5,595 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation of cooperation strategies for m-health services and applications

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    Health telematics are becoming a major improvement for patients’ lives, especially for disabled, elderly, and chronically ill people. Information and communication technologies have rapidly grown along with the mobile Internet concept of anywhere and anytime connection. In this context, Mobile Health (m-Health) proposes healthcare services delivering, overcoming geographical, temporal and even organizational barriers. Pervasive and m-Health services aim to respond several emerging problems in health services, including the increasing number of chronic diseases related to lifestyle, high costs in existing national health services, the need to empower patients and families to self-care and manage their own healthcare, and the need to provide direct access to health services, regardless the time and place. Mobile Health (m- Health) systems include the use of mobile devices and applications that interact with patients and caretakers. However, mobile devices have several constraints (such as, processor, energy, and storage resource limitations), affecting the quality of service and user experience. Architectures based on mobile devices and wireless communications presents several challenged issues and constraints, such as, battery and storage capacity, broadcast constraints, interferences, disconnections, noises, limited bandwidths, and network delays. In this sense, cooperation-based approaches are presented as a solution to solve such limitations, focusing on increasing network connectivity, communication rates, and reliability. Cooperation is an important research topic that has been growing in recent years. With the advent of wireless networks, several recent studies present cooperation mechanisms and algorithms as a solution to improve wireless networks performance. In the absence of a stable network infrastructure, mobile nodes cooperate with each other performing all networking functionalities. For example, it can support intermediate nodes forwarding packets between two distant nodes. This Thesis proposes a novel cooperation strategy for m-Health services and applications. This reputation-based scheme uses a Web-service to handle all the nodes reputation and networking permissions. Its main goal is to provide Internet services to mobile devices without network connectivity through cooperation with neighbor devices. Therefore resolving the above mentioned network problems and resulting in a major improvement for m-Health network architectures performances. A performance evaluation of this proposal through a real network scenario demonstrating and validating this cooperative scheme using a real m-Health application is presented. A cryptography solution for m-Health applications under cooperative environments, called DE4MHA, is also proposed and evaluated using the same real network scenario and the same m-Health application. Finally, this work proposes, a generalized cooperative application framework, called MobiCoop, that extends the incentive-based cooperative scheme for m-Health applications for all mobile applications. Its performance evaluation is also presented through a real network scenario demonstrating and validating MobiCoop using different mobile applications

    Personality characteristics, preferences for rewards, and the propensity to choose an auditing job

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    Mestrado Bolonha em Contabilidade, Fiscalidade e Finanças EmpresariaisA presente dissertação explora as relações teóricas entre características de personalidade, preferências por diferentes tipos de recompensas e a propensão para a escolha de um emprego em auditoria. Especificamente, consideramos como características de personalidade - motivação, locus de controlo (interno e externo) e autoeficácia – e como tipos de recompensas - financeiras, extrínsecas, de suporte e intrínsecas. Para testar empiricamente o modelo, foram recolhidos dados com base numa técnica de amostragem em bola-de-neve, que incidiu sobre alunos da área de gestão e afins. Aplicámos, posteriormente, o Modelo de Equações Estruturais dos Mínimos Quadrados Parciais (PLS-SEM), usando o Smart PLS 3.0, para analisar os dados. Os nossos resultados mostram que a motivação extrínseca está positivamente associada com preferências por recompensas financeiras e extrínsecas, enquanto a motivação intrínseca está positivamente associada às preferências por recompensas de suporte e intrínsecas. Também descobrimos que o locus de controlo externo está positivamente associado a uma preferência por recompensas extrínsecas, e o locus de controlo interno relaciona-se positivamente com preferências por todas as recompensas, à exceção das financeiras. Adicionalmente, a autoeficácia tem uma associação positiva com preferências por recompensas financeiras, extrínsecas e intrínsecas. Finalmente, identificamos uma associação positiva entre preferência por recompensas extrínsecas e a propensão para escolher um emprego em auditoria. O nosso estudo tem contribuições teóricas e práticas. Em relação às teóricas, somos - para aquele que é o nosso melhor conhecimento - os primeiros a avaliar preferências por diferentes tipos de recompensas considerando múltiplas características de personalidade e um conjunto completo de incentivos. Na dimensão prática, o nosso estudo fornece novos conhecimentos que podem ser usados pelas firmas de auditoria para definir estratégias de recrutamento mais persuasivas baseadas no perfil dos indivíduos, o que pode ajudar estas empresas a atrair e reter potenciais auditores.This dissertation explores theoretical relationships among personality characteristics, preferences for different types of rewards and the propensity to choose a job in auditing. Specifically, we consider as personality characteristics - motivation, locus of control (internal and external), and self-efficacy – and as types of rewards - financial, extrinsic, support and intrinsic. In order to empirically test our proposed conceptual model, we collected data through a snowball sampling technique targeted at management-related higher education students. We applied Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) using Smart PLS 3.0 to analyse the data. Our findings show that extrinsic motivation is positively associated with preferences for financial and extrinsic rewards, whereas intrinsic motivation is positively associated with preferences for support and intrinsic rewards. We also find that external locus of control is positively associated with a preference for extrinsic rewards, and internal locus of control relates positively to preferences for all types of rewards, except financial rewards. Additionally, self-efficacy has a positive association with preferences for financial, extrinsic, and intrinsic rewards. Finally, we find a positive association between preferences for extrinsic rewards and the propensity to choose a job in auditing. Our study provides both theoretical and practical contributions. Regarding theoretical contributions, we are - to the best of our knowledge - the first to assess preferences for different types of rewards considering multiple personality characteristics and a full range of incentives. For practitioners, our study provides insights that can be used by auditing firms to develop more persuasive recruitment strategies based on one’s profile, which can help these companies to attract and retain auditor candidates.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influence of LPG composition on straw applied one componente PU winter foam

