44 research outputs found

    A Representation of Tactical and Strategic Precursors of Supply Network Resilience Using Simulation Based Experiments

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    Modern supply chains are becoming increasingly complex and are exposed to higher levels of risk. Globalization, market uncertainty, mass customization, technological and innovation forces, among other factors, make supply networks more susceptible to disruptions (both those that are man-made and/or ones associated with natural events) that leave suppliers unavailable, shut-down facilities and entail lost capacity. Whereas several models for disruption management exist, there is a need for operational representations of concepts such as resilience that expand the practitioners’ understanding of the behavior of their supply chains. These representations must include not only specific characteristics of the firm’s supply network but also its tactical and strategic decisions (such as sourcing and product design). Furthermore, the representations should capture the impact those characteristics have on the performance of the network facing disruptions, thus providing operations managers with insights on what tactical and strategic decisions are most suitable for their specific supply networks (and product types) in the event of a disruption. This research uses Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation (ABMS) and an experimental set-up to develop a representation of the relationships between tactical and strategic decisions and their impact on the performance of multi-echelon networks under supply uncertainty. Two main questions are answered: 1) How do different tactical and strategic decisions give rise to resilience in a multi-echelon system?, and 2) What is the nature of the interactions between those factors, the network’s structure and its performance in the event of a disruption? Product design was found to have the most significant impact on the reliability (Perfect Order Fulfillment) for products with high degrees of componentization when dual sourcing is the chosen strategy. However, when it comes to network responsiveness (Order Fulfillment Cycle Time), this effect was attenuated. Generally, it was found that the expected individual impact these factors have on the network performance is affected by the interactions between them

    An Understanding of the Application of Research Methods in Engineering Management

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    In this article, the use of research methods in the field of Engineering Management is analyzed. For this study, a database was formed by using articles from three journals in the Engineering Management field: the Engineering Management Journal (EMJ), the IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management and the Journal of Engineering and Technology Management (JETM). Articles written between 1999 and 2003 were analyzed and an Engineering Management research position map was developed to describe holistically the research methods being used in Engineering Management. No judgment on the Engineering Management field per se was undertaken as a result of this study. Instead, its findings are presented as groundwork for future investigations on effective methods to execute Engineering Management research

    Uniendo saberes enriquecemos nuestro quehacer matemático

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    Los docentes del Área de Matemáticas del Instituto Técnico Superior de Comercio asumen la tarea de mostrar a sus compañeros y educandos el significado y la particularidad de su region tomando como objeto de análisis un acontecimiento real, de la misma. que permita apreciar la riqueza de la INTERDISCIPLINARIEDAD como una razón más para entender la interconexión de las áreas del conocimiento cuando se opta por la construcción del mismo. Y así desarrollar competencias matemáticas en el saber hacer en contexto, es decir, acciones que expresen el desempeño del hombre en su interacción con contextos socioculturales disciplinares especificos. (ICFES 1998: Evaluacion por competencias)

    Development of a System of Systems Engineering Method

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    Systems engineers have been facing challenges with the design and analysis of multiple complex systems. System of Systems Engineering has emerged to assist in this challenge with the systemic analysis, design, and transformation of complex metasystems. This paper outlines a proposed method to overcome these challenges, which is grounded in System of Systems Engineering principles and methodology. An overview of System of Systems Engineering will be provided for understanding of its significance and the attempt to complement Systems Engineering efforts in dealing with the aforementioned challenges. Finally, discussion on the proposed method, with respect to complex system analysis, is provided

    Educación inclusiva y representaciones sociales en los escenarios de la práctica docente.

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    El proyecto de investigación que encuentran a continuación indaga sobre las representaciones sociales que tienen los docentes sobre el concepto de Educación Inclusiva y como estas influyen en sus prácticas pedagógicas. Esta investigación es de carácter cualitativo, en la que se utilizaron las siguientes técnicas de recolección de la información: observación participante a través de una lista de chequeo por categorías, encuesta semiestructurada y entrevista a profundidad. Se pretende aportar hacia la transformación de las prácticas pedagógicas de los docentes del ciclo inicial del Colegio Julio Garavito Armero, a partir de la reflexión y el replanteamiento que hagan de su quehacer pedagógico dirigido hacia una Educación Inclusiva.The research project found below investigates the social representations teachers have about the concept of Inclusive Education and how they influence their pedagogical practices. This research is of a qualitative nature, in which the following information collection techniques were used: participant observation through a checklist by categories, semi-structured survey and in-depth interview. It is intended to contribute towards the transformation of the pedagogical practices of the teachers of the initial cycle of the Julio Garavito Armero School, based on the reflection and rethinking that they make of their pedagogical work directed towards an Inclusive Education

    Diagnostico financiero de la empresa rones y licores s.a.

