573 research outputs found

    A Quantum Sensor for Neutrino Mass Measurements

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    There are few experiments aiming at determining directly the mass of the electron antineutrino with a sensitivity of 0.2 eV by analyzing the end of the -decay spectrum of specific nuclei. This sensitivity can be only reached if the uncertainties arising from systematic effects are very small and very well determined. The same holds for experiments aiming at improving the sensitivity in the determination of the mass of the electron neutrino using electron-capture ()-decaying nuclei. One important input in these cases is an accurate Q-value of the decay which can be unambiguously determined from the difference of the mass of the mother and the daughter nuclei by means of Penning traps. In order to reach the required sensitivity, a novel device called Quantum Sensor is under construction at the University of Granada (Spain). The device will allow measuring atomic masses, and therefore Q-values from decays with unprecedented accuracy and sensitivity, using fluorescence photons from a laser-cooled ion instead of electronic detection. This paper will give an overview on Q-value measurements performed with Penning traps, relevant for neutrino mass spectrometry, describing the Quantum Sensor and the facility under construction. It will end by presenting the status of the project.The construction of the device described in this paper has been recently started and it is funded by the European Research Council within the ERC-2011-StG call (contract no. 268648-TRAPSENSOR). Besides the applications for neutrino mass spectrometry, the device has been also conceived for applications in the field of nuclear physics. During the conception of the project, D. Rodríguez acknowledges funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (now integrated in the Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness) through the projects FPA2009-14091-C02-02 and FPA2010-14803

    Modelación matematica de la cinetica de deshidratación osmotica de la carica papaya

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    En el trabajo se desarrollaron tres modelos matemáticos que describan las variaciones de pérdida de peso, pérdidas de agua y ganancia de sólidos durante la cinética de deshidratación osmótica de la papaya, en relación con la temperatura, concentración de agente osmótico y tiempo de operación. Para la ejecución del trabajo se realizó un diseño de experimentos factorial a fin de obtener los modelos matemáticos. En cada prueba experimental, las frutas fueron peladas, cortadas e introducidas en una solución de sacarosa. Se determinó la variación de peso, humedad y sólidos totales a través del tiempo a temperatura constante. Además, se realizo una evaluación sensorial en pruebas seleccionadas

    CVD and oxidative stress

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    Nowadays, it is known that oxidative stress plays at least two roles within the cell, the generation of cellular damage and the involvement in several signaling pathways in its balanced normal state. So far, a substantial amount of time and effort has been expended in the search for a clear link between cardiovascular disease (CVD) and the effects of oxidative stress. Here, we present an overview of the different sources and types of reactive oxygen species in CVD, highlight the relationship between CVD and oxidative stress and discuss the most prominent molecules that play an important role in CVD pathophysiology. Details are given regarding common pharmacological treatments used for cardiovascular distress and how some of them are acting upon ROS-related pathways and molecules. Novel therapies, recently proposed ROS biomarkers, as well as future challenges in the field are addressed. It is apparent that the search for a better understanding of how ROS are contributing to the pathophysiology of CVD is far from over, and new approaches and more suitable biomarkers are needed for the latter to be accomplished

    María Zambrano frente al vacío

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    El presente artículo busca poner en diálogo dos posturas que en principio resultan opuestas. La nada, presentada desde María Zambrano, se encuentra cara a cara con una idea nacida en el pensamiento budista y refinada por el filósofo Nāgārjuna, la idea de la vacuidad. La relación surge en la negatividad de los conceptos y el lado positivo como categorías de la realidad. Para entender la nada de Zambrano recorremos El Hombre y lo Divino y Claros del bosque, libros donde vemos la inspiración mística y religiosa de la filósofa

    Odontogenic calcificant cystic tumor : a report of two clinical cases

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    Odontogenic Calcificant Cystic Tumor (OCCT) is an infrequent injury. It arises from odontogenic epithelial rests present in the maxilla, jaw or gum. Gorlin and col. described the OCCT for first time as an own pathological entity in 1962. Clinically, the OCCT represents 1% of the odontogenic injuries. It is possible to be found from the first decade to the eighth decade. It affects in same proportion the maxilla and the jaw, being the most common in the dented zones, with greater incidence in the first molar area. Two case reports of OCCT in two different ages, both in female individuals, one at 5 years old and the other at 35 years old are presented. Enucleation of the tumor was the treatment chosen. The purpose of this article is to present a review of the literature related to these two cases of OCCT and its treatment, putting an emphasis on its aetiology, biological behaviour and treatment

    Balanced Scorecard and Efficiency: Desing and Empirical Validation of strategic Map in the University by Means of DEA

