5,678 research outputs found

    A personalized, interactive movie manual

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    Thesis (B.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1981.MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERING.Bibliography: 2 unnumbered leaves following text.by John Carlos Correa.B.S

    Unfair Competition Under the TRIPS Agreement: Protection of Data Submitted for the Registration of Pharmaceuticals

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    Before the entry into force of the TRIPS Agreement, countries had considerable latitude to determine rules for the protection of test data. The Agreement introduced the first international standard on the subject, as contained in its Article 39.3. But the Agreement is not a uniform law (it only establishes broad parameters for national rules). An important question is the extent to which the Agreement allows World Trade Organization ( WTO ) members freedom to apply different approaches for test data protection and, in particular, the extent to which a competitive model- protection without exclusivity-is compatible with the minimum standards set forth by Article 39.3. This paper first describes national legal practices with respect to protection of test data before the adoption of the TRIPS Agreement. It then examines the obligations established by Article 39.3 of the TRIPS Agreement and, finally, discusses the legal means that states may adopt to provide protection against commercial use of such data

    Bilateralism in Intellectual Property: Defeating the WTO System for Access to Medicines

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    Formulas for Consumer Price Index at the elementary aggregate - A new proposal from the economic point of view

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    The price level in the aggregate economy and, more concretely, controlling its changes, has become one of the high-priority objectives within the framework of the regional macroeconomic analysis. Its different evolution could modify the interregional capital and commercial flows, being able to cause strong shocks, and of asymmetric nature, in each economy. The first step to reach this objective is obtaining a trustworthy and comparable measurement of the inflation in the different regions to be compared. The Index Number Theory is then used to calculate Consumer Price Indexes (CPI) the regional level. The calculation of CPI is made, at least, in two phases. In the first one, Elementary Price Index is considered (EPI). In the second and later phases, these EPI are combined, along with weighting information based on household’s expenditure, to obtain CPI for different aggregation levels to the country level. As previous step to the calculation of the IPE and CPI, the set of goods and services has to be defined based on households’ consumption behaviour. These sets are grouped in layers, named elementary aggregates, based on their homogeneity of satisfying consumer’s necessities. The COICOP (Classification Of Individual Consumption by Purpose) has important implications at the time of analyzing the behaviour of the consumer within each elementary aggregate, because of a high possibility of substitution between products. Nevertheless, this possibility diminishes and can get to be null when the goods and services satisfy necessities with very different nature. Whether what is wanted it is to calculate an EPI that correctly reflects the consumer behaviour, the described homogenous character cannot be forgotten, especially if, in addition, we take into account that National Statistics Agencies have no expenditure information available for weighting purposes, only data of prices to calculate EPI. This paper is focussed on analysis of the formula used to obtain the IPE, with the limitations of available information just commented. The election of the formula for the IPE has not been widely studied in the economic literature, being the proposal by Carli in 1764 and Dutot in 1738 [ extracted Reference of OIT (2003), chapter 20, pages 12-13 ] the most often used for practical purposes. Nevertheless, Fisher (1922) had already recommended not using the Carli’s formula because of the bias to the rise that it introduces [Fisher (1922), pages 29-30]. Throughout the 20th century different authors has continued looking for the ideal formula extending possible approaches to the subject: the approach of Divisia, the stochastic approach, the economic approach and the axiomatic approach. The final summary of these studies can be synthesized in "Toward to Dwells Accurate Measure of The Cost of Living” by the Advisory Commission To The Study The Consumer Price Index presented in 1996. This report, also known as Boskin’s Report, suggests the use of geometric mean price indices at the elementary aggregate for the EPI, this formula is attributed to Jevons in 1983 [OIT (2003), chapter 20, pages 12-13 ]. In the present paper, we demonstrate that all usually formulas for the calculation of the IPE are incoherent with the theory of consumer behaviour, in an aggregate characterized by the high level of substitution caused by homogeneity in the consumption purpose. In addition, the formula proposed by Rodriguez, González and Rodriguez (2004), is not only superior from the axiomatic point of view, but also from the economic approach, is the only one that is able to reflect the expected consumer behaviour.

