128 research outputs found

    Pengelolaan Dan Pembudidayaan Cendana

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    Masa lalu cendana dihiasi dengan perannya dalam kisah raja-raja, perekonomian antarbangsa, panggung religi maupun PAD Propinsi.Namun peran ini hampir punah oleh berbagai kebijakan yang kurang tepat,yang tidak jarang dilakukan oleh pemerintah sendiri. Pemikiran dan saran untuk mengembalikan cendana berperan kembali seperti di 'zaman keemasannya' dikemukakan

    Characteristics and origin of a Saalian glaciolacustrine to glaciofluvial succession in the Hümmling region, NW Germany

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    Im Tiefland Nordwestdeutschlands sind von der saalezeitlichen Vereisung aufgebauten glazifluvialen Geestplatten und Stauchmoränen von flachen Niederungen umgeben. Im Untersuchungsgebiet im Hümmling besteht die Geestplatte aus hauptsächlich sandigen Schmelzwasserablagerungen die von Grundmoräne oder Blockbestreuung überdeckt sind. Diese Sanderfläche ist vom Haupt-Drenthe-Vorstoß abgelagert und danach beim weiteren Vorrücken des Eises überfahren worden. Die Schmelzwassersande bilden nach oben gröber werdende Sequenzen, die im Untersuchungsgebiet in drei Gruben aufgeschlossen sind. Vom Liegenden zum Hangenden sind in den Aufschlüssen drei vom Wasser abgelagerte Fazies erkennbar: eine untere glazilimnische Fazies, eine Übergangsfazies und eine obere glazifluviale Fazies. Sofern sich keine erosiven Zwischenfälle ergeben haben, ist die aufwärtsgerichtete Veränderung von einer Fazies zur anderen ausgesprochen allmählich. Dieser Artikel bringt Argumente dafür, daß die untere Fazies abgelagert worden sei in einer abflußlosen Senke,die sich im fernen Vorland des Inlandeises befand. Durch diesen Vorgang wurde das Gelände eingeebnet und vorbereitet auf eine allmähliche Änderung von glazilimnischen nach glazifluvialen Ablagerungsverhältnissen.researc


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    Masa lalu cendana dihiasi dengan perannya dalam kisah raja-raja, perekonomian antarbangsa, panggung religi maupun PAD Propinsi.Namun peran ini hampir punah oleh berbagai kebijakan yang kurang tepat,yang tidak jarang dilakukan oleh pemerintah sendiri. Pemikiran dan saran untuk mengembalikan cendana berperan kembali seperti di 'zaman keemasannya' dikemukakan

    An estimated 11,000 rice and cassava farmers in Cambodia are using agricultural advisories based on the seasonal forecast with support of Local Technical Agro-climatic Committees

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    An estimated 11,000 rice and cassava farmers from 23 Agri-cooperatives in Battambang and Kampong Speu provinces used the agroclimatic advisories in their planning and decision-making for better risk management. DeRISK SE Asia introduced the Local Technical Agroclimatic Committee (LTAC) approach in Cambodia to co-develop seasonal agroclimatic advisories based on seasonal forecasts with different type of stakeholders in two target provinces. The advisories were disseminated through multiple channels, including printed bulletins, Telegram, the SESAME mobile application, and face-to-face communication. The Local Technical Agroclimatic Committees (LTACs) are established at the provincial level to co-produce agroclimatic advisories that are tailored to the local context. The committees include relevant partners and stakeholders, such as the Provincial Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (PDAFF), and Provincial Department of Water Resources and Meteorology (PDoWRAM), agriculture technical experts from District Agriculture Offices (DAO), commune authorities and agri- cooperatives leaders. The advisories are based on Crop Decision Trees for rice and cassava that provide specific information on crop stages, agricultural practices, climate risk and response strategies under different climate scenarios. Agroclimatic advisories based on seasonal forecasts are disseminated to farmers via multiple communication channels: the distribution of printed bulletins during commune-level meetings, farmer interaction in villages by the leaders of agri- cooperatives and local authorities, and the installation of printed posters in public spaces. Farmer leaders and local authorities also immediately receive seasonal forecasts and agroclimatic advisories using digital channels, such as the SESAME application and Telegram. As a result, approximately 11,000 rice and cassava farmers, including 745 leaders of agricultural cooperatives and commune authorities, applied agroclimatic advisories for crop planning and decision-making. Farmers use agroclimatic advisories for seed varieties selection, land preparation, planting methods, water management, pest control, and harvesting date differently for wetter and drier climate conditions. This assisted the farmers in coping with potential climate-related risks such as excessive rainfall, flooding, drought, and pest infestation. For planting, farmers choose rice seed and cassava crop varieties that are tolerant to adverse climate conditions such as wetter or drier than normal scenarios. Different planting methods are utilized, such as broadcasting wet rice seed (direct-seeding) in wetter climatic conditions and broadcasting dry rice seed in drier climate conditions. Rice field dikes and drainage systems are constructed for enhanced water management, and farmers have improved their pest and disease control measures. For example, farmers restrict the application of nitrogen fertilizer and the amount of water released from their rice fields when the rice blast disease is increasing under wetter than normal scenarios. Farmers can better plan and manage their farms to avoid climate risks because they have improved access and enhanced understanding of the importance of seasonal forecasts and agroclimatic advisories

