6 research outputs found

    Environmental and occupational exposure to pesticides according to sociodemographic factors that affect cancer patients in Mato Grosso, Brazil

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    ABSTRACT The goal of this study was to estimate the prevalence of environmental and occupational exposure to pesticides according to sociodemographic factors among cancer patients. It is a cross-sectional study with cancer patients in the state of Mato Grosso. The prevalence of environmental and occupational exposure to pesticides was calculated as to the variables gender, age, macro-region, and education. Pesticide use per agricultural crops in liters was estimated, and a thematic map was constructed following the macro-region of the agricultural economy. Of the 998 patients, most were female (54.9%), aged between 50 and 69 years old (50.1%), had less than eight years of schooling (60.7%), and resided in the South-Central macro-region (55.4%). Regarding environmental and occupational exposure, 53.1% of the patients live or have lived in a municipality with agricultural plantations; 17.4% lived near crops; 43.4% worked in agriculture, livestock, or extractivism; and 22.9% worked or work directly with pesticides. Environmental and occupational exposure was higher in males, in the older age groups, schooling from 0 to 4 years, and in the macro-regions with higher pesticide use. The study concluded that environmental and occupational exposure among cancer patients is associated to sociodemographic characteristics and macro-regions of the agricultural economy

    Mortalidade por câncer no Estado de Mato Grosso no período de 2000 a 2015: tendência temporal e diferenças regionais

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    Objective: To analyze the trend of standardized rate due to mortality by cancer in the state of Mato Grosso, according to health regions, from 2000 to 2015. Methods: Ecological study of time series with data on deaths by cancer from the Mortality Information System. The rates were standardized using direct method and calculated by year and health regions. The annual percentage change (APC) and its respective confidence interval (CI 95%) were obtained through simple linear regression. Thematic maps were built to describe the rates spatial distribution. Results: There were 28,525 deaths by cancer registered in Mato Grosso and the five main causes were lung, prostate, stomach, breast and liver cancer. The highest mortality rates were found in the Médio Norte, Baixada Cuiabana and Sul Matogrossense regions. From 2000 to 2015 a growing trend was observed in the mortality rate by cancer in Mato Grosso (APC=0.81%; CI95%: 0.38; 1.26), and in four health regions, Garças Araguaia (APC=2.27%; CI95%: 1.46; 3.08), Sul Matogrossense (APC=1.12%; CI95%: 0.28; 1.97), Teles Pires (APC=1.93%; IC95%: 0,11; 3,74) and Vale dos Arinos (APC=2.61%; CI95%: 1.10; 4.70), the oter regions presented stability. Conclusion: In the state of Mato Grosso and in the four health regions there was verified a growing trend of mortality due to cancer. The results indicate the need to consider the regional differences regarding actions for cancer prevention, control and assistance.Objetivo: Analisar a tendência da taxa padronizada de mortalidade por câncer no Estado de Mato Grosso, conforme regiões de saúde, no período de 2000 a 2015. Métodos: Estudo ecológico de séries temporais com dados de óbitos por neoplasias do Sistema de Informações de Mortalidade. As taxas foram padronizadas pelo método direto e calculadas por ano e por regiões de saúde. A variação anual percentual (annual percent change – APC) e seu respectivo intervalo de 95% de confiança (IC 95%) foram obtidos por meio da regressão linear simples. Foram construídos mapas temáticos para descrever a distribuição espacial das taxas. Resultados: Foram registrados 28.525 óbitos por câncer em Mato Grosso e os cinco principais tipos de câncer foram de pulmão, próstata, estomago, mama e fígado. As maiores taxas de mortalidade foram encontradas nas regiões Médio Norte, Baixada Cuiabana e Sul Matogrossense. No período de 2000 a 2015 foi observada tendência crescente na taxa de mortalidade por câncer em Mato Grosso (APC=0,81%; IC95%: 0,38; 1,26), e em quatro regiões de saúde, Garças Araguaia (APC=2,27%; IC95%: 1,46; 3,08), Sul Matogrossense (APC=1,12%; IC95%: 0,28; 1,97), Teles Pires (APC=1,93%; IC95%: 0,11; 3,74) e Vale dos Arinos (APC=2,61%; IC95%: 1,10; 4,70), as demais regiões apresentaram estabilidade. Conclusão: No Estado de Mato Grosso e em quatro regiões de saúde foi verificada tendência crescente de mortalidade por câncer. Os resultados indicam a necessidade de se considerar as diferenças regionais para as ações de prevenção, controle e assistência ao câncer

    Tendência de mortalidade e análise de anos potenciais de vida perdidos por leucemias e linfomas no Brasil e Mato Grosso