    Report of the Review of the CGIAR Genetic Resources Policy Committee

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    The review of the GRPC was decided by the CGIAR Executive Council in March 2002, in the context of the changes that were introduced in the governance and structure of the CGIAR. Carlos Correa and Ian Bevege led the review with assistance from five members of an advisory group.The review responded to three questions: 1. how successful was the committee in achieving its mission, 2. is there continuing need for a separate CGIAR committee addressing genetic resource policy issues and 3. if there is such a need, what kind of mechanism is there and what are its terms of reference

    A measurement to analyze the relative change in the Absolute Parity of Power Purchase: An application to the European Union

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    In the present paper an index to measure the changes in the Absolute Purchasing Power Parity. in the short term of a group of territories that conform an unique market, using the information of the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices and the Exchange Rates. This measurement is utilized to study the change in relative prices of the countries of the European Union for the period 1991-2002, and the fulfillment of the theory of the Relative Purchasing Power Parity, taking as a reference the Absolute Purchasing Power Parity in the reference time of the Price Index. The difficulties found to do these comparisons have given rise to multitude of jobs that can be classified in two large groups. In the first group are the efforts focused to find the best instrument to do comparable the figures of the distinct economies. In this line, it is emphasized the use and the advances in the index numbers theory [for a historic revision applied to price index see Diewert, W. (1993), for a theoretical revision see Balk, B. (1995) and Hill, T. (1988)] and the jobs carried out in the International Program of Comparison (ICP), program belonging to the statistical division of United Nations with near 35 years of life, and whose objective is to produce estimations of the National Gross Product and its components, that can be comparable among countries in real terms. It utilizes the concept of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), [UN (1992)]. In the same line, the European Program of Comparison is developed by Eurostat and the OCDE since 1980. In the second group the investigations based in the unit price law and the theory of of the PPP to explain the behavior of the rate of change among two or more countries. In this case, the objective is focused in the analysis of the economic implications of its fulfillment or not, and how being able to test its fulfillment [Cheung, AND W., Lai, K. (2000), Engel, C. (2000), Reads, M. (1976), Taylor, A. (2001)] This job is inside of the first group of investigations. An index is defined to reflect changes in the Relative Purchasing Power Parity among a group of countries that do not share a common currency. This measurement can be obtained from Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP), and from the Exchange Rates among the currencies of the distinct countries. The results show the strong distorting effect that exchange rate has upon the Purchasing Power Parity among countries. The evolution of the internal prices of each country is a residual factor to explain the changes in the Purchasing Power Parity. In this sense, the apparition of euro contributes to a clear stability for the consumers whose countries have adopted the euro than those that have not adopted yet. However, in the euro zone systematic behaviours in some of the countries are detected that indicate that, their Purchasing Power Parity is changing in a systematic way, with regard to the average Purchasing Power Parity of the Monetary Union.

    El desarrollo de la enseñanza de idiomas en Balboa Risaralda

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    El presente estudio fue desarrollado en once regiones de Risaralda con el fin de seguir el primer paso del proyecto La Ordenanza, el cual está encargado de diagnosticar el arte de la enseñanza del inglés. En este caso la investigación tuvo lugar en Balboa, donde fueron recolectados diferentes datos referentes a metodología de las clases, percepción de los estudiantes hacia las clases, la práctica y los recursos de la institución con el fin de identificar el manejo del inglés y la forma como este se enseña. Los resultados indican que los estudiantes presentan una gran desmotivación en el aprendizaje debido a los temas que se les suele enseñar y también al usar la traducción y los diálogos como una práctica constante en las clases. Finalmente, el estudio indica varios aspectos a fortalecer respecto a la práctica del inglés y el desarrollo de una segunda lengua en los estudiantes. Esto corresponde al diagnóstico elaborado en este pueblo.The present study was developed in one region from Risaralda in order to follow the first step of la ordenanza policy, as it corresponds to diagnose the state of language teaching. In this case the research took place in Balboa town, where different data related with methodology of the classes, learner´s perceptions about the class, practice and the resources from the institution in order to identify the use of English and the way it is taught. The results indicate that learners present an increase demotivation in their learning due to the topics they are taught and also the use of grammar translation and dialogues as usual practices in class. Finally, the study indicates several aspects to reinforce regarding the practice of English and the development of a second language for learners. Thus, this study corresponds to the diagnosis of this town

