1,890 research outputs found

    Using N-mixture models to estimate abundance and temporal trends of black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis L.) populations from aerial counts

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    Inaccurate estimates of animal populations may lead to flawed management interventions, therefore, it is essential to understand the status and population trend of a species in order to plan its management efficiently. Aerial surveys are considered a useful method for estimating the population size of large conspicuous animals inhabiting large areas, but raw count data from aerial surveys usually underestimate population sizes due to imperfect detection. The use of N-mixture models with aerial count data provides a useful tool to estimate the population sizes while taking detection probability into account. As a study case we used aerial surveys conducted for monitoring black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) in Madikwe Game Reserve and Pilanesberg Nature Reserve (South Africa) during 1999–2015, and we analysed data with a dynamic extension of the N-mixture model. We estimated 0.078–0.098 and 0.139–0.142 individuals/km2, respectively, and we found evidence for density dependence in both reserves with a carrying capacity of 0.122 (0.102–0.142) individuals/100 km2. Based on simulations used to assess precision of the estimates, root-mean-square error model (RMSE) estimates was significantly smaller than those for the raw maximum counts. The N-mixture models provide a promising approach to estimate population size, trends and demographic characteristics of large conspicuous mammals such as black rhinoceroses. Such analysis can provide estimates that are more accurate than raw counts. In addition, use of model covariates that affect a species' population parameters can provide useful information for their conservation and management.Jose Jimenez is funded by Plan TIFIES (Spanish Action Plan against illegal trafficking and international poaching of wild species). Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica. Government of Spain.Peer reviewe

    Generalized local interactions in 1D: solutions of quantum many-body systems describing distinguishable particles

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    As is well-known, there exists a four parameter family of local interactions in 1D. We interpret these parameters as coupling constants of delta-type interactions which include different kinds of momentum dependent terms, and we determine all cases leading to many-body systems of distinguishable particles which are exactly solvable by the coordinate Bethe Ansatz. We find two such families of systems, one with two independent coupling constants deforming the well-known delta interaction model to non-identical particles, and the other with a particular one-parameter combination of the delta- and (so-called) delta-prime interaction. We also find that the model of non-identical particles gives rise to a somewhat unusual solution of the Yang-Baxter relations. For the other model we write down explicit formulas for all eigenfunctions.Comment: 23 pages v2: references adde

    Field-induced magnetic transitions in the quasi-two-dimensional heavy-fermion antiferromagnets Ce_{n}RhIn_{3n+2} (n=1 or 2)

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    We have measured the field-dependent heat capacity in the tetragonal antiferromagnets CeRhIn5_{5} and Ce2_{2}RhIn8_{8}, both of which have an enhanced value of the electronic specific heat coefficient γ400\gamma \sim 400 mJ/mol-Ce K2^{2} above TNT_{N}. For T<TN,T<T_{N}, the specific heat data at zero applied magnetic field are consistent with the existence of an anisotropic spin-density wave opening a gap in the Fermi surface for CeRhIn5,_{5}, while Ce2_{2}RhIn8_{8} shows behavior consistent with a simple antiferromagnetic magnon. From these results, the magnetic structure, in a manner similar to the crystal structure, appears more two-dimensional in CeRhIn5_{5} than in Ce2_{2}RhIn8_{8} where only about 12% of the Fermi surface remains ungapped relative to 92% for Ce2_{2}RhIn8_{8}. When Bc,B||c, both compounds behave in a manner expected for heavy fermion systems as both TNT_{N} and the electronic heat capacity decrease as field is applied. When the field is applied in the tetragonal basal plane (BaB||a), CeRhIn5_{5} and Ce2_{2}RhIn8_{8} have very similar phase diagrams which contain both first- and second-order field-induced magnetic transitions .Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Localized f electrons in CexLa1-xRhIn5: dHvA Measurements

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    Measurements of the de Haas-van Alphen effect in CexLa1-xRhIn5 reveal that the Ce 4f electrons remain localized for all x, with the mass enhancement and progressive loss of one spin from the de Haas-van Alphen signal resulting from spin fluctuation effects. This behavior may be typical of antiferromagnetic heavy fermion compounds, inspite of the fact that the 4f electron localization in CeRhIn5 is driven, in part, by a spin-density wave instability.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Rotational Cooling of Polar Molecules by Stark-tuned Cavity Resonance

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    A general scheme for rotational cooling of diatomic heteronuclear molecules is proposed. It uses a superconducting microwave cavity to enhance the spontaneous decay via Purcell effect. Rotational cooling can be induced by sequentially tuning each rotational transition to cavity resonance, starting from the highest transition level to the lowest using an electric field. Electrostatic multipoles can be used to provide large confinement volume with essentially homogeneous background electric field.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Heat capacity studies of Ce and Rh site substitution in the heavy fermion antiferromagnet CeRhIn_5;: Short-range magnetic interactions and non-Fermi-liquid behavior

