracellular fungal proliferation. These findings point toward the use of pCramoll in combination with fluconazole as a viable, alternative therapy for cryptococcosis management