355 research outputs found

    The type III secretion injectisome, a complex nanomachine for intracellular ‘toxin' delivery

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    The type III secretion injectisome is a nanomachine that delivers bacterial proteins into the cytosol of eukaryotic target cells. It consists of a cylindrical basal structure spanning the two bacterial membranes and the peptidoglycan, connected to a hollow needle, eventually followed by a filament (animal pathogens) or to a long pilus (plant pathogens). Export employs a type III pathway. During assembly, all the protein subunits of external elements are sequentially exported by the basal structure itself, implying that the export apparatus can switch its substrate specificity over time. The length of the needle is controlled by a protein that it also secreted during assembly and presumably acts as a molecular rule

    Yersinia type III secretion: send in the effectors

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    Pathogenic Yersinia spp (Yersinia pestis, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, and Yersinia enterocolitica) have evolved an exquisite method for delivering powerful effectors into cells of the host immune system where they inhibit signaling cascades and block the cells' response to infection. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of this system has provided insight into the processes of phagocytosis and inflammation

    The multitalented type III chaperones: all you can do with 15 kDa

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    Despite the fact that type III chaperones were discovered approximately 10 years ago, the precise role of most of them is still mysterious. A panoply of functions has been proposed for the members of this family of proteins. Type III chaperones have been suggested to act as anti-aggregation and stabilizing factors. They have also been proposed to keep their substrates in unfolded or partially folded structures, set a hierarchy on secretion, and participate in the regulation of the transcription of the type III substrates. Here, we review this enigmatic family of proteins, and discuss the experimental data supporting the roles proposed for type III chaperone

    Type III secretion: The bacteria-eukaryotic cell express

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    Type III secretion (T3S) is an export pathway used by Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria to inject bacterial proteins into the cytosol of eukaryotic host cells. This pathway is characterized by (i) a secretion nanomachine related to the bacterial flagellum, but usually topped by a stiff needle-like structure; (ii) the assembly in the eukaryotic cell membrane of a translocation pore formed by T3S substrates; (iii) a non-cleavable N-terminal secretion signal; (iv) T3S chaperones, assisting the secretion of some substrates; (v) a control mechanism ensuring protein delivery at the right place and time. Here, we review these different aspects focusing in open questions that promise exciting findings in the near futur

    Transdimensional surface wave tomography of the near-surface: Application to DAS data

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    Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) is a novel technology that allows sampling of the seismic wavefield densely over a broad frequency band. This makes it an ideal tool for surface wave studies. In this study, we evaluate the potential of DAS to image the near-surface using synthetic data and active-source field DAS data recorded with straight fibers in Groningen, the Netherlands. First, we recover the laterally varying surface wave phase velocities (i.e., local dispersion curves) from the fundamental-mode surface waves. We utilize the Multi Offset Phase Analysis (MOPA) for the recovery of the laterally varying phase velocities. In this way, we take into account the lateral variability of the subsurface structures. Then, instead of inverting each local dispersion curve independently, we propose to use a novel 2D transdimensional surface wave tomography algorithm to image the subsurface. In this approach, we parameterize the model space using 2D Voronoi cells and invert all the local dispersion curves simultaneously to consider the lateral spatial correlation of the inversion result. Additionally, this approach reduces the solution nonuniqueness of the inversion problem. The proposed methodology successfully recovered the shear-wave velocity of the synthetic data. Application to the field data also confirms the reliability of the proposed algorithm. The recovered 2D shear-wave velocity profile is compared to shear-wave velocity logs obtained at the location of two boreholes, which shows a good agreement

    Protective Anti-V Antibodies Inhibit Pseudomonas and Yersinia Translocon Assembly within Host Membranes

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    Pathogenic Yersinia species and Pseudomonas aeruginosa share a similar type III secretion/translocation system. The translocation system consists of 3 secreted proteins, YopB/PopB, YopD/PopD, and LcrV/PcrV; the latter is known to be a protective antigen. In an in vitro assay, the translocation system causes the lysis of erythrocytes infected with wild-type (wt) P. aeruginosa. wt Y. enterocolitica is not hemolytic, but a multiknockout mutant deprived of all the effectors and of YopN (ΔHOPEMN) is hemolytic. In the presence of antibodies against PcrV and Y. pestis LcrV, the hemolytic activity of P. aeruginosa was inhibited. Similarly, the hemolytic activity of ΔHOPEMN was inhibited in the presence of anti-LcrV antibodies. The assembly of the translocon, composed of PopB/D and YopB/D proteins, was disturbed in immunoprotected erythrocyte membranes, mimicking the phenotypes of V knockout mutants. Thus, protective antibodies against the V antigens of Yersinia species and P. aeruginosa act at the level of the formation of the translocon pore in membranes of infected host cells by blocking the function of LcrV/PcrV. The hemolysis assay could be adapted for high-throughput screening of anti-infectious compounds that specifically target the type III transloco