42 research outputs found

    Energy dependence of the inelasticity in pp/ppˉpp/p\bar{p} collisions from experimental information on charged particle multiplicity distributions

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    The dependence of the inelasticity in terms of the center of mass energy is studied in the eikonal formalism, which provides connection between elastic and inelastic channels. Due to the absence of inelasticity experimental datasets, the present analysis is based on experimental information available on the full phase space multiplicity distribution covering a large range of energy, namely 30 << s\sqrt{s} \leq 1800 GeV. Our results indicate that the decrease of inelasticity is consequence of minijets production from semihard interactions arising from the scattering of gluons carrying only a very small fractions of the momenta from their parent protons. Alternative methods of estimating the inelasticity are discussed and predictions to the LHC energies are presented

    Electrical switching of a chiral lasing from polariton condensate in a Rashba-Dresselhaus regime

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    Efficient optical classical and quantum information processing imposes on light novel requirements: chirality with low threshold non-linearities. In this work we demonstrate a chiral lasing from an optical modes due to emerging photonic Rashba-Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling (SOC). For this purpose we developed a new electrically tunable device based on an optical cavity filled with birefringent liquid crystal (LC) and perovskite crystals. Our novel method for the growth of single crystals of CsPbBr3_3 inorganic perovskite in polymer templates allows us to reach a strong light-matter coupling regime between perovskite excitons and cavity modes, and induce polariton condensation. The sensitivity of the LC to external electric fields lets us to tune the condensate energy in situ and induce synthetic SOC. This shapes the condensate between a single linearly polarized or two circularly polarized separated in momentum, emitting coherent light. The difference in the condensation thresholds between the two SOC regimes can be used to switch on and off the chiral condensate emission with a voltage.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Communication in health practices: integrative literature review

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    Objectivethis study aims to describe the main thematic axes explored in the communication field in health practices in the scenarios of the Unified Health System (SUS). Methodintegrative literature review conducted by means of search for articles in the databases Latin American Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), International Literature on Health Sciences (MedLine), and Science Direct, using the descriptors: health communication or communication. A crossing of the descriptors communication and health education was provided. Resultfour themes were constructed: 1) communication to establish relationships between health professionals and users; 2) (in)communication: barriers to the communicative act, 3) communication and health professional education; and 4) communicative health models: search for the dialogic model. Conclusionby understanding dialogic communication, which must be observed in communication, the new requirements posed by the legalization of SUS have shown weaknesses of the single-line and vertical communication model and the need to provide health professionals, since the undergraduate course, with knowledge that enable dialogic communication practices. The challenge of reflective and participatory experiences in the various health care settings still remains, in order to promote a sharing of knowledge that leads to understanding between the interlocutors involved in the communicative act.Objetivoeste artigo tem por objetivo descrever os principais eixos temáticos explorados no campo da comunicação nas práticas em saúde nos cenários do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Métodorevisão integrativa da literatura realizada a partir da busca de artigos nas bases de dados Literatura Latino-Americana em Ciências da Saúde (Lilacs), Literatura Internacional em Ciências da Saúde (MedLine) e Science Direct, utilizando os descritores: comunicação em saúde ou comunicação. Procedeu-se ao cruzamento dos descritores comunicação e educação em saúde. Resultadoforam construídas quatro temáticas: 1) a comunicação no estabelecimento de relações entre profissionais da saúde e usuários; 2) (des)comunicação: barreiras ao ato comunicativo; 3) comunicação e formação do profissional da saúde; e 4) modelos comunicativos em saúde: a busca pelo modelo dialógico. Conclusãoa partir do entendimento da comunicação dialógica, que deve estar presente na comunicação, as novas demandas da legalização do SUS vêm mostrando fragilidades do modelo unilinear e verticalizado de comunicação e a necessidade de instrumentalizar os profissionais da saúde, desde a graduação, com saberes que proporcionem práticas comunicativas dialógicas. Persiste o desafio de vivências reflexivas e participativas nos vários cenários de assistência à saúde, de forma a promover um compartilhamento de saberes que conduza ao entendimento entre os interlocutores envolvidos no ato comunicativo.Universidade Federal de PernambucoUniversidade Federal de Pernambuco Departamento de FonoaudiologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Centro de Desenvolvimento do Ensino Superior em SaúdeUniversidade Federal de Pernambuco Departamento de EnfermagemUNIFESP, Centro de Desenvolvimento do Ensino Superior em SaúdeSciEL

