26 research outputs found


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    La República de Colombia tiene como objetivoestablecer una base científica temporal en la Antártidapara el año 2025(Comisión Colombiana del Océano,2014; Espinel-Bermudez, 2017). En este trabajo sepresenta una aplicación del método Fuzzy Topsis para determinar la macro-localización de una base temporal en la Antártida que busca brindar un soporte logísticopara la investigación científica en la Antártida comoterritorio de paz y ciencia. En la Antártida hay dos tiposde bases científicas, las permanentes que operan todoel año, y las temporarias que operan en el veranoaustral. Se seleccionaron un conjunto de posibleszonas para la macro-localización considerando laextensión de la Antártida. En cuatro expediciones sevisitaron bases científicas, y por medio de encuestas yentrevistas se determinaron los factores críticos delocalización. Luego se adapta la metodología FuzzyTopsis (Chung & Kim, 2014; Uygun & Dede, 2016) y enconjunto con expertos, expedicionarios y científicos sevalora lingüísticamente cada uno de los factores; también se valora cada zona considerando cada factorde localización. Por último, se obtienen matrices devaloración que se introducen en el algoritmo FuzzyTopsis para obtener un ranking de posiciones paradeterminar la macro-localización de la base científicatemporal de Colombia en la Antártid

    Study of the effects of complexity on the manufacturing sector

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    There are factors linked to the complexity of manufacturing systems that influence the development of processes and affect the indicators of a company. The objective of this work is to identify the effects and factors that generate complexity in an economic sector, additional management methods and indicators that allow a proposed solution. The methodological approach is based on the instrument developed by the University of Bayreuth, which allows the identification of effects, factors, methods and management indicators. The study is based on a sample of 71 small and medium enterprises from the city of Cartagena, Colombia. The results show the relevant factors of complexity according to their type and origin that intervene in the manufacturing sector, as well as the different methodologies and management indicators that allow managers to improve the performance of their companies and the secto

    Complexity in manufacturing systems: a literature review

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    The business environment is increasingly complex and competitive so organizations must respond to different market conditions by reconfiguring their processes, products and services. The objective of this article is based on a literature review under a scientometric and bibliometric approach, referring to the complexity in manufacturing systems, allowing to find answers to relevant questions with respect to the subject matter and to show literally the scientific fields of application, factors of complexity and methods of solution. Methodologically, a first stage is developed on the problems and formulation of the research questions, the second stage establishes the information search strategy and finally a statistical analysis is carried out. The findings show a positive trend and interest on the part of the scientific community in the number of publications related to the subject in the different databases, highlighting the exercise of the theory of complexity in different disciplines but on a smaller scale in scientific fields such as manufacturing and supply chain management

    Statistical Approach for Computing Base Flow Rates in Gaged Rivers and Hydropower Effect Analysis

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    The calculation of base flow rates in rivers is complex since hydrogeological and hydrological studies should be performed. The estimation of base flow rates in storm hydrograph associated to various return periods is even more challenging compared to other events. This research provides a novel methodology to compute base flow rates in gaged rivers for extreme events based on statistical correlations of daily flows. The current methodology does not require complex aquifers analysis to compute base flows. Results of computed base flow rates are validated using observed storm hydrographs using a complete record. The proposed methodology was applied considering measurements of a limnigraphic station in the Sinú river located in Montería, Córdoba, Colombia. The analysis confirmed that only using series of multiannual monthly mean flows is possible to estimate base flow of flood hydrograph associated to different return periods

