32 research outputs found

    Научные подходы к диагностике социо-эколого-экономической устойчивости приморских регионов

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    На основе научных подходов предложена методика, позволяющая опреде-лить уровень социо-эколого-экономической устойчивости приморских ре-гионов. На основе использования системы показателей, характеризующих уровень социо-эколого-экономической устойчивости региона, сформули-рованы и предложены основные направления реализации методики опре-деления интегрального показателя уровня устойчивости приморской территории в социальном, экономическом и экологическом развитии.Based on the scientific approaches proposed technique allows to deter-mine the level of social, ecological and economic sustainability of coastal re-gions. On the basis of a system of indicators characterizing the level of social, ecological and economic sustainability of the region, formulate and propose guidelines implementation methodology for determining the integral indicator of the sustainability of the coastal territory in the social, economic and envi-ronmental development

    Петрологічні дослідження в Україні: досягнення останніх десятиліть та нагальні проблеми

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    Викладено основні досягнення за останні 30–35 років українських геологів, в першу чергу — наукових працівників ІГМР ім. М. П. Семененка НАН України в області петрології. Висвітлені такі проблеми: 1 — метаморфізм, співвідношення грануліто-гнейсових і граніт-зеленокам’яних терейнів; 2 — чарнокіти; 3 — гранітоутворення та гранітоїдні формації; 4 — анортозит-рапаківігранітна формація; 5 — лужні породи; 6 — коматиїти; 7 — санукітоїди; 8 — метасоматоз; 9 — породоутворювальні та акцесорні мінерали; 10 — формаційний аналіз, петрологія та стратиграфія докембрію; 11 — фанерозойський магматизм; 12 — магматизм морського та океанічного дна; 13 — деякі нагальні проблеми.Изложены основные достижения за последние 30–35 лет украинских геологов, в первую очередь — научных сотрудников ИГМР им. Н. П. Семененко НАН Украины в области петрологии. Освещены такие проблемы: 1 — метаморфизм, соотношение гранулито-гнейсовых и гранит-зеленокаменных террейнов; 2 — чарнокиты; 3 — гранитообразование и гранитоидные формации; 4 — анортозит-рапакивигранитная формация; 5 — щелочные породы; 6 — коматииты; 7 — санукитоиды; 8 — метасоматоз; 9 — породообразующие и акцессорные минералы; 10 — формационный анализ, петрология и стратиграфия докембрия; 11 — фанерозойский магматизм; 12 — магматизм морского и океанического дна; 13 — некоторые насущные проблемы.Main achievements of Ukrainian geologists for the recent 30–35 years have been stated. In the first place the scientific results of petrologists of M. P. Semenenko Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation of NAS of Ukraine. The following problems have been elucidated: 1 — metamorphism; interrelation of granulite-gneissic and granite-greenstone terrains; 2 — charnokites; 3 — granite formation and granitoid formations; 4 — anorthosite-rapakivi-granite formation; 5 — alkaline rocks; 6 — komatiites; 7 — sanukitoids; 8 — metasomatosis; 9 — rock-forming and accessory minerals; 10 — formation analysis, petrology and Precambrian stratigraphy; 11 — Phanerozoic magmatism; 12 — magmatism of the sea and ocean bottom; 13 — some current problems

    Mass balance of zinc redistribution during the pedogenesis of a soil developed on a natural geochemical anomaly

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    Pedogenetic processes that redistribute soil elements over time have been considerably investigated and clearly identified. Nevertheless, the quantification of their respective influences on element redistribution is still poorly known, while soil protection requires extensive knowledge of their long-time depending evolution. The quantitative redistribution of elements is of prime importance in polluted soils, since the long-term environmental hazards depend on their potential mobility and biodisponibility, thus speciation. Among the elements frequently encountered in polluted soils and exhibiting a well-established phytotoxic nature, zinc is of great concern. Nevertheless, pollutions are too recent to observe or even predict the long-term behavior of zinc in polluted soils. An alternative approach is to study paleosoil developed on natural geochemical anomalies. Indeed, such paleosoils display zinc concentrations equivalent to those of polluted soils with the advantage to involve long pedological time of contact between the elements and the different soil phases. Our study aims at quantifying the long-term redistribution of zinc during the pedogenesis of a soil developed upon a natural geochemical anomaly. We first determined zinc speciation both in the parental material and in the solum, then quantified redistribution by mass balance calculations. This approach permits to estimate Zn outputs or inputs in the solum and to quantify its redistribution along the profile and among the different mineral phases