    Analysis of the frequency of biological sample recollections as quality indicators in a clinical laboratory of Distrito Federal, Brazil

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    ABSTRACT Introduction: Clinical laboratory results influence more than 60% of medical decisions, impacting on disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. The use of quality indicators (QIs) is fundamental for quality assurance, once it allows monitoring the process and directs the taking of corrective actions. Objective: Classify the biological sample recollection requests for QIs identification in a clinical laboratory of Distrito Federal, Brazil. Material and methods: Data about the requests made in the biennium 2013-2014 were gathered and analyzed. Results and discussion: Among the 304,361 samples received, 1,914 (0.62%) had a request for recollection made in accordance with laboratory criteria. Most orders originated in the pre-analytical phase (57.7%). The most frequent reason for sample rejection was result confirmation (40.7%), followed by insufficient sample (21.9%), coagulated sample (18.1%) and hemolyzed sample (11, 9%). The hematology sector was responsible for most recollection requests (43.6%), followed by the biochemistry (29%) and the immunology (25.7%) ones. The laboratory emergency department accounted for only 0.1%. Orders were mostly placed by the outpatient clinic (40.7%), emergency (30.4%), and internal medicine (12.4%) departments. The percentage of orders is low, but does not exclude the need to reach lower rates. Underreporting was detected in the emergency sector, which indicates need for improvement in information registration. Conclusion: The numbers mentioned were selected as IQs for the pre-analytical phase, serving as guidelines for future actions taken by the team

    Study on Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion Combined Cycles with Gas Turbine Topping Cycle”

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    Coal based combined cycles for efficient generation of electricity or cogeneration of thermal and mechanical (electrical) power can be realized making use of Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion (PFBC). A draw-back with respect to the efficiency, however, is imposed from the combustion system limiting the temperature to some 850°C. This threshold may be overcome by integrating a high pressure, high temperature gas turbine topping cycle into the process. In a first step, the high pressure, high temperature gas turbine is fired by natural gas, and the exhaust gas of the turbine is fed to the PFB combustor as an oxygen carrier. In a future advanced system, the fuel gas may be provided by an integrated coal gasification process. A basic reference case has been established based on commercially available gas turbine equipment, hot gas filtration systems as actually tested in various pilot installations, and on a conservative steam cycle component technology. With an ISO gas turbine inlet temperature of 1165°C and an overall compression ratio of 16 up to 30, the entire process yields a net efficiency of some 46% (LHV) and an overall power output of some 750 MW with the gaseous fuel making up for some 50% of the overall energy input. Both the efficiency and the power output have been found rather insensitive with respect to a variation of the overall compression ratio. However, for a non-intercooled compression, an increase of the maximum process pressure would allow for the energy input to be shifted towards coal (and to reduce the natural gas input), and in particular for an elevated PFB combustor pressure considered mandatory for compactness as well as for combustion efficiency including emissions. The numerous calculations for the design, the optimization and the prediction of part-load operation of complex systems are efficiently performed with a semi-implicit method, the results of which have been checked carefully against those of a more conventional sequential approach and found in good agreement.</jats:p

    Phosphine-free Heck Reaction: Mechanistic Insights And Catalysis "on Water" Using A Charge-tagged Palladium Complex

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    A novel Pd-complex with a charge tag (imidazolium cation) was applied for online monitoring of the neutral Heck reaction by electrospray ionization (tandem) mass spectrometry-ESI-MS(/MS). The results shed light on the mechanism of the reaction, whereas the charge-tagged ligand also allowed the unprecedented MS monitoring of Pd2+ reduction to Pd0. Key reaction intermediates associated with Pd catalysis could also be detected and characterized due to the presence of the charge tag on the Pd-complex. DFT calculations supported the proposed mechanism. The new charge-tagged Pd-complex is also shown to function as an active catalyst "on water" with the advantage of using cheaper and less reactive aryl chloride substrates in a phosphine-free version of the Heck reaction. © the Partner Organisations 2014.38729582963Kandukuri, S.R., Schiffner, J.A., Oestreich, M., (2012) Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 51, pp. 1265-1269Faulkner, A., Bower, J.F., (2012) Angew. Chem., Int. 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