10 research outputs found

    Ecological phytochemistry of Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) plants

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    The Cerrado (the Brazilian savanna) is one of the vegetation formations of great biodiversity in Brazil and it has experienced strong deforestation and fragmentation. The Cerrado must contain at least 12,000 higher plant species.We discuss the ecological relevance of phytochemical studies carried out on plants from the Cerrado, including examples of phytotoxicity, antifungal, insecticidal and antibacterial activities. The results have been classified according to activity and plant family. The most active compounds have been highlighted and other activities are discussed. A large number of complex biochemical interactions occur in this system. However, only a small fraction of the species has been studied from the phytochemical viewpoint to identify the metabolites responsible for these interactions

    Atendimento de puérperas pela fisioterapia em uma maternidade pública humanizada Postpartum women assisted by physical therapy at a humanized public maternity house

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    O objetivo foi descrever o perfil de puérperas atendidas pela fisioterapia em uma maternidade pública de Betim, MG, e o atendimento a elas prestado, visando contribuir para a assistência fisioterapêutica obstétrica. Foi feito um levantamento de 215 fichas de avaliação fisioterapêutica de puérperas, contendo dados demográficos e clínicos, além dos registros específicos da fisioterapia. A maioria da puérperas era jovem, do lar, casadas, multíparas e de Betim. Quanto à avaliação das mamas, a maioria apresentou mamas simétricas, secretantes, mamilos protrusos, tendo sido observados poucos traumas mamilares ou dificuldade na amamentação; 62,3% das puérperas apresentavam diafragma normocinético, 85,1% som timpânico à percussão abdominal, involução uterina dentro da normalidade, 87,9% contração do assoalho pélvico presente, 30,3% edema em membros inferiores; a diástase dos músculos reto-abdominais foi de 2±1 e 1±1 dedos supra e infra-umbilical, respectivamente. As condutas adotadas foram: exercícios respiratórios diafragmáticos, abdominais isométricos, contração do assoalho pélvico; exercícios circulatórios de membros inferiores, manobras de eliminação de flatos, deambulação e orientação. O perfil das puérperas atendidas correspondeu ao esperado, encontrando-se elas em estado de recuperação puerperal. A conduta proposta pela fisioterapia foi realizada pela grande maioria das puérperas.<br>The aim was to describe the profile of postpartum women attended to at the physical therapy service in a public maternity house in Betim, MG, as well as the treatment they received. The study drew on a total of 215 medical charts of postpartum women, contaning personal, clinic and physical therapy data. Most women were young, married, housewives, multiparous, and from Betim. As to breast evaluation, most women had simetric and secretive breast, protruded nipples, few nipple traumas or breast-feeding difficulty having been observed; 62,3% of the women presented normal diaphragm kinetics, 85,1% had tympanic sound at abdominal percussion, and normal uterine involution; 87,9% presented pelvic floor muscle contraction, and 30,3% lower limb edema; abdominal muscle diastases measured supra and infra umbilical 2±1 and 1±1 fingers, respectively. As to physical therapy, the women were treated with diaphragm respiratory exercises, abdominal isometric exercises, pelvic floor muscle contractions, lower limb circulatory exercises, flatus elimination maneuvers, deambulation, and guiding. The women's profile was found to be as expected for post-partum physiological recovery. Most had accomplished the physical therapy protocols offered. This study provides useful information on obstetric physical therapy assistance

    Path of infectious diseases in Brazil in the last 50 years: an ongoing challenge

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