11 research outputs found

    Sea surface temperature and salinity reconstruction from coral geochemical tracers

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    Massive scleractinian corals secrete an aragonitic skeleton which incorporates a large array of chemical tracers. Corals present several advantages for palaeoclimate research: they grow continuously, and can live up to 1000 years; they are easy to date; and they can be sampled at high resolution (weekly to monthly resolution). Both live and fossil corals can be collected in the field. In the past two decades, significant efforts have been made to identify robust tracers of sea surface temperature (SST) and salinity (SSS) in corals. To date, Sr/Ca and δ18O are considered to be the most reliable SST tracers, although changes in seawater δ18O can significantly alter SST reconstructed from coralline δ18O. Because these variations in seawater δ18O can be linked to SSS changes, this initial problem can in fact be turned into an advantage and provide us with an SSS tracer. The SST component in the coral δ18O signal can either be evaluated through Sr/Ca measurements, or in some case simply filtered out. However, there is still much uncertainty concerning the exact mode of incorporation of trace elements and stable isotopes into the coral skeleton. The effects of growth rate, light intensity, feeding habits, pH and water chemistry are still poorly documented. A review of the strength and weaknesses of Sr/Ca and δ18O is presented, together with some examples of SST and SSS reconstructions. Other potential SST tracers are also reviewed. It is expected that the ability to grow corals in aquarium under controlled conditions, and that the development of sophisticated analytical techniques at the micrometric level should help us understand better the robustness of each tracers and the factors controlling their incorporation in coral aragonite

    Advances of sclerochronology research in the last decade

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    Over the past decade, sclerochronological research has continued to develop rapidly and is diversifying with respect to methods, taxa, geographic coverage as well as temporal depth. Chonologically aligned environmental records from bivalves, gastropods, coralline algae, corals, and many other periodically formed biogenic hard parts are integrated to build networks across broad spatial domains and trophic levels. Replication and exact dating ensure that environmental signals are fully preserved and facilitate the integration among chronologies as well as observational records of climatic and biological phenomena. The proliferation of chronologies promises to usher in a new era of synthesis that integrates tropical to polar environments and links with other high-resolution archives such as tree-ring chronologies to assess broad-scale couplings between the ocean and atmosphere across different latitudes. An increasing number of studies also applies sclerochronological methods to fossils from the more distant past and studies paleoclimate variability in deep time. At the same time, rapid advances are being made in developing, optimizing and validating proxies from isotopes, trace and minor elements, and ultrastructures (aka microstructures) of periodically growing skeletal hard parts to reveal new parameters of environmental variability from these exactly dated frameworks. Beyond the importance for paleoclimatology, information recorded in such archives is of increasing relevance to ecology and management to provide insights on life history, population connectivity, productivity, and disentangling the impacts of natural and anthropogenic environmental and climate change. Likewise, environmental information from archaeological samples are providing new insights into long-term interactions between climate variability and dynamics of past human societies. This review paper provides insights into advances in the field of sclerochronology, with an emphasis on mollusks, including trends in the analysis of growth patterns, development and interpretation of proxies, diversity of taxa used in sclerochronological research, as well as the geographic and temporal coverage of sclerochronological research

    Oxygen isotope systematics in Diploastrea heliopora: New coral archive of tropical paleoclimate

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    Diploastrea heliopora forms dense, robust, dome-shaped coral colonies throughout the reef ecosystems of the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans. This slow-growing (2 to 6 mm/yr) coral has the potential to yield continuous paleoclimate records spanning up to 1000 yr for the warmest waters on Earth, the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool, and has a long fossil history as a single recognizable species. Despite the potential of Diploastrea to be an important new paleoclimate archive, little is known about the systematics of geochemical tracers incorporated into its skeleton. To fill this knowledge gap, we compared skeletal δ18O signatures in live Diploastrea and Porites colonies from Southwest Lagoon, near Amédée Lighthouse, New Caledonia (at the southern latitudinal limit for Diploastrea) and Alor, Indonesia (in the core area of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool). We designed a new microsampling technique to minimize smoothing and distortion of the isotopic records due to the complex calyx architecture and slow growth of Diploastrea. High-resolution isotope profiles from the septal portion of the Diploastrea corallite are attenuated, whereas those restricted to the central columella are similar in quality to those extracted from the well-established Porites coral archive. The δ18O-temperature relationship for the columellar portion of Diploastrea (-0.18‰/°C) is in good agreement with that derived for a nearby Porites (-0.19‰/°C; Quinn et al., 1996), on the basis of comparison with an in situ sea surface temperature record from Amédée Lighthouse. There is a measurable difference of 0.3 ∓ 0.1‰ between the kinetic/ biological disequilibrium offsets from seawater δ18O composition for Diploastrea and Porites. Despite this offset in mean δ18O, Diploastrea accurately records the regional differences in mean temperature and salinity between New Caledonia and the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool. Additional tests show that Diploastrea records El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) interannual variability in sea surface temperature and salinity across the southwestern Pacific, indicating that it should yield dependable paleo-ENSO records. Based on these results, we propose that D. heliopora has the potential to provide an important new coral archive of tropical paleoclimate

    Interdecadal variation in the extent of South Pacific tropical waters during the Younger Dryas event

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    During the Younger Dryas event, about 12,000 years ago, the Northern Hemisphere cooled by between 2 and 10 °C (refs 1, 2) whereas East Antarctica experienced warming. But the spatial signature of the event in the southern mid-latitudes and tropics is le

    Oxygen isotope systematics in Diploastrea heliopora: new coral archive of tropical paleoclimate

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    Diploastrea heliopora forms dense, robust, dome-shaped coral colonies throughout the reef ecosystems of the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans. This slow-growing (2 to 6 mm/yr) coral has the potential to yield continuous paleoclimate records spanning up to 1000 yr for the warmest waters on Earth, the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool, and has a long fossil history as a single recognizable species. Despite the potential of Diploastrea to be an important new paleoclimate archive, little is known about the systematics of geochemical tracers incorporated into its skeleton. To fill this knowledge gap, we compared skeletal delta(18)O signatures in live Diploastrea and Porites colonies from Southwest Lagoon, near Amedee Lighthouse, New Caledonia (at the southern latitudinal limit for Diploastrea) and Alor, Indonesia (in the core area of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool). We designed a new microsampling technique to minimize smoothing and distortion of the isotopic records due to the complex calyx architecture and slow growth of Diploastrea. High-resolution isotope profiles from the septal portion of the Diploastrea corallite are attenuated, whereas those restricted to the central columella are similar in quality to those extracted from the well-established Porites coral archive. The delta(18)O-temperature relationship for the columellar portion of Diploastrea (-0.18parts per thousand/degreesC) is in good agreement with that derived for a nearby Porites (-0.19parts per thousand/degreesC; Quinn et al., 1996), on the basis of comparison with an in situ sea surface temperature record from Amedee Lighthouse. There is a measurable difference of 0.3 +/- 0.1parts per thousand between the kinetic/biological disequilibrium offsets from seawater delta(18)O composition for Diploastrea and Porites. Despite this offset in mean delta(18)O, Diploastrea accurately records the regional differences in mean temperature and salinity between New Caledonia and the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool. Additional tests show that Diploastrea records El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) interannual variability in sea surface temperature and salinity across the southwestern Pacific, indicating that it should yield dependable paleo-ENSO records. Based on these results, we propose that D. heliopora has the potential to provide an important new coral archive of tropical paleoclimate. (C) Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd