432 research outputs found

    Alfred Döblin, Naturphilosoph

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    The objective of this article is to sketch an overview of the nature philosopher Alfred Döblin by interpreting his essay "Das Ich über der Natur" (1927). It's about a facet of the celebrated author of the novel "Berlin Alexanderplatz", which until the present moment received very little attention, even in Germany, and has always left the author overshadowed by his fictional works. After the World War I the period when Döblin occupied himself intensively with the philosophical questions about nature began. Some questions, like the one about the role of the human being in nature, or yet the question about the fair attitude in human kind actions, are in the center of his essays published in the 1920s. "Das Ich über der Natur", published in 1927 by Fischer, is the first powerful essay by Döblin about speculations on the nature philosophy. In this essay Döblin tries to discuss some ideas like "Ur-Ich" ("original ego") and "Ur-Sinn" ("original sense") as a highly natural instance.Ziel dieses Beitrags ist, anhand der Interpretation der Schrift "Das Ich über der Natur" (1927) ein kleines Bild des Naturphilosophen Alfred Döblin zu skizzieren. Es geht um eine Facette des berühmten Autors des Romans "Berlin Alexanderplatz", die auch in Deutschland bis jetzt sehr wenig Aufmerksamkeit erfuhr und daher immer von seinen fiktionalen Werken überschattet blieb. Nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg begann die Phase von Döblins intensivem Philosophieren über die Natur. Bestimmte Fragen, wie etwa die Frage nach der Rolle des Menschen in der Natur und die Frage nach einem gerechten Handeln stehen im Zentrum seiner naturphilosophischen Abhandlungen der zwanziger Jahre. Die Schrift "Das Ich über der Natur", die 1927 im Fischer-Verlag veröffentlicht wurde, ist eben die erste ausgearbeitete Abhandlung der Döblinschen naturphilosophischen Spekulationen. Darin versucht Döblin einige Begriffe wie "Ur-Ich" und "Ur-Sinn" als höchste Naturinstanz zu erörtern.O objetivo do presente artigo é esboçar, a partir da interpretação do escrito "Das Ich über der Natur" (1927), uma breve imagem de Alfred Döblin enquanto filósofo da natureza. Trata-se de uma faceta do famoso autor do romance "Berlin Alexanderplatz", que, até o presente momento, recebeu muito pouca atenção também na Alemanha e, em virtude disso, sempre esteve à sombra de suas obras de ficção. Após a Primeira Guerra Mundial teve início a fase em que Döblin se ocupou intensamente de questões filosóficas sobre a natureza. Determinadas questões, como, por exemplo, a questão do papel do homem na natureza, ou ainda a questão em torno de uma postura justa nas ações humanas figuram no centro de seus ensaios de filosofia da natureza escritos e publicados nos anos 20. "Das Ich über der Natur", publicado em 1927 pela editora Fischer, foi o primeiro ensaio de maior fôlego em torno das especulações döblinianas orientadas pela filosofia da natureza. Nessa obra, Döblin procura discutir alguns conceitos como "Ur-Ich" ("Eu-Primevo") e "Ur-Sinn" ("Sentido-Primevo") na qualidade de instância suprema da natureza

    O estilo em Alfred Döblin

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    O objetivo do presente artigo é apresentar alguns aspectos teóricos postulados pelo escritor alemão Alfred Döblin em seus ensaios ao desenvolver sua própria concepção da obra épica na "era da técnica" à luz de questões estilísticas, propondo conceitos como "estilo cinematográfico", "despersonalização", "fantasia factual" e "fantasia cinética". Para uma delimitação conceitual em relação à noção de "estilo", serão tomadas por base as considerações de Antoine Compagnon, postuladas na obra "O demônio da teoria" (1999), bem como as reflexões de Walter Benjamin, presents na resenha "A crise do romance" (1930) e no ensaio "O narrador" (1936).The aim of this paper is to present some theoretical aspects, postulated by German writer Alfred Döblin in his essays, as he developed his own conception of the epic work in "the technical era", based on stylistic aspects, proposing concepts such as "film style", "depersonalization", "factual fantasy" and "kinetic fantasy". As a basis for a conceptual definition concerning the notion of "style", this paper takes into account Antoine Compagnon´s arguments in the work "Literature, theory and common sense" (1998), as well as Walter Benjamin's reflections presented in the review "The crisis of the novel" (1930) and the essay "The Storyteller" (1936).Ziel dieses Beitrags ist, einige theoretische Aspekte zu präsentieren, die Alfred Döblin in seinen Essays bei der Entwicklung seiner eigenen Auffassung vom epischen Werk im "technischen Zeitalter" im Lichte von stilistischen Fragen verfasst, sowie Begriffe wie "Kinostil", "Depersonation", "Tatsachenphantasie" und "kinetische Phantasie" postuliert hat. Für die genaue Erörterung des "Stil" Begriffs werden die Betrachtungen Antoine Compagnons im Buch "Le démon de la théorie" (1998), wie auch die Überlegungen Walter Benjamins in der Rezension "Krisis des Romans" (1930) und im Essay "Der Erzähler" (1936) als Grundlagen genommen

    Uma mulher contra o nazismo : Ricarda Huch

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    This contribution focuses on the conditions of literary production in Germany during the Nazi regime. The article analyzes the work of writer Ricarda Huch as one of the representatives of the so-called "Inner Emigration", literary trend promoted by writers that were not placed to serve the interests of the State, but instead sought to convey - through their work - humanistic values and critics of the status quo, despite the censorship and often putting their lives at risk. The poetic anthology Herbstfeuer ("Fire of Autumn"), published in 1944, is one of the most significant examples of the literature of resistance under the yoke of Nazism

    Transpondo muros: escritas da violência na República Democrática Alemã

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    Considering the works "Zeit-Zeugen. Inhaftiert in Berlin-Hohenschönhausen" (1996), edited by Gabriele Camphausen, "Folterzelle 36 Berlin-Pankow. Erlebnisbericht einer Stasihaft" (1993) by Timo Zilli, "Ein guter Kampf. Fakten, Daten, Erinnerungen 1945-1954" (1998) by politician Ewald Ernst, "Die Stasi war mein Eckermann: oder mein Leben mit der Wanze" (1991) by writer Erich Loest, and "Geboren am 13. August. Der Sozialismus und ich" (2004) by journalist Jens Bisky, the aim of this article is to sketch a brief study on the diverse forms and phases of the violence as an instrument of power, practiced by the State of the SED in the German Democratic Republic in the 40 years of its existence, as well as discuss some theoretical aspects, focusing especially on the concept of "literature as testimony". The five analyzed reports of auto-biographical nature adopt a crucially critical tone concerning the encroachments in a totalitarian State. "Overcoming Walls" in the 20 years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall, from this point of view, implies a denouncement attitude against forgetfulness concerning a traumatic past.O objetivo do presente artigo é esboçar, a partir da interpretação das obras "Zeit-Zeugen. Inhaftiert in Berlin-Hohenschönhausen" (1996), organizada por Gabriele Camphausen, "Folterzelle 36 Berlin-Pankow. Erlebnisbericht einer Stasihaft" (1993), de Timo Zilli, "Ein guter Kampf. Fakten, Daten, Erinnerungen 1945-1954" (1998) do político Ewald Ernst, "Die Stasi war mein Eckermann: oder mein Leben mit der Wanze" (1991), do escritor Erich Loest, e "Geboren am 13. August. Der Sozialismus und ich" (2004), do jornalista Jens Bisky, um breve estudo sobre as diversas formas e fases da violência enquanto instrumento de poder, praticada pelo Estado do SED na República Democrática Alemã nos 40 anos de sua existência, e discutir especialmente alguns aspectos teóricos sobre o conceito de "literatura de testemunho". Os cinco relatos analisados, de caráter memorialista e autobiográfico, se pautam por um tom decididamente crítico frente aos desmandos num Estado totalitário. "Transpor muros" nos 20 anos após a Queda do Muro de Berlim, desse ponto de vista, implica um olhar memorialista de denúncia contra o esquecimento frente a um passado traumático.Ziel dieses Beitrags ist, anhand der Interpretation der Werke "Zeit-Zeugen. Inhaftiert in Berlin-Hohenschönhausen" (1996), herausgegeben von Gabriele Camphausen, "Folterzelle 36 Berlin-Pankow. Erlebnisbericht einer Stasihaft" (1993) von Timo Zilli, "Ein guter Kampf. Fakten, Daten, Erinnerungen 1945-1954" (1998) des Politikers Ewald Ernst, "Die Stasi war mein Eckermann: oder mein Leben mit der Wanze" (1991) des Schriftstellers Erich Loest, und "Geboren am 13. August. Der Sozialismus und ich" (2004) des Journalisten Jens Bisky, eine kleine Studie über die verschiedenen Formen und Phasen der Gewalt zu präsentieren, die vom SED-Staat in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik in den 40 Jahren ihrer Existenz als Instrument der Macht angewandt wurde, und besonders einige theoretische Aspekte über den Begriff von "Zeugnisliteratur" zu erörtern. Die fünf analysierten Berichte memorialistischer und autobiographischer Art beruhen auf einem entscheidend kritischen Ton bezüglich der Übergriffe in einem totalitären Staat. "Mauern überwinden" in den 20 Jahren nach dem Fall der Berliner Mauer, aus diesem Blickwinkel betrachtet, impliziert eine memorialistische Sicht von Denunzierung gegen das Vergessen gegenüber einer traumatischen Vergangenheit