    Markov Chain approach to Purchasing Power Convergence in the 15 European Union

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    In the present paper we study the degree of convergence in the European Union from the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) point of view. The price of the shopping basket can be the cause of disparities in a global market in construction that, like the European Union, is formed by different countries with different consumption habits. In addition, in this construction process twelve out of fifteen countries of the EU have left its national currency to adopt the Euro like common currency. Therefore, it is necessary for the stability of the Union process in the long run that, among others, purchasing power of the different state members tends towards a same common value. Moreover, the question is whether that process of convergence within the European Union is taking place or not. In order to solve this question, the series of the Absolute Purchasing Power Parity (APPP) are estimated through the suggestion of Rodriguez et al (2004). These authors use the Harmonized Consumer Price Index in the European Union and the nominal exchange rates of the different currencies with euro. Monthly estimates of the APPP series for the 1995-2002 period are obtained for each of the fifteen countries. These figures show, for each country, their relative position to the average value of the European Union. Using these series we applied the Markov Chain methodology to study the time evolution of the distribution of APPP in the European Union. This methodology has been very used by its facility of calculation and interpretation of the results. Nevertheless, with the purpose of obtaining good estimations it is necessary to solve the discretization problem of a continuous variable. This is, to use a finite set, and relatively small number of states, for a variable with infinite values. In the present work different approaches are used to solve the problem. We test for structural change on the estimated probabilities using adapted test to Markov Chains. This allows us to study if an effect exists on the Purchasing Power Parity with the entrance of the Euro. Markov Chains are estimated by Maximum likelihood, and allow us to do different analyses. In the first place, we can study the mobility of the distribution, measured through the probabilities of permanence or not in the same state, and in the degree of diagonal structure of the resulting matrix. This objective can obtained by direct observation, calculating Mobility Index, or using expected time of first passage. Secondly, we can obtain the ergodic or long term distribution. This one shows the temporary evolution in the long run of the distribution, under the hypothesis of maintenance of the present conditions. This distribution would show the possible convergence or not of the whole distribution. We also estimate elasticities of ergodic probabilities, to analyze the effect of each probability in the Markov chain in the long run distribution. Results show differences with the Euro Entry, mobility towards convergence within the distribution is slow, with high elasticities of the ergodic distribution to changes in the transition probabilities.

    Mejora de patrones de estructura temporal de cadenas ortogonales de Markov y sus consecuencias en simulaciones hidráulicas

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    The frequency of rainfall is relevant for agriculture because its distribution affects crop production. Few stochastic models successfully generate daily rainfall events and preserve spatiotemporal dependency between multiple sites. This work evaluated an extension of the traditional Orthogonal Markov Chain (TOMC) model to reproduce the temporal structure of rainfall events in Florida, Nebraska, and California. A simulation of a hydrographic basin was also carried out from rainfall reproduced by a meteorological generator. The results show that (i) an extended temporal structure of the TOMC (EOMC) preserved the spatial correlation between observed and synthetic rainfall events; (ii) the EOMC used a smaller number of simulations to reproduce the observed frequencies of wet periods than those used by the TOMC to achieve similar precision; (iii) the use of EOMC-generated rainfall in the SWMM model produced similar runoff values using observed rainfall data; and (iv) the EOMC decreased 50% of the computational time needed to generate synthetic rainfall. The use of the EOMC would benefit the simulation of future climate scenarios due to the reduction in hardware needs.La frecuencia de lluvias es relevante para la agricultura porque su distribución afecta la producción de los cultivos. Pocos modelos estocásticos generan satisfactoriamente eventos de lluvia diaria y preservan la dependencia espacio-temporal entre múltiples sitios. Este trabajo evaluó una extensión del modelo tradicional de cadena ortogonal de Markov (TOMC) para reproducir la estructura temporal de eventos de lluvia en Florida, Nebraska y California. También se realizó una simulación de una cuenca hidrográfica a partir de lluvias reproducidas por un generador meteorológico. Los resultados muestran que (i) una estructura temporal extendida de la TOMC (EOMC) conservó la correlación espacial entre eventos de lluvia observados y sintéticos; (ii) la EOMC usó un número menor de simulaciones para reproducir las frecuencias observadas de períodos húmedos que las usadas por la TOMC para lograr una precisión similar; (iii) el uso de lluvias generadas por la EOMC en el modelo SWMM produjo valores de escorrentía similares que usa datos de lluvias observadas; y (iv) la EOMC disminuyó 50% del tiempo computacional necesario para generar lluvias sintéticas. El uso de la EOMC beneficiaría la simulación de escenarios climáticos futuros por la reducción en necesidades de hardware.Colombia. Comisión Fulbright. Ministerio Colombiano de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (MinCiencias)Tesi

    Ocurrencia de contaminantes emergentes y respuestas del caudal a condiciones climáticas extremas en una cuenca agrícola

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    Runoff from agricultural fields is a significant non-point source of pollution to water bodies, as it transports sediments, nutrients, pesticides, and veterinary pharmaceuticals (VA). Climate change intensifies the hydrological cycle, generating more extreme hydrometeorological and climate conditions (EHCC) that lead to floods and droughts. However, there is limited information regarding those impacts on water quality in agricultural areas. The aim of this dissertation is to evaluate the occurrence of VA and streamflow response to EHCC in the Shell Creek (SC) watershed, Nebraska. Streamflow and water quality are simulated using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). VA are detected using Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Samplers (POCIS) and simulated using the pesticide subroutine in SWAT. Model performance is measured by the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) coefficient. Streamflow response is assessed through statistical analysis of flows and loading pollutants in periods of EHCC. VA concentrations range from 0.0003 to 68 ng/L and some display significant temporal variation. The hydrologic model reproduces monthly flows with NSE of 0.40-0.92. It overestimates lower flows by 1-2 m3/s in years with very wet and dry summer. A rain gage-forced model simulates medium-flow conditions (10-90th percentiles) closer to observations, although, it overestimates lower flows (≤ 10th) and underestimates higher flows (≥ 90th) up to 0.1 and 1 m3/s, respectively. The water quality model adequately reproduces monthly flows, sediments, and nutrients (NSE = 0.61-0.82). However, it poorly reproduces atrazine and VA (NSE ≤ 0.01). This study demonstrates the utility of POCIS for monitoring ambient levels of pharmaceuticals, and their occurrence confirms that agricultural activities influence surface water quality. Rain gages located outside SC incorporate the spatiotemporal variation of precipitation. Their integration with radar precipitation data can support hydrologic models and bring quantitative information to watershed managers. Continuous water quality monitoring is needed for an adequate implementation of hydrological models in small agricultural watersheds.La escorrentía superficial de campos agrícolas es fuente de contaminación. El caudal y calidad del agua en “Shell Creek” se simularon utilizando el software SWAT. Los antibióticos veterinarios (VA) se detectaron utilizando muestreadores POCIS. El rendimiento del modelo se midió mediante el coeficiente “Nash-Sutcliffe” (NSE), y la respuesta del caudal a eventos hidrometeorológicos extremos (EHCC) se evaluó mediante análisis estadístico. Las concentraciones de VA oscilaron entre 0,0003 a 68 ng/L con variaciones temporales significativas. El modelo reprodujo caudales mensuales con NSE de 0,40-0,92, pero sobreestima caudales inferiores de 1 a 2 m³/s en años con veranos muy húmedo y seco. El modelo forzado por datos de pluviómetros simula condiciones de flujo medio cercanas a las observadas, aunque sobreestima flujos bajos (≤ percentil 10°) y subestima flujos altos (≥ percentil 90°) hasta 0,1 y 1 m³/s, respectivamente. El modelo de calidad del agua reprodujo adecuadamente caudales mensuales, sedimentos y nutrientes (NSE = 0,61-0,82), pero pobremente atrazina y VA (NSE ≤ 0,01). Este estudio evidencia la presencia de productos farmacéuticos en ambientes acuáticos. El monitoreo continuo de la calidad del agua es necesario para el manejo adecuado del recurso hídrico.Colombia. Comisión Fulbright. Ministerio Colombiano de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (MinCiencias). Beca CaldasTesi