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    The principal objective of the research reported in this article is to validate a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) model and a Strategic Map for the University by studying the relationships of efficiency between its dimensions. Subsequently, the validation is completed by establishing hypotheses of efficiency relationships between the perspectives proposed, em- ploying Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Empirical evidence has been obtained on the validity of the proposed BSC for a unit of academic management in the university. The first contribution of this work is the establishment of a framework of analysis of the hypothetical cause-effect relationships in the BSC in university institutions. The second contribution is to obtain the determining factors of the performance in this type of institution and, therefore, the Strate- gic Map. Specifically, these factors are: the participation of teaching staff in innovation activities; the number of doc- torate-level staff; the academic subjects and credits in the Virtual Campus; and the scores in the surveys of student sat- isfaction. With respect to research, the determining factors of the performance are: the research sexennials; the funding obtained from contracts with companies; the number of research projects obtained; their financing; and the participation of teachers in these projects

    ¿Por qué los países que innovan menos crecen menos? relación entre i + d + i y crecimiento económico en el caso latinoamericano (1993 - 2013)

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como principal objetivo evaluar la contribución de las variables relacionadas al proceso de avance tecnológico e investigativo con relación al crecimiento económico. En concreto, en este trabajo se evalúa a los distintos países que pertenecen a la región de América Latina con la finalidad de contrastar si es que el desarrollo de las economías de nuestro continente se limita a crecer solo por consecuencia de su capacidad de generación de capital y mano de obra

    Diseño de un sistema fotovoltaico para el Centro de Educación Permanente "San Bartolo"

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    El presente documento tiene la finalidad de buscar el diseño más adecuado de un sistema fotovoltaico para el CENTRO DE EDUCACIÓN PERMANENTE SAN BARTOLO, puesto que se buscaba dar una diversificación de la forma de energizar el C.E.P.S.B, basado en estudios de irradiación usando como base el modelo de Pérez para el análisis de irradiación de la zona, realizando estudios de consumo de energía del centro y estudios mediante el software de simulación Revit a través de la herramienta de análisis solar con la finalidad de demostrar un diseño viable mediante la comparativa del diseño energético tradicional de un sistema fotovoltaico y los datos obtenidos mediante Revit para poder obtener un mejor criterio frente a una serie de diseños que se presentó, lo que permitirá enfatizar la importancia de la energía solar fotovoltaica como alternativa para el centro de educación y la comunidad aledaña. Mediante estos estudios y análisis se buscó presentar un diseño viable y económico con una serie de alternativas que fueran descartadas y comparadas previamente con las simulaciones de Revit para posteriormente presentar dos opciones que fueron aprobadas, las cuales fueron un sistema conectado a la red sin banco de baterías para proveer de energía las luminarias del Auditorio y una segunda alternativa que fue aprobada, la cual fue un sistema conectado a la red para proveer de energía las luminarias del Comunitario. Actualmente el centro pretende con este proyecto tener un precedente fiable en la realización de un diseño fotovoltaico para sus instalaciones demostrando a la comunidad y a sus estudiantes alternativas a diseños eléctricos tradicionales, siendo la finalidad de este diseño la de autoabastecer las luminarias tanto del Auditorio como del Comunitario del C.E.P.S.B. en base al estudio técnico – económico que se plantea dentro de este documento.The purpose of this document is to find the most appropriate design of a photovoltaic system for the Centro de Educación Permanente “San Bartolo”, since it was intended to diversify the way of energizing the C.E.P.S.B, based on irradiation studies using the model as a Pérez’s basis for the irradiation analysis of the area, carrying out energy consumption studies of the center and studies using the Revit simulation software through the solar analysis tool in order to demonstrate a viable design through the Comparison of the traditional energy design of a photovoltaic system and the data obtained through Revit in order to obtain a better criterion against a series of designs that were presented, which will allow us to emphasize the importance of photovoltaic solar energy as an alternative for the center of education and the surrounding community. Through these studies and analyzes, we sought to present a viable and economical design with a series of alternatives that were discarded and compared previously with Revit simulations to subsequently present two options that were approved, which were a system ON grid without battery bank to provide energy to the auditorium luminaires and a second alternative that was approved, which was a system ON grid to provide energy for the Community luminaires. Currently, the center intends with this project to have a reliable precedent in the realization of a photovoltaic design for its facilities demonstrating to the community and its student’s alternatives to traditional electrical designs, being the purpose of this design to self-supply the luminaires of both the Auditorium and the C.E.P.S.B Community, based on the technical - economic study that is presented within this document