    A review on the potentiality of Rare Earth Elements to trace pedogenetic processes

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    International audienceThis review aims at considering the use of REEs to trace pedogenetic processes, in order to quantify the respective contribution of the successive processes on pedogenesis. We first consider the origins and contents of REEs in soils, to assess their natural occurrence, and tackle the common data treatment used to interpret their concentrations. We review subsequently the impact of the different pedogenetic processes on the fate of REEs in soils: from their release into a soil solution by primary mineral (heavy minerals, phosphates, silicates and carbonates) dissolution during weathering, to their fixation on- or into main REE-bearing secondary minerals (clay minerals, Fe–Mn-oxides and carbonates), then their mobilization by plant recycling and organic matter, and finally the impact of argilluviation and redox processes on their fractionation. We conclude that REEs, much more than other trace elements, can interestingly trace the considered processes that are encountered in a large diversity of non-polluted soils arising from diverse parent materials. Weathering generally fractionates REEs and accounts for a significant part of the variation in the initial REE stock of the soils. Plant recycling induces a weak mobilization of REEs and their accumulation in topsoil. Argilluviation can be traced using the MREE-enrichment and the Eu-anomaly of the clay minerals. Redox processes can be traced by the Ce-anomaly caused by the precipitation of cerium on Mn-oxides. To use REEs as tracers of pedogenetic processes, we recommend to: (i) precisely characterize the REE-bearing minerals, (ii) adapt the choice of reference(s) for normalization and (iii) perform mass balance calculations

    Point de vue des acteurs sur l'accès à la connaissance sur les sols en France. Quelles améliorations possibles ?