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    Con el presente trabajo, se realizará un diagnostico financiero de la organización que permita determinar los posibles problemas y plantear las alternativas, con el fin de dotar a la directiva y futuros inversionistas de unas de herramientas basadas en una información real, técnica, confiable y veraz que conlleven a una adecuada toma de decisiones en un momento determinado, así como brindar bases suficientes que permitan convertir a esta institución en una empresa competitiva y rentable, capaz de superar las exigencias y retos del nuevo mileni

    Incidencia del ámbito familiar en el menor trabajador y trabajador de la calle últimos cuatro años (2006-2009) en la ciudad de Manizales

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    T 344.013 1 C81; 58 p.Se analiza la situación familiar y socioeconómica del menor trabajador. Se examina la legislación colombiana para determinar la protección que ésta brinda al menor trabajador. Se describen las principales causas que inducen a los menores a realizar trabajos informales. Se puntualiza de qué manera ha incidido este problema en la sociedad manizaleña.Universidad Libre de Pereir

    Gráficos estadísticos : usos en el proceso de aprendizaje de la matemática, una mirada desde la socioepistemología

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    La investigación de esta tesis, titulada: Gráficos Estadísticos: Usos en el proceso de aprendizaje de la matemática, una mirada desde la Socioepistemología; tiene como finalidad analizar los Usos que hacen los estudiantes del grado 5º de básica primaria cuando resuelven problemas relacionados con los gráficos estadísticos. Apoyada en la teoría Socioepistemológica, específicamente en su Dimensión Social, busca entender la construcción social del conocimiento matemático como el producto mismo de la actividad humana, y como el conocimiento puesto en Uso se vuelve funcional y se resignifica."The investigation of this thesis, entitled ""Statistical Graphs: uses in the teaching and learning of mathematics, a view from the Social Epistemology"", aims to analyze the interpretations and uses that make students in the fifth grade of primary school when they solve problems related to the statistical graphics. Supported by the theory ""Social Epistemology"" specifically in its Social Dimension, seeks to understand the social construction of mathematical knowledge as the product itself of human activity, and how the knowledge put into use becomes functional and resignified."Magíster en EducaciónMaestrí

    Evaluation of different sources of carbon and nitrogen in the production of rennet from Mucor miehei

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    RESUMEN: Se estudió la cinética de producción de biomasa y de renina a partir del moho Mucor miehei, utilizando medios de cultivo con sustratos alternativos como fuente de carbono y de nitrógeno, que favorecieran la actividad enzimática. Inicialmente se realizó un tamizaje para determinar la viabilidad de cada uno de los subproductos utilizados y a partir de estos resultados se evaluaron los efectos cruzados de las mejores fuentes de carbono y nitrógeno sobre la productividad enzimática, mediante un diseño experimental factorial 22; lo cual permitió proponer un medio de cultivo alternativo viable para la producción de renina a nivel industrial. Las fermentaciones se realizaron en un reactor por lotes a escala laboratorio, temperatura de 37 ºC, pH inicial entre 6,3 -6,5, y agitación de 250 rpm. Finalmente, se establecieron como mejores medios de cultivo los que tenían suero de leche tanto como fuente de carbono y nitrógeno (medio 1) y suero de leche como fuente de carbono y harina de maíz como fuente de nitrógeno (medio 2), en los cuales se lograron fuerzas de cuajo (FC) máximas de 1.333,704 a las 90 h y de 1.069,71 FC a las 85 h, respectivamente.ABSTRACT: The kinetics of biomass production and rennet from fungi Mucor miehei using culture media with alternative substrates as a source of carbon and nitrogenwas studied in order to improve the enzymatic activity. An initial screening was performed in order to select the feasibility of each by-product and from these results the crossed effects of the best sources of carbon and nitrogen over enzymatic productivity were evaluated through an experimental factorial 22 design. It allowed us to propose an alternative culture media viable for the rennet production at industrial scale. The fermentations were carried out in a laboratory batch reactor, at 37° C, pH between 6.3-6.5 and 250 rpm. The best culture media was established as that which contained whey both as a source of carbon and nitrogen (media 1) and whey as a source of carbon and corn flour as a source of nitrogen (media 2). Maximum Rennet strength achieved (FC) was 1333.704 at 90 h in media 1 and 1069.71 at 85 h in media 2