25 research outputs found

    Drivers for Public Value Creation in Universities and Community Awareness

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    The research addressed the capacity of higher education to contribute for public value creation, considering developing countries and developed ones as well. The Information and Knowledge society is supported by Information and Communication sciences, which give an essential contribution to show how scientific knowledge is developing and which are the most relevant goals to achieve. We concluded that indicators of spill overs are essential, and that they must be shown outside the academic community, in order that the public is constantly informed, and therefore has a perception of value creation. If academic communities don’t interact with the society using a speech adapted to the new generations, the public value perception will be jeopardized, and intellectual capital indicators only be of interest for university financial managers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O caso de estudo como potenciador de aprendizagens ativas - aplicação numa turma de Economia C

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    Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Economia e de Contabilidade, Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2020O papel passivo da maioria dos alunos em contexto de sala de aula, assume-se como uma realidade na comunidade escolar. Contudo, os estudos demonstram que a utilização de metodologias ativas promove a participação dos alunos e contribui para o aumento da participação e consequentemente melhoria do processo de ensino aprendizagem Neste sentido, este relatório de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES), constitui-se como um estudo de caso realizado numa turma de 12º ano do Ensino Regular, na disciplina de Economia C, e procura compreender de que modo a utilização do método do caso promove a participação dos alunos e contribui para o processo de aprendizagem, através do estudo de casos reais. A componente investigativa teve por base a prática pedagógica desenvolvida, centrando a sua análise essencialmente na observação participante, evidenciada através do diário de campo e de grelhas de observação, enquanto elementos privilegiados de recolha de informação e posterior análise e reflexão. Os resultados deste relatório de PES sugerem, que a utilização do método do caso de estudo promove a participação dos alunos em sala de aula e potencia a sua aprendizagem, em resultado da participação e da natureza da metodologia de ensino- aprendizagem que conferem uma maior interiorização de conhecimentos.The passive role by most students in the classroom, assumes itself as a reality in the scholar community. Studies show that the use of active methodologies promotes student participation and contributes to increased participation and, consequently, to an improvement in the teaching-learning process. In this sense, this Supervised Teaching Practice (PES) report, constitutes itself as a case study carried out in a class of 12th year of Regular Education, in the discipline of Economy C, and seeks to understand how the use of the case method promotes student participation and contributes to the learning process, through the study of real cases. The investigative component was based on the pedagogical practice developed, centering its analysis essentially on participant observation, evidenced through the field diary and observation grids, as privileged elements of information collection and subsequent analysis and reflection. The results of this PES report suggest that the use of the case method promotes the participation of students in the classroom and enhances student learning, as a result of the participation and nature of the teaching-learning methodology that provides a greater internalization of knowledge

    O efeito sorriso da valatilidade: uma análise do PSI 20 e de onze das empresas que o constituem

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    A volatilidade das cotações dos activos financeiros está directamente relacionada com o respectivo retomo e a sua análise constitui uma das ferramentas estatísticas mais importantes para os agentes económicos que actuam nos mercados accionistas. É útil a observação dos comportamentos assimétricos da volatilidade, exibidos principalmente em períodos de intensa volatilidade associados a fases de quebra de preços, mas também à persistência de choques positivos e negativos, geradores de efeitos diferenciados sobre a volatilidade. Os efeitos da assimetria podem ser satisfatoriamente captados por modelos de tipo ARCH (Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity) e, em especial, pelo EGARCH (Exponential Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity). Este último é utilizado no presente estudo, onde se analisam os efeitos da volatilidade no PSI 20, e em onze títulos que o compõe, entre Janeiro de 1996 e Junho de 2009. Os modelos assimétricos evidenciam o efeito alavancagem na amostra estudada, sugerindo que os retornos negativos estão mais associados aos aglomerados de volatilidade, ou seja, que as "más notícias" têm maior impacte na volatilidade do que as "boas notícias". - ABSTRACT: The volatility of assets prices is directly related to their return and its analysis is a fundamental tool for all agents operating in equity markets. It is especially useful the observation of volatility's asymmetric behavior, mainly displayed in periods of high volatility during bear markets, and of the persistence of positive and negative shocks generating distinct effects on volatility. The effects of asymmetry can be captured by ARCH type models (Autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity) and by the EGARCH (Exponential Autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity). The latter is used in this study where the volatility of the PSI 20 and of eleven of its titles is analyzed between January 1996 and June 2009. The estimated models uncovered the asymmetric leverage in the assessed sample of data, suggesting that negative returns are more associated with clusters of volatility, i.e. that "bad news" have a greater impact on volatility than "good news"

    A Orientação Empreendedora dos Gestores Públicos na Criação de Valor Público nas Instituições de Ensino Superior Público em Portugal

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    Tese especialmente elaborada para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Administração Pública, especialidade em Administração e Políticas PúblicasAs organizações do setor público enfrentam grandes mudanças organizacionais e aprendem a gerir novas expectativas, no que respeita à orientação e criação de valor público. Neste sentido, têm sido desenvolvidos alguns estudos que evidenciam que as organizações orientadas para o empreendedorismo têm maior capacidade de resposta para enfrentar essas mudanças. As diferenças entre setor privado e setor público são significativas, pelo que a transferência de conceitos é complexa e deve ser feita com muita precaução. Neste contexto, é interessante investigar quais são os antecedentes que influenciam a orientação empreendedora e como é que esta se relaciona com as diretrizes para o valor público. O estudo em análise procura responder a essa lacuna de investigação, aprofundando os conceitos de empreendedorismo corporativo, empreendedorismo no setor público e Gestão do Valor Público, para determinar os antecedentes relevantes e desenvolver um modelo exploratório. O modelo avalia dirigentes superiores e intermédios das unidades orgânicas das instituições de ensino superior público, por serem os que têm maior tendência empreendedora, devido à função mediadora que desempenham. Os dados utilizados para testar o modelo referem-se a uma amostra de 163 dirigentes superiores e intermédios das unidades orgânicas das instituições de ensino superior público em Portugal. Os resultados baseados na Structural Equation Modelling sugerem a existência de seis fatores que influenciam a orientação empreendedora: apoio por parte da Direção, descrição do trabalho, disponibilidade de recursos, recompensas e reforços, KPIs e localismo. Os dados evidenciam também uma forte relação positiva entre a orientação empreendedora e a orientação para o valor público. Este estudo promove o desenvolvimento da orientação empreendedora no setor público, Gestão do Valor Público e literatura sobre empreendedorismo corporativo do setor privado. Fornece sugestões para que as organizações do setor público tenham orientação empreendedora e orientação para o valor público.Public sector organizations face major organizational changes and expectations in terms of guidance and the creation of public value. In this sense, some studies have been developed with evidence, that organizations oriented to entrepreneurship have greater response capacity to face these changes. The differences between the private and public sectors are significant, so the transfer of concepts is difficult and must be done with great caution. In this context, it is important to understand what are the antecedents that influence the entrepreneurial orientation, and how does the entrepreneurial orientation relate to the orientation towards public value. This study aims to cover this research gap, by using the concepts of corporate entrepreneurship, public sector entrepreneurship and public value management, to determine the relevant background and develop an analysis model. The model assesses senior and middle managers of the organic units of public higher education institutions, as they are more likely to develop entrepreneurial orientation due to their mediating role. The data used to evaluate the model, refer to a sample of 163 senior and middle managers of the organic units of public higher education institutions in Portugal. The results based on Structural Equation Modelling suggest the existence of six factors that influence entrepreneurial orientation: management support, job description, availability of resources, rewards / reinforcements, KPIs and Localism. The data also show a strong positive relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and the orientation towards public value. This study promotes the development of public entrepreneurship, public value management and private sector corporate entrepreneurship literature, providing suggestions for public sector organizations to have entrepreneurial orientation and orientation towards public value.N/

    Past trends and future research suggestions

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    Bhutta, U., Martins, J. N., Mata, M. N., Raza, A., Dantas, R. M., Correia, A. B., & Rafiq, M. (2021). Intellectual structure and evolution of accounting conservatism research: Past trends and future research suggestions. International Journal of Financial Studies, 9(3), 1-23. [35]. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijfs9030035Accounting conservatism (AC) is one of the components of financial reporting, and has been widely studied by academicians to identify its impact on information quality. Scholars in accounting have started to explore how AC is related to different fundamental functional areas of organizations. The interest of the scholars has resulted in an increasing number of publications in this field. In this study, we examined 408 indexed publications related to AC. This work’s objectives include analyzing the regional distribution, size, and evolution of this knowledge base by identifying key authors, documents, and journals while exploring current literature, scholarly structure, and highlighting contemporary trends. The findings of the study concluded that most of the studies are conducted in developed nations contexts. However, there are still areas that need further exploration to obtain more profound insights on the subject. This bibliometric review inspires a new generation of researchers on the topic by giving them an overview of the past studies related to AC.publishersversionpublishe

    an application of Moora model through stochastic process

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    Stock markets play a vital role in stimulating economic processes and development through diversification opportunities. Nowadays, purchasing financial instruments, especially stocks during this fluctuating market, is a back-breaker task for investors because of many sector specifications like Food, Auto Assembling, Fertilizer and Textile, etc. This study learns obstruction within the selection of sector and firms for investment to create an efficient portfolio in Pakistan because of the softness of data and miscommunication of economic performance, and plenty of economic models. Thirty-five sectors and five hundred plus companies are registered in the Pakistan Stock exchange, considering the volatile and high-risk market. This study has used a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) strategy by using Multi-Objective Optimization on the idea of Ratio Analysis to seek out the most effective sector and company's financial performance based on the criteria. A review of literature indicates that these methods have not been applied earlier for selection stocks in Pakistan stock exchange. After finding the most effective and efficient performing sector and companies, made portfolio in custody with the most effective two sectors and made hybrid portfolio of those best sector using same criteria and each portfolio is consisted on less then and equal to ten company securities. Results indicate that best optimal portfolio is supported to investor requirements, value of the corporate, return of those companies and prices are top prioritized factor taken during this study. The findings are useful for each new investor and also for financial organization.publishersversionpublishe

    Impediments of Green Finance Adoption System: Linking Economy and Environment

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    Environmental deregulation has become a severe concern for public health around the world. Increased pollution and ecological degradation have diverted attention towards adopting green practices, which can be possible if the sustainable green finance system is implemented in its true spirit. But previous studies reported certain factors affecting its implementation process, particularly in developing countries. This study aims to identify and quantify the barriers to adopting a green finance system. First, it identified twenty barriers through an extensive literature review and semi-structured interviews with experts in the fields of financial management, economics, and environmental sciences. Later, eighteen factors were finalized by the consensus of panel experts, which was further used to analyze their interrelationship through Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM). Using MICMAC analysis, these barriers were categorized based on their diving-dependence powers. Finally, the conceptual ISM model is developed that provides a clear picture of the impediments to the green finance adoption system and their flow relationship among the identified barriers at different levels. The findings suggest that global level factors: lack of pressure from international organizations and unavailability of globally acceptable green criteria are critical to the prevalence of other factors that indicate its centrality to effectively implementing the green finance system. The developed model helps in designing, implementing, and promoting eco-friendly projects. It is also recommended that an appropriate framework is required to be developed at global, country, organizational, and individual levels to deal with the barriers of the green finance adoption system. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-02-02 Full Text: PD

    A Context Of Developing Economy

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    Sindhu, M. I., Mata, M. N., Naveed, M., Mata, P. N., Martins, J. N., Correia, A. B., & Rita, J. X. (2021). Implications Of Corporate Social Responsibility On Credit Rating: A Context Of Developing Economy. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 20(SI 2), 1-11.This study wants to explore the implications of corporate social responsibility on credit system rating in non-financial corporations of a developing country. Ordered probit regression model has been implementing for data analysis for a sample period of 2013-2019. This data analysis distributed in three phases, overall analysis, initial and ending analysis because of data availability. Firstly, descriptive statistics showed normality of data and correlation statistics indicated a relationship between corporate social responsibilities as independent variable, credit rating and a group of control variables. In all three phases, corporate social responsibility is significantly and positively contributing to the systematic determination of credit rating of organizations and control variables are showing some deviating results. These significant positive results of CSR on credit ratings suggest that by increasing a firm’s credit rating, investment in CSR activities is likely to increase the firm value and shareholders’ value. Credit rating agencies tend to grant moderately high appraisals to firms who appreciate the great social performance. Discoveries of this study will help administrators and also financial specialists to better comprehend the impact of CSR using a loan evaluations and credit ratings.publishersversionpublishe

    Trends and future research in electronic marketing: a bibliometric analysis of twenty years

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    Artigo publicado em revista científica internacionalElectronic marketing (eM) is a flourishing phenomenon that is gaining intense concern because of a significant impact on organizational performance. Over the past few decades, the relevance of eM has been observed in numerous fields (e.g., consumers, organizational strategy, advertisement, and overall philosophy of management to understand the insights globally). To effectively maneuver the field, all stakeholders, particularly academicians and practitioners, must comprehend the current position of the eM theory and practices for dynamic utilization. A systematic bibliometric analysis can serve this issue by providing a holistic view of the publication trend and its trajectory in terms of various themes, including citations and publication metrics. This study analyzes the bibliometric data from 2000 to 2019 to reveal the most productive countries, universities, authors, journals, and prolific publications in electronic marketing. To this end, VOS viewer software was used to visualize the mapping based on co-citation, bibliographic coupling (BC), and co-occurrence (CC). The primary addition of this research is to provide an overview of eM tendencies and paths that may help researchers know the tendencies and future research directions worldwide.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Mediator Role of Anger in The Relationship Illegitimate Tasks and SME Employee´s Turnover: Empirical Evidences from Developing Nation

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    Illegitimate tasks cause a threat to employees' job security; as a result, increasing the stress level. The purpose of this research is to explore how illegitimate tasks determine SME employees' turnover intentions and investigate the mediating role of anger in sustaining this relationship. A structured interview questionnaire was used for data collection from volunteering employees of manufacturing SMEs of Gujranwala city. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Partial Least Square (PLS) software were used to analyze the data. Data analyzed in two steps: first, to check the goodness of measures through reliability and validity of constructs. In the second step, to assess the hypothesis of this study with the help of the structural model. The results indicate that illegitimate tasks positively influence both employees' turnover intentions and their anger level. The findings show all relationships were statistically significant. Lastly, this study's finding shows that anger has successfully mediated the relationship between illegitimate tasks and SME employees' turnover intention