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    International audienceLife on earth depends on soil health. However, soils are threatened across the world. To respond to the challenges posed byclimate change and soil degradation, there is a need to better integrate scientific soil knowledge into the practice. The aim of thispaper is to better understand the access to soil knowledge in France and identify opportunities for further improvement, with aparticular focus on the difference of point of view between six categories of stakeholders. This study is based on 1,951 responsesfrom a participatory stakeholders’ consultation we conducted in France. Our results showed that most stakeholders considered theknowledge they have access to as not adapted to their needs. They also expressed that knowledge sharing between stakeholderswas not sufficient. To improve access to soil knowledge, stakeholders suggested adapting at the territorial level the content of soilknowledge shared and transferred, as well as improving ways of sharing and transfer soil knowledge. Additionally, stakeholdersvalued different exchange networks based on their type of knowledge. Stakeholders with more theoretical soil knowledge (publicauthorities, NGOs, researchers) stated being more interested in networks between policy, science and society. However, networkswith farmers and advisors were more favored by stakeholders with empirical soil knowledge. Considering our findings, in order tostrengthen knowledge transfer and sharing, we encourage the promotion of the profession of scientific mediator, as well as theimplementation of Living Labs and Lighthouse farms to bring together various stakeholders at a local level towards innovation,training and education. This will ensure a transition towards a more sustainable soil management in Europe.La vida en la Tierra depende de la salud del suelo. Sin embargo, los suelos están amenazados a escala mundial. Para hacerfrente a los desafíos del cambio climático y a la degradación de las tierras, es necesario integrar mejor los conocimientoscientíficos sobre los suelos en las prácticas agrícolas. El objetivo de este artículo es comprender mejor el acceso al conocimientode los actores sobre los suelos en Francia e identificar las posibilidades de mejoramiento, considerando el punto de vista de seiscategorías de actores. Este estudio se basa en 1.951 respuestas de una consulta que realizamos en la Francia metropolitana.Nuestros resultados han demostrado que la mayoría de los actores consideran que los conocimientos a los que tienen acceso nose adaptan a sus necesidades. También señalaron que el intercambio de conocimientos entre los interesados no era suficiente.A fin de mejorar el acceso a los conocimientos sobre el suelo, los interesados sugirieron que el contenido de los conocimientossobre el suelo se adaptara al nivel local y que se mejoraran los métodos de intercambio y transferencia de conocimientos.Las diferentes categorías de actores valoran diferentes redes de intercambio según su tipo de conocimiento. Los actores conconocimientos más teóricos sobre los suelos (autoridades públicas, ONG, investigación y enseñanza superior) declararon estarmás interesados en las redes de intercambio entre política, investigación y sociedad. En cambio, las redes de intercambiosque incluyen a los agricultores y a los asesores agrícolas son más favorecidas por los actores que tienen un conocimientoempírico sobre los suelos. Teniendo en cuenta nuestros resultados, con el fin de reforzar la transferencia y el intercambio deconocimientos, fomentamos la promoción de la profesión de mediador científico, así como la creación de laboratorios vivos(laboratorios de vida) y granjas piloto (Lighthouse Farms) para reunir a nivel local a las distintas categorías de actores. Estogarantizará una transición hacia una gestión más sostenible del suelo en Europa.La vie sur terre dépend de la santé des sols. Cependant, les sols sont menacés à l’échelle mondiale. Pour répondre aux défis liés au changement climatique et à la dégradation des sols, il est nécessaire de mieux intégrer les connaissances scientifiques sur les sols dans les pratiques agricoles. L'objectif de cet article est de mieux comprendre l'accès à la connaissance des acteurs sur les sols en France et d'identifier les possibilités d'amélioration, en considérant le point de vue de six catégories d'acteurs. Cette étude est basée sur 1 951 réponses issues d'une consultation que nous avons menée en France métropolitaine. Nos résultats ont montré que la majorité des acteurs considèrent que les connaissances auxquelles ils ont accès ne sont pas adaptées à leurs besoins. Ils ont également indiqué que le partage de connaissances entre les acteurs n'était pas suffisant. Pour améliorer l'accès aux connaissances sur les sols, les acteurs ont suggéré d'adapter au niveau local le contenu des connaissances sur les sols, ainsi que d'améliorer les méthodes de partage et de transfert des connaissances. Les différentes catégories d’acteurs valorisent différents réseaux d'échanges selon leur type de connaissance. Les acteurs ayant des connaissances plus théoriques sur les sols (autorités publiques, ONG, recherche et enseignement supérieur) ont déclaré être plus intéressés par les réseaux d’échanges entre politique, recherche et société. En revanche, les réseaux d’échanges incluant les agriculteurs et les conseillers agricoles sont davantage privilégiés par les acteurs ayant une connaissance empirique sur les sols. Compte tenu de nos résultats, afin de renforcer le transfert et le partage des connaissances, nous encourageons la promotion de la profession de médiateur scientifique, ainsi que la mise en place de laboratoires vivants (living labs) et de fermes pilotes (lighthouse farms) pour rassembler au niveau local les diverses catégories d’acteurs. Cela permettra d'assurer une transition vers une gestion plus durable des sols en Europe

    Stakeholders' point of view on access to soil knowledge in France. What are the opportunities for further improvement?

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    International audienceLife on earth depends on soil health. However, soils are threatened across the world. To respond to the challenges posed by climate change and soil degradation, there is a need to better integrate scientific soil knowledge into the practice. The aim of this paper is to better understand the access to soil knowledge in France and identify opportunities for further improvement, with a particular focus on the difference of point of view between six categories of stakeholders. This study is based on 1951 responses from a participatory stakeholders’ consultation we conducted in France. Our results showed that most stakeholders considered the knowledge they have access to as not adapted to their needs. They also expressed that knowledge sharing between stakeholders was not sufficient. To improve access to soil knowledge, stakeholders suggested adapting at the territorial level the content of soil knowledge shared and transferred, as well as improving ways of sharing and transfer soil knowledge. Additionally, stakeholders valued different exchange networks based on their type of knowledge. Stakeholders with more theoretical soil knowledge (public authorities, NGOs, researchers) stated being more interested in networks between policy, science and society. However, networks with farmers and advisors were more favored by stakeholders with empirical soil knowledge. Considering our findings, in order to strengthen knowledge transfer and sharing, we encourage the promotion of the profession of scientific mediator, as well as the implementation of Living Labs and Lighthouse farms to bring together various stakeholders at a local level towards innovation, training and education. This will ensure a transition towards a more sustainable soil management in Europe

    Point de vue des acteurs sur l'accès à la connaissance sur les sols en France. Quelles améliorations possibles ?