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    O principal objectivo desta tese é obter uma relação directa entre a composição dos gases liquefeitos de petróleo (GLP), propano, n-butano e isobutano, usados como aerossóis propulsores numa lata de poliuretano de um componente, com as propriedades das espumas produzidas por spray. As espumas obtidas, terão de ter como requisito principal, um bom desempenho a temperaturas baixas, -10ºC, sendo por isso designadas por espumas de Inverno. Uma espuma é considerada como tendo um bom desempenho se não apresentar a -10/-10ºC (temperatura lata/ spray) glass bubbles, base holes e cell collapse. As espumas deverão ainda ter densidades do spray no molde a +23/+23ºC abaixo dos 30 g/L, um rendimento superior a 30 L, boa estabilidade dimensional e um caudal de espuma a +5/+5ºC superior a 5 g/s. Os ensaios experimentais foram realizados a +23/+23ºC, +5/+5ºC e a -10/-10ºC. A cada temperatura, as espumas desenvolvidas, foram submetidas a testes que permitiram determinar a sua qualidade. Testes esses que incluem os designados por Quick Tests (QT): o spray no papel e no molde das espumas nas referidas temperaturas. As amostras do papel e no molde são especialmente analisadas, quanto, às glass bubbles, cell collapse, base holes, cell structur e, cutting shrinkage, para além de outras propriedades. Os QT também incluem a análise da densidade no molde (ODM) e o estudo do caudal de espumas. Além dos QT foram realizados os testes da estabilidade dimensional das espumas, testes físicos de compressão e adesão, testes de expansão das espumas após spray e do rendimento por lata de espuma. Em todos os ensaios foi utilizado um tubo adaptador colocado na válvula da lata como método de spray e ainda mantida constante a proporção das matérias-primas (excepto os gases, em estudo). As experiências iniciaram-se com o estudo de GLPs presentes no mercado de aerossóis. Estes resultaram que o GLP: propano/ n-butano/ isobutano: (30/ 0/ 70 w/w%), produz as melhores espumas de inverno a -10/-10ºC, reduzindo desta forma as glass bubbles, base holes e o cell collapse produzido pelos restantes GLP usados como aerossóis nas latas de poliuretano. Testes posteriores tiveram como objectivo estudar a influência directa de cada gás, propano, n-butano e isobutano nas espumas. Para tal, foram usadas duas referências do estudo com GLP comercializáveis, 7396 (30 /0 /70 w/w %) e 7442 (0/ 0/ 100 w/w %). Com estes resultados concluí-se que o n-butano produz más propriedades nas espumas a -10/- 10ºC, formando grandes quantidades de glass bubbles, base holes e cell collapse. Contudo, o uso de propano reduz essas glass bubbles, mas em contrapartida, forma cell collapse.Isobutano, porém diminui o cell collapse mas não as glass bubbles. Dos resultados experimentais podemos constatar que o caudal a +5/+5ºC e densidade das espumas a +23/+23ºC, são influenciados pela composição do GLP. O propano e n-butano aumentam o caudal de espuma das latas e a sua densidade, ao contrário com o que acontece com o isobutano. Todavia, pelos resultados obtidos, o isobutano proporciona os melhores rendimentos de espumas por lata. Podemos concluir que os GLPs que contivessem cerca de 30 w/w % de propano (bons caudais a +5/+5ºC e menos glass bubbles a -10/-10ºC), e cerca 70 w/w % de isobutano (bons rendimentos de espumas, bem como menos cell collapse a -10/-10ºC) produziam as melhores espumas. Também foram desenvolvidos testes sobre a influência da quantidade de gás GLP presente numa lata. A análise do volume de GLP usado, foi realizada com base na melhor espuma obtida nos estudos anteriores, 7396, com um GLP (30 / 0/ 70 w/w%), e foram feitas alterações ao seu volume gás GLP presente no pré-polímero. O estudo concluiu, que o aumento do volume pode diminuir a densidade das espumas, e o seu decréscimo, um aumento da densidade. Também indico u que um mau ajuste do volume poderá causar más propriedades nas espumas. A análise económica, concluiu que o custo das espumas com mais GLP nas suas formulações, reduz-se em cerca de 3%, a quando de um aumento do volume de GLP no pré-polímero de cerca de 8 %. Esta diminuição de custos deveu-se ao facto, de um aumento de volume de gás, implicar uma diminuição na quantidade das restantes matérias-primas, com custos superiores, já que o volume útil total da lata terá de ser sempre mantido nos 750 mL. Com o objectivo de melhorar a qualidade da espuma 7396 (30/0/70 w/w %) obtida nos ensaios anteriores adicionou-se à formulação 7396 o HFC-152a (1,1-di fluoroetano). Os resultados demonstram que se formam espumas com más propriedades, especialmente a -10/-10ºC, contudo proporcionou excelentes shaking rate da lata. Através de uma pequena análise de custos não é aconselhável o seu uso pelos resultados obtidos, não proporcionando um balanço custo/benefício favorável. As três melhores espumas obtidas de todos os estudos foram comparadas com uma espuma de inverno presente no mercado. 7396 e 7638 com um volume de 27 % no prépolímero e uma composição de GLP (30/ 0 / 70 w/w%) e (13,7/ 0/ 86,3 w/w%), respectivamente, e 7690, com 37 % de volume no pré-polímero e GLP (30/ 0 / 70 w/w%), apresentaram em geral melhores resultados, comparando com a espuma benchmark . Contudo, os seus shaking rate a -10/-10ºC, de cada espuma, apresentaram valores bastante inferiores à composição benchmarking.The goal of the present dissertation is to determine the influence of the liquefied petroleum gases (LPG), such as propane, n-butane and isobutane, on straw applied winter (B3-highly flammable) one component polyurethane foams. The experiments, were made at +23/+23ºC (can /spray temperature), +5/5ºC and -10/-10ºC, and intended to determinate the foam quality. At each temperature, where made the Quick Tests, in which was sprayed the foam on the paper and mould, check the overall density mould at +23/+23ºC and output at +5/5ºC. Further experiments were made to determinate the dimensional stability of the foams, physical tests of compression and adhesion, post -expansion and yield of a can. Initial trials perform studies among the LPGs present in the market. It was concluded that the formulation 7396, propane/ n-butane/ isobutane: (30/ 0/ 70 w/w%), produces the finest winter foams at -10/-10ºC, minimizing the formation of glass bubbles, base holes and the cell collapse. Experiments to the individual influence of each gas by use of different LPGs than the ones in the market were also performed. It concludes that n-butane, does not produce good foam properties at -10/-10ºC, causing glass bubbles, cell collapse and base holes. On the other hand, experiments show that the use of propane as propellant can reduce the severe glass bubbles, however it still produces cell collapse. On the contrary, isobutane can reduce the cell collapse, but not the glass bubbles. Results shown also that output at +5/+5ºC and overall density mould at +23/+23ºC can be adjusted by modifying the LPGs ratios. Propane and n-butane increase the output as well as the overall density mould, unlike the isobutane, which does not improve either of the both properties. However, tests prove that isobutane give more can foam yield. In short, results show that a good LPG ratio should present a medium quantity of P ( about 30 w/w%), that give high output and no glass bubbles at -10ºC, and around 70 w/w% of isobutane, that produces high yield and reduces the cell collapse at -10ºC. Moreover, it was analyzed the volume percentage of LPG on the prepolymer. It proves that varying the LPGs volume on prepolymer, the foam densit y can be adjusted. In effect, both variables have an inversely proportional relationship. However, out of certain upper and lower limits, the LPG amount can also give bad foam properties. A brief cost analysis was also made, showing that production costs can be reduced, when the quantity of LPG gases is increased. Experiments using HFC-152a gas in the best tested, 7396 LPG (30/0/70 w/w%) as propellants were carried out as well. It did not result in good foam properties, but gave excellent can shaking rate. Nevertheless, its use is not profitable, due to the much higher costs compared to the above mentioned LPGs. A benchmarking comparison with the best formulations produced, was also performed. The results show that, the formulations made present overall excellent properties comparing to the benchmark one. However, can shaking rates at -10/-10ºC were not as so good as the formulation present in the market

    Metamaterial Antennas for RADAR and SAR

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    Os sistemas de RADAR e Radar de Abertura Sintética (SAR) necessitam de antenas diretivas com banda larga. Para as antenas serem diretivas é necessário que estas sejam grandes, o que é impraticável em muitas aplicações. As antenas com metamateriais são construídas usando estruturas miniaturizadas complexas que permitem que antenas pequenas se comportem como antenas consideravelmente maiores. O objetivo desta tese é obter um conjunto baseado em pequenas antenas com tais propriedades, de forma a obter uma antena diretiva e de banda larga, passível de ser usada para operações de RADAR e SAR.RADAR and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) system require broadband directive antennas. Directivity require antennas to be large, which turns to be impracticable in many applications. Metamaterial antennas are built using complex miniaturized structures that produce small antennas that behave equally to much larger traditional antennas. The goal of this dissertation is to obtain a small antenna array based on small antennas with such properties, in order to obtain a directive and broadband antenna suitable for RADAR and SAR operation

    Dieselisation and road transport CO2 emissions: evidence from Europe

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    As emissões de dióxido de carbono dos transportes rodoviários são estudadas, através da análise de um painel de 14 países da União Europeia para a extensão temporal 1995-2007. A existência de correlação contemporânea é controlada, usando o estimador Panel Corrected Standard Errors. Contribui-se para a literatura, controlando para os efeitos dos novos carros de passageiros a diesel matriculados e da potência média desses veículos. O preço da gasolina e o rendimento reduzem as emissões de dióxido de carbono dos transportes rodoviários, enquanto a densidade populacional e a potência média dos novos carros de passageiros a diesel aumentam essas emissões. O debate sobre a “dieselização” é aprofundado, concluindo-se que a poupança nas emissões resultante da utilização de diesel tende a ser superada pelas crescentes distâncias percorridas

    Content storage and retrieval mechanisms for vehicular delay-tolerant networks

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    Vehicular delay-tolerant networks (VDTNs) were proposed as a novel disruptive network concept based on the delay tolerant networking (DTN) paradigm. VDTN architecture uses vehicles to relay messages, enabling network connectivity in challenging scenarios. Due to intermittent connectivity, network nodes carry messages in their buffers, relaying them only when a proper contact opportunity occurs. Thus, the storage capacity and message retrieving of intermediate nodes directly affects the network performance. Therefore, efficient and robust caching and forwarding mechanisms are needed. This dissertation proposes a content storage and retrieval (CSR) solution for VDTN networks. This solution consists on storage and retrieval control labels, attached to every data bundle of aggregated network traffic. These labels define cacheable contents, and apply cachecontrol and forwarding restrictions on data bundles. The presented mechanisms gathered several contributions from cache based technologies such as Web cache schemes, ad-hoc and DTN networks. This solution is fully automated, providing a fast, safe, and reliable data transfer and storage management, while improves the applicability and performance of VDTN networks significantly. This work presents the performance evaluation and validation of CSR mechanisms through a VDTN testbed. Furthermore it presents several network performance evaluations and results using the well-known DTN routing protocols, Epidemic and Spray and Wait (including its binary variant). The comparison of the network behavior and performance on both protocols, with and without CSR mechanisms, proves that CSR mechanisms improve significantly the overall network performance