    Transformation of neutral rhenium compounds during electrospray ionization mass spectrometry

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    Four neutral rhenium compounds were examined by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Acetonitrile solutions of (Ind)Re(CO)3 (Ind = indenyl) and (Cp)Re(CO)3 (Cp = cyclopentadienyl) gave rise to [Re(CO)3(CH3CN)3]+ ions. This is indicative of a reaction with the solvent, although these compounds do not react with acetonitrile under regular laboratory conditions. In contrast, (Ind)Re(CO)2(butyne) and (Cp)Re(CO)2(butyne) did not lose their aromatic hydrocarbon ligand upon ionization; the predominant product ions generated upon electrospray ionization were [(Ind)Re(CO)(CH3CN)(butyne)]+ and [(Cp)Re(CO)(CH3CN)(butyne)]+, respectively

    A novel concurrent TMS-fMRI method to reveal propagation patterns of prefrontal magnetic brain stimulation

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a severe mental disorder associated with high morbidity and mortality rates, which remains difficult to treat, as both resistance and recurrence rates are high. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) provides a safe and effective treatment for selected patients with treatment-resistant MDD. Little is known about the mechanisms of action of TMS provided to the left DLPFC in MDD and we can currently not predict who will respond to this type of treatment, precluding effective patient selection. In order to shed some light on the mechanism of action, we applied single pulse TMS to the left DLPFC in 10 healthy participants using a unique TMS-fMRI set-up, in which we could record the direct effects of TMS. Stimulation of the DLPFC triggered activity in a number of connected brain regions, including the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (sgACC) in four out of nine participants. The sgACC is of particular interest, because normalization of activity in this region has been associated with relief of depressive symptoms in MDD patients. This is the first direct evidence that TMS pulses delivered to the DLPFC can propagate to the sgACC. The propagation of TMS-induced activity from the DLPFC to sgACC may be an accurate biomarker for rTMS efficacy. Further research is required to determine whether this method can contribute to the selection of patients with treatment resistant MDD who will respond to rTMS treatment

    Changing Housing for Elderly People and Co-ordination Issues in Europe

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    The inter-sectoral policy systems of housing for elderly people in the EU-countries change with the implementation of ageing in place and by general processes of modernisation of society and welfare state. For implementation of the innovations the relevance of co-ordination between the sector housing, care and social services depends on the state of development of the sectors in a country. However, modernisation threatens co-ordination by decentralisation, privatisation and transfer of choices and responsibilities to the individual. This paper is an international comparative study describing how countries of the European Union are dealing with the topic of co-ordination. Nowadays especially policy actors at the regional and local level have the responsibility for inter-sectoral co-ordination. Looking at the practices of these actors the development of a shared vision on ageing in place seems to be very important. Central government should facilitate this approach and control the results. The term 'managed co-operation' describes very well this new way of management of co-ordination

    Lenong in the environs of Jakarta : a report

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    — CD. Grijns (Institut Royal, Leiden) telah mengadakan peneliti- an dengan seksama di daerah sekitar Jakarta dan mengumpul- kan semua bentuk kesenian rakyat yang ada. Di sini Grijns menulis tentang pertunjukan Lenong, khusus di daerah ping- giran, suatu tradisi Betawi dimana Si Jago memainkan peranan utama.— CD. Grijns (Koninklijk Instituut, Leiden,) has conducted a detailed investigation in the Jakarta area and recorded all the forms of popular art found there ; here he discusses the lenong characteristic of these suburban environs and typical of the Batavian tradition where the champion (jago), knight-errant, plays a prominent role.— CD. Grijns (Institut Royal, Leyde) a pu mener une enquête précise dans les environs de Jakarta et recenser toutes les formes d'art populaire qu'on y trouve ; il nous présente ici le lenong, caractéristique de ces milieux suburbains et typique de la tradition batavienne ou le champion (jago) redresseur de torts joue un rôle de premier plan.Grijns Cornells Dirk. Lenong in the environs of Jakarta : a report. In: Archipel, volume 12, 1976. pp. 175-202
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