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    International audienceLife on earth depends on soil health. However, soils are threatened across the world. To respond to the challenges posed byclimate change and soil degradation, there is a need to better integrate scientific soil knowledge into the practice. The aim of thispaper is to better understand the access to soil knowledge in France and identify opportunities for further improvement, with aparticular focus on the difference of point of view between six categories of stakeholders. This study is based on 1,951 responsesfrom a participatory stakeholders’ consultation we conducted in France. Our results showed that most stakeholders considered theknowledge they have access to as not adapted to their needs. They also expressed that knowledge sharing between stakeholderswas not sufficient. To improve access to soil knowledge, stakeholders suggested adapting at the territorial level the content of soilknowledge shared and transferred, as well as improving ways of sharing and transfer soil knowledge. Additionally, stakeholdersvalued different exchange networks based on their type of knowledge. Stakeholders with more theoretical soil knowledge (publicauthorities, NGOs, researchers) stated being more interested in networks between policy, science and society. However, networkswith farmers and advisors were more favored by stakeholders with empirical soil knowledge. Considering our findings, in order tostrengthen knowledge transfer and sharing, we encourage the promotion of the profession of scientific mediator, as well as theimplementation of Living Labs and Lighthouse farms to bring together various stakeholders at a local level towards innovation,training and education. This will ensure a transition towards a more sustainable soil management in Europe.La vida en la Tierra depende de la salud del suelo. Sin embargo, los suelos están amenazados a escala mundial. Para hacerfrente a los desafíos del cambio climático y a la degradación de las tierras, es necesario integrar mejor los conocimientoscientíficos sobre los suelos en las prácticas agrícolas. El objetivo de este artículo es comprender mejor el acceso al conocimientode los actores sobre los suelos en Francia e identificar las posibilidades de mejoramiento, considerando el punto de vista de seiscategorías de actores. Este estudio se basa en 1.951 respuestas de una consulta que realizamos en la Francia metropolitana.Nuestros resultados han demostrado que la mayoría de los actores consideran que los conocimientos a los que tienen acceso nose adaptan a sus necesidades. También señalaron que el intercambio de conocimientos entre los interesados no era suficiente.A fin de mejorar el acceso a los conocimientos sobre el suelo, los interesados sugirieron que el contenido de los conocimientossobre el suelo se adaptara al nivel local y que se mejoraran los métodos de intercambio y transferencia de conocimientos.Las diferentes categorías de actores valoran diferentes redes de intercambio según su tipo de conocimiento. Los actores conconocimientos más teóricos sobre los suelos (autoridades públicas, ONG, investigación y enseñanza superior) declararon estarmás interesados en las redes de intercambio entre política, investigación y sociedad. En cambio, las redes de intercambiosque incluyen a los agricultores y a los asesores agrícolas son más favorecidas por los actores que tienen un conocimientoempírico sobre los suelos. Teniendo en cuenta nuestros resultados, con el fin de reforzar la transferencia y el intercambio deconocimientos, fomentamos la promoción de la profesión de mediador científico, así como la creación de laboratorios vivos(laboratorios de vida) y granjas piloto (Lighthouse Farms) para reunir a nivel local a las distintas categorías de actores. Estogarantizará una transición hacia una gestión más sostenible del suelo en Europa.La vie sur terre dépend de la santé des sols. Cependant, les sols sont menacés à l’échelle mondiale. Pour répondre aux défis liés au changement climatique et à la dégradation des sols, il est nécessaire de mieux intégrer les connaissances scientifiques sur les sols dans les pratiques agricoles. L'objectif de cet article est de mieux comprendre l'accès à la connaissance des acteurs sur les sols en France et d'identifier les possibilités d'amélioration, en considérant le point de vue de six catégories d'acteurs. Cette étude est basée sur 1 951 réponses issues d'une consultation que nous avons menée en France métropolitaine. Nos résultats ont montré que la majorité des acteurs considèrent que les connaissances auxquelles ils ont accès ne sont pas adaptées à leurs besoins. Ils ont également indiqué que le partage de connaissances entre les acteurs n'était pas suffisant. Pour améliorer l'accès aux connaissances sur les sols, les acteurs ont suggéré d'adapter au niveau local le contenu des connaissances sur les sols, ainsi que d'améliorer les méthodes de partage et de transfert des connaissances. Les différentes catégories d’acteurs valorisent différents réseaux d'échanges selon leur type de connaissance. Les acteurs ayant des connaissances plus théoriques sur les sols (autorités publiques, ONG, recherche et enseignement supérieur) ont déclaré être plus intéressés par les réseaux d’échanges entre politique, recherche et société. En revanche, les réseaux d’échanges incluant les agriculteurs et les conseillers agricoles sont davantage privilégiés par les acteurs ayant une connaissance empirique sur les sols. Compte tenu de nos résultats, afin de renforcer le transfert et le partage des connaissances, nous encourageons la promotion de la profession de médiateur scientifique, ainsi que la mise en place de laboratoires vivants (living labs) et de fermes pilotes (lighthouse farms) pour rassembler au niveau local les diverses catégories d’acteurs. Cela permettra d'assurer une transition vers une gestion plus durable des sols en Europe

    Workshop on modelling of pedogenesis

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    Diffusion du document : INRA, Centre de recherche d'Orléans, UR Science du SolInternational audienceHuman activities and climate change are acting as factors that affect soil evolution (pedogenesis). Their consequences are however poorly known and quantified. To be able to predict soil evolution in the future as a function of different climate scenarios and systems of land use management, modelling approaches are necessary. Different types of models can be used. The emphasis of the workshop was on deterministic and/or mechanistic models, distinguishing long (1000-10000 years) and short (10-100 years) time scales into two sessions (oral presentations, posters and discussions). Session 1: Modelling pedogenesis on long time scale For the long time scale, some models exist that for example focus on the understanding of major processes of soil formation resulting in actual soil three-dimensional spatial distributions through mass balance approaches. Session 2: Modelling pedogenesis on short time scale For the short time scale, various models that are mainly used in environmental considerations could be used to predict recent pedogenesis. These approaches consist for example of water flow models coupled with particle and solute transport. The use of geochemical models, like PhreeQc, MINTEQ, etc., allows kinetic approaches to soil processes to be used. Indeed in most temperate soils, equilibrium rarely occurs. This workshop allowed discussions of the advantages and limits of the different approaches that have been compared only rarely with real cases. This symposium gathered scientists coming from different disciplines including geology, hydrology, water chemistry and soil science

    Comparative study of litter decomposition and mineral element release in two amazonian forest ecosystems: Litter bag experiments

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    Data on the decomposition rate and kinetics of mineral element loss from leaf litter of two Amazonian forests (one typical rainforest and one Campinarana forest) are presented. Litter bags were put on the soil at the beginning of the dry season in both forests and were retrieved after 28, 56, 118, 178, 280 and 386 days of exposure. The decomposing leaves were analysed chemically. The litter decay followed an exponential model in the rainforest and a linear model in the Campinarana. Decomposition was fast in both environments and became enhanced during the rainy season in the rainforest. The rate of decomposition was found to be greater in the rainforest compared to the Campinarana forest. Two groups of elements were distinguished according to their behaviour during the litter decomposition. Plant nutrients were lost rapidly, whilst the major soil elements were progressively incorporated into the litter during decomposition

    Symposium no. 28 Paper no. 419 Presentation: poster 419-1

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    The concretion rich horizon of Planosols developed in metamorphic parent material (gneiss and amphibolite) at La Chtre (Massif Central, France) was studied. These soils are naturally rich in TE due to the regional geology (e.g. 122 mg kg Cr). In order to study the spatial variability of the concretion rich horizon, three pits were dug along a toposequence. The different horizons were sampled and analysed for major and trace element contents. The concretion rich horizon was studied more accurately. Concretions were separated from the fine particles by sieving and manual sorting. Different particlesize fractions were thus separated and analysed in major and trace elements. Smooth extraction were performed, on each separated fraction, by hydroxylamine, HCl + HCl at 50C and hydroxylamine, HCl + acetic acid at 90C in order to dissolve the different oxide phases. Extracts were analysed in major and trace elements. Nature of iron oxides composing the concretions and control of oxide dissolution efficiency were performed by X-ray diffraction. At last, some concretions were observed by optical and electron microscopy coupled with chemical analyses