2,109 research outputs found

    La violencia contra las mujeres en la legislación penal colombiana

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    This article explains and analyzes some criminal prohibitions that, according to the author, penalize some types of gender violence, which are enshrined in the Convention of Belem Do Para and which is introduced by the Law 1257 of 2008 to the Colombian leEl artículo explica y analiza algunos tipos penales que, a juicio del autor, sancionan las formas de violencia contra el género o la mujer, que están consagradas en la Convención de Belem Do Para y que introduce la Ley 1257 de 2008 al ordenamiento colomb

    La violencia contra las mujeres en la legislación penal colombiana

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    This article explains and analyzes some criminal prohibitions that, according to the author, penalize some types of gender violence, which are enshrined in the Convention of Belem Do Para and which is introduced by the Law 1257 of 2008 to the Colombian legal system. To do so, the author uses not only what is prohibiting by the law, but some of the relevant jurisprudential decisions that have been made in this subject. Thus, the author begins by giving a clear definition of gender violence, then she establishes the different forms of violence against women as the Convention established and finally analyzes in detail each of the forms of violence according to how they are typified in the Colombian criminal legislationEl artículo explica y analiza algunos tipos penales que, a juicio del autor, sancionan las formas de violencia contra el género o la mujer, que están consagradas en la Convención de Belem Do Para y que introduce la Ley 1257 de 2008 al ordenamiento colombiano. Para ello, el autor se vale de la crítica no solo de los tipos penales como tal, sino de algunas decisiones jurisprudenciales relevantes que se han dado sobre el tema. Así, comienza por dar una definición clara sobre la violencia de genero, luego establece las diferentes formas de violencia contra la mujer según lo ha establecido la Convención y finalmente analiza en detalle cada una de las formas de violencia según la forma en como están tipificadas en la legislación penal colombian

    Remuneration Sensitivity Analysis in Prosumer and Aggregator Strategies by Controlling Electric Vehicle Chargers

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    The efficient use of energy resources is profoundly changing power grid regulation and policy. New forms of power generation coupled with storage and the presence of new, increasingly flexible loads such as electric vehicles enable the development of multi-agent planning systems based on new forms of interaction. For instance, consumers can take advantage of flexibility by interacting directly with the grid or through aggregators that bridge the gap between these end-users and traditional centralised markets. This paper aims to provide insight into the benefits for aggregators and end-users from a financial perspective by proposing a methodology that can be applied to different scenarios. End-users may provide flexibility services related to private vehicle charging stations or battery storage systems. The paper will analyse different remuneration levels for end-users by highlighting the most beneficial scenarios for aggregators and end-users and providing evidence on potential conflict of interests. The numerical results show that some consumers may benefit more from aggregation. This is because if taken individually, consumption habits do not allow the same flexibility when considering clusters of consumers with different behaviour. It is also shown that there are cases in which consumers do not seem to benefit from the presence of intermediate parties. We provide extensive numerical results to gain insight for better decision making

    Creación de una escuela de líderes para participantes de la alta consejería para reintegración- ACR del occidente Antioqueño

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    Este trabajo es el resultado del desarrollo del proyecto de conformar escuela de líderes dentro del grupo de participantes de la ACR del Occidente Antioqueño y formarlos para que promuevan actividades de desarrollo comunitario, donde la participación activa favorezca el despliegue de habilidades y destrezas de diversa índole y se propicie un ambiente favorable para la formación de líderes responsables que ofrezcan alternativas de solución a las necesidades prioritarias (lo político, lo económico, lo social, lo educativo) del individuo, la familia y la comunidad

    Creación de una escuela de líderes para participantes de la alta consejería para reintegración- ACR del occidente Antioqueño

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    Este trabajo es el resultado del desarrollo del proyecto de conformar escuela de líderes dentro del grupo de participantes de la ACR del Occidente Antioqueño y formarlos para que promuevan actividades de desarrollo comunitario, donde la participación activa favorezca el despliegue de habilidades y destrezas de diversa índole y se propicie un ambiente favorable para la formación de líderes responsables que ofrezcan alternativas de solución a las necesidades prioritarias (lo político, lo económico, lo social, lo educativo) del individuo, la familia y la comunidad

    Coordination of specialised energy aggregators for balancing service provision

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    In the present context of evolution of the power and energy systems, more flexibility is required on the generation and demand side, to cope with the increasing uncertainty mostly introduced by variable renewable energy resources. This paper presents a conceptual framework that encompasses different types of aggregators, including local network aggregators, demand-side general aggregators, specialised energy aggregators (SEAs), and energy community aggregators. In this framework, this paper focuses on the coordination of SEAs to provide balancing services to the system operator. Each SEA manages a specific type of load, so that these loads can be managed by exploiting their control capabilities in a detailed way considering response time, dynamics and available flexibility. Moreover, the presence of the SEAs increases the privacy protection of the users, as only the information on a specific type of user's load is sent to the SEA. The SEA Coordinator interacts with the Balancing Service Provider aimed at procuring frequency containment, frequency restoration and replacement reserve services. This paper contains the SEA Coordinator formulation, information exchange and control operation strategies. Case study applications are presented by using SEAs for three specific types of loads (thermoelectric refrigerator, water booster pressure systems and electric vehicle charging stations). The results show how the control algorithm of the SEA Coordinator is effective in providing balancing services at different timings with the different types of loads. Various scenarios are considered, comparing an ideal situation without command propagation delays with realistic situations that take into account the command propagation delays

    Comparación de los descriptores utilizados como entradas en un método de localización de fallas basado en el aprendizaje para sistemas de distribución de energía

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    This paper presents a comparative study of the measurement features used as inputs of a fault locator based on Support Vector Machines, which is aimed to analyze single-phase faults. Studies have shown that a huge database is required to obtain high performance, but a problem is associated with the excessive computing time required to evaluate such databases. This study examines properly these inputs to determine which are the most significant ones in terms of performance. Tests are performed on a 75 bus 34.5 kV distribution system, with 75000 shunt faults, implemented in ATP. According to the results, 12 features related to magnitude variations of phase voltage and current between fault and pre-fault steady states were relevant to achieve a performance of 96.3%, with a computational time of training and cross-validation of approximately six minutes.En este artículo se presenta un estudio comparativo de descriptores utilizados como entradas en un localizador de fallas, basado en máquinas de soporte vectorial, cuyo objetivo es analizar fallas monofásicas. Estudios han demostrado que, para obtener un alto rendimiento, se requiere una gran base de datos, pero existe un problema que está asociado con el excesivo tiempo de cómputo necesario para analizar esas bases de datos. Este estudio contribuye a la solución del problema, pues analiza adecuadamente estas entradas del método y descubre cuáles son las más significativas. Las pruebas se realizan en un sistema de distribución de 34,5 kV, 75 nodos con 75000 fallas, implementado en ATP. De acuerdo con los resultados, doce descriptores relacionados con variaciones en magnitud de la corriente y la tensión de fase entre estados de falla y prefalla fueron relevantes al lograr un desempeño de 96,3 %, con un tiempo computacional de entrenamiento y validación cruzada de aproximadamente seis minutos

    La violencia conyugal hacia el hombre: un estudio sobre la percepción que tienen los adultos jóvenes y mayores de 18 a 30 años en el municipio de Roldanillo