    Incorporating ergonomic risks into U-shaped assembly line balancing problem

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    [EN] This paper presents an optimization model for the U-line balancing to incorporating ergonomic risks. Our article, paper considers different ergonomic methods, which may be involved into assembly line. An example is shown as distributed and assigned tasks on different workstations ergonomically acceptable compliance level in repetitive activities valued by the check List OCRA method into U-shaped assembly line balancing.[ES] En este trabajo se presenta un modelo de optimización en el balanceo de línea en U considerando riesgos ergonómicos de las tareas dentro de las estaciones de trabajo. El documento, explora diferentes métodos ergonómicos, los cuales pueden ser involucrados dentro de una línea de ensamble. Por medio de un ejemplo, se evidencia como se balancea las tareas en diferentes estaciones de trabajo, respetando el nivel aceptable ergonómico en actividades repetitivas, valorado por medio del método Check List OCRA para una línea de ensamble en U.El presente trabajo se ha desarrollado gracias a la ayuda DPI2010-18243 del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación del Gobierno de España dentro del programa de Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental no orientada, con el título "COORDINACION DE OPERACIONES EN REDES DE SUMINISTRO/DEMANDA AJUSTADAS, RESILIENTES A LA INCERTIDUMBRE: MODELOS Y ALGORITMOS PARA LA GESTION DE LA INCERTIDUMBRE Y LA COMPLEJIDAD". Agradecemos a IBM, por proveernos la herramienta ILOG IBM CPLEX Optimization Studio, Versión: 12.2 bajo el Academic Partner Program.Coronado-Hernandez, JR.; Ospina Mateus, H. (2013). Incorporación de Riesgos Ergonómicos en el Balanceo de Líneas de Ensamble en U. Working Papers on Operations Management. 4(2):29-43. https://doi.org/10.4995/wpom.v4i2.1164SWORD294342CARNAHAN, B. J., NORMAN, B. A., & REDFERN, M. S. (2001). Incorporating physical demand criteria into assembly line balancing. IIE Transactions, 33(10), 875-887. doi:10.1080/07408170108936880Coronado-Hernández, J. R., & Ortiz Vargas, D. A. (2009). Revisión de modelos y métodos para la formación de líneas de ensamble en "U". Congreso Ingeniería de Produccion 30 A-os. Universidad Eafit, ISBN 978-958-44-5564-2.Kriengkorakot, N., & Pianthong, N. (2007). The U-line Assembly Line Balancing Problem. KKU Engineering Journal, 34(3), 267 - 274

    Análisis del impacto del lead time en los costos totales y el nivel de servicio para una cadena de suministro con diferentes estructuras de productos y horizonte rodante de planificación

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    El principal objetivo de la investigación es analizar y evaluar el impacto o efectos que tienen el lead time por parte de los proveedores o eslabón primario sobre el sistema de costos y el desempeño del nivel de servicio, para una cadena de suministro de tipo multinivel. El sistema de producción, representado por el segundo eslabón de la cadena, se planifica y se programa mediante un horizonte rodante, el cual se optimiza para cada periodo, teniendo en cuenta los periodos de replanificación y los periodos de congelamiento. Se consideran también en esta etapa, los niveles de inventario, las recepciones programadas, y la limitación de los recursos. A través del modelo matemático GMOP (Generic Materials & Operations Planning), se optimiza el plan de requerimientos de materiales, basándose en el concepto de Stroke y Skus, y otro factor, entre ellos; los tiempos de entrega y las variantes en las estructuras de ensamble de los productos. El tercer eslabón de la cadena está condicionada por la heterogeneidad de la demanda, basada en el índice de Gini y un coeficiente de variación que simula un entorno con incertidumbre. Con los resultados de la simulación, se efectúa un análisis de varianza, con el propósito de evaluar el comportamiento, e interacción de los factores de entrada sobre el comportamiento de los costos totales y el efecto bullwhip, medido a través del nivel de servicio del sistemaThe main objective of the research is to analyze and evaluate the impact or effects of the waiting time on the part of suppliers or the primary language on the cost system and the performance of the service level, for a supply chain of type multilevel. The production system, the second link in the chain, the program is based on a rolling horizon, which is optimized for each period, taking into account the replanning periods and the freezing periods. Inventory levels, scheduled receptions, and limitation of resources are also considered in this stage. Through the mathematical model GMOP (Generic Materials and Operations Planning), the material requirements plan is optimized, the results in the concept of Stroke and Skus, and another factor, among them; Delivery times and variants in the structures of all the products. The third link in the chain is conditioned by the heterogeneity of the demand, based on the Gini index and the coefficient of variation that simulates an environment with uncertainty. With the results of the simulation, an analysis of the variance is carried out, with the purpose of evaluating the behavior, and the interaction of the factors of the entrance on the behavior of the total costs and the effect of the dome, the measured through of the service level of the syste

    Assessment of steady and unsteady friction models in the draining processes of hydraulic installations

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    The study of draining processes without admitting air has been conducted using only steady friction formulations in the implementation of governing equations. However, this hydraulic event involves transitions from laminar to turbulent flow, and vice versa, because of the changes in water velocity. In this sense, this research improves the current mathematical model considering unsteady friction models. An experimental facility composed by a 4.36 m long methacrylate pipe was configured, and measurements of air pocket pressure oscillations were recorded. The mathematical model was performed using steady and unsteady friction models. Comparisons between measured and computed air pocket pressure patterns indicated that unsteady friction models slightly improve the results compared to steady friction models

    Locating sea ambulances to respond to emergencies of vulnerable populations. Case of Cartagena bay in Colombia

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    Emergency services are an important element for healthcare assistance because its rapid response to transportation is essential for saving lives. Cartagena de Indias presents some weaknesses in terms of covering the demand for emergency transfers from insular areas due to the non-existence of terrestrial routes to hospitals and healthcare facilities. This study aims to determine the optimal location for sea ambulances using a mixed-integer linear programming model. A three-staged methodology allowed to select optimal locations, reducing response times of emergencies for vulnerable populations considering available healthcare facilities and maritime safety requirements. © 2021, Springer Nature Switzerland A

    Linear programming model to minimize the production costs of an adhesive tape company

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    Production in large quantities of different varieties of products creates issues in finding an optimal planning solution. Adhesive tapes companies face that challenge. A multi-phased methodology is proposed to minimize production costs. In this it is considered different production variables. First phase divided a problem into subproblems to minimize computational complexity through an incidence matrix. Second phase formulated a linear programming model to determine production optimal batch sizes. Consequently, model is applied in a real company. Results showed a decrease in production costs in a range of 14%-43% for the different manufactured groups of components. In this way it is expected that more companies can apply similar models to improve their production indicators

    Rival's absorptive capacity and innovation performance: Mediating effect of the strategic orientation

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    Introduction. In the literature there are contradictory results on the effects of the evaluation of rival's absorptive capacity (RAC) on innovation performance (IP). Moreover, the incidence of strategic aspects in this relationship has not been explored. Objective. Analyze the mediating effects of the strategic orientation towards competition (SOC) and the strategic orientation towards innovation (SOI) on the RAC-IP relationship. Materials and methods. The hypothesis model was contrasted in a sample of medium and low-technology manufacturing firms and a sample of service firms. To achieve this, structural equations were used by the consistent partial least squares method. Results. It was found that only the SOC has a mediating effect, which is a total effect. Conclusions. The main contribution of this paper is the empirical evidence it provides which demonstrates that the evaluation of RAC has a positive effect on IP, although this effect is mediated by SOC. This helps to discern the controversy triggered by contradictory results yielded in previous studies. Therefore, this finding is in agreement with the theoretical stance which highlights the benefits derived from understanding RAC's strengths and weaknesses, and from the pressures exerted by rivals on their counterpart, which force the latter to be more innovativeIntroducción. En la literatura hay resultados contradictorios sobre los efectos de la evaluación de la capacidad de absorción del rival (CAR) sobre el desempeño innovador (DI). Tampoco, se ha explorado la incidencia de aspectos estratégicos sobre esa relación. Objetivo. Analizar los efectos mediadores de la orientación estratégica a la competencia (OEC) y a la innovación (OEI) en la relación entre CAR y DI. Materiales y métodos. El modelo de hipótesis se contrastó en una muestra de empresas manufactureras, de media y baja tecnología, y de servicios. Para ello, se utilizaron ecuaciones estructurales por el método de mínimos cuadrados. Resultados. Se encontró que únicamente la OEC tiene un efecto mediador el cual es total. Conclusiones. La principal contribución del artículo gira en torno al aporte de evidencia empírica que demuestra que la evaluación de la CAR tiene un efecto positivo sobre el DI, si bien está mediado por la OEC. Esto es importante porque ayuda a dilucidar la controversia suscitada por los resultados contradictorios que arrojaron estudios previos. Por lo tanto, este hallazgo concuerda con la postura teórica que resalta los beneficios que se derivan del entendimiento de las fortalezas y debilidades de la CAR, y de las presiones que ejercen los rivales sobre su contraparte, que la obligan a ser más innovadora