8 research outputs found


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    Pembelajaran Biologi mengharapkan siswa memiliki keterampilan metakognitif. Keterampilan metakognitif adalah keterampilan yang dimiliki oleh siswa untuk mengontrol kemampuan berpikirnya. Hasil-hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa kurang memiliki keterampilan metakognitif dan guru masih belum paham tentang pemberdayaan metakognitif. Pemberdayaan keterampilan metakognitif dapat dilakukan melalui penerapan model pembelajaran konstruktivistik yaitu pada model pembelajaran ERCoRe. Model pembelajaran ERCoRe dikembangkan dengan prosedur pengembangan model mengacu pada Plomp (1997) terdiri dari 5 fase yaitu (1) fase investigasi awal, (2) fase desain, (3) fase realisasi/konstruksi, (4) fase tes, evaluasi, revisi, dan (5) fase implementasi. Komponen model pembelajaran yang dikembangkan berupa sintaks, sistem sosial, prinsip reaksi dalam hal ini peran guru dalam memproses pembelajaran, sistem pendukung, dan dampak instruksional dan dampak pengiring. Sintaks model yang dikembangkan sebagai berikut. 1) Elicitation, 2) Restructuring, 3) Confirmation, 4) Reflection yang disingkat dengan ERCoRe. Produk telah divalidasi dengan hasil uji ahli menyatakan produk model dalam kategori layak. Produk model pembelajaran akan diuji melalui quasi eksperimen untuk mengetahui efektivitas dalam memberdayakan keterampilan metakognisi

    The Effect of Blended Project-based Learning Integrated with 21st-Century Skills on Pre-Service Biology Teachers' Higher-order Thinking Skills

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    Educational institutions are required to prepare competent and competitive pre-service teacher graduates who have skills according to the needs of the 21st century. This study aims to find the effect of blended Project-Based Learning (PjBL) integrated with 21st-century skills on higher-order thinking skills of students as pre-service biology teachers on immunology. This research is an experimental study with a mixed method, in which the qualitative observation data used a questionnaire with self-assessment and peer assessment methods supported by experimental data using the HOTS instrument analyzed quantitatively. The application of blended PjBL integrated with 21st-century skills used a quasi-experimental research method with a quantitative descriptive approach. Pre-service teachers in this study are still studying at educational institutions, especially teacher faculty, and categorized as pre-service teachers. The research sample was students taking the immunology course in the Biology Education Study Program. They were 57 students from IAIN Palangka Raya, 60 students from Universitas Palangka Raya, and 83 students from Universitas Negeri Malang. Student grouping based on the initial ability of HOTS is carried out in all groups from which the student sample is referred to as a cluster. The total sample of 200 people was then grouped into three groups based on their basic abilities, namely low-level class, medium-level class, and high-level class. The study results proved that the blended PjBL integrated with 21st-century skills significantly affected students' high-level thinking skills based on the paired sample test (Sig. 2-tailed 0.000<0.05). The mean value in the experimental group (75.53) and the control group (56.35) strengthens the data significance of students' higher-order thinking skills based on the N-Gain value and the independent sample T-test. The findings of this study are that blended PjBL integrated with 21st-century skills can increase HOTS on indicators of evaluating (78.15) and creating (79.21). This blended learning integration can be used as an innovative learning model solution to increase pre-service biology teachers' higher-order thinking skills according to the demands of 21st-century skills


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    Abstrak: Musaenda dan Asoka merupakan salah satu tanaman hostplant dan sekaligus foodplant bagi kupu-kupu di Gunung Sibela. Hostplant adalah tumbuhan inang yang menjadi makanan larva dan foodplant adalah tumbuhan yang menjadi makanan kupu-kupu dewasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis kupu-kupu yang mengunjungi tanaman mussaenda dan asoka di kawasan cagar alam gunung Sibela pulau Bacan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah direct sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lokasi dataran rendah (20 mdpl) ditemukan 10 spesies kupu-kupu pengunjung tanaman mussaenda dan asoka, 5 genus, 2 famili. Kupu-kupu pengunjung tanaman mussaenda di dataran rendah yaitu: Ornithopthera croesus, Papilio ulysses, Papilio deiphobus, Papilio lorquinianus gelia, Troides hypolitus, Troides criton, Graphium milon, Graphium codrus dan Hebomoia glaucippe sulphure. Kupu-kupu pengunjung tanaman asoka di dataran rendah yaitu: Ornithopthera croesus, Papilio ulysses, Papilio fuscus lapathus dan Troides hypolitus. Pada lokasi dataran tinggi (400 mdpl) ditemukan 9 spesies kupu-kupu pengunjung tanaman mussaenda dan asoka, 5 genus, 2 famili. Kupu-kupu pengunjung tanaman mussaenda di dataran tinggi yaitu: Ornithopthera croesus, Papilio ulysses, Papilio deiphobus, Papilio lorquinianus gelia, Troides hypolitus, Troides criton, Graphium milon, dan Hebomoia glaucippe sulphurea, sedangkan kupu-kupu pengunjung tanaman asoka di dataran tinggi yaitu: Papilio ulysses, Papilio fuscus lapathus dan Troides hypolitus.Kata Kunci: mussaenda, asoka, kupu-kupu, pulau BacanAbstract : Musaenda and Asoka are one of the hostplant plants and also a foodplant for butterflies on Mount Sibela. Hostplants are host plants that feed on larvae and foodplants are plants that feed on adult butterflies. This study aims to determine the types of butterflies that visit mussaenda and asoka plants in the Sibela mountain nature reserve Bacan Island. The method used in this study is direct sampling. The results showed that in lowland locations (20 masl) 10 species of butterfly were found to be visitors to mussaenda and asoka plants, 5 genera, 2 families. Butterflies visitors to mussaenda plants in the lowlands are: Ornithopthera croesus, Papilio ulysses, Papilio deiphobus, Papilio lorquinianus gelia, Troides hypolitus, Troides criton, Graphium milon, Graphium codrus and Hebomoia glaucippe sulphure. Butterflies visitors to Ashoka plants in the lowlands are: Ornithoptera croesus, Papilio ulysses, Papilio fuscus lapathus and Troides hypolitus. At high altitude locations (400 meters above sea level), 9 species of butterflies were visited by visitors to the mussaenda and asoka plants, 5 genera, 2 families. Butterflies visiting mussaenda plants in the highlands are: Ornithopthera croesus, Papilio ulysses, Papilio deiphobus, Papilio lorquinianus gelia, Troides hypolitus, Troides criton, Graphium milon, and Hebomoia glaucippe sulphurea, while butterflies visiting asoka plants on the plateau are: Papilio ulysses, Papilio fuscus lapathus and Troides hypolitus.Keywords: mussaenda, asoka, butterfly, Bacan islan