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    Objective: To estimate the mortality trend and analyze the potential years of life lost (PYLL) due to leukemias and lymphomas in Brazil and Mato Grosso, from 2001 to 2019. Methods: Time-series study of deaths from leukemias and lymphomas obtained from the Mortality Information System. Trends were calculated by age group by the Joinpoint regression method, using calendar year as regressor variable, and estimated annual percentage change (APC) and mean annual percentage change, considering 95% confidence intervals. APVP rates were collected from the Cancer Mortality Altas. Results: In Brazil, the mortality rate trend showed stability for both diseases, leukemias (APC=0.2; 95%CI-0.0;0.3) and lymphomas (APC=0.2; 95%CI-0.4;0.1). In the state, the rate for leukemias also showed stability (APC=0.3; 95%CI-1.0;1.6). For lymphomas, the trend was upward (APC=2.3; 95%CI0.5;4.2), however, decreasing trend was observed among those younger than 59 years. For leukemias, the APVP rates were 64 and 65/100,000 in Brazil and Mato Grosso, respectively. For lymphomas, these rates were 27 and 22/100,000, respectively, with the highest rates found in males. Conclusion: The mortality rates from leukemia and lymphoma in Mato Grosso show a behavior different from that observed nationally, with an increasing trend for lymphomas and no differences between age groups for both diseases. The APVP rates for leukemias were similar, however, for lymphomas, it was higher among men and lower for the state when compared to Brazil.Objetivo: Estimar a tendência de mortalidade e analisar os anos potenciais de vida perdidos (APVP) por leucemias e linfomas no Brasil e Mato Grosso, entre os anos de 2001 a 2019. Métodos: Estudo de série temporal de óbitos por leucemias e linfomas obtidos do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade. As tendências foram calculadas por faixa etária pelo método de regressão Joinpoint, usando ano calendário como variável regressora, e estimadas a variação percentual anual (APC) e variação percentual média anual, considerando intervalos de confiança de 95%. As taxas de APVP foram coletadas do Altas de Mortalidade por câncer. Resultados: No Brasil, a tendência da taxa de mortalidade apresentou estabilidade para ambos os agravos, leucemias (APC=0,2; IC95%-0,0;0,3) e linfomas (APC=0,2; IC95%-0,4;0,1). No estado, a taxa por leucemias também apresentou estabilidade (APC=0,3; IC95%-1,0;1,6). Para os linfomas, a tendência foi de aumento (APC=2,3; IC95%0,5;4,2), contudo, tendência decrescente foi observada entre aqueles com menos de 59 anos. Para leucemias, as taxas de APVP foram de 64 e 65/100.000 no Brasil e no Mato Grosso, respectivamente. Para linfomas, esses valores foram de 27 e 22/100.000, respectivamente, sendo as maiores taxas encontradas no sexo masculino. Conclusão: As taxas de mortalidade por leucemias e linfomas no Mato Grosso apresentam comportamento diferente do observado nacionalmente, com tendência crescente para linfomas e sem diferenças entre as faixas etárias, para ambos os agravos. As taxas de APVP por leucemias foram semelhantes, no entanto, para os linfomas, foi maior entre os homens e menores para o estado, quando comparadas as do Brasil

    Segurança Alimentar, produção de alimentos e saúde: um olhar para os territórios agrícolas de Mato Grosso.

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    O modelo de produção de alimentos pautado no uso de insumos químicos, produção de monocultivos e transgenia traz consequências à saúde e segurança alimentar das pessoas e dos territórios, impondo-se como hegemônico. O presente ensaio parte das reflexões teóricas de uma pesquisa sobre contaminação de alimentos realizada na região da Bacia do Rio Juruena em Mato Grosso entre os anos de 2015 e 2018 e discute a imposição aos agrotóxicos como categoria presente na determinação social do processo saúde doença naquele território

    AGROTÓXICOS, SAÚDE E AMBIENTE: ação estratégica e políticas públicas em territórios do agronegócio

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    Exposure to pesticides demands integrated prevention, surveillance and control actions to reduce health consequences. The study analyzed the actions of government agents and civil society in the implementation of public health and environment policies regarding the use of pesticides in Mato Grosso municipalities. Interviews were conducted with twenty-seven interlocutors, interpreted by Thematic Content Analysis, based on the Communicative Action Theory. The categories analyzed, Vulnerabilities in Health and Environment, Challenges of Public Policies, Political and economic hegemony of agribusiness, evidenced the difficulties in structuring health care and surveillance, absence of social participation and absence of intersectoral actions. It is concluded that the influence of agribusiness representatives on local political action contributes to the structural invisibility of the theme

    Exposure to pesticides and effects on reproductive health in Brazil

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    The present review aims to analyze the published works from Brazil from 1980 to 2023 which evaluated the occupational and environmental exposure to pesticides and its association with reproductive and developmental damage