9,512 research outputs found

    Design and test of a 2.25-MW transformer rectifier assembly

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    A new 2.25-MW transformer rectifier assembly was fabricated for DSS-13 at Goldstone, California. The transformer rectifier will provide constant output power of 2.25 MW at any voltage from 31 kV to 125 kV. This will give a new capability of 1 MW of RF power at X-band, provided appropriate microwave tubes are in the power amplifier. A description of the design and test results is presented

    A Career as a Woman with the Canadian Hydrographic Service

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    This note was written in the context of the new "Empowering Women in Hydrography" initiative. It is encouraging and remarkable to see the commendable commitment of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) to foster and empower women in prominent and increasingly senior positions at the strategic and managerial level in IHO Member State Hydrographic Offices and within the IHO

    Towing Vessel Safety: Analysis of Congressional and Coast Guard Investigative Response to Operator Involvement in Casualties Where a Presumption of Negligence Exist

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    Legislation proposed by members of the 103rd Congress to address towing vessel safety resulted from three focusing events. The proposed legislation was not passed. There is a continuing need to address the human element in marine casualties. Prevention through enforcement is a viable solution to some human causal factors. Numerous personnel investigations which should have been initiated following towing vessel groundings during 1992 and 1993, were not pursued; despite a presumption of negligence that exists in grounding cases. Due to the presumption, all groundings, and particularly those attributed to human factors during a casualty investigation provide sufficient reason to initiate a personnel investigation to ascertain if the casualty is attributable to the operator\u27s action or inaction. Initiating personnel investigations is necessary to establish whether remedial action is justified. Failure to initiate remedial action against a negligent towing vessel operator\u27s license following a grounding allows the individual to continue operating under the authority of a license. When remedial action is not pursued, similar casualties could reoccur. Therefore, the Coast guard has foregone a prime opportunity; to preclude similar casualties from recurring; and, ultimately improve towing vessel safety

    Alien Registration- Cormier, Narcisse J. (Sanford, York County)

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    Interference effects in two-photon ATI by multiple orders high harmonics with random or locked phases

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    We numerically study 2-photon processes using a set of harmonics from a Ti:Sapphire laser and in particular interference effects in the Above Threshold Ionization spectra. We compare the situation where the harmonic phases are assumed locked to the case where they have a random distribution. Suggestions for possible experiments, using realistic parameters are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, LaTe

    Medieval Courtly Literature, Royal Patronage and World Harmony (III)

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    Music conquers the demon, as Pythagoras might have said. The present study approaches the problem yet a third time, and once again in the footsteeps of Stephen Jaeger, who has argued cogently also that many of these speculative principles trickle clown into vernacular literature. It is proposed chat cosmic harmony is recapiculated at the medieval court, such as at Arthur's Round Table, and that the equilibrium implied in the concept of world harmony reverberates -volens nolens- at the court of medieval kings, princes and bishops (Jaeger, Origins of Courtliness). A second analogy asserts that the concept of cosmic harmony corresponds to the social and human sphere; that, as Boethius urged, humans can shape their character by responding appropriately to cosmic harmony, thus leading to deeper selfknowledge. Three topics are discussed: a) the value-laden aims of medieval courtly literature; b) the background to the notion of cosmic harmony -seen in the description of the Perfect, or New Man, a «mysterious union»- and described in two significant twelfth century treatises, the Cosmographia of Bernardus Silvestris and Alan of Lille's Anticlaudianus. The last concern is the issue of world harmony insofar as it suggests a courtly fusion of the divine and the human, the cosmic and social, heavenly and earthly, macrocosm and microcosm.La musique vainc le diable, comme doit avoir dit Pythagore. Cette étude aborde le problème, pour la troisième fois déjà et à nouveau sur les traces de Stephen Jaeger, qui a défendu à ce propos aussi la thèse que bon nombre de ces principes spéculatifs tombaient dans la littérature vernaculaire. On suggère que l'harmonie cosmique est réunie à la Cour médiévale, telle que la Table Ronde d'Arthur, et que l'équilibre sous-entendu dans le concept de l'harmonie du monde se reflète. volens nolens, à la cour des rois médiévaux, princes et évèques (Jaeger, Origins of Courtliness). Une seconde analogie soutient que le concept d'harmonie cosmique correspond à la sphère sociale et humaine; comme le préconise Boethius, les humains peuvent aiguiser leur caractère en répondant convenablement à l'harmonie cosmique, conduisant ainsi à une connaissance personnelle plus profonde. Trois thèmes sont discutés: a) les buts de l'échelle de valeur de la littérature médiévale raffinée; b) l'arrière plan de la notion d'harmonie cosmique -que l'on retrouve dans la description de la Perfection, ou Homme Nouveau, une «union mystérieuse»- et qui est décrite dans deụx traités importants du douzième siècle, la Cosmographia de Bernardus Silvestris et l'Anti­claudianus de Alan of Lille. La dernière préoccupation est le but de l'harmonie du monde étant donné qu'elle suggère une fusion raffinée du divin et de l'humain, du cosmic et du social, du terrestre et du céleste, du macrocosme et du microcos­me

    The Engagement Practices of Performing Arts-Makers: A Phenomenological Case Study of Prometheus Bound, the Rock Musical: A Dissertation

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    This phenomenological case study explored the lived experiences of performing arts-makers, who participated in the engagement practices utilized in Prometheus Bound, the rock musical produced by the American Repertory Theater in 2011. Engagement practices are actions employed to deepen the impact of the artistic experience, which may involve the creative use of physical space, choreography, physical contact, social justice, community collaboration, and other aspects of a live performance. Engagement practices occur in the liminal zone; the neutral space between performing arts-makers and audience members that is conducive to deep empathetic reflection since the boundary between arts-maker and audience is transformed and sometimes removed. Conceptual models developed by artist, Suzanne Lacy and artist and educator, Charles Garoian informed this study, which found that performing arts-makers demonstrated behavior that one might consider to be other-oriented and self-reported reflective learning experiences, following their participation in the engagement practices of Prometheus Bound

    Alien Registration- Cormier, Albert J. (Sanford, York County)

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    Modeling laser wakefield accelerators in a Lorentz boosted frame

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    Modeling of laser-plasma wakefield accelerators in an optimal frame of reference \cite{VayPRL07} is shown to produce orders of magnitude speed-up of calculations from first principles. Obtaining these speedups requires mitigation of a high-frequency instability that otherwise limits effectiveness in addition to solutions for handling data input and output in a relativistically boosted frame of reference. The observed high-frequency instability is mitigated using methods including an electromagnetic solver with tunable coefficients, its extension to accomodate Perfectly Matched Layers and Friedman's damping algorithms, as well as an efficient large bandwidth digital filter. It is shown that choosing the frame of the wake as the frame of reference allows for higher levels of filtering and damping than is possible in other frames for the same accuracy. Detailed testing also revealed serendipitously the existence of a singular time step at which the instability level is minimized, independently of numerical dispersion, thus indicating that the observed instability may not be due primarily to Numerical Cerenkov as has been conjectured. The techniques developed for Cerenkov mitigation prove nonetheless to be very efficient at controlling the instability. Using these techniques, agreement at the percentage level is demonstrated between simulations using different frames of reference, with speedups reaching two orders of magnitude for a 0.1 GeV class stages. The method then allows direct and efficient full-scale modeling of deeply depleted laser-plasma stages of 10 GeV-1 TeV for the first time, verifying the scaling of plasma accelerators to very high energies. Over 4, 5 and 6 orders of magnitude speedup is achieved for the modeling of 10 GeV, 100 GeV and 1 TeV class stages, respectively