9,970 research outputs found

    Interoperability in the GENESIS 3.0 Software Federation : the NEURON Simulator as an Example

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    © 2013 Cornelis et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Poster presented at CNS 2013Non peer reviewe

    Wind power development : economics and policies

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    This study reviews the prospects of wind power at the global level. Existing studies indicate that the earth's wind energy supply potential significantly exceeds global energy demand. Yet, only 1 percent of the global electricity demand is currently derived from wind power despite 40 percent annual growth in wind generating capacity over the past 25 years. More than 98 percent of total current wind power capacity is installed in the developed countries plus China and India. It has been estimated that wind power could supply 7 to 34 percent of global electricity needs by 2050. However, wind power faces a large number of technical, economic, financial, institutional, market, and other barriers. To overcome these barriers, many countries have employed various policy instruments, including capital subsidies, tax incentives, tradable energy certificates, feed-in tariffs, grid access guarantees and mandatory standards. Besides these policies, climate change mitigation initiatives resulting from the Kyoto Protocol (e.g., CO2-emission reduction targets in developed countries and the Clean Development Mechanism in developing countries) have played a significant role in promoting wind power.Energy Production and Transportation,Carbon Policy and Trading,Windpower,Environment and Energy Efficiency,Energy and Environment

    Wind Power Development: Opportunities and Challenges

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    In this study, the prospects of wind power at the global level are reviewed. Existing studies indicate that the earth’s wind energy supply potential significantly exceeds global energy demand. Yet, only 1% of the global electricity demand is currently derived from wind power despite 40% annual growth in wind generating capacity over the last 25 years. More than 98% of total current wind power capacity is installed in the developed countries plus China and India. Existing studies estimate that wind power could supply 7% to 34% of global electricity needs by 2050. Wind power faces a large number of technical, financial, institutional, market and other barriers. To overcome these, many countries have employed various policy instruments, including capital subsidies, tax incentives, tradable energy certificates, feed-in tariffs, grid access guarantees and mandatory standards. Besides these policies, climate change mitigation initiatives resulting from the Kyoto Protocol (e.g., CO2-emission reduction targets in developed, the Clean Development Mechanism in developing countries) have played a pivotal role in promoting wind power.wind energy, renewable energy, electricity grids

    Kajian Sebaran Panas Pada Outlet Pltu Bolok Kupang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui rambatan panas akibat temperatur air yang keluar dariout let PLTU Batu bara Bolok masih sangat tinggi dibanding suhu air disekitarnya. Hal ini dapatmengganggu kondisi lingkungan disekitarnya sehingga diperlukan usaha untuk mengetahui bagaimanarambatan panas dan sejauh mana pengaruhnya.Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode experimental dan kajian analisis finite elementmenggunakan program SMS versi 8.1. Data suhu pada daerah air laut diasumsikan sedangkan data suhuair laut eksisting disekitarnya didapat dengan melakukan pengukuran langsung dilapangan danberdasarkan data sekunder disamping itu. Berdasarkan data – data tersebut selanjutnya dilakukansimulasi dengan program SMS versi 8.1Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan hasil simulasi pola arus menunjukkan bahwakecepatan sebaran temperatur mengikuti kecepatan arus air yaitu maksimum 0.238 m/det sehinggakecepatannya adalah 500 m per 30 menit. Suhu pada daerah outlet PLTU dengan debit 3000 liter/detmeningkatkan suhu eksisting hingga 20C dalam radius 100 m. Perbedaan suhu akan semakin menurunseiring bertambahnya radius jangkauan dengan rata-rata 30% setiap jarak 100 m dengan waktu rambatansaat arus puncak 6 jam. Kondisi ini akan berbalik apabila letak pipa outlet dan inlet cukup berdekatan

    Kajian Experimental Dan Numerik Desain Perancangan Elemen Batang Profil L Berbahan Ferrocement Sebagai Pengganti Elemen Rangka Kuda-kuda Atap Ringan Berbahan Kayu Atau Berbahan Baja

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji secara numerik dan eksperimen desain rancanganelemen batang profil L berbahan ferrocement sebagai elemen pengganti untuk rangkabatang kuda-kuda kayu untuk atap rumah sederhana. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkankajian mekanikal elemen batang profil L yang memungkinkan untuk digunakan padarangka kuda-kuda sederhana. Kajian numerik yang dilakukan adalah menggunakanmetode elemen hingga dengan memanfaatkan software ADINA SAP 2000, sedangkankajian eksperimental dilakukan dengan membuat model rangka kuda-kuda sederhana.Hasil kajian numerik yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa keruntuhan material masihdominan adalah keruntuhan tekan dimana tidak ada pengaruh faktor panjang elemenbelum dan diperoleh Safety Factor (SF)>3,0. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa hasilkajian numerik hampir mendekati pengujian secara experimental dimana untuk bebanringan, rancangan ini dapat dimungkinkan digunakan untuk konstruksi atap atau rangkabatang yang mengalami beban yang kecil (sederhana

    The type III secretion injectisome, a complex nanomachine for intracellular ‘toxin' delivery

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    The type III secretion injectisome is a nanomachine that delivers bacterial proteins into the cytosol of eukaryotic target cells. It consists of a cylindrical basal structure spanning the two bacterial membranes and the peptidoglycan, connected to a hollow needle, eventually followed by a filament (animal pathogens) or to a long pilus (plant pathogens). Export employs a type III pathway. During assembly, all the protein subunits of external elements are sequentially exported by the basal structure itself, implying that the export apparatus can switch its substrate specificity over time. The length of the needle is controlled by a protein that it also secreted during assembly and presumably acts as a molecular rule

    Yersinia type III secretion: send in the effectors

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    Pathogenic Yersinia spp (Yersinia pestis, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, and Yersinia enterocolitica) have evolved an exquisite method for delivering powerful effectors into cells of the host immune system where they inhibit signaling cascades and block the cells' response to infection. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of this system has provided insight into the processes of phagocytosis and inflammation


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    Current export base methods that calculate basic and non-basic employment are too restrictive because they fail to account for uncertainty involved in the process. This paper shows the assignment of industries as either basic or non-basic by the location quotient procedure does not consistently represent the data for Nevada counties. Using fuzzy set procedures and membership functions in conjunction with the location quotient allow more flexibility in terms of matching the data for each industry in the region of interest. Using fuzzy set procedures we determine the proportion of employment that is basic and non-basic in nine non-governmental industries.Labor and Human Capital,