2,295 research outputs found

    Expresión diferencial de genes en Pyropia columbina (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) bajo hidratación y desecación natural

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.RESUMEN. En Zonas Costeras rocosas, la desecación es gatillada porción Cambios Diarios en los Niveles de marea, y la Evidencia indica experimental de Me Distribución de las algas en la zona intermareal no está Relacionada estafa do palabra capacidad, párr tolerar la desecación. En Este Contexto, la Presencia de Pyropia columbina en la zona alta del intermareal sí Explica Por Su excepcional tolerancia fisiológica a la desecación. Este Estudio explora las Vías Metabólicas involucradas en la tolerancia a la desecación en P. columbina, un Través de la Caracterización de do transcriptoma Bajo Condiciones de hidratación contrastantes. Se obtuvó 1410 TER provenientes de dos Librerías de substracción de ADNc de frondas Naturalmente hidratadas y desecadas. Los transcriptomas de emba Librerías contienen transcritos de Diversas Rutas Metabólicas Relacionadas a la tolerancia. Entre el los transcritos expresados ​​15% estan involucrados en la Síntesis de Proteínas, do Procesamiento y degradacion, 14,4% Asociados un Fotosíntesis y cloroplasto, el 13,1% una mitocondrial Respiración and function, 10,6% al metabolism de la Pared Celular y 7,5% a la Actividad ANTIOXIDANTE, Proteínas chaperonas y factors de Defensa (catalasa, tiorredoxina, Proteínas de choque térmico, P450 citocromo). In Ambás Librerías sí DESTACA La Presencia De genes / Proteínas no descritos en algas. Proporciona Información This El Primer Trabajo molecular Que Estudia la tolerancia a desecación en P. columbina y Sus Resultados Ayudan a explicar los patrones clásicos de Distribución descritos párr algas en la zona intermareal. Palabras clave: Pyropia, desecación porción Estrés, EST, macroalgas, transcriptómica, Proteínas.ABSTRACT. In rocky shores, desiccation is triggered by daily tide changes, and experimental evidence suggests that local distribution of algal species across the intertidal rocky zone is related to their capacity to tolerate desiccation. In this context, the permanence of Pyropia columbina in the high intertidal rocky zone is explained by its exceptional physiological tolerance to desiccation. This study explored the metabolic pathways involved in tolerance to desiccation in the Chilean P. columbina, by characterizing its transcriptome under contrasting conditions of hydration. We obtained 1,410 ESTs from two subtracted cDNA libraries in naturally hydrated and desiccated fronds. Results indicate that transcriptome from both libraries contain transcripts from diverse metabolic pathways related to tolerance. Among the transcripts differentially expressed, 15% appears involved in protein synthesis, processing and degradation, 14.4% are related to photosynthesis and chloroplast, 13.1% to respiration and mitochondrial function (NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase proteins), 10.6% to cell wall metabolism, and 7.5% are involved in antioxidant activity, chaperone and defense factors (catalase, thioredoxin, heat shock proteins, cytochrome P450). Both libraries highlight the presence of genes/proteins never described before in algae. This information provides the first molecular work regarding desiccation tolerance in P. columbina, and helps, to some extent, explaining the classical patterns of ecological distribution described for algae across the intertidal zone.http://ref.scielo.org/jm5rc

    Evaluación de la microdureza de cementos resinosos de uso odontológico: estudio in vitro

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    OBJETIVO: Es importante conocer las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales dentales para poder determinar críticamente su comportamiento y no limitarnos únicamente a la evaluación clínica. Por esa razón, el objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la microdureza de cuatro cementos resinosos de uso odontológico teniendo en cuenta que existe correlación entre esta propiedad mecánica y el comportamiento clínico del material.MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se confeccionaron seis cuerpos de prueba para cada cemento evaluado: RelyXTM ARC(3M ESPE) = G1, Multilink® (IVOCLAR VIVADENT) = G2, MaxCem EliteTM (KERR CORPORATION) = G3 y RelyXTMU200 (3M ESPE) = G4, los que fueron almacenados durante 48 horas a temperatura ambiente y sometidos al ensayo deMicrodureza Vickers (VMH) con 200 g-f durante 10 segundos.RESULTADOS: Para el cemento resinoso dual convencional (grupo control) G1 el valor promedio de microdureza fue47.08 ± 4.52 VMH. El cemento resinoso dual de autograbado (G2) tuvo un valor promedio de 43.88 ± 2.35 VMH. Elvalor promedio de microdureza del cemento resinoso autoadhesivo G3 fue de 37.41 ± 3.10 VMH mientras que para elcemento resinoso autoadhesivo G4 se obtuvo un valor promedio de 50.58 ± 1.10 VMH.CONCLUSIÓN: Se concluye que el cemento resinoso autoadhesivo dual RelyXTM U200 presentaría un mejor comportamiento clínico ya que los valores de microdureza encontrados fueron los más altos, encontrando diferencias estadísticamente significativas con Multilink® y MaxCem EliteTM

    Učinak praha avokada, suncokretova ulja te različitih omjera voluminozne i koncentrirane krme u obroku na unos hrane, probavljivost hrane i proizvodnost mladih ovnova

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the inclusion of avocado flour and sunflower oil as energy sources in different proportions, as well as different forage:concentrate ratios on the productive performance and feed intake of male rams, and the in vitro dry matter digestibility, organic matter digestibility and gas production. The intake was measured in diets containing avocado flour or sunflower oil with 60% forage: 40% concentrate, and in diets with different forage:concentrate ratios and 10% inclusion of avocado flour or sunflower oil. The daily weight gain was registered for 84 days, the in vitro dry matter digestibility was determined at 48 h, and the in vitro gas production was evaluated at 72 h. The partial production of gas at 24 hours, raw protein, raw fat, and ash were used to estimate the metabolizable energy and organic matter digestibility. Low levels of avocado flour and sunflower oil in the diet showed the highest intake, in vitro dry matter digestibility and in vitro gas production. Daily weight gains were 0.28 kg in avocado flour and 0.30 kg in sunflower oil diets, both at 10% inclusion and 40% forage: 60% concentrate. The inclusion of high levels of avocado flour or forage in the diet decreased the feed intake of male sheep. The best avocado flour level was 10% with 40% forage: 60% concentrate.Cilj rada bio je istražiti utjecaj različitih omjera između praha avokada i suncokretova ulja kao izvora energije, te različitih omjera između voluminozne i koncentrirane krme u obroku na unos hrane i proizvodnost mladih ovnova. Osim toga, in vitro istražena je probavljivost suhe tvari, probavljivost organske tvari i proizvodnja plina. Unos hrane mjeren je u obrocima koji su sadržavali prah avokada ili suncokretovo ulje uz omjer između voluminozne i koncentrirane krme od 60:40% ili u obrocima sa različitim omjerom voluminozne i koncentrirane krme uz dodatak 10% praha avokada ili suncokretova ulja. Dnevni prirast bilježen je tijekom 84 dana. Probavljivost suhe tvari in vitro određivana je 48 h, a proizvodnja plina in vitro 72 h od uzimanja uzoraka. Za određivanje metaboličke energije i probavljivosti organske tvari korišteni su parcijalna proizvodnja plina 24-ti sat, sirovi protein, sirova mast i pepeo. Niske razine praha avokada i suncokretova ulja u obroku rezultirale su najvišim unosom hrane te najvišom in vitro probavljivošću suhe tvari i in vitro proizvodnjom plina. Dnevni prirast bio je 0,28 kg u životinja kojima je davano 10% praha avokada, 0,30 kg u životinja kojima je davano 10% suncokretova ulja, pri čemu je omjer voluminozne i koncentrirane krme iznosio 40:60%. Dodavanje visokih razina praha avokada ili voluminozne krme u obrok dovelo je do nižeg unosa hrane kod mladih ovnova pa je zaključeno da je najpovoljnija razina dodanog praha avokada 10% uz omjer voluminozne i koncentrirane krme 40:60%

    La autoevaluación en el proceso de calidad educativa para un centro de secundaria (I): consideraciones iniciales

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    Los autores hacen una serie de consideraciones sobre el proceso de calidad educativa, en relación con su evaluación, en un centro de secundaria de Tenerife (España) a través de un proyecto de formación en centros educativos. En este primer reporte, los autores adaptan el trabajo de Escudero (1997) sobre el proceso de calidad que ha permitido reflexionar sobre qué es y qué se pretende con la evaluación interna de un centro de secundaria y de la necesidad de un modelo autoevaluativo que se adapte a las peculiaridades de cada centro.Eje: Evaluación calidad sistema educativoRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    La autoevaluación en el proceso de calidad educativa para un centro de secundaria (I): consideraciones iniciales

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    Los autores hacen una serie de consideraciones sobre el proceso de calidad educativa, en relación con su evaluación, en un centro de secundaria de Tenerife (España) a través de un proyecto de formación en centros educativos. En este primer reporte, los autores adaptan el trabajo de Escudero (1997) sobre el proceso de calidad que ha permitido reflexionar sobre qué es y qué se pretende con la evaluación interna de un centro de secundaria y de la necesidad de un modelo autoevaluativo que se adapte a las peculiaridades de cada centro.Eje: Evaluación calidad sistema educativoRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Effects of Moringa oleifera and Brosimum alicastrum partial feed substitution in intramuscular fat and adipose tissues and on the expression of lipogenic genes of Mexican hairless pigs

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    The present study evaluated the effects of the inclusion of ground Moringa oleifera and Brosimum alicastrum leaf meal in the diet of Mexican hairless pigs (MHP) on the amount of intramuscular fat, subcutaneous fat, leg muscle (Biceps femoris) fat, loin muscle (Longissimus dorsi) fat, leg and back fat, and the expression of lipid metabolism genes. Hairless pigs are reared in the Mexican tropics and are characterised by their body and intramuscular fat accumulation. Eighteen male pigs fed for 82 d were randomly allotted to three experimental isoenergetic and isoproteic diets, where M. oleifera or B. alicastrum (six pigs per diet) replaced wheat bran. The diets used were a control diet, a diet with 10% M. oleifera leaf meal, and a diet with 10% ground B. alicastrum leaf meal. The M. oleifera diet decreased (P<0.05) the fat ratio in the Longissimus dorsi muscles, back fat, rib fat, total carcass fat, and the carcass fat: meat ratio. The B. alicastrum diet only decreased fat in the Biceps femoris muscle, back fat, and rib fat. Moringa oleifera and B. alicastrum diets also promoted the overexpression of mRNA from the stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD), fatty acid synthase (FASN), acetyl-CoA carboxylase alpha (ACACA), sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1 (SREBP1) and acyl carrier protein (ACP) lipogenic genes in the Biceps femoris muscle and leg fat (P<0.001). In addition, lower ACACA and SREBP1 mRNA expression in the Longissimus dorsi muscle and back fat (P<0.001) were related to the lower amount of fat in pigs fed M. oleifera and B. alicastrum. The inclusion of Moringa oleifera and Brosimum alicastrum meals 10% in the diet of the pig MHP reduces fat, this is an important finding because fat is abundant in this type of pig

    Synthesis of Ag-Au Nanoparticles by Galvanic Replacement and Their Morphological Studies by HRTEM and Computational Modeling

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    Bimetallic nanoparticles are important because they possess catalytic and electronic properties with potential applications in medicine, electronics, and chemical industries. A galvanic replacement reaction synthesis has been used in this research to form bimetallic nanoparticles. The complete description of the synthesis consists of using the chemical reduction of metallic silver nitrite (AgNO3) and gold-III chloride hydrate (HAuCl) salt precursors. The nanoparticles display round shapes, as revealed by high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM). In order to better understand the colloidal structure, it was necessary to employ computational models which involved the simulations of HRTEM images

    SARS-CoV-2 Neutralizing Antibodies in Mexican Population: A Five Vaccine Comparison

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    Neutralizing antibodies (NAs) are key immunological markers and are part of the humoral response of the adaptive immune system. NA assays determine the presence of functional antibodies to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection. We performed a real-world evidence study to detect NAs that confer protection against SARS-CoV-2 after the application of five vaccines (Pfizer/BioNTech, AstraZeneca, Sinovac, Moderna, and CanSino) in the Mexican population. Side effects of COVID-19 vaccines and clinical and demographic factors associated with low immunogenicity were also evaluated. A total of 242 SARS-CoV-2-vaccinated subjects were recruited. Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna proved the highest percentage of inhibition in a mono-vaccine scheme. Muscular pain, headache, and fatigue were the most common adverse events. None of the patients reported severe adverse events. We found an estimated contagion-free time of 207 (IQR: 182–231) and 187 (IQR: 184–189) days for Pfizer/BioNTech and CanSino in 12 cases in each group. On the basis of our results, we consider that the emerging vaccination strategy in Mexico is effective and safe

    Epidemiological Algorithm for Early Detection of COVID-19 Cases in a Mexican Oncologic Center

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    An early detection tool for latent COVID-19 infections in oncology staff and patients is essential to prevent outbreaks in a cancer center. (1) Background: In this study, we developed and implemented two early detection tools for the radiotherapy area to identify COVID-19 cases opportunely. (2) Methods: Staff and patients answered a questionnaire (electronic and paper surveys, respectively) with clinical and epidemiological information. The data were collected through two online survey tools: Real-Time Tracking (R-Track) and Summary of Factors (S-Facts). Cut-off values were established according to the algorithm models. SARS-CoV-2 qRT-PCR tests confirmed the positive algorithms individuals. (3) Results: Oncology staff members (n = 142) were tested, and 14% (n = 20) were positives for the R-Track algorithm; 75% (n = 15) were qRT-PCR positive. The S-Facts Algorithm identified 7.75% (n = 11) positive oncology staff members, and 81.82% (n = 9) were qRT-PCR positive. Oncology patients (n = 369) were evaluated, and 1.36% (n = 5) were positive for the Algorithm used. The five patients (100%) were confirmed by qRT-PCR. (4) Conclusions: The proposed early detection tools have proved to be a low-cost and efficient tool in a country where qRT-PCR tests and vaccines are insufficient for the population. View Full-Tex