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    La presente investigación abordara el tema de la violencia conyugal hacia el hombre, el cual se define como: Un patrón de comportamientos en los que una persona domina, denigra o humilla a su pareja. El maltrato o abuso hacia el hombre se produce cuando su pareja utiliza tácticas emocionales, físicas, sexuales o intimidantes contra él. La mujer las aplica para controlar al hombre, salirse con la suya e impedirle que rompa la relación. (Dirección General de Estadísticas de Canadá, 2006, p.1). Una de las características principales de este tipo de violencia es que los hombres no denuncian ante ninguna institución su posible situación de maltrato, la cual puede afectar o no su integridad física y moral, debido al tabú que maneja el contexto en el que se desenvuelve el individuo, resaltando que Colombia es un país diverso donde la cultura, la religión y la política están condicionados por cada región, lo cual puede provocar o no que el ser humano desarrolle pensamientos, capacidades o habilidades diferentes, es importante mencionar que a pesar de su diversidad, el país aún se encuentra regido por doctrinas confesionales que legitiman el patriarcado. La violencia conyugal hacia el hombre en Colombia en los últimos años se ha hecho cada vez más evidente debido a que los casos de maltrato hacia el hombre son más frecuentes, lo cual ha conllevado a que los medios de comunicación registren y hagan pública esta problemática, por lo tanto, buscando ampliar y conocer la noción que gira en torno a la misma, se decidió realizar la investigación en un contexto micro, en este caso particular en el departamento de Valle del Cauca más específicamente en el municipio de Roldanillo, en el cual predomina la religión católica y una ideología conservadora.PregradoTRABAJADOR(A) SOCIA

    Report of the experience of the Section of Dermatology of the University of Antioquia, Medellin, in the fifth working day of detection of skin cancer, Asocolderma 2016

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    Introduction: Skin cancer screening days are a tool for the early identification and education of affected individuals. We present the results of the participation of the Dermatology Service of the University of Antioquia on the fifth campaign of the Colombian Association of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery, held on August 25 and 26, 2016. Methods: Patients Older than 18 years and minors with parental consent. We performed clinical evaluation of total body skin and histopathological analysis of suspected skin cancer lesions, with prior written informed consent. Results: A total of 132 patients were attended, 33 were suspected lesions, 22 were biopsied, 9 underwent clinical diagnosis of actinic keratoses, 1 atypical nevus and 1 both diagnosis. In 11 patients skin cancer was diagnosed, one with two malignant melanomas, one with squamous cell carcinoma and nine with basal cell carcinoma. Discussion: 25 % of the attendees presented suspicious injuries. Basal cell carcinoma was the most common type of cancer, 6.06 %, followed by squamous cell carcinoma 0.75 % and malignant melanoma 0.75 %. Concern about risk behavior of sun exposure; of patients with premalignant or malignant lesions, 40.6 % reported sunburn before age 18 and 48.5% practiced activities in the sun. Phototypes II and III predominate in 83.4 %, which increases the risk of skin cancer

    Soil predisposing factors to fusarium oxysporum f.sp Cubense tropical race 4 on banana crops of La Guajira, Colombia

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    Fusarium wilt of banana caused by the soil-borne fungi Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense, Tropical Race 4 (Foc TR4) (Syn. Fusarium odoratissimum), is a major threat to the global banana industry. Aiming to identify predisposing soil factors for Fusarium wilt of banana (FWB) TR4, the 23 physical and chemical soil properties were studied in three commercial banana farms in La Guajira, Colombia. Disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were collected from areas affected by the disease (affected plots) and disease-free areas (healthy plots). Five repetitions per farm were considered, with a total sample of n = 30. The data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Subsequently, the debiased sparse partial correlation (DSPC) algorithm was applied. Organic matter (OM), pH, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn), and cation-exchange capacity on the exchange complex (ECEC), showed significant differences between the affected and healthy plots. In addition, the bulk density and saturated hydraulic conductivity (HC) were associated suggesting that physical attributes, such as soil compaction and poor drainage, create favorable conditions for FWB. According to the DSPC algorithm, the HC variable presented a grade of 5 and an intermediation of 14.67, which indicates that it has significant associations with BD, sand, porosity, ECEC, and OM and plays a critical role in the connection of other variables in the network and the differentiation of healthy and affected plots. These findings establish a baseline of information under field conditions in Colombia, which can be used to design soil management strategies to mitigate the detrimental effects of Foc TR4 by creating less favorable conditions for the pathogen