    Franz Biberkopf está de volta [Rezension]

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    Rezension zu Döblin, Alfred, Berlin Alexanderplatz. trad. Irene Aron. São Paulo: Martins, 2009

    Os descaminhos da poesia a serviço do nazismo

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    The objective of this article is to present a brief study on the wrong path of the poetry in the service of the Third Reich, whose roots raise to the tradition of the proto-nationalist and romantic nationalist poetry of the 19th Century. By interpreting the poems “Die Mutter” (“The Mother”) by Josepha Berens-Totenohl, “Deutsche Ostern 1933” (“German Easter of 1933”) by Heinrich Anacker, “Dem Führer” (“To the Führer”) by Will Vesper, and “Wir” (“We”) by Anne Marie Koeppen, we can observe the presence of discursive marks that remit to the Nazi jargon, what make them mere instruments of the totalitarian propaganda

    Health Related Taxes on Foods and Beverages

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    Over-consumption of foods and beverages high in fat, sugar and salt content, associated with heightened risk for obesity and diet-related non-communicable diseases (NCDs),is one of the biggest public health problems facing the UK. It is not only a worry for people who suffer from limiting conditions such as diabetes, types of cancers, cardiovascular and coronary heart disease, but it is also worrying for all tax payers whose revenues go towards covering the costs of obesity and related NCDs to the NHS and the welfare system. Increasing the price of unhealthy foods and beverages through taxes is a potential policy measure to discourage over-consumption. This type of health-related food and beverage tax is already applied in Finland, France, Hungary, and Mexico. Preliminary evidence from existing taxes on food and beverages suggests that these have been effective in reducing purchases, but the long-run impact on consumption and population health is yet to be evaluated. The debate on such taxes in the UK is ongoing. Several organisations have called for a 20% or 20p per litre tax on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB)while both Conservative and Labour party representatives stated in 2014 no intentions of introducing a tax on SSBs or sugar. The food industry remains firm that taxes are unnecessary and numerous companies have pledged to compromise with voluntary agreements such as restricting food marketing to children, reformulating products, modifying food labels and promoting healthy eating guidelines. The effectiveness of the tax in reducing consumption of unhealthy foods and beverages depends on its design. If tax rates are low, the tax base narrowly specified and taxes are levied upon products that are relatively cheap, the impact will be small. A higher tax rate, combined with gradual increases, and a broader tax base will result in a larger impact on consumption and has thus greater potential to influence health. However, proposals for such taxes are also likely to face even greater opposition from the food and beverage industry. Taxes on unhealthy foods and beverages alone will not solve nutrition-related health problems. However, if well designed and communicated, in combination with other relevant policy measures, taxes can contribute to improved population health. If taxes are to be pursued to fight obesity and non-communicable diseases, itis necessary that other regulatory measures and novel voluntary actions by food producers and food retailers continue to be developed and implemente