42 research outputs found

    Efforts toward rapid construction of the cortistatin A carbocyclic core via enyne-ene metathesis

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    Our efforts toward the construction of the carbocylic core of cortistatin A via an enyne-ene metathesis are disclosed. Interestingly, an attempted S_N2 inversion of a secondary mesylate in our five-membered D-ring piece gave a product with retention of stereochemistry

    Biotechnology – A Tool to Transform Givaudan’s Fragrance Ingredients Palette

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    To support perfumers in their creation of olfactive signatures resulting in unique and instantly recognizable perfumes, there is a constant demand for the development of new odorant molecules and of novel processes for their production. Increasing the sustainability of both the molecules and the processes is a crucial activity at Givaudan. Biocatalysis has the potential to positively influence metrics applied at Givaudan that drive and measure our ambition to innovate responsibly, which is summarized in the FiveCarbon Path™. It targets an increased use of renewable carbon, carbon efficiency in synthesis, and the production of powerful and biodegradable odorant molecules while maximizing the use of upcycled carbon available from waste and side streams. This review illustrates with some examples how enzymes selected from the oxidoreductase and isomerase enzyme classes are applied at Givaudan for the preparation of odorant molecules both at laboratory and industrial scale

    Toward a reduction of car-based leisure travel : an analysis of determinants and potential measures

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    Leisure travel is often highly car-based. In Switzerland, the research area of our study, more than 60% of all kilometers traveled for leisure purposes are traveled by car, and an increase is predicted. As traveling by car comes with many negative side-effects, a more sustainable transportation system calls for a shift to less car-based forms of (leisure) travel. This paper reports an online choice experiment, testing the effectiveness of two financial and three non-financial treatments to reduce car-based leisure travel, all which are currently being discussed in the research and political domains in Switzerland. Additionally, we control for a wide range of determinants proven to be relevant for mode choice. We asked 737 participants to imagine they are visiting family or friends living a short distance (5 km) and longer-distance (100 km) away and to report their mode choice for such trips. Findings show the tested treatments will likely have a limited effect on reducing car-based leisure travel. Results also show that car use is motivated by different reasons than public transport or bike usage. Car users mainly want to travel fast and see car travel as the only viable option. Public transport and bike users, however, attach more importance to enjoyment. Specifically, the availability of a car, bike or public transport card is significant for the mode choice and habitual use. To unfreeze existing lock-ins, we conclude that research needs to look at reasons for why drivers believe there is no alternative

    Cross-sectional observational study of 208 patients with non-classical urea cycle disorders

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    Urea cycle disorders (UCDs) are inherited disorders of ammonia detoxification often regarded as mainly of relevance to pediatricians. Based on an increasing number of case studies it has become obvious that a significant number of UCD patients are affected by their disease in a non-classical way: presenting outside the newborn period, following a mild course, presenting with unusual clinical features, or asymptomatic patients with only biochemical signs of a UCD. These patients are surviving into adolescence and adulthood, rendering this group of diseases clinically relevant to adult physicians as well as pediatricians. In preparation for an international workshop we collected data on all patients with non-classical UCDs treated by the participants in 20 European metabolic centres. Information was collected on a cohort of 208 patients 50% of which were ≥ 16 years old. The largest subgroup (121 patients) had X-linked ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency (OTCD) of whom 83 were female and 29% of these were asymptomatic. In index patients, there was a mean delay from first symptoms to diagnosis of 1.6 years. Cognitive impairment was present in 36% of all patients including female OTCD patients (in 31%) and those 41 patients identified presymptomatically following positive newborn screening (in 12%). In conclusion, UCD patients with non-classical clinical presentations require the interest and care of adult physicians and have a high risk of neurological complications. To improve the outcome of UCDs, a greater awareness by health professionals of the importance of hyperammonemia and UCDs, and ultimately avoidance of the still long delay to correctly diagnose the patients, is crucial

    Cross-sectional observational study of 208 patients with non-classical urea cycle disorders

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    Urea cycle disorders (UCDs) are inherited disorders of ammonia detoxification often regarded as mainly of relevance to pediatricians. Based on an increasing number of case studies it has become obvious that a significant number of UCD patients are affected by their disease in a non-classical way: presenting outside the newborn period, following a mild course, presenting with unusual clinical features, or asymptomatic patients with only biochemical signs of a UCD. These patients are surviving into adolescence and adulthood, rendering this group of diseases clinically relevant to adult physicians as well as pediatricians. In preparation for an international workshop we collected data on all patients with non-classical UCDs treated by the participants in 20 European metabolic centres. Information was collected on a cohort of 208 patients 50% of which were ≥ 16 years old. The largest subgroup (121 patients) had X-linked ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency (OTCD) of whom 83 were female and 29% of these were asymptomatic. In index patients, there was a mean delay from first symptoms to diagnosis of 1.6 years. Cognitive impairment was present in 36% of all patients including female OTCD patients (in 31%) and those 41 patients identified presymptomatically following positive newborn screening (in 12%). In conclusion, UCD patients with non-classical clinical presentations require the interest and care of adult physicians and have a high risk of neurological complications. To improve the outcome of UCDs, a greater awareness by health professionals of the importance of hyperammonemia and UCDs, and ultimately avoidance of the still long delay to correctly diagnose the patients, is crucial

    Kombinierte alltagsintegrierte Sprach- und Bewegungsförderung im Kindergarten: Ein Lehrkonzept

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    Während der Ausbildung an der Pädagogischen Hochschule St. Gallen in Rorschach stehen Praktika regelmässig an der Tagesordnung. Dabei begegnet man immer wieder zahlreichen Kindergartenkindern mit unterschiedlichen Entwicklungsständen in der Sprache und der Bewegung. Diese Tatsache weckte somit das Interesse für den Themenbereich Sprach- und Bewegungsförderung bei Kindergartenkindern und schlussendlich zum Thema dieser Bachelorarbeit. Bei der vorliegenden Arbeit handelt es sich um eine Erarbeitung eines Lehrkonzeptes zum Thema «Kombinierte alltagsintegrierte Sprach- und Bewegungsförderung im Kindergarten». Das Ziel der Arbeit besteht darin, bestehende Konzepte der Sprach- und Bewegungsförderung in einem Gesamtkonzept für die Lehre zu kombinieren. Das Lehrkonzept «sprechend beweget – bewegt gesprochen» soll zukünftige sowie bereits ausgebildete Kindergartenlehrpersonen unterstützen, die Komponente Sprache mit Sprachstrategien und Bewegung im Kindergartenalltag kombiniert anzuwenden und somit die Kinder in beiden Bereichen gleichzeitig zu fördern. Ausserdem betont diese Arbeit die Wichtigkeit von Sprache und Bewegung in der Entwicklung des Kindes. Dieses Lehrkonzept wurde anhand aktueller Literatur zum Thema Sprach- und Bewegungsförderung zusammengestellt und exemplarisch in ein bereits bestehendes Curriculum integriert