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    In heavy fermion materials superconductivity tends to appear when long range magnetic order is suppressed by chemical doping or applying pressure. Here we report heat capacity measurements on diluted alloyes of the heavy fermion superconductor CeRhIn_5;. Heat capacity measurements have been performed on CeRh_{1-y}Ir_{y}In_5; (y <= 0.10) and Ce_{1-x}La_{x}Rh_{1-y}Ir_{y}In_5; (x <= 0.50) in applied fields up to 90 kOe to study the affect of doping and magnetic field on the magnetic ground state. The magnetic phase diagram of CeRh_{0.9}Ir_{0.1}In_5; is consistent with the magnetic structure of CeRhIn_5; being unchanged by Ir doping. Doping of Ir in small concentrations is shown to slightly increase the antiferromagnetic transition temperature T_{N} (T_{N}=3.8 K in the undoped sample). La doping which causes disorder on the Ce sublattice is shown to lower T_{N} with no long range order observed above 0.34 K for Ce_{0.50}La_{0.50}RhIn_5;. Measurements on Ce_{0.50}La_{0.50}RhIn_5; show a coexistence of short range magnetic order and non-Fermi-liquid behavior. This dual nature of the Ce 4f-electrons is very similar to the observed results on CeRhIn_5; when long range magnetic order is suppressed at high pressure.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Unusual giant magnetostriction in the ferrimagnet Gd2/3_{2/3}Ca1/3_{1/3}MnO3_3

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    We report an unusual giant linear magnetostrictive effect in the ferrimagnet Gd2/3_{2/3}Ca1/3_{1/3}MnO3_3 (TcT_{c} \approx80 K). Remarkably, the magnetostriction, negative at high temperature (TTcT \approx T_{c}), becomes positive below 15 K when the magnetization of the Gd sublattice overcomes the magnetization of the Mn sublattice. A rather simple model where the magnetic energy competes against the elastic energy gives a good account of the observed results and confirms that Gd plays a crucial role in this unusual observation. Unlike previous works in manganites where only striction associated with 3dd Mn orbitals is considered, our results show that the lanthanide 4ff orbitals related striction can be very important too and it cannot be disregarded.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Field dependent effective masses in YbAl3_{3}

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    We show for the intermediate valence compound YbAl3_{3} that the high field (40 B\lesssim B \lesssim 60T) effective masses measured by the de Haas-van Alphen experiment for field along the direction are smaller by approximately a factor of two than the low field masses. The field BB^{*} \sim 40T for this reduction is much smaller than the Kondo field BKkBTK/μBB_{K} \sim k_{B}T_{K}/\mu_{B} (TKT_{K}\sim 670K) but is comparable to the field kBTcoh/μBk_{B}T_{coh}/\mu_{B} where TcohT_{coh}\sim 40K is the temperature for the onset of Fermi liquid coherence. This suggests that the field scale BB^{*} does not arise from 4ff polarization but is connected with the removal of the anomalies that are known to occur in the Fermi liquid state of this compound.Comment: 7 pages plus 3 figures Submitted to PRL 9/12/0

    Chickadees faced with unpredictable food increase fat reserves but certain components of their immune function decline

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    In winter, temperate resident birds are often faced with periodic low natural food availability. This reduction or unpredictability in resource availability might then have a negative impact on immune function, given that immune system support is highly resource dependent. We investigated the balance between energetic and immune management in captive black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapilus) by manipulating the predictability of resources. The control group received food ad lib. every day, while the experimental group received a reduced amount of food on random days and food ad lib. on all other days. We measured two key metrics of energetic management (body and fat mass) as well as a suite of immune system components. Compared with control birds, experimental birds maintained significantly higher total body and fat mass, had lower acute phase protein concentrations, and had decreased body temperature and lost more body mass during the fever response following injection with lipopolysaccharides. Interestingly, birds in both groups had similar levels of complement lysis, delayed-type hypersensitivity response (phytohemagglutinin), and primary antibody production (keyhole limpet hemocyanin). This experiment demonstrates that black-capped chickadees strategically increase their fat mass in response to decreased food availability and that this might allow the birds to maintain most of the immune system unaltered, except some of the most costly immune components

    Absence of Hybridization Gap in Heavy Electron Systems and Analysis of YbAl3 in terms of Nearly Free Electron Conduction Band

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    In the analysis of the heavy electron systems, theoretical models with c-f hybridization gap are often used. We point out that such a gap does not exist and the simple picture with the hybridization gap is misleading in the metallic systems, and present a correct picture by explicitly constructing an effective band model of YbAl_3. Hamiltonian consists of a nearly free electron model for conduction bands which hybridize with localized f-electrons, and includes only a few parameters. Density of states, Sommerfeld coefficient, f-electron number and optical conductivity are calculated and compared with the band calculations and the experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp